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James Bond No Speak English


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In other countries... :D

The article:

...with drunken Germans recruited in go-go bars...

...along with the drunken Germans...

...the bad old day of the drunken German...

Is this a German bashing article or a piece about 007 speaking Thai? Germans get drunk for sure. But why has it to be mentioned three times in a row, I wonder? :o Well, Germans are pi**ed all day 24-7. Yeah, that's why :D

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... on a side note ... regarding the farangphobia here: why is it that even the formerly english language radio station FM 107 has become another blabber station?

in other countries radio services for minorities don't just disappear like that!

yes, I do speak Thai, it's not that.

Mmm,.... Even my local cinema in Rayong now doesn't show films with the original soundtrack. :o

Wouldn't be so bad, but the idiots who do the Thai soundtracks with the inane "siang lor" (handsome voice) male part, or the breathless chattering female voice usually change the whole meaning of the film.

In this respect, I think Thailand is cocking a snook at Globalisation, the English language; and the modern world in general. :D

I quite admire the heroic stupidity of it, really. :D

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I read the article and couldn't agree with it more. With regards to the movies I would hate it if it was not the original soundtrack, it would spoil the movie. When I watch a Thai movie I would rather they speak in Thai and give English subtitles down the bottom, why don't they do the same the other way around? I find dubbing spoils any movie, doesn't matter what country it's from, it's just not the same.

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I can't quite understand what the fool is tying to get at . . . is it the lax or harsh visa rules? Is it the ease or difficulty of becoming an English teacher? And how do the Germans come into it?

Is he just another apologist for being a mongrel lazy anglo expat-wannabe who couldn't be arsed to learn Thai and wants his movies in ENGLISH!!! for the benefit of the (English-speaking) expat population or is he disguising his inadequacy by saying that original-versions help the locals?

If his

sleepy beach town
doesn't provide original language movies maybe he should watch the movie in the next largest town, but he sounds too self-absorbed in self-righteous indignation to do that.

There are so many discrepancies in his article that I'm surprised his editor or sub-editor even passed it . . . unless he couldn't be bothered to read this drivel in the first place.

The guy sounds like a right 2rh3e38.gif

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What a idiot that guy is.

Surely there would be showing it somewhere near him in english, I hate watching movies with subtitles and im sure im not the only one.

That whole article is just about a grown man a crying like a little baby.

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I can't quite understand what the fool is tying to get at . . . is it the lax or harsh visa rules? Is it the ease or difficulty of becoming an English teacher? And how do the Germans come into it?

Is he just another apologist for being a mongrel lazy anglo expat-wannabe who couldn't be arsed to learn Thai and wants his movies in ENGLISH!!! for the benefit of the (English-speaking) expat population or is he disguising his inadequacy by saying that original-versions help the locals?

If his

sleepy beach town
doesn't provide original language movies maybe he should watch the movie in the next largest town, but he sounds too self-absorbed in self-righteous indignation to do that.

There are so many discrepancies in his article that I'm surprised his editor or sub-editor even passed it . . . unless he couldn't be bothered to read this drivel in the first place.

The guy sounds like a right 2rh3e38.gif

Wow... you really are a little closet fascist aren't you! Well. well. I'm sure Thaksin would have been proud of you!!

I thought the article was well balanced apart from his use of Germans as his black sheep, there isn't anything in there that isn't true, and he says why he doesn't speak Thai, because he doesn't need to. I think his using the Bond movie was an example of how xenophobic Thailand is becoming, he was not saying that Thailand should provide english language movies just for the western population.

nasty little horse!!!

Edited by ourmanflint
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I thought the article was well balanced apart from his use of Germans as his black sheep, there isn't anything in there that isn't true, and he says why he doesn't speak Thai, because he doesn't need to. I think his using the Bond movie was an example of how xenophobic Thailand is becoming, he was not saying that Thailand should provide english language movies just for the western population.

Yes, Thailand is becoming xenophobic by the private sector choosing to be showing movies that the vast majority of the paying audience want to see in a format they want to see them in (and pay an appropriate price for). er....yeah right.

The article is well balanced in so far as the writer appears both inept at writing and also incapable of mixing it with the locals. he seems strangely like most of the other 'expats' living here and writing drivel about Thailand.

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I can't quite understand what the fool is tying to get at . . . is it the lax or harsh visa rules? Is it the ease or difficulty of becoming an English teacher? And how do the Germans come into it?

Is he just another apologist for being a mongrel lazy anglo expat-wannabe who couldn't be arsed to learn Thai and wants his movies in ENGLISH!!! for the benefit of the (English-speaking) expat population or is he disguising his inadequacy by saying that original-versions help the locals?

If his

sleepy beach town
doesn't provide original language movies maybe he should watch the movie in the next largest town, but he sounds too self-absorbed in self-righteous indignation to do that.

There are so many discrepancies in his article that I'm surprised his editor or sub-editor even passed it . . . unless he couldn't be bothered to read this drivel in the first place.

The guy sounds like a right 2rh3e38.gif

Wow... you really are a little closet fascist aren't you! Well. well. I'm sure Thaksin would have been proud of you!!

I thought the article was well balanced apart from his use of Germans as his black sheep, there isn't anything in there that isn't true, and he says why he doesn't speak Thai, because he doesn't need to. I think his using the Bond movie was an example of how xenophobic Thailand is becoming, he was not saying that Thailand should provide english language movies just for the western population.

nasty little horse!!!

J fully second this reply

I fear some readers cannot analyse the content of a simple artice.

Well I know Thailand attracts not exactly the cream of the expats sometimes and this is sad to see

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I thought the article was well balanced apart from his use of Germans as his black sheep, there isn't anything in there that isn't true, and he says why he doesn't speak Thai, because he doesn't need to. I think his using the Bond movie was an example of how xenophobic Thailand is becoming, he was not saying that Thailand should provide english language movies just for the western population.

Yes, Thailand is becoming xenophobic by the private sector choosing to be showing movies that the vast majority of the paying audience want to see in a format they want to see them in (and pay an appropriate price for). er....yeah right.

The article is well balanced in so far as the writer appears both inept at writing and also incapable of mixing it with the locals. he seems strangely like most of the other 'expats' living here and writing drivel about Thailand.

Yeah, what this guy said is right

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For those that missed it...

The article was NOT about Bond movies not being in English, the article was about Thailands attitude towards use of the English language, that is why 95% of the article was about the problems teachers are facing and in the end Thai children.

I'm sure you'll get a nice shiny star in your passport for being a good foreigner!!

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uuuuh, ourmanflint . . . them's fightin' words, but you make as little sense as the writer . . .

Now, seeing as you decided to have a right go at me, how about explaining in what way what I wrote pidgenholes me as a fascist . . . Come on, little one . . . Try using your brain to explain instead of throw dirt . . .

The article was NOT about Bond movies not being in English, the article was about Thailands attitude towards use of the English language, that is why 95% of the article was about the problems teachers are facing and in the end Thai children

Rubbish. This shows how little you actually understand unless words with less than three syllables are used. The language factor is a nice little front for a rave about all the perceived ills that Thailand chucks at the golden foreigner.

(hey, donz - proud of me? I'm defending Thailand)

Edited by Sing_Sling
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uuuuh, ourmanflint . . . them's fightin' words, but you make as little sense as the writer . . .

Now, seeing as you decided to have a right go at me, how about explaining in what way what I wrote pidgenholes me as a fascist . . . Come on, little one . . . Try using your brain to explain instead of throw dirt . . .

The article was NOT about Bond movies not being in English, the article was about Thailands attitude towards use of the English language, that is why 95% of the article was about the problems teachers are facing and in the end Thai children

Rubbish. This shows how little you actually understand unless words with less than three syllables are used. The language factor is a nice little front for a rave about all the perceived ills that Thailand chucks at the golden foreigner.

(hey, donz - proud of me? I'm defending Thailand)

Now im starting to like your avatar again.

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Is he just another apologist for being a mongrel lazy anglo expat-wannabe who couldn't be arsed to learn Thai and wants his movies in ENGLISH!!! for the benefit of the (English-speaking) expat population or is he disguising his inadequacy by saying that original-versions help the locals?

Yes you're right... calling you a closet fascist for the above was a little strong, I apologise for that.

But I think we must have read different articles... or at least you might have read one sentence and then made up your mind, whereas I think I read it all the way through until the end. And guess what like I just said the article was not about dubbed movies!!!

Maybe you could spare the time and go away and read the whole thing then come back here and tell me about how this guy only cares about watching English movies... go on!! I'll wait here


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Is he just another apologist for being a mongrel lazy anglo expat-wannabe who couldn't be arsed to learn Thai and wants his movies in ENGLISH!!! for the benefit of the (English-speaking) expat population or is he disguising his inadequacy by saying that original-versions help the locals?

Yes you're right... calling you a closet fascist for the above was a little strong, I apologise for that.

But I think we must have read different articles... or at least you might have read one sentence and then made up your mind, whereas I think I read it all the way through until the end. And guess what like I just said the article was not about dubbed movies!!!

Maybe you could spare the time and go away and read the whole thing then come back here and tell me about how this guy only cares about watching English movies... go on!! I'll wait here


I too think the majority of posters most certainly did not read the article through, or focused on certain phrases or issues that caught their eye.

as i read it the writer has brought up many points that regualarly are discussed on TV, and usally the board is in agreement.

these include:

poor quality of english teaching (especially in years past)

somewhat draconian and illogical visa regualations

reactionary policies as a result of bad publicity

while i take some issue with the writers style, he does indicate that expats are often lazy when it comes to assimilation and his use of the "drunken german" example was merely a device to suggest that in the past non-native and or substandard english teachers were recruited from in appropriate environemts. something i have certainly seen in the past.

he could have done without the bargirl references, but perhaps he did not know he would gain such a readership from thaivisa, where upstanding citizens only "upstand in the most pure of sense of the phrase.

i do suggest you read it over

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Apology accepted, ourmanflint. I did read the article before commenting and I believe the guy just goes off on too many tangents to make a credible statement about whatever point he is making. It's not his writing style as even that is quite simple.

He is a rather clumsy writer.

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