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Clinton v Trump: stage is set on Long Island for first TV debate


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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Good point. Between the two of them, only one is being investigated by the FBI.


4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Good point. Between the two of them, only one is being investigated by the FBI.


Only one is currently under indictment in both New York and Pennsylvania.

Edited by CaptHaddock
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3 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:


People who don't like it are going to elect HIllary.  And then the Dems are going to roll back, just a little, some of the more egregious abuses of people like Trump and the actual billionaire donor class.  It won't be enough, but it will be a start.

LOL. If you believe HRC is going to do anything against her rich friends ( she is a 1% herself ) I have a bridge for sale.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

LOL. If you believe HRC is going to do anything against her rich friends ( she is a 1% herself ) I have a bridge for sale.


Obama raised taxes on the rich to the level before Reagan took office and used it partly to fund health insurance for the 20 million Americans who got it for the first time under his administration.  I feel pretty confident that HRC will keep up the good work.

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Clinton puts Trump on defense at first debate


"Hillary Clinton forced Donald Trump onto defense over his temperament, refusal to release his taxes and his past comments about race and women during a fiery debut presidential debate Monday -- a potentially pivotal moment in a tight election campaign."

"Clinton, who has seen her dominance of the presidential race fade in the weeks since the Democratic convention, delivered a strong performance in which she demonstrated a command of policy and a sense of humor, smiling through some of Trump's strongest attacks. 
"I think Donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate," she said. "And yes, I did. And you know what else I prepared for? I prepared to be President. And that is a good thing." :clap2:
The Buffoonish Bloviator, is just that. Whatta putz. 
Now, in the Big Leagues, it shows. Grandly.
Lovin' it.  :thumbsup:
Now go on your way Donnie, back to your Silver Spoon, Tax Evading, Draft Dodging, Mafia Associated, War Profiteering associate, Accused Peodiphile, Accused Fraudster, Ivory Tower and give a feeble, lame attempt at spinning your Deplorable performance to the Lemmings.  :cheesy:
Can't wait for January 2017 when you go down coast to coast for fraud.
Edited by iReason
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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

In a capitalist society Caveat Emptor is the rule.

If he maximized his profit in a legal way, he is only being a good capitalist. If people don't like it, they should have voted for Bernie.


Caveat Emptor went out with the 19th century.


Certainly as of the Consumer Protection Act of 1974. Followed by numerous consumer protection laws since, to most recently include Dodd-Frank.


Elizabeth Warren was elected to the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts after the Republican controlled congress maximus had indefinitely delayed her nomination by President Obama to be head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau created by Dodd-Frank.


Do try to keep up plse thx.

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

They said he had to at least look presidential.

Very low bar. 



he's incapable of looking presidential because that would mean having actual policies and opinions like politicians have to do. rather than secret plans to defeat ISIS and insane statements about just 'taking the oil'.


all trump managed to look was pretty constipated but still at the same terrified of farting just in case. everything he said was lies and bluster, same as it has been all campaign long, and he has no actual workable policies and no knowledge of how to even begin doing the job. it won't lose him any votes at this point because all his supporters are morons - but at this stage all that matters is mobilising the democrat vote and ensuring enough of them get out to vote in november.

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This event was the first time that Trump has had to appear in a venue that he could not substantially control, like his TV show, nor could he hide when necessary, like in the primary debates.  So, he shown up for the fraud that he is.


Prediction: no more debates for Donny.

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 Trump did not even made the effort to articulate the beginning of an argument; his permanent self-congratulation  fed the debate.
He did not even tried to hide that he had nothing more substantial in head than what he had already delivered since months.

But in the end - he warned he'll be more nasty next time.  

Edited by Opl
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For the Trump people: all is not lost; Kim Kardashians is said to be contemplating voting for him, following consultation with Caitlyn. That could swing a few million morons to the Trump camp ( not that I suggest genuine Trump voters are moronic).

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Hillary did better than I expected her to do I just read a number of polls, about a dozen. They ranged from 80 -  20 to 60 -  40 all in favor of Trump. Her problem was that she has nothing to beat her drum about. It's difficult to talk about accomplishments when you have none. It's no surprise that rabid democrats still think she won.

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6 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

This event was the first time that Trump has had to appear in a venue that he could not substantially control, like his TV show, nor could he hide when necessary, like in the primary debates.  So, he shown up for the fraud that he is.


Prediction: no more debates for Donny.

Who was that guy in the Republican Primary debates?  

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Just now, Gary A said:

Hillary did better than I expected her to do I just read a number of polls, about a dozen. They ranged from 80 -  20 to 60 -  40 all in favor of Trump. Her problem was that she has nothing to beat her drum about. It's difficult to talk about accomplishments when you have none. It's no surprise that rabid democrats still think she won.

Strange, even Fox News admitted he did poorly.

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11 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Caveat Emptor went out with the 19th century.


Certainly as of the Consumer Protection Act of 1974. Followed by numerous consumer protection laws since, to most recently include Dodd-Frank.


Elizabeth Warren was elected to the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts after the Republican controlled congress maximus had indefinitely delayed her nomination by President Obama to be head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau created by Dodd-Frank.


Do try to keep up plse thx.

Caveat Emptor went out with the 19th century.


I guess you never visited Thailand then!

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Clinton getting through 90 minutes without falling, passing out or having a hissy fit isn't exactly 'winning' a debate. There was nothing on the emails, the corrupt Clinton Foundation and Benghazi

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Just now, stander said:

Trump tried to bring the debate back to immigration and jobs, but Holt would not move off the birther thing, which was started by Hillary.

Doesn't matter. The chance of learning anything useful in one of these fake "debates" is miniscule. They are like Nascar racing where people go to see the crashes. This debate was like a Nascar race without a single crash- boring as.

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