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Clinton v Trump: stage is set on Long Island for first TV debate


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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:


Trump harassed Obama and tried to rally Americans to his side on the birther issue.  It worked for rednecks (many of whom had a problem with a half-black man in the WH) and it sucked a shitload of headlines and energy - energy which could have been devoted to useful things, like trying to improve situations for Americans.  The Birther campaign, which Trump touted for years (and which started his political career, tho he's never been elected to anything) has produced nothing of any use.  It's been a giant waste of time for everyone except Trump.  Now he realizes what all reasonable Americans knew all along: Obama is American, so Trump now sees it as a liability.  He's sucked it dry for 7 years and now says, "I'm finishing it."   Thank you God Trump for telling us what to think, but you can't erase the whole birther thing from history with a 3 word sentence.  It lives on, and it continues to show you as the low-life rude cretin you really are.


Below is today's speech by VP Biden, yet another person (in a very long list) for Trump and Trump's sheeple to hate, because Biden doesn't praise idiot Trump.   Biden's main problem with Trump is how Trump gloated when the economy almost tanked in 2008, because Trump was making money. Check it out. . . . . 



 He'd make a better president than HRC, and if he'd run, he'd have wiped her out in the primaries.

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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Edited for brevity


OK, she had a legal server and did illegal things on it just as Comey said she did. Just because he chose not to indict her does not mean she is innocent.


I am well aware of the facts about Benghazi, including that it was not as a result of a VDO, when she said it was.


She is continuing Obamas policies and he is making thousands of workers in the coal industry unemployed.


She wants to let thousands of illegals jump the q to legal status. Is that fair to those that are doing it the right way?


The police are a state matter, and it is not her job to criticize them. It is certainly not her place to support an organization that wants to kill the police.


Of course there are people that know about the middle east. Unfortunately she didn't ask them before blundering about in Libya. One would think someone with a clue would have a plan as what to do after removing Gaddafi. She should have known that after Iraq.


In Your Opinion


OK, she had a legal server and did illegal things on it just as Comey said she did. Just because he chose not to indict her does not mean she is innocent.


No, she is innocent because the principle is that you are innocent until proven guilty.  

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1 hour ago, Credo said:


OK, she had a legal server and did illegal things on it just as Comey said she did. Just because he chose not to indict her does not mean she is innocent.


No, she is innocent because the principle is that you are innocent until proven guilty.  


Except that the far right believes the legal process is subverted, that there is a great conspiracy at FBI and other places to protect Clinton. The far right never went to law school or practiced law or worked in the white collar criminal justice system. Come to think of it, the far right has been screaming illegality for 8 years of the Obama administration, and in every conceivable way as far as Clinton. 


Kinda reminds me of those old James Bronson vigilante justice movies:

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10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

She is continuing Obamas policies and he is making thousands of workers in the coal industry unemployed


Heaven forbid that we get rid of coal's dirty power and replace it with clean energy systems or at least natural gas. Coal contains the most carbon dioxide per BTU (CO2 considered the largest contributor to global warming). Disposal of coal ash is very problematic. There are many cons to using coal as an energy resource.


Let's move these coal jobs to clean energy or natural gas jobs, eh?

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2 hours ago, keemapoot said:


Except that the far right believes the legal process is subverted, that there is a great conspiracy at FBI and other places to protect Clinton. The far right never went to law school or practiced law or worked in the white collar criminal justice system. 



There are plenty of rightwing lawyers. Give it break. Ventura-law - on this very forum - is one of them and he has certainly believes that the MSM and others are protecting Hillary from paying for her many indescretions.  

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17 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You are missing that Obama was popular. I can't see anyone going out in the rain to vote for her other than the hard core Dems.

People just don't like her.


No, you don't like her. The vast majority of the electorate is going to come out in droves on election day to see that sniffles gets no where near the White House. They don't get that concept in wingnuttia. Not everyone hates HRC with that burning passion. 


17 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

In case anyone hadn't noticed, Obama got elected.

This whole birther thing is just a troll diversion to stop Trump taking about things that matter now. He should have realized that and just refused to be sidetracked.

Shame on the moderator for being a troll.


Ha! Good one. It's the moderator's fault for mentioning the birther thingy.


You're right the whole birther thing was a troll diversion. One that Trump rode to be the Republican nomination. 


That's beautiful. :clap2:


3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


There are plenty of rightwing lawyers. Give it break. Ventura-law - on this very forum - is one of them and he has certainly believes that the MSM and others are protecting Hillary from paying for her many indescretions.  


Again with the MSM, blaming the press for protecting HRC. That's so ridiculous. Everything is a big conspiracy. 


Conspiracies are a way of life for the wingnuts. Imagine what the conversation is like around the coffee table with all the fat old white guys. How do they keep track of all the conspiracies? A sticky on Stormfront? 


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4 hours ago, Credo said:


OK, she had a legal server and did illegal things on it just as Comey said she did. Just because he chose not to indict her does not mean she is innocent.


No, she is innocent because the principle is that you are innocent until proven guilty.  


The whole email server is a nonsense issue fabricated by the right-wing, just like their previous attacks on the Clintons for Whitewater, etc.  Not that I think the Clintons are above criticism by any means.


However, you show a fundamental misconception about the assumption of innocence that comes up frequently here on TV.  The presumption of innocence is an obligation only of the government, not of anyone else.  The government in this context means the criminal justice system.  So, the judge, officers of the court, and especially the jury are obliged to regard a defendant in a criminal case as innocent until proven guilty.  But you and I are not under any such obligation.  The poster is therefore perfectly entitled to his view HRC as guilty of something, however nonsensical his actual claim is.  Similarly, I am free even to view O. J. Simpson as guilty of murder even though his official innocence is no longer a mere presumption, having been established by a court of law.

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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Actually they did, but the fix was in.





Yes she does. A few of them that the fact checkers have pointed out.




Once again.

Ya got nothin'.



The "fix was in"



Coming from the poster who consistantly says: "I don't support Trump." (the Bloviator) ?



Oh wait, what happened?

The non-supporters of the Bloviator now are paying attention to the fact-checkers?



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3 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:


The whole email server is a nonsense issue fabricated by the right-wing, just like their previous attacks on the Clintons for Whitewater, etc.  Not that I think the Clintons are above criticism by any means.


However, you show a fundamental misconception about the assumption of innocence that comes up frequently here on TV.  The presumption of innocence is an obligation only of the government, not of anyone else.  The government in this context means the criminal justice system.  So, the judge, officers of the court, and especially the jury are obliged to regard a defendant in a criminal case as innocent until proven guilty.  But you and I are not under any such obligation.  The poster is therefore perfectly entitled to his view HRC as guilty of something, however nonsensical his actual claim is.  Similarly, I am free even to view O. J. Simpson as guilty of murder even though his official innocence is no longer a mere presumption, having been established by a court of law.

A court does not declare anyone as innocent.   The person is found 'not guilty'.   With O.J. he was never innocent and in the civil suit, which has a lower threshold of guilt, he was found culpable.   


People may believe what they want, but she has not been charged and has not been convicted, therefore, she is not a criminal.   

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" In case you missed the debate ... humor alert: "


Yes ... but there is a risk.. this show can make the character ( Trump)  very popular among young kids who'll love this kind of fun

But it's reality  

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On 9/27/2016 at 6:37 PM, Jingthing said:

All those self selecting online media polls are totally worthless. Ignore them ALL!


But BBC mentioned one poll done in a more scientific way where a representative group of voters was selected.


The results of who won that ONE actually scientific method poll?


Clinton 51

Trump 40

Undecided 9


Pretty darn impressive considering the vast majority of people are already decided, so partisan people will lie and say their side won, even when they don't think that.


I will now go on record with a SPECIFIC prediction.

This time NEXT week the Real Clear Politics national average will show Clinton ahead by 4.5 percent. Currently, it's 2.4 percent which BTW has gone up even just today!

This uptick will be a direct result of the DRAMATIC debate win for Clinton.

trump can't seem to get above about 43 percent nationally (remember we have two waste your vote choices too). That will NOT cut it. 

Yes, there was some PANIC for a spell among democrats ... now it's time for trumpeters to panic. Not sure how he can pull this out now.


Well, my prediction took THREE DAYS longer to come true, but alas, it did come true.

Right now, realclearpolitics national poll average shows Clinton ahead by 4.5 points! :stoner:

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On 9/27/2016 at 6:51 PM, Berkshire said:


Of course it's the exact opposite.  If Trump had won, the market would have cratered.  I'm in the market.  The market does not want Trump as President.  The market is freaked out at the idea of Trump as President.  If the stock market started to believe that a Trump presidency was likely, it would head south and I'd be heading for the exits.

Any thoughts now?  What market are you in?  Lotus?

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14 minutes ago, tuktuktuk said:

Any thoughts now?  What market are you in?  Lotus?


Were you following the elections?  On that day, when it was apparent that Trump was going to win, it did crater.  To the tune of 1,000 points on the DJIA.  But it rebounded, quite nicely...to everyone's surprise.  The markets have continued to go up since, which works out well for me personally.  Doesn't mean I think Trump is good for the country. 

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