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Swede denies sexual assault charges


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4 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

I mean the man admits he did it right?  Granted he may have been "lied" to, but come on.  There is a big difference between a 13 year old girl and an 18 year old girl, or as I think I was told a 16 year old which is somewhat legal in Thailand and considered the age of consent?  Still, the man testifies he had relations.  I assume he is hoping that helps his sentencing since their isn't much doubt about his guilt.

16 is the legal age for thai on thai, thai and farang is 18, up in the village it can be 15 as long as mum and dad say its ok and as long as the thai guy promises to marry her ?


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Both the Swedish man and the girl's mother are guilty. There is no way this man could not have figured out this girl was underage and indeed he was having sex with an underage prostitute which carries added penalties under Thai law.  The mother should be jailed for child abuse which would send a frm message that Thailand does not support the 'selling' of children or child trafficking.

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30 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


So, in your opinion (and some other posters apparently) the guy is more guilty than the mother?


yes. a pedophile is a pedophile. some may consider it a bit of a grey area with ages but 13 is a long way off being legal. it is really up to us to establish age of our sexual partners here. i wont go with one under 18, i have had girls lie to me about their age but it is easy enough to check their ID cards. if he has kiddie pics then thats as good as guilty. close second is the mother for allowing it all to happen.

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4 hours ago, HoboKay said:

So this is a case of a possible pedophile being entrapped by an underaged prostitute? 


Pedophiles are attracted by pre-pubescent children, so your contention that this man was a "possible pedophile" is unjustified. The age of consent in Thailand is - for most purposes - 18, but 21 for a prostitute.

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5 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

I mean the man admits he did it right?  Granted he may have been "lied" to, but come on.  There is a big difference between a 13 year old girl and an 18 year old girl, or as I think I was told a 16 year old which is somewhat legal in Thailand and considered the age of consent?  Still, the man testifies he had relations.  I assume he is hoping that helps his sentencing since their isn't much doubt about his guilt.

i wonder why he is being charged in Oslo even though the event occurred in Thailand.

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42 minutes ago, Mickmouse1 said:

The main culprit here is the MOTHER?


What a crock of crap

The main culprit is the guy who claims he didn't realise the girl was 13. Pull the other one - a 13 year old and an 18 year old are poles apart (forgive the pun).

Undoubtedly, the mother must take some of the blame but I'd like to think that many men who were offered the girl would have run a country mile.

This swede didn't

He knew full well she was a minor when he had intercourse with her and he thought he'd gotten away with it

Unfortunately, many Western men who come to Thailand do so specifically because they want young girls to have sex with.

Consequently, the spread of Western paedophiles in Thailand has carried on unchecked for years.

It's high time time for the kind of crackdown that doesn't just punish bars and clubs that employ them but also comes down like a ton of bricks on the scum who knowingly avail themselves of these vulnerable children.


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18 minutes ago, YeahSiam said:


What a crock of crap

The main culprit is the guy who claims he didn't realise the girl was 13. Pull the other one - a 13 year old and an 18 year old are poles apart (forgive the pun).

Undoubtedly, the mother must take some of the blame but I'd like to think that many men who were offered the girl would have run a country mile.

This swede didn't

He knew full well she was a minor when he had intercourse with her and he thought he'd gotten away with it

Unfortunately, many Western men who come to Thailand do so specifically because they want young girls to have sex with.

Consequently, the spread of Western paedophiles in Thailand has carried on unchecked for years.

It's high time time for the kind of crackdown that doesn't just punish bars and clubs that employ them but also comes down like a ton of bricks on the scum who knowingly avail themselves of these vulnerable children.






So the Thai mother who offered her child to hundreds of man is less guilty than a guy who had sex with one underage woman?


They guy may or may not have realized that the girl was 13. The mother knew for sure.


Some people like to suck up to everything Thailand it's both ridiculous and sad.



Edited by theguyfromanotherforum
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Some Swedes have a different opinion of sexuality I believe and but does not justify anything really.  I can relate in some ways as I was attracted to a young woman in 1975 who was 178 cm and maybe 55 KG and she had a 6 month old baby and I started a relationship with her and lived with her and soon found out she was only 16.    

She looked like 20 years old easily!

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He seems to be a pedophile so no cries for him!


But it would be easy to make honest mistakes here in Thailand if you are drunk or just don't think about what/who you are doing: 
*When I just had started teaching here in Thailand one of my co-workers took me to the local brothel, I found two m.3 students (15 years old) from our school "working" there!

*I had a back pain so I went for a Thai massage in a shop about 25 km from where I lived, 1.5 hours in to the massage the girl offered a "happy ending" but I thought she looked a little TOO young so I said "No, thanks". I asked her how old she were, with her starting laughing and and answered "But teacher you know me"! It turned out that she was a 14 years old m.2 student at my school and she told me that she had been working there sins she was 12!  

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2 hours ago, micmichd said:

Your statement is not logic to me. In fact, many Thai women look younger to Farangs than they actually are. That means logically the Swede had sex with someone that must have looked like a baby to him. 

it seems to me that you don't have much knowledge how easy it is to make a 13 year old with appropriate make-up and clothing look like an 18 or 20 year old.

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2 hours ago, LukKrueng said:


First of all let me say that I don't approve of adults having sex with young teenagers, pros or non pros.


However, most farangs who are new to Thailand / Asia misread women's age, and sometimes by many years. I was sitting with a young traveler in a small pub, and he kinda got excited by sight of the waitress who served us. I asked him how old he thought she was - his reply was very early 20's, when in fact she was mid 30's. So I guess a 13 YO girl with some make up and adult cloths can be passed for 18 in the eyes of a newbe. Further more, he met her at a bar, made sure to ask the bar staff for her age and was right and legal. It's not like he was lurking around playgrounds or schools looking for an innocent girl and tricking her into his bed. The fact that he traveled with her around Thailand proves his claim that he was sure she was of legal age. So in this case, I think the mother and the bar owner are the ones to be blamed and prosecuted.

Further more, I don't understand why a Swedish person is prosecuted in Norway for something he did in Thailand....   



Pedophilia is the attraction of an adult to pre-puberty children, so I guess if the girl was made to look like an adult - enough for working in a bar - a pedophile should not have been attracted to her.


You are totally  right LukKrueng....Most Thai women looks a lot younger that its real age, and any men will assume that its are old enough if working in prostitution, and specially working in a bar.  I met many women here over 30 that looks and acts like teenagers, and when I was in my twenties probably I had sex with underage girls without knowing. It is very common for underage girls to fake IDs just to get into disco clubs and drink alcohol.

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9 minutes ago, Naam said:

it seems to me that you don't have much knowledge how easy it is to make a 13 year old with appropriate make-up and clothing look like an 18 or 20 year old.


And with that in mind, shouldn't a man ask to see an ID card?



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I was asked to take to Italy pictures of two very pretty Thai sisters who would like to marry a foreign man .  I showed them to a handsome , wealthy young man in Italy who said he'd be interested in a Thai wife .  These educated young ladies were both in their twenties ; but my friend said No they look about 14yrs old .

Friends of mine have a beauty shop and Thai Massage parlour in a seaside resort ; they took young girls from Isaan to work their as masseurse .  Subsequently found they were prostituting themselves , my friends brought them home again .  The parents were very upset to lose the extra money sent home , no worries how their daughter was earning it .

Many Thai women don't see selling themselves for sex as prostitution and socially unacceptable .

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33 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:





So the Thai mother who offered her child to hundreds of man is less guilty than a guy who had sex with one underage woman?


They guy may or may not have realized that the girl was 13. The mother knew for sure.


Some people like to suck up to everything Thailand it's both ridiculous and sad.




On the one hand, we have a mother who is poorly educated and in poverty.


On the other hand, we have an educated farang with a fist full of money and a taste for child porn...


Hmmm...the mother is guilty for sure...

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I would agree that it is possible using makeup and the right clothing to make a 13 year old  Thai girl appear older. However, the man should eventually be able to discern she is not what she says she is.  There is a lot of fault to go around- the buyer; the seller; the mother; the police and the society that tolerates all this. It is not I who shall judge but what is the mindset of a young girl, coaxed by her mother to sell herself and the mindset of the man who  convinced himself that the girl looked of age and never mind he was in Thailand where anything goes. Thailand is changing and the powers to be appear to be trying to stop the selling of underage girls- They are neither legally or mentally able to give their consent to sex put the pull of the mother on her child is very strong in Thailand.

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2 hours ago, DoctorG said:


Australians can be prosecuted in Australia for sex with under 16 (in foreign country). I presume Norway has a similar law. But I do not know how the Swede became involved in Norway.



Indeed... I was in Oz yesterday, and noted a sign, whilst waiting to clear immigrations,... Which quite clearly stated that sexual abuse whilst overseas was a crime in Australia.


if not convicted overseas, you will be convicted in Australia... if caught... and the authorities are quite aggressive in this matter

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2 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

"Further more, I don't understand why a Swedish person is prosecuted in Norway for something he did in Thailand...."

Could it be because he lives in Oslo?  





You went and read the link... didn't you? ???

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19 minutes ago, trogers said:


On the one hand, we have a mother who is poorly educated and in poverty.


On the other hand, we have an educated farang with a fist full of money and a taste for child porn...


Hmmm...the mother is guilty for sure...


So, if Farang was uneducated, that would make it ok?


Why does Thailand get a free pass if it's a poor country from certain members who then claim that Thailand is developing country? There are poorer countries in Europe where mothers don't prostitute their children.... and if they do they would end up in the slammer the same day. Being poor has nothing to do with it. I grew up in a poor country and didn't know anyone who was passing their children for sex.


Get real!





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4 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


So, if Farang was uneducated, that would make it ok?


Why does Thailand get a free pass if it's a poor country from certain members who then claim that Thailand is developing country? There are poorer countries in Europe where mothers don't prostitute their children.... and if they do they would end up in the slammer the same day. Being poor has nothing to do with it. I grew up in a poor country and didn't know anyone who was passing their children for sex.


Get real!






Did I not said that the mother is the guilty party?

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