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Gay Marriage

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Hello, as some of u may know, I'm gay and I will travel to Bangkok to be with the love of my life...I've been looking for job possibilities and a lot of ways to stay, but it's seems really hard (not impossible, but hard) but just in case I can't get a job or a place to study there, I would like to know if gay people can have a legal marriage, cuz today an american friend living there (he have a thai wife) told me this:

My thai wife is telling me "i guarantee no problem you could get married here as a gay couple, you just have to know what ampur (gov't office) will be friendly to you, but it has been done in thailand, i have seen it in the newspapers,"

So if u have any information, I will apreciate it, thank u so much.

Love, Leon

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As BambinA says you can have any kind of ceremony you like but you will not have it registered at the ampur as a legal marriage as that would not be legal. Even those who have have full sex change can not get around this rule - there is no way that a foreigner, who requires paperwork from there Embassy and which will be reviewed at the highest levels, would get a District Office to do this on the books.

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Let me guess why a straight farang living in Thailand might give you such information, although it was wrong. You can live, unoffically, as a couple in Thailand if you're both gay. You could live as a straight couple if one of you was fully transgendered, and nobody would care much that one of you used to be another gender. It just can't be legalized.

This is probably one of the easiest countries to be gay. I'm not afraid to tell a Thai I don't know, that I have a boyfriend, or that I'm gay. But I don't tell that to strangers from foreign countries.

Please feel free to visit our Gay in Thailand website here on ThaiVisa.

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Once again PEACE BLONDIE is right on the money, as always. Unfortunately same sex marriages have not yet been legally recognzed here in LOS. There is nothing however to prevent you from having a cerimony and making a mutual emotional commitment .Some gay guys I know have done this including myself. Typically going to the Thais home village, if feasable. Asking the local PooYY Bahn (village head man)to conduct the service, invite the whole village and partners relatives, 6-12 phra(monks) to bless the union afterwards. Noone willl blink and eye an can live together as an accepted couple without any sort of stigma.

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