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Nana blockade! Soi 3 sealed off as 200 police swoop and make arrests


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1 hour ago, MeHere said:


Maybe you're just ignorant if you don't know about this particular area... Nearly ALL of the nigerians hanging around lower sukhumvit are involved in nefarious activities... I would say close to 100% of the nigerians just happen to be black, so targeting the black nigerians in lower sukhumvit is not racist... it's just simple logic... why is this so difficult to understand for all of the offended idiots? sheeesh

I presume you reported to the police these nefarious activities that you are so knowledgable about,or did you just walk on by,you hypercrite.

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It does happen in western countries.  In August last year the 'Australian Border Force' with the blessing of tough guys PM Tony Abbott and immigration minister Peter Dutton were going to check the passports and visas of dark skinned, mainly middle eastern and Indian on the streets of central Melbourne until the news got out and there was an outcry from the community.  A peaceful protest in Melbourne was enough to make the ABF back down and call off their neo-nazi exercise.6732892-3x2-700x467.jpg


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1 hour ago, TEFLKrabi said:


Profiling, yes, But the truth is that if the raid was based on Soi 3 there was a far greater likelihood that 'black' and 'Arab' folk would be arrested, purely by the numbers. 

Except they were only looking for people based on colour. No one who was a different colour was part of the remit.

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1 hour ago, 55Jay said:

If you can concede that the Thai Police would waste those kind of resources on a dog and pony show, and that some police may be corrupt and have "arrangements" with the drug dealers in the area, then it's a short walk to realize they aren't above warrantless searches, random drug tests or racial profiling.

I never said they weren't.

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30 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

They were tested because they had black skin.Any Thai or farang who walked past was not tested.That is racial profiling,Blind Freddy could see that.

Is it racial profiling? I don't think it is.


I think the PC brigade just love to use those words. It's a moralistic judgement on people trying to do their job.


This wasn't a job interview.

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41 minutes ago, Ronuk said:


Not only should these people be taken out, so should the liberal sympathisers. Get the whole lot out of society and banged away where they can't do any damage.

Fact is, it's time to take the streets back.  It won't be too much longer before decent people take it in there own hands to do it.

Ah, the voice of reason and sanity raises it's head.


God be praised we are saved...

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22 minutes ago, hdkane said:

Obviously, the police do not target Thais...but if you were going to target ANOTHER group for stop/frisk, it makes sense to stop those that commit the most crime, by the proportion...racial profiling makes perfect sense...because race is a real construct that can be measured and ascertained quickly...so the only real question is whether Africans commit crime at a greater prevalence that Whites...I'm guessing that in that particular area, Nana, Blacks commit more crime...it's impossible for a disinterested party to know this answer, of course, because of corruption in the police ranks that distort the accuracy of crime statistics...but I'm guessing that the police, who interact with all people in Nana daily, have a good sense of who and what groups of people actually commit crime...


anyone who doesn't acknowledge the true effectiveness of racial profiling is just denying reality...

No, anyone who points out the inefficiency and stupidity of racial profiling is doing just that.

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18 minutes ago, tropo said:

Which is exactly what they were doing. LOL> if you're looking for a West African suspected of drug dealing (for example), you would question "dark skinned" individuals.


The PC brigade are really annoying. You look for problems where there aren't any.



Pointing out racial profiling and the racism that lies behind it isn't being PC {you really should learn the meanings of words before you use them].

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4 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Pointing out racial profiling and the racism that lies behind it isn't being PC {you really should learn the meanings of words before you use them].

You've been given many logical reasons for these police activities, but you don't consider them. You just keep on repeating "racism" and "racial profiling" over and over like a mantra.


Few on here agree with you, but instead of just agreeing to disagree you keep trying to defend your shaky position ad infinitum. 


One last try, but I fear it's a waste of time: If, for example only, the police were looking for a white Australian suspected of running an illegal drug operation in Soi 25, do you think they would be questioning all the Africans and asians?


Of course they wouldn't. We wouldn't hear a peep out of you either, which would be fine.:D

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4 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

but they got a result

Really, major players busted?


Trade disrupted for months or years to come?


Massive seizures of drugs?


Or just a handful of people using and/or not having their passports?


Racial profiling doesn't work.

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3 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

but they got a result


Hopefully the real result will be to drive this under ground. It will never stop it and that is obvious but let them do it out of the public eye. I don't really ever go to this area but if the next time I am there and not approached by some shady person than it works for me. There is no real need to pursue it further than that in my opinion as there are more pressing problems.

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24 minutes ago, tezzainthailand said:

It does happen in western countries.  In August last year the 'Australian Border Force' with the blessing of tough guys PM Tony Abbott and immigration minister Peter Dutton were going to check the passports and visas of dark skinned, mainly middle eastern and Indian on the streets of central Melbourne until the news got out and there was an outcry from the community.  A peaceful protest in Melbourne was enough to make the ABF back down and call off their neo-nazi exercise.6732892-3x2-700x467.jpg



The reality is that there are about 100,000 Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan visa overstayers , most of them in Melbourne. Many of them had studied at private colleges owned/operated by Indians  or at some of the 3rd tier universities. They are hard to catch.

While i don't agree with random stop and search, in Thailand or Australia, there must be a mechanism to check the status of any particular person ( in the case of Australia that would have been the national ID card, proposed and rejected in the 80s; in Thailand there is no system other than passport and or drivers license)

The problem in Soi 3 is at the point of origin: inadequate vetting ( ie, NO real scrutiny) prior to arrival.

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5 minutes ago, tropo said:

You've been given many logical reasons for these police activities, but you don't consider them. You just keep on repeating "racism" and "racial profiling" over and over like a mantra.


Few on here agree with you, but instead of just agreeing to disagree you keep trying to defend your shaky position ad infinitum. 


One last try, but I fear it's a waste of time: If, for example only, the police were looking for a white Australian suspected of running an illegal drug operation in Soi 25, do you think they would be questioning all the Africans and asians?


Of course they wouldn't. We wouldn't hear a peep out of you either, which would be fine.:D

It's not shaky it's rock solid...and as for what you consider logic, its as shaky as your understanding of PC.


As for what I say, I'm only responding to the posts.


The same arguments get the same answer.


The colour is of those who are profiled is irrelevant,  its profiling based on colour I have a problem with.

Edited by Bluespunk
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8 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Ah, racial profiling. 


Such an efficient method of policing crime. 


Bigotry alive and well it seems. 




Maybe its simply a case of criminal profiling. The police targeted the group responsible for the majority of drug sales on Lower Suk ANd they just happened to be from Africa.


I have never been approached by a white man and asked if I want to buy some drugs and if you have ever walked to Foodland after 8:00 at night you will be approached by most every African. 



its like saying the police targetting the mafia in the US are practicing racial profiling because they keep focusing on white Italians.


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Just now, ClutchClark said:


Maybe its simply a case of criminal profiling. The police targeted the group responsible for the majority of drug sales on Lower Suk ANd they just happened to be from Africa.


I have never been approached by a white man and asked if I want to buy some drugs and if you have ever walked to Foodland after 8:00 at night you will be approached by most every African. 



its like saying the police targetting the mafia in the US are practicing racial profiling because they keep focusing on white Italians.



This is exactly true. I already said earlier that the majority of the organized gangs, syndicates and cartels are based upon race affiliation. If you want to go after the Crips in the USA for example you target blacks specifically. What is the reason for this? They do not accept white members. Talk about racism!

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1 minute ago, ClutchClark said:


Maybe its simply a case of criminal profiling. The police targeted the group responsible for the majority of drug sales on Lower Suk ANd they just happened to be from Africa.


I have never been approached by a white man and asked if I want to buy some drugs and if you have ever walked to Foodland after 8:00 at night you will be approached by most every African. 



its like saying the police targetting the mafia in the US are practicing racial profiling because they keep focusing on white Italians.


No it's not. The monitoring of the mafia is based on building evidence against suspects based on their behaviour. They do not just raid an area and stop and question every Italian American they see.


As for the rest of your post...read the thread, those points have been covered.

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Just now, Bluespunk said:

It's not shaky it's rock solid...


As for what I say, I'm only responding to the posts.


The same arguments get the same answer.


The colour is of those who are profiled is irrelevant,  its profiling based on colour I have a problem with.

You still avoided the question.


If the police were looking for a gang of white Australian males suspected of being involved in a crime syndicate in Soi 25 (hypothetical), would they be questioning Africans and Asians?


Yes or no?





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8 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

Of course racial profiling when this race is big in drug trade and other heavy crime.

Combing Soi Africa, my applause.


Much more useful than harassing the whole expat community with over-boarding bureaucracy (TMxx) whilst the crooks give a ...



So white or lighter skinned people do not take drugs? And i suppose white skinned people do not commit crimes either. Did you actually read what you wrote? Do you hear what you are saying? i am more then a little surprised the moderators do not remove this, it is the exact definition of racism, look it up...


i know you have a lot of "likes" on your post but that just says to me that unfortunately there are a lot of people on TVF keeping racism alive.

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1 minute ago, tropo said:

You still avoided the question.


If the police were looking for a gang of white Australian males suspected of being involved in a crime syndicate in Soi 25 (hypothetical), would they be questioning Africans and Asians?


Yes or no?





Actually I did answer it.


If you know exactly who you are looking for you don't just question everyone.


If you don't know you gather evidence.


You don't just question everyone who is the colour of those you are searching for.


That is inefficient and stupid.


No matter what colour is profiled.

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FBI profilers would tell you a serial killer is likely to be a white male who is middle aged. Go to the USA and be a white male in his middle age and you will fit the profile of a sex tourist if you are coming from Thailand. This will lead to or somewhat limit the suspects in such cases. You can oppose racial profiling but the fact of the matter is it is used all the time and that isn't likely to change anytime soon or ever.



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20 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I never said they weren't.

I get that, but your strenuous, repeated statements that police should not engage in profiling and arrests should be based on evidence,  is sufficiently disconnected from reality here in Thailand. 

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Lt- General Sanit Maharhavorn also said the swoop was in readiness for the ACD summit starting this weekend.

Royal Méridien Hotel is just minutes' stroll from the Phloenchit BTS station, which is just a stroll from the Nana area of Bangkok.

Maybe this was a genuine raid on drug dealers and not a dig at any ethnic minority groups.1475933531834.jpg

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