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Trump aide dismisses as 'quip' his threat to jail Clinton


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Trump aide dismisses as 'quip' his threat to jail Clinton



WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump's campaign manager is dismissing as "a quip" Trump's threat to jail Hillary Clinton if he wins the presidency.


The Republican presidential nominee made the threat — an unprecedented break with U.S. political decorum — in the middle of the second presidential debate, held Sunday in St. Louis.


It came as Clinton, the Democratic nominee, said it is "awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country."


Trump blasted back, "Because you'd be in jail."


That drew applause in a town hall-style debate that was supposed to be free of audience participation.


A few moments earlier, Trump had said he'd instruct his attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor who would investigate the tens of thousands of emails that Clinton deleted when she was secretary of state.


After saying people across the country were "furious" with Clinton, Trump said, "So we're going to get a special prosecutor, and we're going to look into it." He added: "It's a disgrace. And honestly, you ought to be ashamed of yourself."


On Monday, Trump's campaign manager backed off Trump's threat to throw Clinton in jail.


"That was a quip," Kellyanne Conway said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe." And on Trump's threat to appoint a special prosecutor, Conway said only that the candidate was "channeling the frustration" of voters.


Trump's remarks drew widespread and bipartisan condemnation as un-American.


Former Attorney General Eric Holder, who served under President Barack Obama, wrote on Twitter: "In the USA we do not threaten to jail political opponents. @realDonaldTrump said he would. He is promising to abuse the power of the office."


Ari Fleischer, White House press secretary under George W. Bush and a supporter of Trump, wrote: "Winning candidates don't threaten to put opponents in jail. Presidents don't threaten prosecution of individuals. Trump is wrong on this."


Trump's "jail" line was one of the most-discussed debate moments on social media during the debate. Trump's campaign seemed proud of the moment, tweeting a video clip of the exchange shortly afterward with the message, "@HillaryClinton is NOT above the law!" Tens of thousands of his followers retweeted and "liked" the tweet, with some calling it a "mic-drop" moment and the best line of the debate.


The FBI and the Justice Department have closed their investigations into Clinton's use of a private email server when she was secretary of state.

-- © Associated Press 2016-10-11
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1 hour ago, iReason said:

Trump said, "So we're going to get a special prosecutor, and we're going to look into it."




a witty remark.




The Mussolini wannabe. The ignorant Bloviator.


Let Keith explain it to you:




I've never seen him so wound up.  He seems genuinely offended and PO'd.  No humor whatsoever.  With good reason. 


Edited by alfalfa19
just cuz
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18 minutes ago, alfalfa19 said:

I've never seen him so wound up.  He seems genuinely offended and PO'd.  No humor whatsoever.  With good reason. 



absolutely with good reason, what trump said was genuinely gobsmacking. sort of thing he's far too stupid to understand the consequences of saying. 


it's also probably the final straw that had paul ryan turn his back on trump last night. you can't defend a candidate who says at a presidential debate that he's going to be a dictator. trump's army of idiot supporters will still defend him of course because, you know.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


It is what the FBI fellow should have said. Trump wants a special prosecuter and a fair trial - nothing wrong with that.


ah, "should". didn't realise we were dealing with "should". the FBI investigated clinton. that's a "did" rather than a "should". an actual fact. and found that there wasn't a case to answer. so perhaps if trump becomes president he "should" abolish the FBI? in addition to throwing his political opponents in jail and opening up the libel laws so he can sue any media outlet he doesn't like?


he was talking as a dictator. there's everything wrong with it. but as always with trump supporters they won't have it.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


Dictators do not give fair trials to their enemies. They take them out and have them shot.


"enemies" is it now? i thought she was his political opponent. not that he's actually a politician of course. 


p.s. they don't always. trump would have a range of options from house arrest to permanent imprisonment all the way up to a show trial. fortunately we're never going to get to find out what his preferred method would be because he's going to get his arse kicked in november.

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25 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


It is what the FBI fellow should have said. Trump wants a special prosecuter and a fair trial - nothing wrong with that.

Which is why this:

Clinton said it was “awfully good” that someone with the temperament of Trump was not in charge of the law in the country, provoking another Trump jab: “Because you’d be in jail.”

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4 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Which is why this:

Clinton said it was “awfully good” that someone with the temperament of Trump was not in charge of the law in the country, provoking another Trump jab: “Because you’d be in jail.”


Yep. That is where she would be if not for government corruption.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:


Dictators do not give fair trials to their enemies. They take them out and have them shot.




Did Donald Trump Just Suggest That Someone Might Shoot Hillary Clinton?





Trump Campaign Clarifies That Hillary Clinton Will Only Get Shot If Donald Trump Loses  :clap2:

"Pierson said that Trump wasn’t talking about wanting Hillary Clinton to be shot, but that she would be shot if she won, “Well, that’s actually not what he was talking about. Because he was saying what could happen, as you said, what could happen."



Donald Trump declares he would shoot Iranian ships 'out of the water' if they bother American ships




Trump: Iranian boats that make improper ‘gestures’ will be ‘shot out of the water’
The Loose Cannon. The Massively Ignorant Dangerous Bloviator's simpleton view of World Affairs.
And indeed, American Justice.
Dunning Kruger.
Edited by iReason
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2 hours ago, BuaBS said:

Trump is right . He should investigate the whole email coverup when he's president . FBI investigators : you're fired !

Put HRC in jail , where she belongs .

Nice thought , and likely the  sentiments of millions , however, there is no  constitutional authority for the president to appoint a special prosecutor . 

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Just now, BuaBS said:

Trump is right . He should investigate the whole email coverup when he's president . FBI investigators : you're fired !

Put HRC in jail , where she belongs .


A poster with no grasp of the American Legal Process nor it's reality...


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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Dictators do not give fair trials to their enemies. They take them out and have them shot.

trump was NOT talking about a fair trial. He was talking about a WITCH HUNT against the potential first woman president with a prejudged PRISON sentence. Against the "witch"  that he called on the stage: THE DEVIL. It's great for his toxic deplorable base of hatred including the most vile eruption of MISOGYNY modern Americans have ever seen.  (Not even close.) Very similar to the RACIST eruption, led  by the disgusting clown trump himself, the "birther" movement, which he held on throughout the entire Obama administration until his CON JOB promotional announcement at his new D.C. hotel.


Dude, apologists for trump should wake up. He follows the same patterns as authoritarian dictators in history, regardless of left/right, they have a brand of their own. Definitely and extremely UNAMERICAN. 

Any American women that votes for trump should have her head examined. 


To add, I've been thinking about what the fascist misogynist bully trump was doing hovering over Hillary during the absurd attempt at the "town hall" debate. Of course first he was doing the I'm the big big MAN and you're the small small OLD WOMAN thing for the visual impact on t.v. ... that's his disgusting grade school humiliation game that he played on "Little" Rubio. But it was more than that ... he was trying (and happily failed) to TROLL BAIT Hillary into freaking out about his OBNOXIOUS HOVERING (challenging her space) and losing it somehow in reaction (which would have been a big win in the humiliation game). He's doesn't have the smarts to do that verbally ... so he tried the primitive GORILLA method. Not the kind of sleazebag that DECENT Americans want anywhere near the nuclear codes.


I emphasize the OLD WOMAN humiliation that trump tries because he's smart enough to correctly know in American culture, OLD MEN are totally accepted (and more) as alpha male leaders ... but an OLD WOMEN are really not. That's related to the health conspiracy theories about Hillary while ignoring that it's quite obvious trump's health is very suspect (especially his MENTAL health which is potential more damaging to the world if he gets POWER) but nobody seems to care about that. (Man.)

Edited by Jingthing
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D. Trump is hard at creating his own task force, connecting all angers to support him whatever his agenda is.

He wants to play the strong leader ( Putin, Erdogan, Orban, Duterte, etc..) - if not America's, of frustrated individuals all over America who  has or will have some reason to hate. That's radicalisation on the way.

Well... so called ISIS does pretty much the same.    

Edited by Opl
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27 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

trump was NOT talking about a fair trial. He was talking about a WITCH HUNT against the potential first woman president with a prejudged PRISON sentence. Against the "witch"  that he called on the stage: THE DEVIL. It's great for his toxic deplorable base of hatred including the most vile eruption of MISOGYNY modern Americans have ever seen.  (Not even close.) Very similar to the RACIST eruption, led  by the disgusting clown trump himself, the "birther" movement, which he held on throughout the entire Obama administration until his CON JOB promotional announcement at his new D.C. hotel.


Dude, apologists for trump should wake up. He follows the same patterns as authoritarian dictators in history, regardless of left/right, they have a brand of their own. Definitely and extremely UNAMERICAN. 

Any American women that votes for trump should have her head examined. 


To add, I've been thinking about what the fascist misogynist bully trump was doing hovering over Hillary during the absurd attempt at the "town hall" debate. Of course first he was doing the I'm the big big MAN and you're the small small OLD WOMAN thing for the visual impact on t.v. ... that's his disgusting grade school humiliation game that he played on "Little" Rubio. But it was more than that ... he was trying (and happily failed) to TROLL BAIT Hillary into freaking out about his OBNOXIOUS HOVERING (challenging her space) and losing it somehow in reaction (which would have been a big win in the humiliation game). He's doesn't have the smarts to do that verbally ... so he tried the primitive GORILLA method. Not the kind of sleazebag that DECENT Americans want anywhere near the nuclear codes.


I emphasize the OLD WOMAN humiliation that trump tries because he's smart enough to correctly know in American culture, OLD MEN are totally accepted (and more) as alpha male leaders ... but an OLD WOMEN are really not. That's related to the health conspiracy theories about Hillary while ignoring that it's quite obvious trump's health is very suspect (especially his MENTAL health which is potential more damaging to the world if he gets POWER) but nobody seems to care about that. (Man.)


Witch Hunt - that so used expression to pretend the rich elite politicians should never be investigated, hold accountable and be subject to the same laws they govern.

White wash - what government officials, justice system members do to in defense should some one dare to launch a "witch hunt" against any of the said elite governing class.


Hilary will sadly likely win due to the unsuitability of her opponent. So America will continue to be managed by the same people who are always in control, who ever is president. The Clinton's will continue to get even richer on the back of their hypocrisy, the Donald will return to the job he does, and expand his reality TV and all will chug along. America will pat itself on the back and claim it's the most democratic and free country in the world - see we had a black president, now we've got a woman president (who might even be bi-sexual to add even more PC street cred).

The rich will get richer, the poor poorer, American corporations will continue to exploit other nations whilst America disrupts non American corporations. The shambles in the Middle East will get worse. Russian and Chinese expansion will get worse and more aggressive. Still, Hilary does smile and wave nice.

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I am far from being a fan of Clinton but someone ought to tell the Donald that he is running for president, not dictator.


For starters, Presidents of the USA are not allowed to "throw people in jail." For Clinton to go to jail, she would have to be charged/indicted by a grand jury and then undergo a trial. At this stage, because of Trump's remarks, her lawyers could have the case thrown out because of prejudicial remarks by him.


Yes, he might be able to pressure his Republican "colleagues" to organise a special prosecutor but then what will they find - some embarrassing stuff? Most likely. But evidence of a crime that would be serious enough for putting Clinton in jail? Nah.


In fact, such a move would probably impact on the Donald's own popularity when the population see the harassment of his opponent who by that stage would be ill - of course, this would happen in a world where Trump becomes president!

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I said it elsewhere: the FBI is not really a liberal organisation and in on a conspiracy with the left wing media...whatever that is!

So they tried (and I would imagine: very hard!) to find something "criminal" about what Hillary did!

The result: ZERO, NULL, NADA, ZILCH...

Ethically wrong? 





So in the same way, the Republicans wasted money on flogging the dead horse "Benghazi" (tax payers money!), when even the republican of Republicans could find NOTHING, now Trump, if - God forbid!- he is elected POTUS, will waste more TAX PAYERS MONEY (that he avoided to pay for so many years!) on a further witch hunt!


Talk about small government and wasteful spending!


By the way: is it forbidden, to threaten your political opponent with jailing her?

I don't think so!

It is just unheard of and absolutely undemocratic and just plain wrong!

But then again: Trump! 

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The next/final debate, the moderators need to have control over the microphones and be able to simply turn them off when it's the other person's "turn" to answer a question in that kind of venue.  I know that seems micromanaged and would normally be unnecessary, but this isn't normal, and Trump simply can't control himself.  It would actually help save him from himself by reducing the amount of stupid shit he says, which, increasingly, he's compelled to apologize for or calibrate after the fact.    Trump.  Microphones.  Cameras.  Not a good combo for him.

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