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Bomb threats: Police commandos out in force at Central Lat Prao


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3 hours ago, ebonykap said:

For those of you who say "I'm putting off my trip to Thailand", or "won't go to a big mall", the terrorists would be absolutely delighted as they have won. So you want to stay home and bury your head in the sand?


For myself, I understand the risk just as I understand the risk of crossing the road at a zebra crossing in Bangkok. I have a life to live and I'll be damned if any crazed terrorist is going to dictate to me what I do with it! 


Well done Sir, that's the spirit. You sound remarkably British with your comments.


In fact, you sound like the kind of person who, if they don't have a queue to stand in you would go and stand somewhere to form your own queue. That's how British you sound.


Kudos Sir................................:rolleyes:



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1 hour ago, farcanell said:


A draconian view.


round up all the Muslims and make them wear a sickle motive on their cloths... that should work


surely heightened security and extensive bag and car checks should act as a deterrent, to some degree.


and.... if I was a radical Muslim bomber, the first thing I would do would be to buy new jeans, shave my beard, and cover my head bashing callous with a smiley face band aid.... freeing me from islamophobic persecution and letting me get on with my mission to meet allah.


No one said all Muslims, that is your statement and a pretty childish one at that given the additional rubbish you added. I clearly stated that some were following fanatical Islam after having been radicalised.  Don't you read?   It was referenced as such owing to the intel received from Australia and what is actually occurring around the world.  Aren't you aware of that?  Given your response I'd say not.  Heightened security and car checks, yeah right, that works, just look at Brussels, Paris, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, need I go on.  No, it will not act as a deterrent, not even to some degree.  Oh some degree, how much is that 5 percent, 10 percent.  A great conclusion, I think not.


Where are you going to conduct all you bag searches, car checks, please enlighten us, it should prove interesting reading?  Millions of vehicles, millions of bags, the next thing is you will be on here complaining about people being stopped and searched.  Show me where that car checks have thwarted car bombs, doesn't and is not a viable situation.  The only time car bombs have been detected is where the idiots have stuffed up and abandoned them, the others did their jobs and have killed thousands of innocents. Oh, bag checks, ask the relatives of those who died at Brussels Airport if that would work.



And please, get off the islamophobia bit.  Come out of you ivory tower or wherever else you sit to write your populist nonsense and see what is going on in the real world.  I am really sick and tired of people taking something and then attempting to generalise it by suggesting people who are being critical are saying all.  We are not but look around you, who is blowing up who, what is their origin, what religion do they follow, albeit a highly fanatical and misinterpreted version of Islam and the Koran.   Just ask any decent Muslim their feelings, they will tell you but because Muslims are killing Muslims they are fearful to speak out, publicly, for fear of reprisals.  If I was living within such a community I would be too considering what these fanatics are up to. 


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2 hours ago, farcanell said:


A draconian view.


round up all the Muslims and make them wear a sickle motive on their cloths... that should work


surely heightened security and extensive bag and car checks should act as a deterrent, to some degree.


and.... if I was a radical Muslim bomber, the first thing I would do would be to buy new jeans, shave my beard, and cover my head bashing callous with a smiley face band aid.... freeing me from islamophobic persecution and letting me get on with my mission to meet allah.

"....round up all the Muslims and make them wear a sickle motive on their cloths... "


make them wear a sickle motive on their cloths.    Did you perhaps mean a star & crescent moon on their clothes?

Rather like the Juden in Nazi Germany with their hexagrams.

After all, the sickle motif used to be the symbol of the Soviet union in company with a hammer.


Edited by ratcatcher
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6 hours ago, trogers said:


Missed the news in Malaysia on their arrest of an IS suspect who is an undergraduate? One who tried to get into Syria through Turkey?


Simply students?

So, are you suggesting, without any evidence, ALL Muslim students are suspects, interesting logic.

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3 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


That's enough given the age, and positions and more so being Muslims, some of whom tend to be followers of fanatical Islam after having been radicalised and are into the killing of  others who are not of the same ilk.


Just look at what is happening around the world and the ages, sexes and positions of those involved.  I'd rather be safe than sorry and people should start thinking of the victims and their families and not be so precious about those being detained.


You ask why they are being interrogated and then go on to answer you own question without any knowledge of why.  Simply those detained are quite capable of being involved and it appears there is Information about a credible threat to the city from car bombs came via Australian security services. 


If the police had any proof, you know what that means, that these students were involve, then arresting them would be OK, but hey, they gave no reason, you are assuming they must be guilty, simply because they are Muslim students... wow! If these students are innocent don't you see the the police could be in fact radicalizing them.

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1 hour ago, Si Thea01 said:


No one said all Muslims, that is your statement and a pretty childish one at that given the additional rubbish you added. I clearly stated that some were following fanatical Islam after having been radicalised.  Don't you read?   It was referenced as such owing to the intel received from Australia and what is actually occurring around the world.  Aren't you aware of that?  Given your response I'd say not.  Heightened security and car checks, yeah right, that works, just look at Brussels, Paris, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, need I go on.  No, it will not act as a deterrent, not even to some degree.  Oh some degree, how much is that 5 percent, 10 percent.  A great conclusion, I think not.


Where are you going to conduct all you bag searches, car checks, please enlighten us, it should prove interesting reading?  Millions of vehicles, millions of bags, the next thing is you will be on here complaining about people being stopped and searched.  Show me where that car checks have thwarted car bombs, doesn't and is not a viable situation.  The only time car bombs have been detected is where the idiots have stuffed up and abandoned them, the others did their jobs and have killed thousands of innocents. Oh, bag checks, ask the relatives of those who died at Brussels Airport if that would work.



And please, get off the islamophobia bit.  Come out of you ivory tower or wherever else you sit to write your populist nonsense and see what is going on in the real world.  I am really sick and tired of people taking something and then attempting to generalise it by suggesting people who are being critical are saying all.  We are not but look around you, who is blowing up who, what is their origin, what religion do they follow, albeit a highly fanatical and misinterpreted version of Islam and the Koran.   Just ask any decent Muslim their feelings, they will tell you but because Muslims are killing Muslims they are fearful to speak out, publicly, for fear of reprisals.  If I was living within such a community I would be too considering what these fanatics are up to. 


Read the first line, in your first paragraph where you say " That's enough given the age, and positions and more so being Muslims ."

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11 minutes ago, Rorri said:

If the police had any proof, you know what that means, that these students were involve, then arresting them would be OK, but hey, they gave no reason, you are assuming they must be guilty, simply because they are Muslim students... wow! If these students are innocent don't you see the the police could be in fact radicalizing them.



I am fully aware of what is required in detaining someone and under terrorism laws in most countries, people can be detained for certain periods of time, usually 7 days, in order for police to gather evidence and prevent any possible act being committed. 


Now, not all people detained are kept in custody and are released because of lack of evidence but are put on watch lists.  The only people that police have to advise of their reason for detention are those detained plus their legal advisors.  They are not obliged to tell the general public anything else other than suspects have been detained.  I don't think I have assumed anything about their guilt, as I, like you, have no knowledge of the intel information forwarded from Australia or what evidence, if any, has been gained through police interviews.


A court of law determines the guilt or innocent aspect but given certain people were detained, it is reasonable to accept that they were those whose identities were listed in the classified information provided or do you think police would just go and pick up 8 or 10 students that they just happen to see on the street?  If the students are totally innocent, which they may well be, then yes they may become hostile towards authority, as has been seen in many instances but as for police radicalising them, I don't think so given what it consists of.  Maybe if you checked out this link then you would understand how inaccurate your statement is and what is actually involved in radicalisation.








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1 hour ago, ratcatcher said:

"....round up all the Muslims and make them wear a sickle motive on their cloths... "


make them wear a sickle motive on their cloths.    Did you perhaps mean a star & crescent moon on their clothes?

Rather like the Juden in Nazi Germany with their hexagrams.

After all, the sickle motif used to be the symbol of the Soviet union in company with a hammer.



Thanks ratcatcher... I did indeed mean a symbol designating their religion

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38 minutes ago, Rorri said:

Read the first line, in your first paragraph where you say " That's enough given the age, and positions and more so being Muslims ."



If you going to quote me to prove a point, which you haven't, please use the whole quote and stop being selective.  Here is what was said and I will embolden the bit you selectively avoided or maybe you are still have trouble reading and didn't realise there was more.


"That's enough given the age, and positions and more so being Muslims, some of whom tend to be followers of fanatical Islam after having been radicalised and are into the killing of  others who are not of the same ilk."


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28 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:



I am fully aware of what is required in detaining someone and under terrorism laws in most countries, people can be detained for certain periods of time, usually 7 days, in order for police to gather evidence and prevent any possible act being committed. 


Now, not all people detained are kept in custody and are released because of lack of evidence but are put on watch lists.  The only people that police have to advise of their reason for detention are those detained plus their legal advisors.  They are not obliged to tell the general public anything else other than suspects have been detained.  I don't think I have assumed anything about their guilt, as I, like you, have no knowledge of the intel information forwarded from Australia or what evidence, if any, has been gained through police interviews.


A court of law determines the guilt or innocent aspect but given certain people were detained, it is reasonable to accept that they were those whose identities were listed in the classified information provided or do you think police would just go and pick up 8 or 10 students that they just happen to see on the street?  If the students are totally innocent, which they may well be, then yes they may become hostile towards authority, as has been seen in many instances but as for police radicalising them, I don't think so given what it consists of.  Maybe if you checked out this link then you would understand how inaccurate your statement is and what is actually involved in radicalisation.








Oh dear, people are detained, if there is reason to suspect them, there is no indication that there is/was any reason to suspect these students, even now, the police had not released any details, eg, bomb making material, terrorist paraphernalia etc, it was simply because they are students, and Muslim, how do you think other Muslims would feel. And today we have the RTP saying they want to bring peace, to the south, not going about it the right way.

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7 hours ago, fruitman said:


Who cares if the terrorists will be delighted if they don't come to Thailand? There are many more places to go and they don't have those threads.


It's not burying heads in the sand, it's called risk avoidance....Singapore doesn't have these threads, so does Malaysia or Australia to name a few.

The AFP just arrested some shit in Sydney this arvo.

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9 hours ago, Rorri said:

Just who are these 8 "suspects" and why are they being interrogated,  last night it seems they were simply students, ok, muslims, but hey, no other reason.


4 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


That's enough given the age, and positions and more so being Muslims, some of whom tend to be followers of fanatical Islam after having been radicalised and are into the killing of  others who are not of the same ilk.


Just look at what is happening around the world and the ages, sexes and positions of those involved.  I'd rather be safe than sorry and people should start thinking of the victims and their families and not be so precious about those being detained.


You ask why they are being interrogated and then go on to answer you own question without any knowledge of why.  Simply those detained are quite capable of being involved and it appears there is Information about a credible threat to the city from car bombs came via Australian security services. 



Let me include the entire post,. such that I don't get accused of cherry picking your words, but rather interpret them, given what others may see as your (unspoken) intent... 


Firstly.... "that's enough...." (refencing that the detained are Muslim)


what? Are you crazy... that is not enough to detain anybody... no where near enough... that you attempt to somehow qualify those two words is pathetic... you have already revealed your attitude by simply saying "that's enough", and no matter what you say after those words, simply does not cut it.


Also....your comment " you ask why they are being interrogated, then go on to answer your own question..." whereas I read the answer as that the detainees were simply Muslim, so this further concerns me


then you start in on Muslims, and introduce fanatical behavior into your post. This, wether you mean to, or not, tars all "Muslims" with the same brush, despite your qualification that the radicalized Muslims kill other Muslims... way to go... you have now pointed out, to the average reader, that Muslims are crazy enough to be killing each other, in the name of allah.


did you say allah? No... but you did mention radicalized Muslims, which implies adherents to allahs teaching.... besmirching every Muslim... that's how some  would interpret your meaning


And that's just paragraph one....


you also, after besmirching Muslims, in general, (or by association) go on to say "just look at what is happening around the world...." which, given paragraph one, is a further attack on Muslims in general (even if you only meant radical Muslims... because you do not clarify your comments, other than to add even more fuel to your little bonfire, by saying " I'd rather be safe than sorry, and people should start thinking about the victims and their families, and not be so precious about those being detained"


crazy talk... absolute crazy talk.... anyone, if illegally detained, is a crime... and if being detained because of their religion, as is the explanation in this instance,  it's called religious persecution... but according to your first statement "that's enough" (of a reason)


ergo.... islamophobic... like it or not, your post fits that term, and if my post is populist... then that's ok, because it means that you acknowledge that my views are that of the average person, which means that yours, by arguing the point, are not, and perhaps therefore inflammatory (trolling)


as to heightened security not being a deterrent... well... more silliness from your post..... question... if you knew your car was going to be subject to a check, would you be stupid enough to turn it into a bomb... assumedly not... or if bags are being checked, would you carry a bomb in your backpack... again, assumedly not... therefore that strategy works, even if hard to actually quantify ( it's common sense, even if not always successful... but they tried, which is something, otherwise metal detectors and bomb race inspections would not exist... right?)


So... simply put, only a fool would suggest that that these measures don't have some kind of impact on their target group.... and despite the hassle at airports, these heightened security measures are something I never complain about, as it's in my best interest


and "ivory tower" implies privileged seclusion from normal life.... I know not how you came up with that, although I kind of wish it were true... but unfortunately your assumption is much like the rest of your post... I'll informed and an attempt to belittle me via an attack on my character.


instead, old chap, I suggest that you consider civil liberties, and their erosion...

 before it's you that they come for.


but.... each to his own, I suppose... if you are not anti Muslim, but more anti terrorist, as are most of us, then you need to reconsider your delivery, because as written, it's...   islamaphobic


 and there you have it.... it's not always what you say, but also what you don't say (especially following derogatory comments) but.... you have a nice day now.



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2 hours ago, Rorri said:

Oh dear, people are detained, if there is reason to suspect them, there is no indication that there is/was any reason to suspect these students, even now, the police had not released any details, eg, bomb making material, terrorist paraphernalia etc, it was simply because they are students, and Muslim, how do you think other Muslims would feel. And today we have the RTP saying they want to bring peace, to the south, not going about it the right way.


So you have inside knowledge that there was no reason to suspect them?  Police normally do not release full details of their investigations but it is suffice that they indicated they are suspects.  Not enough for you. How do you know they were detained simply because they were students and Muslims.


I do not care less what other Muslims think, the same as I would not care what other foreigners thought if such a matter was applicable to Christian or students of other religions.  So it's alright for terrorists in the south to kill innocents through bombings and shootings and you are having ago at the coppers.


A strange perspective to bag the protectors and cry fowl when those protectors are taking possible terrorists into custody.  What would your tone be if some of these students actually performed an act of terrorism and in doing so killed more innocents.

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1 hour ago, chainarong said:

The AFP just arrested some shit in Sydney this arvo.



And they're Muslims, two 16 year old students who purchased two large hunting knives and had hand written notes (not known what was on them) and were heading to Bankstown Police Station.  I suppose they just wanted to show the coppers their new acquisitions and according to some on here that as they're only  suspects they shouldn't be in custody and are probably being picked on because they students and Muslims.   

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20 minutes ago, farcanell said:



Let me include the entire post,. such that I don't get accused of cherry picking your words, but rather interpret them, given what others may see as your (unspoken) intent... 


Firstly.... "that's enough...." (refencing that the detained are Muslim)


what? Are you crazy... that is not enough to detain anybody... no where near enough... that you attempt to somehow qualify those two words is pathetic... you have already revealed your attitude by simply saying "that's enough", and no matter what you say after those words, simply does not cut it.


Also....your comment " you ask why they are being interrogated, then go on to answer your own question..." whereas I read the answer as that the detainees were simply Muslim, so this further concerns me


then you start in on Muslims, and introduce fanatical behavior into your post. This, wether you mean to, or not, tars all "Muslims" with the same brush, despite your qualification that the radicalized Muslims kill other Muslims... way to go... you have now pointed out, to the average reader, that Muslims are crazy enough to be killing each other, in the name of allah.


did you say allah? No... but you did mention radicalized Muslims, which implies adherents to allahs teaching.... besmirching every Muslim... that's how some  would interpret your meaning


And that's just paragraph one....


you also, after besmirching Muslims, in general, (or by association) go on to say "just look at what is happening around the world...." which, given paragraph one, is a further attack on Muslims in general (even if you only meant radical Muslims... because you do not clarify your comments, other than to add even more fuel to your little bonfire, by saying " I'd rather be safe than sorry, and people should start thinking about the victims and their families, and not be so precious about those being detained"


crazy talk... absolute crazy talk.... anyone, if illegally detained, is a crime... and if being detained because of their religion, as is the explanation in this instance,  it's called religious persecution... but according to your first statement "that's enough" (of a reason)


ergo.... islamophobic... like it or not, your post fits that term, and if my post is populist... then that's ok, because it means that you acknowledge that my views are that of the average person, which means that yours, by arguing the point, are not, and perhaps therefore inflammatory (trolling)


as to heightened security not being a deterrent... well... more silliness from your post..... question... if you knew your car was going to be subject to a check, would you be stupid enough to turn it into a bomb... assumedly not... or if bags are being checked, would you carry a bomb in your backpack... again, assumedly not... therefore that strategy works, even if hard to actually quantify ( it's common sense, even if not always successful... but they tried, which is something, otherwise metal detectors and bomb race inspections would not exist... right?)


So... simply put, only a fool would suggest that that these measures don't have some kind of impact on their target group.... and despite the hassle at airports, these heightened security measures are something I never complain about, as it's in my best interest


and "ivory tower" implies privileged seclusion from normal life.... I know not how you came up with that, although I kind of wish it were true... but unfortunately your assumption is much like the rest of your post... I'll informed and an attempt to belittle me via an attack on my character.


instead, old chap, I suggest that you consider civil liberties, and their erosion...

 before it's you that they come for.


but.... each to his own, I suppose... if you are not anti Muslim, but more anti terrorist, as are most of us, then you need to reconsider your delivery, because as written, it's...   islamaphobic


 and there you have it.... it's not always what you say, but also what you don't say (especially following derogatory comments) but.... you have a nice day now.


Your opinion and a  little thinned skinned are we?   It's a wonder you didn't use the R word as well.  You have a nice day too.

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7 hours ago, SOTIRIOS said:

...a few days ago they implied....'Not to worry....everything under control"......




...and they were right, everything is under control, no incidents, no deaths, no injuries, nothing.



Edited by gdgbb
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