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Monks behaving badly -  abbot caught attacking dogs, claims fellow monk


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30 minutes ago, gdgbb said:

"... at a temple with my ex-wife, i went into the wrong door, monk sucking ladies breasts, others playing cards, drinking etc. Spoke to my ex it caused big problems for us."    Is just playing cards bad?  Drinking what?  1 monk on the tit is bad, of course, but it seems so extreme for you to stumble on this den of iniquity accidentally, 'through the wrong door", that some may not believe you.


"...behind the temple were 3 monks, throwing unopened bags of food donated by villagers to the temple dogs ( disgusting behavior )" Old food, perhaps, or excess?  Some would say very compassionate behaviour and monks feeding their own temple dogs doesn't make them bad people.


"...Next at our home i was in the garden 2 monks stopped at our gate (11.00) in the morning asking for money, i gave them 20 baht each, 1 monk threw it on the ground demanding i gave them NUNG roi baht."  Real monks never ask for money, (someone as well-informed as you would know that) and they certainly would not throw a picture of the King to the ground, so that alleged demand for 100 baht can't count as real monks being bad.


"Next after my accident my wife begged me to go to a monk near Manja kiri, he could fix my broken back with herbal massage, To keep my wife happy i agreed to go, what a total waste of time."  Your letting him try doesn't make him 'bad' unless you consider the doctors who couldn't fix your back either  just as bad.  "To this day my wife refuses to tell me how many thousands of baht he conned out of her, but other people have told me he demands a minimum of 30.000 baht." So hearsay and irrelevant, then, maybe she paid nothing, if you've no idea what it cost.


"Next a year later another monk convinced my wife he could fix my back with Thai massage, after 3 sessions he told us my back was getting better he could feel it. Again another lie from a monk."  Or, rather, another unsuccessful attempt that you allowed him to try, 3 times, but not behaviour that makes him 'bad'.


So, to recap, you are illogically generalising.  You have, allegedly, seen one monk sucking a woman's breast (very strange that he didn't stop the moment the unlocked door unexpectedly opened).  None of what you had the audacity to describe as cheating, corruption, or lies really carries much weight. When you were at the temples on the numerous occasions that you have attended did you not see the scores of other monks just being monks and doing nothing bad at all or did you prefer to blinker yourself against their good behaviour?


You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

When you do know please enlighten others until then shut up with your pathetic drivel.

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On Thursday, October 13, 2016 at 2:55 PM, sahibji said:

i wonder how they come to own and bear the charges for the operation of the phone as the monks are not supposed to be own material things.


We can take it he doesnt own a dog nor apparently will in future. Not for long anyway.

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21 minutes ago, colinneil said:

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

When you do know please enlighten others until then shut up with your pathetic drivel.

I, having absolute, authoritative confirmation about the collective character of all Thai monkhood after having met a dozen or so  of the many thousands, and my  unbiased observation has been enthusiastically confirmed by all my intellectual fellow farang boozer pals on barstools down at the BS&Stumble, have pontificated that you do not know what you are talking about.

When you agree with all my declarations, opinions, and verbarrhea, please unenlighten others. But until your can parrot my pathetic drivel, shut up with your pathetic drivel.

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2 minutes ago, johnhw said:

I, having absolute, authoritative confirmation about the collective character of all Thai monkhood after having met a dozen or so  of the many thousands, and my  unbiased observation has been enthusiastically confirmed by all my intellectual fellow farang boozer pals on barstools down at the BS&Stumble, have pontificated that you do not know what you are talking about.

When you agree with all my declarations, opinions, and verbarrhea, please unenlighten others. But until your can parrot my pathetic drivel, shut up with your pathetic drivel.



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2 hours ago, colinneil said:


Brilliant, razor-sharp, cutting and devastatingly convincing comeback here, Grumpy. I'm devastated and submit before the unquestionable verification of your superior wit and intellectual superiority !! 

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