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US Election 2016: Trump 'groped woman like an octopus'


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This is just in the last 24 hours!

- Walked in on a naked 15 year beauty contest contestent


- Woman complains of being groped by Trump on a plane in the 80's. Another complains of his unwanted kissing on the mouth in 2005


- Woman complains of being groped at his Florida estate in 2003


- Miss Washington complains of being groped and Trump trying to get her back to his hotel room in 2013


- A video of him looking at 10 year olds and saying he'll be dating them in 10 years. 


Another great day for Cheeto Jesus. Just keep doing what you're doing Trump. What a knucklehead!


3 hours ago, Strange said:


Impeccable timing for these women to reveal themselves. 


With his background and what's been happening, few doubt the veracity of these reports 


2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

 Much more evidence about Bill's crimes, including lying about it under oath.


Yeah, Bill's out. No way he gets elected this time. Not a chance, just like Trump


1 hour ago, dcutman said:

Anti establishment Trump vs Establishment Hillary Clinton.

Hmmmm I wonder who wants who to win.



The Illusion of Choice: 90% of American Media Controlled by 6 Corporations

Vic Bishop, Staff
Waking Times

It is worth repeating again and again that the bulk of America’s mainline media is owned and controlled by a mere 6 corporations. This, of course, means that unless you’re already consciously avoiding these mainline media sources, then most of the news and entertainment that makes it onto your screen and into your mind comes from a small pool of corporate sources, all of which play important roles in delivering propaganda, social programming and perpetual crisis narratives to the public.



Oh boy, here we go again. The wingnut conspiracy bullshit force is strong with this one. 


13 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Polygraph tests are notably unreliable. I think this will come done to number of harassment complaints and collaborating witnesses.


I think the sheer numbers and the documentation already out there is enough. 


The Trumpeteers are going to keep trying to deflect the incoming accusations. Good luck out there. 


I can't be bother responding to the trolls but if you are, good on ya. You're doing god's work.  

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Best part of the NY Times article linked above:



In a phone interview on Tuesday night, a highly agitated Mr. Trump denied every one of the women’s claims.


“None of this ever took place,” said Mr. Trump, who began shouting at the Times reporter who was questioning him. He said that The Times was making up the allegations to hurt him and that he would sue the news organization if it reported them.



--- Well they reported them.

Edited by JLCrab
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2 hours ago, StevieH said:

when trump was considering entering the presidential race his advisers wanted to hire an investigator to vet him, to inspect his past for any potential skeletons. trump himself said "no". i can't imagine why.



Just as telling:  None of the Republican contenders had any good hired sleuths.  People like me were stating loud and clear that Trump was a pervert, but not one of the 16 Republican primary nor their staff could find any dirt on the Trumpster fire. Didn't even try.  Too bad guys (and Fiorina).   Maybe next time you'll do some research on your political opponents.


1 hour ago, Strange said:

No. Just stop. 

You clearly have no clue what you are talking about. 

Just go to "Hills" website and "Trumps" website and compare whats going on. 

Unbelievable you are even saying what you are saying. 


So, you believe what you read on Trump's web site?  Hey, I've got a little bottle of hair growth oil.  Only $950, this week only.  If you don't grow a full head of hair on a bald your head after 10 years, you get a full refund.  Just send your refund request to Box 66666, Caymen Islands.


1 hour ago, Strange said:

Use words not links. I have read everything there is to read on the topic. 

Trump position reduces taxes for EVERYONE not just the rich. Not only that but low income pay NO taxes. 


Trump has had money given to him his entire career.  He doesn't know that public works and federal programs need real money to fund them.  He thinks money grows out of the pockets of his daddy and banks and investors.   If he were able to reduce taxes on the very wealthy, the US economy would either grind to a halt in several years, or have to borrow/print trillions more dollars.   The Donald wouldn't mind.  He'd just tell his go-to guy something like: "Get tanker trucks filled with ink and tell 'em to go the Treasury Dept.  Oh, and we need many rolls of special paper.  Isn't that how money is printed?  Aren't I the smartest?"

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“None of this ever took place,” said Mr. Trump, who began shouting at the Times reporter who was questioning him. He said that The Times was making up the allegations to hurt him and that he would sue the news organization if it reported them. 


Well, Mr Trump.  You're the king of lawsuits.  And you already have many people and organizations to hate.   So it should be second nature to add to your hate list, and hire a dozen more lawyers to sue everyone and every entity that deigns to report what they believe to be true.   I don't envy you, but you made your bed when you........



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7 hours ago, Strange said:





Impeccable timing for these women to reveal themselves. 

During an election campaign timing of bad news is everything. I am sure they will drop a bomb on Hillary a couple days before the election. Its the way this dirty game is played. Forget about what the country truly needs just rip the opposition apart and feed it to the media wolves. 

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14 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

During an election campaign timing of bad news is everything. I am sure they will drop a bomb on Hillary a couple days before the election. Its the way this dirty game is played. Forget about what the country truly needs just rip the opposition apart and feed it to the media wolves. 

Women are coming forward NOW for a very good reason.

In the second debate where trump defended the tape as "locker room" banter he was asked EXPLICITLY by Anderson Cooper if he has actually DONE the sexual abuse that he was bragging about. The trump clearly said NO (he would, wouldn't he). THAT is the reason women are coming forward now. This is going to totally bury trump and good riddance. A landslide win for Hill is now possible, not likely, but possible. 


Americans aren't going to make the pervert trump president any more than they'd make Bill Cosby president if he was running.


Edited by Jingthing
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And Everytime Ford came to my Aunts House he brought a hooker. LBJ...is why most dudes refer to there little guys as Johnsons. Kennedy.... Wow. 

How about we elect P WEE Herman.

Oh Nevemind.

They are all men of power and that's that.

I would rather overlook some sexism crap versus massive legal transgressions...... Hildebeast belongs in prison. Trump deserves a bar of soap In his mouth.

To the morons that support Clinton. I would bet you have trouble remembering your passwords. And can't for the life of you recite the Bill of Rights.

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An unpleasant man with excessive testosterone who bizarrely believes to is attractive to women versus a woman who kept an insecure secretive email system, lied about it and prejudiced national security. Which story does the NYT choose to focus on 3 weeks before an election? 

And yet after she wins they, and all the other outlets, will be in hot pursuit of every skeleton in her closet.

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4 hours ago, Silurian said:


Polygraph tests are notably unreliable. I think this will come done to number of harassment complaints and collaborating witnesses.

True. When HRC defended that child rapist, she is on tape as saying he passed the test but she knew he was guilty.

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7 minutes ago, NickJ said:

And Everytime Ford came to my Aunts House he brought a hooker. LBJ...is why most dudes refer to there little guys as Johnsons. Kennedy.... Wow. 

How about we elect P WEE Herman.

Oh Nevemind.

They are all men of power and that's that.

I would rather overlook some sexism crap versus massive legal transgressions...... Hildebeast belongs in prison. Trump deserves a bar of soap In his mouth.

To the morons that support Clinton. I would bet you have trouble remembering your passwords. And can't for the life of you recite the Bill of Rights.

So true - and that is why men in positions of 'power and privilege' are often 'attractive' to women when they meet them face to face. 


There is currently a video on the net of Obama showing off his erection (pants on) in an aeroplane and all the women giggling.  I would assume he had fallen asleep and as all you real men know, sometimes when we awake ............. Perhaps he stood up to answer a phone call and didnt realise, or maybe he did. Either way - get real and grow up liberals.  Men are men (idiots) and the women love (forgive) us for it because .................


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Just a quick check on google news showed the wires are flooding in with more reports of women being groped. The count is up to five as far as I know, but more stories are being vetted and checked according to reports.


Donald Trump. The Dope of Grope.



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8 hours ago, dcutman said:

But of course to you and many others,  24 hour news networks playing these soundbites is proof.

Same unproven sound bites Trump and Clinton accusers have been playing. Literally tit-for-tat.

Trump can dish it out but he can't take it.

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11 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

Just a quick check on google news showed the wires are flooding in with more reports of women being groped. The count is up to five as far as I know, but more stories are being vetted and checked according to reports.


Donald Trump. The Dope of Grope.




"google news"


Must be true if its on the internet.... People never lie on the internet... 

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Clinton did the same before he was elected President. There is proof of this there is NO positive proof yet Trump has done any of this, remember the Clintons and the media will write or say anything to get voters they do not come any dirtier then the Clintons and the media.

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2 minutes ago, Strange said:


"google news"


Must be true if its on the internet.... People never lie on the internet... 


Are you for real? Really? Google news is the most complete source of news coverage from all reputable news sources. Here you go. Here is a listing of the top stories collected from all the major newspapers, agencies and magazines. Read it and pee your pants.



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If it were my crude ill informed way of thinking i couldnt careless about some touchy feely episodes.

Perhaps someone that will say what needs to be said and act if trump infact did could be a good thing. Worlds a bad place. Goody too shoe leaders are being walked all over. Its one thing to set an example and let the world follow. But, guess what. Some countries like this and where its headed wont be following as they just arent allowed to watch and take note. What i see in my crystal ball is more chaos and brainwashed millitants emerge that will never know what democracy is and stands for and all those good things that need to be protected. Perhaps its time for an idiot hard talker. Fight fire with fire OR hilary!

Choices arent great but concidering some OTHER leaders around the world and whats at stake i say give the big horny guy a chance. Might be surprising. Vote hilary and die of boredom or a lesbian invasion.

Ps. im not american and dont follow nor care a great deal. Just my 2cents. Im not entitled to my 2cents on thai politics even though i do speak up but i and like most thai television shows do have a right to speak as much smack as they like about US politics. Its a beautiful thing...



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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


There isn't any and women will be coming out from the woodwork with such claims. No way to know who is lying and who is telling the truth.

Absolutely true :-)  Only 1 thing is 100% true: Trump is never telling the truth :cheesy:


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15 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Are you for real? Really? Google news is the most complete source of news coverage from all reputable news sources. Here you go. Here is a listing of the top stories collected from all the major newspapers, agencies and magazines. Read it and pee your pants.




Didn't click. Dont need to. 


What I find aggravating is that these threads devolve after 4-5 pages into a few of you guys posting some of the most asinine clickbait then "liking" each other for it. This fact doesn't really bother me, what does, however, is that surfing through the thread its hard to find anything of value. 


Seriously gets boring after a while going through all that, but hey, up to you. 

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1 hour ago, hlj said:

Clinton did the same before he was elected President. There is proof of this there is NO positive proof yet Trump has done any of this, remember the Clintons and the media will write or say anything to get voters they do not come any dirtier then the Clintons and the media.



Have you thought about contacting the prosecutors? The evidence you are holding could flip the election.


Unless, of course, you are simply reciting conspiracy stuff... 

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Women are coming forward NOW for a very good reason.

In the second debate where trump defended the tape as "locker room" banter he was asked EXPLICITLY by Anderson Cooper if he has actually DONE the sexual abuse that he was bragging about. The trump clearly said NO (he would, wouldn't he). THAT is the reason women are coming forward now. This is going to totally bury trump and good riddance. A landslide win for Hill is now possible, not likely, but possible.  Americans aren't going to make the pervert trump president any more than they'd make Bill Cosby president if he was running. IT'S OVER. 


      Two things I'd like to spin about your post above.  You say ''THAT is the reason women are coming forward now'  I somewhat agree, however it's like the lopping-off-head analogy I mentioned earlier.  If a decapitation hits the news, it will jangle the memories of everyone who has experienced that in their family history.   Also, the women coming forward are obviously anti-Trump.  What % of the women he predated upon like him and what % hate his guts?  We'll never know, but it's safe to say that for every revelation we're now hearing about, there are probably ten we aren't hearing about, for one or more reasons (embarrassment, career ending, love Trump, not wanting their husbands to know, fear of lawsuit from you-know-who, caught an STD, had an abortion, or .....?).    


      You saying  "it's over" ....I realize you're referring to the inevitable victory for HRC.  However, it's nowhere near over for the Republican attack wolves.  They'll be on the prowl with dirty tricks, on an on, like the first Terminator movie.  They won't quit until they die - until the red light turns off in their eye.  


       One added thing:  a man who prowls after women and tricks them or coerces them for sex, doesn't necessarily have more testosterone than the next guy.  Some act crudely, like Trump, ...others are gentlemanly.  It has nothing to do with manliness or testosterone level, but has everything to do with character.  Trump's character is peeping Tom crossed with crass opportunist bordering on rapist.

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

One woman said the White House hopeful grabbed her breasts and attempted to put his hand up her skirt on a flight three decades ago.


I don't agree with dragging up the dirt from 30 years ago. If the woman on the plane was so peeved by Trump's attention during a flight and thought it inappropriate she should have voiced her opinion then, not now.

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1 hour ago, Strange said:


Didn't click. Dont need to. 


What I find aggravating is that these threads devolve after 4-5 pages into a few of you guys posting some of the most asinine clickbait then "liking" each other for it. This fact doesn't really bother me, what does, however, is that surfing through the thread its hard to find anything of value. 


Seriously gets boring after a while going through all that, but hey, up to you. 


That's because most of your right wing nut companions have given up the ghost. They know that they can't continue defending the most moronic, stupid and ridiculous Candidate for President in US history.


Now the whining begins about being picked on, rigged systems, the unfairness of the media and all the excuses that Trump will come out with after he loses.


Since there are so few right wing freaks posting now through their severe embarrassment then it is quite natural that you would not find much of "value" on these threads now.


Karma, I'd say.

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2 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


That's because most of your right wing nut companions have given up the ghost. They know that they can't continue defending the most moronic, stupid and ridiculous Candidate for President in US history.


Now the whining begins about being picked on, rigged systems, the unfairness of the media and all the excuses that Trump will come out with after he loses.


Since there are so few right wing freaks posting now through their severe embarrassment then it is quite natural that you would not find much of "value" on these threads now.


Karma, I'd say.


Whats with you libs and name calling? "Nut" "Freak" 


Pathetic bunch. 

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3 minutes ago, Strange said:


Whats with you libs and name calling? "Nut" "Freak" 


Pathetic bunch. 


Yes. We know you are feeling lonely now that most of the fringe dwellers have abandoned social media. So much work. A new mess to try and clear up almost every day.


Mommy never taught you about 'sticks and stones'?


Funny how certain types of Americans think that calling someone a Liberal is the most grievous insult.


Time to wake up and smell the coffee.

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2 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Yes. We know you are feeling lonely now that most of the fringe dwellers have abandoned social media. So much work. A new mess to try and clear up almost every day.


Mommy never taught you about 'sticks and stones'?


Funny how certain types of Americans think that calling someone a Liberal is the most grievous insult.


Time to wake up and smell the coffee.


Fortunately regardless who wins the election the majority of americans view your extreme liberal/extreme progressive stance and opinions as just that. Extreme. Even if "Hill" wins, nothing is going to change for you guys. Even if "Hill" wins, you will take it as a personal "Win" for your agenda but its really not because nobody on either side supports your nonsense. Im not an extreme redneck I'm the polar opposite of your insulting stereotype of trump supporters. They are both extremely terrible people.


I don't know what you want to see america turn into, and I don't really care. I just wish you guys (or girls? gender neutral? We gonna be filtering speech soon?) would take the venom out of your words and speak to people with respect and dignity. You will never be heard and will probably make more problems for yourself behaving like a 5 year old and calling grown adults childish names. There is free speech that protects you from the law but not from your peers if you keep force-feeding your insults at everyone that does not align with your beliefs. 

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Some suggest Trump memes:


Trump Gay Boxing: Grope a Dope


New Trump personal grooming product (hand shaped soap): Grope on a Rope


Updated Nancy Reaganism: Just Say Nope to Grope


Trump Beauty Pageant Motto:  No Grope, No hope


Any others?


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15 minutes ago, Strange said:


Fortunately regardless who wins the election the majority of americans view your extreme liberal/extreme progressive stance and opinions as just that. Extreme. Even if "Hill" wins, nothing is going to change for you guys. Even if "Hill" wins, you will take it as a personal "Win" for your agenda but its really not because nobody on either side supports your nonsense. Im not an extreme redneck I'm the polar opposite of your insulting stereotype of trump supporters. They are both extremely terrible people.


I don't know what you want to see america turn into, and I don't really care. I just wish you guys (or girls? gender neutral? We gonna be filtering speech soon?) would take the venom out of your words and speak to people with respect and dignity. You will never be heard and will probably make more problems for yourself behaving like a 5 year old and calling grown adults childish names. There is free speech that protects you from the law but not from your peers if you keep force-feeding your insults at everyone that does not align with your beliefs. 


I hate to break it to you, but America is doing pretty well these days.  Yes, America has problems, from race relations, to income inequality, to gun crime, etc., etc.  But the average American (like myself) can see that compared to the rest of the world, the USA is still a shining beacon of opportunity, prosperity, and freedom.  President Obama has done well.  I understand that the party not in power has to express sheer doom and gloom so that their party is voted in.  But "most" Americans are not that stupid.  We can see how things really are without some clown telling us otherwise. 

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