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Trump takes aim at the press as White House campaign struggles


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Screw corrupt Clinton.


Go Trump. Not nearly a perfect candidate, but when there is an underdog, root for him.


If you all had been raised a millionaire, would you not feel entitled to do what you want?


Hillary is a hypocrite, a liar, a 2-face. 

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3 hours ago, Mansell said:

Yes, it was all a Clinton plan for Scumbag Billionaire to destroy his own campaign. And these 'so called groped women' didn't appear until Scumbag denied on national television he hadn't done these things, and these women were enraged at this groping liar. They would have probably stepped forward years ago but knew that people like you would brand them as liars. How do you prove somebody groped you without witnesses? And the Scumbag probably made sure nobody else saw it. He shouldn't be running for POTUS, he should be in prison with the rest of the molesters.



They come out now with less than 30 days until the election.


Very convenient.


If you or I were as irresponsible as Clinton was for our professional duties, we would be on the streets, not taking a holier-than-thou attitude that she feels entitled to do.


Look at the disaster in Haiti. She saw an opportunity for some good press, pissed off the Haitians, screwed them over, and made lots of money for the Clinton Foundation and her friends.


Crook, liar, fake.

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4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Yes, trump works for his hard core base -- racists, xenophobes, Islamophobes, KKK/white supremacists, homophobes, right wing conspiracy theory fanatics, isolationist war mongers (a contradiction but it works in absurd trumplandia),  people finding comfort in a Big Daddy DICTATOR type, etc. ... 


Gawd I can't stand when I have to read something like this. 


Dont like "Hill"?




Seriously. There is more hate and instigating going on from our resident extreme leftists than any other camp. 


Its all they can do. The word "Trump" pops up and you better believe RACIST KKK FEAR MONGERING is soon to follow. 

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4 hours ago, stevenl said:

So in stead of defending him, Trump supporters are now pointing out both candidates are flawed. I guess that's progress?


Even they can't deny the writing on the wall:  Trump is going to lose and lose badly.  At this point the Trump fanboys are just trying to save face by pretending they weren't full-throated supporters.


Edited by up-country_sinclair
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4 hours ago, stevenl said:

So in stead of defending him, Trump supporters are now pointing out both candidates are flawed. I guess that's progress?


Like hell. 


Find a post that has me doing a "hill" and changing my position. 

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The press could finish Trump tomorrow. As Trump calls them all liars and cheats, as the press face truly scary crowd interactions at Trump rally's, it is simple. The press at the next rally should pick up all cameras and leave during the next Trump rally, leaving only fox news there. Empty the place of press and journalists, take away his toxic voice. Give him the same publicity as Gary Johnson - Zero and watch Trump scream sorry to get them all back again.

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3 hours ago, up-country_sinclair said:

Senator Cruz is immeasurably more qualified for the office of the presidency than Trump.  I don't know if he could have beaten Secretary Clinton to 270, but he wouldn't have embarrassed his party and his country like Trump has.


I can't stand either of them, but prefer Trump slightly - pretty much the same situation as Hillary. At least Trump won't try repealing Roe vs Wade.

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24 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


I can't stand either of them, but prefer Trump slightly - pretty much the same situation as Hillary. At least Trump won't try repealing Roe vs Wade.

trump based on the type of SCOTUS picks he's announced does indeed intend to repeal Roe vs. Wade. Also marriage equality. Also to keep Citizens United.




Pence: Roe v. Wade Will Be Overturned After Trump Elected



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11 hours ago, dunroaming said:

And not a weakness on Trump's part for dragging Bill's infidelity, all those years ago, into it and keep banging on and on about it?


Trump should realise that it's the press that reports the news and revelations, they don't actually create the scenarios.  They are certainly biased on both sides although I am sure that Trump doesn't see that at the moment as all the bad stuff is about him.

Bill is fair game as much has been made of the fact that a vote for Hillary is also a vote for Bill.


The headline on this thread is erroneous as I thought it meant Obama's campaign against Trump was faltering. Does that man not have a job to do rather than spending taxpayers money to campaign for her? Last time I heard, he was still president for ALL Americans, not just Clinton's side.


Regardless of the outcome, the media have not done themselves any favours by being so biased. They were already regarded as less than perfect before, but now many consider them to be on the same level as politicians- about as low as possible to go.

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16 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

trump based on the type of SCOTUS picks he's announced does indeed intend to repeal Roe vs. Wade. Also marriage equality. Also to keep Citizens United.



Unless another judge retires or dies, Trump's pick can't change anything as Scalia was right wing, so be the same make up as before.

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3 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

The press could finish Trump tomorrow. As Trump calls them all liars and cheats, as the press face truly scary crowd interactions at Trump rally's, it is simple. The press at the next rally should pick up all cameras and leave during the next Trump rally, leaving only fox news there. Empty the place of press and journalists, take away his toxic voice. Give him the same publicity as Gary Johnson - Zero and watch Trump scream sorry to get them all back again.

LOL. Even the media will never do that. They can't help themselves.

However, IMO, if Trump loses, they would be wise not to go anywhere near a crowd of Trump supporters.

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3 hours ago, up-country_sinclair said:

Senator Cruz is immeasurably more qualified for the office of the presidency than Trump.  I don't know if he could have beaten Secretary Clinton to 270, but he wouldn't have embarrassed his party and his country like Trump has.

Cruz was/ is as hated by the establishment as Trump is. He would have been wiped out by the HRC machine long ago, as would any of the other GOP candidates. Only Trump is able to stay the course as he is an attack dog and doesn't back down for anything.

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13 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Except she has zero chance of winning. However, a good choice for a protest vote.  Most voters, IMO, will be voting against the candidate they don't want to win.


What the World needs right now is sensible, normally balanced people to lead these nations. Not the nutters presently on offer. Jill seems the best option. 


Here's hoping for a 1 in a million. But worried, yes I am. :sad:

Edited by MJP
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8 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


I heard that even she said Trump was the lesser of two evils.


Yup, is true.


This is a dire situation. World on the brink. Financial collapse, possible WWIII being threatened. If it was any other country it wouldn't really matter, but because the US is so powerful and often brutal and has the World's reserve currency to defend this election bothers us all.


Lesser of two evils? This says the option is either evil or evil and I've seen nothing to discredit this hypothesis. 


I dream of Ron Paul with Jill Stein as his running mate. In a perfect World, right?

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1 minute ago, MJP said:

This is a dire situation. World on the brink. Financial collapse, possible WWIII being threatened. If it was any other country it wouldn't really matter, but because the US is so powerful and often brutal and has the World's reserve currency to defend this election bothers us all.

Chicken Little is alive and well

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This is getting better with each passing day. Cartoonish Trump is now not only claiming a massive conspiracy by the world's press against him, a massive conspiracy by the election authorities to rig the election against him, but also now that Clinton was on drugs during the last debate, and that she should be drug tested. 





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He is playing a dangerous game...whipping up the base into a frenzy and a few will likely attempt violence if and when he loses.....they will find that it will not be successful and he will then blame them for being fools, diverting blame from himself. Only then will they learn ...the hard way.

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8 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Many posters have been doing that for months. I don't know where you have been. They both suck. 

Not as obvious as since these last few days. Even many of the fans have given up, they just need to accept it.

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1 minute ago, stevenl said:

Not as obvious as since these last few days. Even many of the fans have given up, they just need to accept it.


The sad thing is that even with Trump clearly out-crazying Jack Nicholson's performance in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, his supporters just can't see what a fruitcake he is. I guess the level of desperation in their hearts is deeper than any of us could have imagined.

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8 minutes ago, keemapoot said:

This is getting better with each passing day. Cartoonish Trump is now not only claiming a massive conspiracy by the world's press against him, a massive conspiracy by the election authorities to rig the election against him, but also now that Clinton was on drugs during the last debate, and that she should be drug tested. 



I would like to try the drugs she was on the first debate. She kicked butt that time.

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