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Big Dogs

Mai Krap

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Just wondering how many Expats have big dogs??? Ive got a FILA which is one of the biggest and meanest dogs ive ever seen.... A great friend and lover of its own family but it hates everyone on the otherside of the wall.... The other morning all ###### broke loose so I ran outside,,, My neighbor had climed up the wall to cut some tree limbs and my dog now had him TREED like a RACOON and he was yelling somthing and looked scared..... I gave the dog some petting and took it in the house..... In alaska me and my partner had 75 to 100 sled dogs at any onetime.... that makes alot of fertilizer..... But out of all my dogs this is probably the smartest and best!!!!!!!

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I have a THAI dog,not yet a year old,but catches mice and snakes and will eat any dog or person that comes inside my chainlink,,and also have a black german shepard pure blood that is going to be the same temperment when she is grown,just a pup but already protective.

I had 2 teams of sled dogs in the NW USA one of Mc. Kinsey River dogs and one of malamutes and all they wanted to do was pull,###### or fight,,kinda like a circus.

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Mai Krap, just be careful not to let your dog out of the yard, you may find him poisoned by unhappy neighbors.

Also, a friend of mine had a FILA which died after eating a chicken bone. Funnily enough, I have never seen thai mongrel dogs have problems eating chicken bones but this dog got a bone caught in it's throat and died.

Just make sure to keep a close eye on your dog so that he lives a long. healthy, happy life.

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Kevin,,,, I agree about the CIRCUS atmosphere with the sled dogs,,,, From the time I walked out of the cabin and fired off the cooker to feed it was a total circus... I miss them but I dont miss freezing my backside off.... I still have my snow machine in storage for now....

Ive fed my dog lots of chicken bones but now I just give it a dozen eggs everyday,,,, with rice and kibble and scraps.... Unfortunatly most thai dogs dont have a long life for a general lack of care,,,, I did see where the nice lady in bangkok held two lao girls as slaves and forced them to wash her thirty dogs everyday and evidently took severe beatings from her for recreation time.... As soon as the police found out they were pulled out of her mansion and quickly deported,,,, thats the girls I meen....

I like the ridgeback dogs here and have had a couple nieborhood dogs hangaround that I realy liked,,,, My dogs best friend is a little mut that wieghs about 15 pounds and he hates me,,,, trys to bite me even but I just laugh and go on,,,, He likes to stand outside the gate and him and my dog just kinda look at each other and hang out.... My dog has 24 hour supervision and is locked behind a wall that circumnavigates my house.....Your right about the poisening of dogs but ive yet to have a problem as of now,,,, If you dont let your dog run loose there isnt much problems with this....The exception is the burglar who in Thailand prefers to poisen the dog on one day and break in on the next....

Why have such a animal,,,, Having a LOYAL FRIEND of any size is a good thing. My old lady probably loves that dog more than I do and I know it would readily give its life protecting her,,, shes out there right now giving the dog its daily bath,,,, Later it will come in the house but it only likes AMERICAN movies...

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The very best dogs I have ever had,and I have had some very good dogs, Gun dogs from pointers to jump dogs,Mutts and pure bloods,but I did have a BULL TERRIER that was a dandy,but he drank some anit-freeze out of a puddle by a shop and it was a terrible death,he also ate a box of de-con,box and all except for a corner of the box,thats how i know he ate it and got him some vet care and saved him.

But back to the subject,,the best most faithful ,loving and very protective,dogs I have ever had is SHAR-PEI, but they are not to long life dogs and you can not find here or in china,and I looked last time I was there and the chinese don't even know what you are talking about.

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I saw one SHAR-PEI here but it was at this sycho dog breeders that went tos kennel.... It was chained to a tree and had one of the worst cases of mange ive ever seen in my life,,,, I didnt even ask him about.... Have you checked out the THAI KENNEL CLUB website,,,, they have a listing of every breed of dog registered here in country and how many there are,,,,,,,, Not sure about the url though....

Ive had pit bulls, rotwielers, dachsands, a half dachsand half german shepard,,, he was mine when I was kid and was my best friend... a doberman,,, and belgion malenois.... many kinds of coonhounds and duck dogs growing up in HUNTING....

I love my FILA and im looking for another one now........

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I have a THAI dog,not yet a year old,but catches mice and snakes and will eat any dog or person that comes inside my chainlink,,and also have a black german shepard pure blood that is going to be the same temperment when she is grown,just a pup but already protective.

I had 2 teams of sled dogs in the NW USA one of Mc. Kinsey River dogs and one of malamutes and all they wanted to do was pull,###### or fight,,kinda like a circus.

Kevin, I am considering a Thai dog; Question, what is the disposition of these Thai dogs which I think are called "razorbacks"? I know these dogs are quite expensive but based on what I have seen of His Majesty's dog "Thong Dang" I have developed an interest in owning one of these breeds.

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i have a rottwieler, thai dog and the wife ahs a shitzu, we had an english mastiff but he was the runt of the litter and died from a snake bite.

my business partner has the brother to my old english mastiff, he's just over 1 and weighs probably 70+ kilos.

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I think the tempermant of everydog depends on its upbringing. But the best tempermant dogs i have owned are a lab, corgi and your common mongrel My wife is a typical Thai and has a handful of yappy shitzus , lucky we have a black lab as well. She is a saint with my 8 month old daughter. Only trouble is when bitchs come on heat , every soi dog within a mile sets up camp outside your house !!!!! :o

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GOAT ROPER; Hi BRO, thai ridgebacks are not to plentiful,but my sister in law's son came up with a beauty last year and now has another,I know he didnt pay for it,if he did ,it wasnt much. I will check if you want me to.

They are very good dogs and have about the same temprement as my dog, very good and will get together with another and kill a cobra in very short order,###### smart dogs,my dog might have a little of it in her.as she good with snakes when we get one in the yard.

My thai dog isn't a ridge back,looks more terrier,but a nasty little bitch,very loving to the family,but she was raised by farang,farang style from 5 weeks old so she likes me and the kid but is a little skittish of the wife.

MAI KRAP Thanks,I will try to find that link,

You will find that Shar Pei do get mange easier than some dogs,but all dogs in this climate get it to, I have taken 3 dogs in the neighbor hood to the vet for it as I felt sorry for them,and now when they start to show it,I just catch em and bathe em in some meds I get at the vets,and turn em loose and they go home and next week they just as hairy and shiny as a dog in farang land.

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Wow,just came home,and another farang owned big dog lying dead in the soi,another angry loud dog dead.

WOW what a waste I could have barbqued him along with your genitalia but that probably wouldnt qaulify as a snack for a chipmunk....

Anyway,,, I always liked the ENGLISH MASTIF and considered getting one,,,, I believe there are some good ones around Pattaya.....

The best way to get rid of the mange is a few shots of IVERMECTON. Every dog should get a monthly shot of this anyway to get rid of heartworms and stomach parisites.....

There are some realy nice Thai Ridgebacks up around Nong Kai,,,, They ususaly give away the puppys are just charge a thousand baht,,,, Ive seen some realy nice black ones of medium to large size with a realy nice sword shaped ridge on the back,,,, Very healthy dogs when somebody gives a damm about them.....

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GOAT ROPER; Hi BRO, thai ridgebacks are not to plentiful,but my sister in law's son came up with a beauty last year and now has another,I know he didnt pay for it,if he did ,it wasnt much. I will check if you want me to.

They are very good dogs and have about the same temprement as my dog, very good and will get together with another and kill a cobra in very short order,###### smart dogs,my dog might have a little of it in her.as she good with snakes when we get one in the yard.

My thai dog isn't a ridge back,looks more terrier,but a nasty little bitch,very loving to the family,but she was raised by farang,farang style from 5 weeks old so she likes me and the kid but is a little skittish of the wife.

MAI KRAP Thanks,I will try to find that link,

You will find that Shar Pei do get mange easier than some dogs,but all dogs in this climate get it to, I have taken 3 dogs in the neighbor hood to the vet for it as I felt sorry for them,and now when they start to show it,I just catch em and bathe em in some meds I get at the vets,and turn em loose and they go home and next week they just as hairy and shiny as a dog in farang land.

Hey Kevin, thanks much for the info, I will be around and in touch and as soon as we get relocated to our new home I will investigate me a puppy doggie and maybe call on you again for some guidance. I said "Razorback", what the ###### is wrong with me, that's a pig!

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