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Amid talk of 'rigged' election, experts say fraud is rare


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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


No. You are. This is exactly the kind of LIE I am talking about. "International bankers" is not a codeword. It means INTERNATIONAL BANKERS.



Yep, and "inner city people" means INNER CITY PEOPLE. Nothing to see here folks.

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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Again, the Trumpster does what he's adept at:   CAUSING DIVISIONS.


wow..... just wow. 


The "Hill" camp and some of her US Liberal supporters are far and away the dividers. 

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31 minutes ago, Chicog said:

Voter fraud is simply a GOP scam to try and put obstacles in the way of legitimate voters who don't support them.

That's why they keep pushing legislation that makes it hard for people to vote, and it's why courts keep throwing it out.


So, voter fraud is ok? IN a country of 330 million people? Voter fraud can easily swing an election. 



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5 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Voter Fraud Is Real. Here’s The Proof

Data suggests millions of voter registrations are fraudulent or invalid. That’s enough to tip an election, easily.


This week, liberals have been repeating their frequent claim that voter fraud doesn’t exist. A recent Salon article argues that “voter fraud just isn’t a problem in Pennsylvania,” despite evidence to the contrary. 


It's real, boys.  Believe it...:saai:

20! Wow, that can really swing a State-wide election!

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I have noticed here that any criticism of Trump is immediately responded to with "well Hilary is this that and the other thing". Let me save you the trouble here and now.  I think Hilary is a vile and deceitful person who will not be getting my vote.  That does not mean I have to give Trump a pass when he provides ample evidence of being a serial liar,  demonstrates very scant knowledge of government and international workings,  and by his own words has proven to be a complete scumbag. 

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To have no voter I'd required for something as important as a presidential election is a true litmus test as to whether or not you are looking at a banana republic. As an aside, press on the payroll, paid agitators at rallies, horse trading with law enforcement on not prosecuting illegal activity and accepting donations from foreign governments are the very epitome of banana republicanism. It would appear many of our esteemed members have no problem with such a system of government.

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4 minutes ago, Morch said:

Was this a major issue for the Trump campaign earlier?

Did it come up during the primary election campaign?

Were all those cases of election fraud beneficial exclusively for democrat candidates?

No. Trump accused Cruz of election fraud during the primaries. Any time he's losing it must, by definition, be the result of fraud. How else to explain how something so perfect can lose? 

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It's almost funny.  The same people who are now echoing Trump''s sniveling shouts of impending voter fraud (with no tangible proof, of course) are the same folks who gladly went along with Bush Jr becoming prez in 2000, despite getting less votes than Gore.  In Florida, Republican wheeler dealers were openly doing all they could to thwart the voting process.  There is video of armed mobs, shouting while waving baseball bats, breaking into offices where people were trying to count contested ballots.  Those armed mobs weren't threatening for Gore.   All the king's men and all the king's horses (including the Jeb Bush, Mr. Baker, and the AG) were literally shouting in hallways and blocking people from doing their jobs of counting ballots.  The election ended when the Supreme Court (by an arch conservative majority of 5-4) voted to give the election to Bush.


No Republicans shouted election fraud then.  At the time, Trump was probably out on a NY sidewalk, grabbing pussies of passers by.

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1 hour ago, Chicog said:

No, it doesn't. And it's not.

As with most Trump supporters, for Boon Mee it doesn't have to be factual to be believable, just sensational.


There is absolutely no evidence that the miniscule amounts of voter fraud discovered over the years have had any bearing whatsoever on major elections.

Voter fraud is simply a GOP scam to try and put obstacles in the way of legitimate voters who don't support them.

That's why they keep pushing legislation that makes it hard for people to vote, and it's why courts keep throwing it out.


"The courts are rigging the system to favour Dems! Wake up, sheeple!"



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7 minutes ago, Neurath said:

No. Trump accused Cruz of election fraud during the primaries. Any time he's losing it must, by definition, be the result of fraud. How else to explain how something so perfect can lose? 


yeah it sort of makes you wonder - for those trumpettes crying that the GOP establishment is colluding with the traditionally republican newspapers and hillary clinton to ensure trump's defeat, why didn't the republican establishment knobble him back in the primaries? why didn't they rig that election? because that would surely have been a simpler exercise than trying to rig a presidential election.

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26 minutes ago, Morch said:

Was this a major issue for the Trump campaign earlier?

Did it come up during the primary election campaign?

Were all those cases of election fraud beneficial exclusively for democrat candidates?


Try and keep up, will you:

The Republican Primaries were rigged to ensure a Trump victory because Trump, being a Know-nothing, lying sleezebag is the only one Crooked Hillary could've beaten. 


But he's still going to win and Make America Great Again. And if he doesn't, it's because darn Hillary's rigged it again.

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20 minutes ago, StevieH said:


yeah it sort of makes you wonder - for those trumpettes crying that the GOP establishment is colluding with the traditionally republican newspapers and hillary clinton to ensure trump's defeat, why didn't the republican establishment knobble him back in the primaries? why didn't they rig that election? because that would surely have been a simpler exercise than trying to rig a presidential election.

People who believe that verifiable, factual and real increases in global temperatures represent iron clad evidence that a cabal of scientists, the UN and International Socialist are perpetrating a hoax of Biblical proportion can easily be convinced that the electorate's disgust and dislike of Trump's idiocy and venality is evidence of voter fraud on a cosmic scale. It is, as they say, a matter of proportion. These shitsippers are the perfect examples of people unable to take RESPONSIBILITY for their own actions and choices. Funny that they hang that one on "inner city people". Bunch of fartmasters.

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The rigging of US elections has been going on for a long time. It is part of the policy platform of the Republicans. It is called Voter ID. It is intended to disenfranchise minority voters, particularly African Americans who tend to vote for the Democrats.


The GOP's Stealth War Against Voters



Fortunately, courts across America are striking down these blatant attempts by the Right to rig elections.


Voting rights rulings could deal blow to Republicans in 2016 elections



The Right will use any excuse, even natural disasters to block voter registration. The court in Florida had to intervene when the Governor, a Right Winger, refused to extend voter registration as a result of the recent hurricane.


Judge extends Florida voter registration deadline until October 18



Thankfully, the courts are able to protect democracy from the Right Wing election fraudsters.

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The republicans and FOX love to pump up the fear mongering about election fraud so that they can change the laws to restrict the amount of black voters in certain areas to give themselves and illegal advantage come election time.


They have illegally changed these laws many times but thankfully they have always been overturned by a higher court in time.


There is election fraud and cheating but almost exclusively by the republicans!!!


That is the only reason Bush beat Gore in Florida that paved the way for the worst President in history (unless Trump gets elected).

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Yikes! Trump's own people are conspiring against him and rigging the election by failing to register on time in Alaska:


Talking Points Memo

Trump left off official Alaska voter guide after missing deadline

How deep does this rigging go?

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Voter Fraud Exists. Republican Restrictions Won’t Stop It.


"The Washington Post and News21 published a thorough analysis on Thursday of alleged voter fraud cases over the past four years in Arizona, Ohio, Georgia, Texas, and Kansas—five states where Republican politicians have argued that voting restrictions are necessary to prevent fraud. Predictably, the study confirmed the academic consensus that in-person voter fraud is simply not a problem: In none of these states over the past four years has a single person been caught impersonating another voter in order to cast an illegitimate ballot '...

 The vast majority of voter fraud prosecutions touted by conservative groups like the Heritage Foundation involve absentee ballots that were illegally cast. 



And yet, oddly enough, the Republicans haven't strengthened any laws to deal with absentee voting fraud.  And you know why that is?  Because the majority of absentee ballots are usually cast in favor of Republicans.


Edited by ilostmypassword
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9 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Because your recall is very selective. I always said he was born in USA.


So, for the years Trump was harassing the president about something YOU KNEW WAS FALSE AND VINDICTIVE, you were ok with that?   Is that the sort of man you want leading the US?  .....a mean-spirited man who knowingly harassed a good man on a premise Trump knew was false - all for self-glorification,  (and maybe his added notoriety would get him more easy pussy).   As Trump himself says; the more famous he is, the more likely women will allow him to grope their privates uninvited. 

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1 minute ago, boomerangutang said:


So, for the years Trump was harassing the president about something YOU KNEW WAS FALSE AND VINDICTIVE, you were ok with that?   Is that the sort of man you want leading the US?  .....a mean-spirited man who knowingly harassed a good man on a premise Trump knew was false - all for self-glorification,  (and maybe his added notoriety would get him more easy pussy).   As Trump himself says; the more famous he is, the more likely women will allow him to grope their privates uninvited. 

No, he doesn't support Trump,. It's true he defends him at every turn and never offers any specific criticism of him.  Just mild statements of disapproval. But still...

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On PBS, there's a discussion of whether there will (or can) be voter fraud.  Due to the fact that there's no one in the discussion who is affiliated with Trump, the discussion is civil, without shouting or diversions or hogging all the air time.


One of the panelists was head of the Republican Voters committee in Florida in that contested election (40 lawsuits were filed against his committee), so he knows a thing or two about the voting process.  The other panelist is a scholar who studies voting processes in the US.  Both are adamant in saying voter fraud (which could remotely affect results) is not possible.


The only reason Trump's wild claims stick, is because of his rabid following, who will believe any ridiculous things he says, no matter how outlandish or dangerous.



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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

On PBS, there's a discussion of whether there will (or can) be voter fraud.  Due to the fact that there's no one in the discussion who is affiliated with Trump, the discussion is civil, without shouting or diversions or hogging all the air time.


One of the panelists was head of the Republican Voters committee in Florida in that contested election (40 lawsuits were filed against his committee), so he knows a thing or two about the voting process.  The other panelist is a scholar who studies voting processes in the US.  Both are adamant in saying voter fraud (which could remotely affect results) is not possible.


The only reason Trump's wild claims stick, is because of his rabid following, who will believe any ridiculous things he says, no matter how outlandish or dangerous.



Quite. And anyone who disagrees with them is duped by the 'mainstream media', a paid shill or a troll.


Shameful that grown men let themselves be sucked in to this nonsense.

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There is evidence of rampant voter fraud in some areas. The video shows testimony from a Democrat who to his credit is disgusted by it.


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7 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

There is evidence of rampant voter fraud in some areas. The video shows testimony from a Democrat who to his credit is disgusted by it.


Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

The guy is a loon. He offered no evidence. He also said that Muslim women are using burqas to hide their identity.

Anyway, as I cited earlier, in Texas, Ohio, Kansas, Georgia, and Alabama, they haven't been able to find a single case of identity fraud in the past 4 years.  But the people who know about such things say that if there is abuse going on, it would be in the absentee balloting.  For some reason, Republicans don't seem interested in tightening the security up for that portion of the electorate. Could it be because the majority of absentee ballots are cast for Republicans?

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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Is that the sort of man you want leading the US? 



I am much more concerned about men who lie to the American public about Keeping your own doctor and women who destroy classified emails that are under congressional subpoena. 

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