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Ministry Investigates Surrogacy Services

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The Justice Ministry is investigating accusations that surrogacy services are being offered in the Kingdom as rumors spread online. Minister of Justice Ang Vong Vathana said yesterday at a three-day workshop launching the “Explanatory Note of Domestic Adoption,” he was unsure if the rumors pertained to adoption or actual surrogacy.

“When I received this information, we began an investigation with collaboration from the police and Ministry of Health to determine exactly whether the service exists in the country as the accusations suggest,” he said. Mr. Vong Vathana added that it is a problem that should have never happened, but Cambodia still does not have laws preventing surrogacy.

“This is a problem that we must think about carefully because it will be more difficult in the future as we won’t know the exact identity of the child,” he said. “And we also need to have a law to prevent surrogacy services because it doesn’t happen from a person’s desire, but to do business related with children that we do not need in Cambodia.”


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/31036/ministry-investigates-surrogacy-services/



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