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May ready for tough talks over Brexit

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4 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


This I agree with 100%


This is exactly what it will cause, further damage and more division within the UK.


Instead of being the spineless <deleted> that he undoubtedly is, Cameron should have invoked A50 the day after the Referendum, which everyone was expecting him to do. Not run away after throwing his teddy when he lost the vote which he was responsible for creating in the 1st place.

Except of course that he hadn't prepared at all for this outcome. So had he invoked it, there would be even less chance of putting a competent team in place and in time than there is now.

2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Except of course that he hadn't prepared at all for this outcome. So had he invoked it, there would be even less chance of putting a competent team in place and in time than there is now.


Nice of you to acknowledge that the person responsible for the Referendum had not planned for the outcome should it have been an '' OUT '' vote.


I expect to see the resident remoaners now leaping all over your post telling you the opposite.


Or perhaps they have already changed their tune.

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"“I was never binary remain or leave. I was very much of the sentiment, and still am, that it was about remain, reform and review,” Miller said. “The UK actually has a very powerful place in Europe ... and we have not just let ourselves down but I think the whole of Europe down by not taking up that challenge.”" - Gina Miller.

i wholeheartedly agree.


Now lets have an election and scrap Brexit.



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1 minute ago, SgtRock said:


Nice of you to acknowledge that the person responsible for the Referendum had not planned for the outcome should it have been an '' OUT '' vote.


I expect to see the resident remoaners now leaping all over your post telling you the opposite.


Or perhaps they have already changed their tune.

Can you explain - it looks like you are concurring but phrasing it as some kind of gainsay?

8 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

You really have a very low opinion of peoples choices and beliefs, don't you. Once again using derogative terms to justify your 'I am so superior' attitude. Whether people go on holiday to Benidorm or Marbella isn't the issue and isn't a classification of someone's ability to have a political opinion. I would suggest you get a tall ladder and climb down off that high horse.


I posit that a significant proportion of people who voted out were not in full possession of the facts but voted anyway. I call these people numpties. I further posit that upon realisation of what Brexit actually means, many will or already have changed their minds. Have you learnt nothing from these debates? I have learnt a great deal and not too proud to admit it. ?

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Today on SKY News and they are pro remain.



The whole referendum has brought to the publics attention and highlight all what it is about. many people didn't realize just how the EU has eroded and decimated the UK and its ability to pass laws and legislation. Now they do. the EU has not come out positive from the referendum, in fact the opposite. People who never really understood what the EU was about are clearly seeing it for what it is. A federalized club that imposes (bully's) itself on countries. Also the president was never known by most now everyone knows what he is like and he would not win any popularity contest.

So if one thing the referendum result has done, it has put the profile of the EU where it belongs. In the gutter. 

15 minutes ago, Grouse said:


I posit that a significant proportion of people who voted out were not in full possession of the facts but voted anyway. I call these people numpties. I further posit that upon realisation of what Brexit actually means, many will or already have changed their minds. Have you learnt nothing from these debates? I have learnt a great deal and not too proud to admit it. ?

          Correct ,  next referendum expected , very soon.

       Numpties ,  thats  new one on me ,is it same same as Mor....s .555

Today on SKY News and they are pro remain.
The whole referendum has brought to the publics attention and highlight all what it is about. many people didn't realize just how the EU has eroded and decimated the UK and its ability to pass laws and legislation. Now they do. the EU has not come out positive from the referendum, in fact the opposite. People who never really understood what the EU was about are clearly seeing it for what it is. A federalized club that imposes (bully's) itself on countries. Also the president was never known by most now everyone knows what he is like and he would not win any popularity contest.
So if one thing the referendum result has done, it has put the profile of the EU where it belongs. In the gutter. 

What a lot of bull. May was trying the dictator approach and was rightly stopped by British law. Nothing to do with the EU. The EU is not without faults but come on.

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Nice of you to acknowledge that the person responsible for the Referendum had not planned for the outcome should it have been an '' OUT '' vote.
I expect to see the resident remoaners now leaping all over your post telling you the opposite.
Or perhaps they have already changed their tune.

The problem is that the Brexit team had not planned on winning either hence the lack of strategy.

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  • Like 2
Nice of you to acknowledge that the person responsible for the Referendum had not planned for the outcome should it have been an '' OUT '' vote.
I expect to see the resident remoaners now leaping all over your post telling you the opposite.
Or perhaps they have already changed their tune.

I doubt Cameron will be on many people's christmas card lists anymore and will probably spend the rest of his life wishing that he could be remembered for his efforts in pig taming rather than the brexit fiasco.
  • Like 2
1 hour ago, Grouse said:


Did you read the entire article?


Anyway, good news yesterday! Looks like we'll get a sensible solution now. It would be interesting to see some opinion polls to see if there is still a majority for Brexit. I bet there won't  be ?


I just read one from the Independent today (on MSN) ... majority in favour of staying within the EU! 


Seems like Bregret is setting in ... hardly surprising as the no-plan Brexit operation is slowly revealed.

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41 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Today on SKY News and they are pro remain.



The whole referendum has brought to the publics attention and highlight all what it is about. many people didn't realize just how the EU has eroded and decimated the UK and its ability to pass laws and legislation. Now they do. the EU has not come out positive from the referendum, in fact the opposite. People who never really understood what the EU was about are clearly seeing it for what it is. A federalized club that imposes (bully's) itself on countries. Also the president was never known by most now everyone knows what he is like and he would not win any popularity contest.

So if one thing the referendum result has done, it has put the profile of the EU where it belongs. In the gutter. 


Strangely the Independent today quote a recent poll suggesting the majority now in favour of staying in the EU. Perhaps it's the shambolic 'Mayhem' team with her three clueless Brexit stooges that have swayed the vote. They clearly have no plan and no idea what they are doing. 

1 hour ago, kevkev1888 said:


In your dreams. You are living in denial 


Not according to the Independent he's not ... looks like Bregret is setting in?



Theresa May IMHO is ill-advised to go to the Supreme Court to appeal the primacy of Royal Prerogative over Parliamentary Authority and she would be equally ill-advised to hold a general election on that issue if she so fails at the Supreme Court. Her job is to command the Houses of Parliament and if she so fails in the Houses of Parliament, then she can go to the country if so necessary. The government's attempt and failure at the High Court is a blunder of the first order.

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Dangerous days for the "Mayhem" Government. The wheels of the Brexit bus can only go "round and round" for so long before they start to fall off. The danger for them is that they will have to set out in Parliament what their plans are and have them scrutinised ... good for the public as they can get a better understanding of what the implications of Brexit actually are. Those that want to avoid Parliamentary scrutiny have their own motives ... democracy not being one of them.




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1 hour ago, Grouse said:


I posit that a significant proportion of people who voted out were not in full possession of the facts but voted anyway. I call these people numpties. I further posit that upon realisation of what Brexit actually means, many will or already have changed their minds. Have you learnt nothing from these debates? I have learnt a great deal and not too proud to admit it. ?

I have learnt a lot about the debates. Very little from you though.


1 hour ago, Johnyo said:


The problem is that the Brexit team had not planned on winning either hence the lack of strategy.

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It might have escaped you attention but there was no Brexit team, the reason being Camoron stupidly thought that the Referendum was in the bag and that there was no need for a Brexit team.


Camoron gave ample notice that there would be a Referendum, at some stage, on whether to exit or remain in the EU. It was up to Camoron to appoint a Brexit team to deal with the contingency in the event of an '' OUT '' vote.


Instead, he sh1t his pants and resigned, despite previously stating that regardless of the outcome, he would continue to lead the Government.


There is only one place the blame lies for the fiasco that followed on immediately after the Referendum result and that is firmly at the doorstep of Camoron.,


  • Like 1
1 hour ago, AlexRich said:


Strangely the Independent today quote a recent poll suggesting the majority now in favour of staying in the EU. Perhaps it's the shambolic 'Mayhem' team with her three clueless Brexit stooges that have swayed the vote. They clearly have no plan and no idea what they are doing. 

Well if we are to believe the Independent papers polls like last time the Leave campaign will win again. The same with all the remain papers saying that the remain would win by up to 10%. What a laughing stock they became.

4 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Well if we are to believe the Independent papers polls like last time the Leave campaign will win again. The same with all the remain papers saying that the remain would win by up to 10%. What a laughing stock they became.


We're all losers under this vote ... but at least with parliamentary scrutiny we might just end up with the least worst option. 


Although there will not be another referendum it does look possible that we will have another election sooner than 2020 ... I wonder if that will follow party political lines or be another re-run of the EU vote? 

  • Like 1
2 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I have learnt a lot about the debates. Very little from you though.



Thank you! ?



23 minutes ago, AlexRich said:


We're all losers under this vote ... but at least with parliamentary scrutiny we might just end up with the least worst option. 


Although there will not be another referendum it does look possible that we will have another election sooner than 2020 ... I wonder if that will follow party political lines or be another re-run of the EU vote? 

Now that is very interesting and I agree. Another election though could even cause a hung parliament again. Something I think is not in the countries best interests.

3 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

Except of course that he hadn't prepared at all for this outcome. So had he invoked it, there would be even less chance of putting a competent team in place and in time than there is now.


The suggestion that Cameron could have done a quickie by-pass of parliament to save Theresa May the trouble is a bizarre one.

3 hours ago, Grouse said:


I posit that a significant proportion of people who voted out were not in full possession of the facts but voted anyway. I call these people numpties. I further posit that upon realisation of what Brexit actually means, many will or already have changed their minds. Have you learnt nothing from these debates? I have learnt a great deal and not too proud to admit it. ?


Actually, if you look at the Sky News website, there is a poll (I know, it's a poll) showing that rather more people are disappointed with the recent court ruling than are happy with it.


And, it appears that fronting their court case with a foreign-born citizen (as pretty as she is) is starting to backfire on remain.

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8 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Actually, if you look at the Sky News website, there is a poll (I know, it's a poll) showing that rather more people are disappointed with the recent court ruling than are happy with it.


And, it appears that fronting their court case with a foreign-born citizen (as pretty as she is) is starting to backfire on remain.


Where is the opposition when you need them? Corbyn? CORBYN?

Actually, if you look at the Sky News website, there is a poll (I know, it's a poll) showing that rather more people are disappointed with the recent court ruling than are happy with it.
And, it appears that fronting their court case with a foreign-born citizen (as pretty as she is) is starting to backfire on remain.

The irony is quite amusing after the brexit campaign led by the foreign-born citizen Boris Johnson.
Exactly, but there is more to it than the car industry.
The single market takes away the problems with the devolved administrations in particular the border in Ireland.
It also resolves 'passporting' for the financial sector and landing rights in the aviation sector.
It has been estimated that 5000 additional customs officers would be required in the event of a hard brexit, good for unemployment but not the taxpayer.
And the list goes on.

The problem is this all pales into comparison to what happens when Europe finally collapses.

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