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May ready for tough talks over Brexit

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2 minutes ago, SheungWan said:


No they have to absorb. That doesn't proscribe a company from raising prices of course to offset additional costs, but that is a separate action. The efficacy of raising prices and to what extent is dependent on a number of other variables and not always viable.

Anyway, so what you are saying is that absorbing the costs has no necessary relation to the price charged for the manufactured item? If so, I agree with that.  


OK ,

 I  am  tired of trying to explain  the Real  situation aka  <deleted> the uk is in.


    Madam  May ,aka as  maybe  May .. made a pre brexit speach 

    to International  banks  , based in London , that   UK Brexit would be unacceptible

    for  foreign investors in the UK .  

      FYI ,    this lady is now  leading  the  brexiit ,  which will never happen .

        OK,  call me  a  Grouser .

                    My  last post , on TV ,  i was in the  first one hundred members , 

                      jump now ,  before i am pushed .

7 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Its impossible to believe that negotiations didn't start almost immediately after the shock brexit referendum result.


There are many questions, but those most likely to come to the fore in the near future (IMO) are:-


1)  How much is the EU be prepared to change to 'head off' a revolt in other paying countries (whose voters have similar concerns)?

2) How far would they be prepared to go in EU reform?

3) Assuming they decide to make changes - will they be enough for the Brit. government to think that they can safely put forward another referendum (based on those changes) that would likely result in a 'remain' vote?


If the EU is determined not to make any reforms, then it has no option other than to do its best to 'make an example' of the UK 'pour discourage les autres' - whilst having to also find a way to deal with the loss of one of the few contributing countries.


Not going to happen. No new referendum. The UK will not be punished, it will just lose some advantages it currently enjoys as a member. The UK has voted to take that risk. Whether there will be any buy-in to retain some access to the single market is what will be negotiated.

  • Like 1
11 minutes ago, elliss said:

OK ,

 I  am  tired of trying to explain  the Real  situation aka  <deleted> the uk is in.


    Madam  May ,aka as  maybe  May .. made a pre brexit speach 

    to International  banks  , based in London , that   UK Brexit would be unacceptible

    for  foreign investors in the UK .  

      FYI ,    this lady is now  leading  the  brexiit ,  which will never happen .

        OK,  call me  a  Grouser .

                    My  last post , on TV ,  i was in the  first one hundred members , 

                      jump now ,  before i am pushed .


Are you well? Is everything okay?

9 minutes ago, MJP said:


Are you well? Is everything okay?


NO . i am  not  okay  , thank you for asking ,555

I  worked man and boy for what   to see my homeland , destroyed .

              now ,  there is no future ,  for UK .

7 minutes ago, elliss said:


NO . i am  not  okay  , thank you for asking ,555

I  worked man and boy for what   to see my homeland , destroyed .

              now ,  there is no future ,  for UK .


Don't worry, it wasn't getting any better anyway. Perhaps Brexit is the kick up the rear end it needs.

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, SheungWan said:


Nissan was hardly going to shift production while the UK is still in the EU and terms of exit unknown. Having the PM agree to pay a blank cheque for the negative consequences of BREXIT if and when, is good enough for now. Sure there is an issue now of precedence and other companies will have taken note.


No special deal, apparently:



  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Grouse said:


Oh yeah? Extraordinary......


Looks like we're staying in the single market!




What it does look like is there is a pattern emerging. Large multinational companies that were totally against brexit are, one by one, committing to the UK and upping their commitment. Now, either they are all being bribed (which would be completely unsustainable, and they would have worked that out by now). Or they are party to the strategy that apparently doesn't exist, and they want in on it in a big way.

  • Like 1
8 hours ago, SheungWan said:



They probably just talked about the price of Marmite then.

Whatever they talked about, 'Mums' the word.






Despite Nissan making its investment decision now, it will not start making the new Qashqai until 2019-20 – immediately after Ms May’s deadline for leaving the EU.




Not just banks that are looking to fly away.

If every sector were to be looked at as a separate entity outside the trade agreements, what do you end up with, a single market?


She added: "We would actually urge that aviation is looked at as a separate entity outside of the trade agreements because it's in both parties' interests.


25 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

It has been quite interesting for me not posting and watching what has been said.  The few observations I have come to are the following.

The remoaners that the term is often used are definitely the glass is half full type people.  Any positive news and they just don't like it and it would seem that the apocalyptic post brexit life just isn't going to happen. you would think that these TV posters want soviet style queues were people are lined around the corner waiting for a loaf of bread. It will not happen. If the French wine becomes to expensive, people will choose from another country, like Chile as an example. If the Germans products become too expensive the UK will look elsewhere, so either way these countries will find a way to make a deal, as they will be hurting.


Another couple of observations whilst just watching and not posting.

There are some TV posters in these threads that have two poster names. It is quite clear from their writing style.

Also some of these posters like their own threads to give them some egotistical boost. Sad really and shows a lack of self esteem.

Some posters also jump on any slight typo or mistake, as an argument for 'rubbishing' your theory. These very posters make mistakes also showing hypocrisy themselves.


Please don't ask me to share who. Have a look yourself, it isn't difficult to spot. I found it extremely rewarding and funny to see the Key Board Stalkers (KBS) attack certain posters. At first I thought it was a group of TV posters coordinating and aiming at a few posters. Now I know it to be just a few with more than one poster name. Quite sad really.


The UK is doing fine after the brexit vote and would do even better if the negativity and biased reporting would just stop the fear mongering. The 'brexit preppers' would have you believe that the UK will be in isolation and would be going back to the Victorian times, as we are not in the EU. The EU which in their eyes, has made us (The UK) so good, when in fact the EU has held us back for years.


Tired of your continual claims that I and others have more than one ID and are stalking you. I am reporting you to the MODs.


This thread has been characterised by rational debate and I for one don't want to see it brought down by nonsense. Thank you.

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

It has been quite interesting for me not posting and watching what has been said.  The few observations I have come to are the following.

The remoaners that the term is often used are definitely the glass is half full type people.  Any positive news and they just don't like it and it would seem that the apocalyptic post brexit life just isn't going to happen. you would think that these TV posters want soviet style queues were people are lined around the corner waiting for a loaf of bread. It will not happen. If the French wine becomes to expensive, people will choose from another country, like Chile as an example. If the Germans products become too expensive the UK will look elsewhere, so either way these countries will find a way to make a deal, as they will be hurting.


Another couple of observations whilst just watching and not posting.

There are some TV posters in these threads that have two poster names. It is quite clear from their writing style.

Also some of these posters like their own threads to give them some egotistical boost. Sad really and shows a lack of self esteem.

Some posters also jump on any slight typo or mistake, as an argument for 'rubbishing' your theory. These very posters make mistakes also showing hypocrisy themselves.


Please don't ask me to share who. Have a look yourself, it isn't difficult to spot. I found it extremely rewarding and funny to see the Key Board Stalkers (KBS) attack certain posters. At first I thought it was a group of TV posters coordinating and aiming at a few posters. Now I know it to be just a few with more than one poster name. Quite sad really.


The UK is doing fine after the brexit vote and would do even better if the negativity and biased reporting would just stop the fear mongering. The 'brexit preppers' would have you believe that the UK will be in isolation and would be going back to the Victorian times, as we are not in the EU. The EU which in their eyes, has made us (The UK) so good, when in fact the EU has held us back for years.

It's odd that a person who  complains about the conduct of other posters, calls people he disagrees with "remoaners."


Good news!

Nissan to expand in UK


so this is "good news"??? the fact is that none of this negotiating, to-ing and fro-ing would be needed is UK was safely within the Eu.

Furthermore I would like to see how Theresa May can offer a deal on this before she's negotiated a Brexit.


the fact is that pre Brexit everyone warned that the Japanese and in a ALL the UK motor industry would be concerned about exporting to the EU after Brexit......it was clearly true and now the UK government (or rather the Taxpayer) is going to have to subsidise and industry that w2as actually doing very well - it doesn'rt bode well for the rest of UK manufacturing, does it?

3 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

It has been quite interesting for me not posting and watching what has been said.  The few observations I have come to are the following.

The remoaners that the term is often used are definitely the glass is half full type people.  Any positive news and they just don't like it and it would seem that the apocalyptic post brexit life just isn't going to happen. you would think that these TV posters want soviet style queues were people are lined around the corner waiting for a loaf of bread. It will not happen. If the French wine becomes to expensive, people will choose from another country, like Chile as an example. If the Germans products become too expensive the UK will look elsewhere, so either way these countries will find a way to make a deal, as they will be hurting.


Another couple of observations whilst just watching and not posting.

There are some TV posters in these threads that have two poster names. It is quite clear from their writing style.

Also some of these posters like their own threads to give them some egotistical boost. Sad really and shows a lack of self esteem.

Some posters also jump on any slight typo or mistake, as an argument for 'rubbishing' your theory. These very posters make mistakes also showing hypocrisy themselves.


Please don't ask me to share who. Have a look yourself, it isn't difficult to spot. I found it extremely rewarding and funny to see the Key Board Stalkers (KBS) attack certain posters. At first I thought it was a group of TV posters coordinating and aiming at a few posters. Now I know it to be just a few with more than one poster name. Quite sad really.


The UK is doing fine after the brexit vote and would do even better if the negativity and biased reporting would just stop the fear mongering. The 'brexit preppers' would have you believe that the UK will be in isolation and would be going back to the Victorian times, as we are not in the EU. The EU which in their eyes, has made us (The UK) so good, when in fact the EU has held us back for years.

looks like a touch of Brostrichism and paranoia combined!

  • Like 1
16 minutes ago, cumgranosalum said:

looks like a touch of Brostrichism and paranoia combined!


Amusing on one level but a thread of populism which has its nasty side that takes its cue from McCarthyism. Most of it is not original and is rehashed material from old school hard-right websites taking a free ride on the Brexit campaign. PS. On the other hand,  it must be highly gratifying to discover that I am a purely manufactured doppelganger of one of the other forum contributors. For those who wish to know I am a model T-101.

  • Like 2
6 hours ago, SheungWan said:


Good luck with that spin which is a trifle over-egging what is happening. Large companies are in a difficult place, namely the UK not only is still in the EU, but hasn't yet applied for Article 50 and in addition they don't even know what agreement is going to emerge. In other words uncertainty. Nissan had to make a decision now re a next model. So a little chat ensued. Once negotiations have completed companies will review their future plans. No doubt there are some UK  civil servants sitting around a table weighing up a cost benefit analysis of either paying into the EU for single market access Vs not doing so and trying to cover new EU import/export costs of UK companies trading. As for 'committing to the UK' as some noble cause, that's strictly for the birds.


No spin on my part. Just observation that multinationals (note the word) are putting new investments into the UK, when, before the brexit vote, they were threatening to put them elsewhere and move existing investments abroad if we voted out. And you are correct, they are not acting out of altruism. We know, in the case of Nissan, that they haven't been bribed. No matter how much speculative, negative spin people like you try to put on it, hey are committing long-term investment because, after talks with the government, they are convinced that it makes sound business sense.


Some of the speculation from remainers on here is getting desperate. And in a silly, quite negative way. It's almost as if they want everything to go wrong, every good news story to really be some kind of sham. How bizarre!

22 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


No spin on my part. Just observation that multinationals (note the word) are putting new investments into the UK, when, before the brexit vote, they were threatening to put them elsewhere and move existing investments abroad if we voted out. And you are correct, they are not acting out of altruism. We know, in the case of Nissan, that they haven't been bribed. No matter how much speculative, negative spin people like you try to put on it, hey are committing long-term investment because, after talks with the government, they are convinced that it makes sound business sense.


Some of the speculation from remainers on here is getting desperate. And in a silly, quite negative way. It's almost as if they want everything to go wrong, every good news story to really be some kind of sham. How bizarre!

On the other hand there is this:

Ghosn said at the Paris motor show last month that future spending by the Japanese automaker on Britain's biggest car plant, in Sunderland, northern England, would depend on a guarantee of compensation if the UK's eventual deal with Europe led to tariffs on car exports.

He said on Friday: "Following our productive meeting, I am confident the government will continue to ensure the UK remains a competitive place to do business."

 That's quite a pivot, based on just faith in the UK government. There are all kinds of things governments can do to subsidize a business but claim that it is not a subsidy.

5 hours ago, sandyf said:

Whatever they talked about, 'Mums' the word.






Despite Nissan making its investment decision now, it will not start making the new Qashqai until 2019-20 – immediately after Ms May’s deadline for leaving the EU.




Also from your second link:


"Later, Downing Street insisted there was no “special deal” either for Nissan or the wider automotive industry in the UK.

A No 10 spokesman said: “There is no compensation package. What was made clear to Nissan and to others in the automotive industry is that what we want is a competitive environment for the whole of the industry.”

Which tallys with the Sky article I linked yesterday:


"A No 10 spokesman later insisted there was no "compensation package" or "special deal" done with Nissan to secure the investment."


So we can conclude that the Indy was trying to create a story, and that the government is, wisely, continuing to keep it's strategy cards close to it's chest.


So far, the government is playing a blinder of a game! Those confrontationalists in the EU heirarchy must be starting to get a bit panicky watching things unfold so neatly for the UK and not being able to quite work out why.

6 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

On the other hand there is this:

Ghosn said at the Paris motor show last month that future spending by the Japanese automaker on Britain's biggest car plant, in Sunderland, northern England, would depend on a guarantee of compensation if the UK's eventual deal with Europe led to tariffs on car exports.

He said on Friday: "Following our productive meeting, I am confident the government will continue to ensure the UK remains a competitive place to do business."

 That's quite a pivot, based on just faith in the UK government. There are all kinds of things governments can do to subsidize a business but claim that it is not a subsidy.


As I said, some posters are desperate to put negative (and purely speculative) spin on all the good news.


"A No 10 spokesman later insisted there was no "compensation package" or "special deal" done with Nissan to secure the investment.


"What was made clear to Nissan and to others in the automotive industry is that what we want is a competitive environment for the whole of the industry," he said.


Nissan also clarified it had not been given special treatment."

16 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


Also from your second link:


"Later, Downing Street insisted there was no “special deal” either for Nissan or the wider automotive industry in the UK.

A No 10 spokesman said: “There is no compensation package. What was made clear to Nissan and to others in the automotive industry is that what we want is a competitive environment for the whole of the industry.”


Which tallys with the Sky article I linked yesterday:


"A No 10 spokesman later insisted there was no "compensation package" or "special deal" done with Nissan to secure the investment."


So we can conclude that the Indy was trying to create a story, and that the government is, wisely, continuing to keep it's strategy cards close to it's chest.


So far, the government is playing a blinder of a game! Those confrontationalists in the EU heirarchy must be starting to get a bit panicky watching things unfold so neatly for the UK and not being able to quite work out why.

You should read all the posts. You would see from post 207 that I never subscribed to the compensation theory, she is going for the single market but not prepared to admit it publically.

You would also have seen from post 240 that the reference to compensation came from Nissan in Paris a month ago, hardly an Independent exclusive.


Now that you have commented on post 240 it is even more bizarre that you think the compensation issue was created by the Independent.

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