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Trump: I'll run America like my business. Clinton: Let's not


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4 minutes ago, ttthailand said:

A business tries to win in making deals. America has been loosing in trade deals for years to other countries. We have lost 70,000 businesses over the years. Auto manufacturers have been going to Mexico in order to save on labor costs and importing cars back to the very cities that lost thousands of jobs, a slap in the face !
One example of many ....


And Trump business practices are the way forward?

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What nonsense.  Sanders lost because Clinton was overwhelmingly popular with African American and Latino voters. Sanders got most of his delegates via the caucuses, which are a far less democratic way to to acquire them.
As for Trump, his tax cuts are exactly the same kind of thing offered by the likes of Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney, et al.  This is not business as usual?

So you are saying that the DNC chair stepped down just for fun ? You don't believe the DNC had fixers going to Sander rallies to stir up trouble? You don't think the news media was supporting Hillary ? Hahaha... If someone slaps you in the face can you feel it ??? I think Hillary supporters are so asleep that anything can happen and they just don't see.
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And Trump business practices are the way forward?

I don't care for the way Trump acts or the way he disrespects people. He is not someone I would want to date my daughter. Having said that he is against NAFTA and the TPP. He wants to get money out of politics. He wants term limit for congress. To me he is more similar to Bernie Sanders than Hillary. Hillary says things like Bernie but her other side will do different. We need a change NOW and she is not that change.
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The DNC shouldn't have been biased, Russia / Wikipees shouldn't interfere with U.S. elections but Hillary still would have won the nomination without that.

The super delegate game was established long before this election. There are good reasons for it. Maybe if the republicans had had that they could have managed to stop trump.

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5 minutes ago, ttthailand said:

So you are saying that the DNC chair stepped down just for fun ? You don't believe the DNC had fixers going to Sander rallies to stir up trouble? You don't think the news media was supporting Hillary ? Hahaha... If someone slaps you in the face can you feel it ??? I think Hillary supporters are so asleep that anything can happen and they just don't see.

But what did they do?  Yes, Wasserman Schulz was trying to think of ways to screw over Sanders. But none of them were done.  Here's the definitive article on this it

The DNC’s Leaked Emails Show It Had No Idea How to Rig an Election

...Rather than proving that the primary was deviously rigged by Clinton's cronies—as many Sandernistas clearlybelieve—the WikiLeaks emails suggest the opposite. The party didn't seem to have very many ideas at all for meddling with Sanders' candidacy. And the ones they cooked up were weak and quickly forgotten.


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The DNC shouldn't have been biased, Russia / Wikipees shouldn't interfere with U.S. elections but Hillary still would have won the nomination without that.

The super delegate game was established long before this election. There are good reasons for it. Maybe if the republicans had had that they could have managed to stop trump.

And you are sure about that... And where do you get your information ? From the corrupt media ?
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Trump and Clinton are both loathsome, and yet one of them will be elected.  Nothing new there, voters have had the choice between various untrustworthy politicians for a long, long time.


On this occasion (as far as I can make out) we have Trump who doesn't have any political 'savvy' versus Clinton who is like every other politician and only cares about herself and her own wealth/power etc. Trump is the same,  but at least Clinton will use her political 'savvy' to keep the system from which she benefits, going.


Trump may well do so too - but is even more egocentric than Clinton, leading to the concern that he will do whatever he wants with far less concern as to the consequences.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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2 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Trump and Clinton are both loathsome, and yet one of them will be elected.  Nothing new there, voters have had the choice between various untrustworthy politicians for a long, long time.


On this occasion (as far as I can make out) we have Trump who doesn't have any political 'savvy' versus Clinton who is like every other politician and only cares about herself and her own wealth/power etc. Trump is the same,  but at least Clinton will use her political 'savvy' to keep the system from which she benefits, going.


Trump may well do so to - but is even more egocentric than Clinton, leading to the concern that he will do whatever he wants with far less concern as to the consequences.

The basic problem with this class of comment about Clinton - and I've seen it repeated way too often - is that it assumes Hillary Clinton wants to be elected but not re-elected.  If she's as opportunistic as her detractors claim, then the only hope for her to be renominated and re-elected is to try and enact some serious reforms. And do things like raise the minimum wage. Otherwise she'll have Elizabeth Warren to contend with in 2012.

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The basic problem with this class of comment about Clinton - and I've seen it repeated way too often - is that it assumes Hillary Clinton wants to be elected but not re-elected.  If she's as opportunistic as her detractors claim, then the only hope for her to be renominated and re-elected is to try and enact some serious reforms. And do things like raise the minimum wage. Otherwise she'll have Elizabeth Warren to contend with in 2012.

You do have a point there except that I don't think she will even survive for 4 years. Her health is terrible and there are so many possible legal problems, emails, perjury, voter tampering, etc etc that will surely bring her down in time. I think two things: 1. She wants to go down in history as the first female president in the USA. 2. she wants to deliver on the corporate promises she has made and then sit back with her millions or perhaps billions and laugh. She is one crooked woman !
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9 hours ago, SOTIRIOS said:

...'media coverage'....??? ...what a sham....and a shame for America and the world.....

...no matter how Americans vote...you know who will get elected... ...the one that behaves like she already owns everything....

...disgusting is not a strong enough word... ...I pity America...and the world.....


       Save your pity - if Trump gets elected.  He won't.  HRC will.  If Americans need any pity after HRC becomes President-Elect, then it will be because Republicans and hard-right-wingers won't quit their lie-fueled attacks on all things Democratic.  They will be spewing blood and phlegm 24/7.   If HRC accidentally tips over a glass of milk at the breakfast table, Republicans will be screaming from the ramparts that she's trying to start WWIII.


2 hours ago, ttthailand said:

A business tries to win in making deals. America has been loosing in trade deals for years to other countries. We have lost 70,000 businesses over the years. Auto manufacturers have been going to Mexico in order to save on labor costs and importing cars back to the very cities that lost thousands of jobs, a slap in the face !
One example of many ....


        Trade deals are a mixed bag.  Talk to any reasonable and objective businesspeople, and you'll find that trade deals are products of a lot of negotiating.  Like life itself, such deals will benefit some and be a let-down for others.  Hopefully, more businesses and workers benefit, on all sides of the deal.   It's too immature and simplistic to say all international trade deals are completely bad.  For example, a trade deal between US and Europe may be good for US cheese makers, because the US makes and sells cheeses cheaper (yet lower quality) than European cheese makers.   It may be good for Italian leather-shoe makers, but also good for selling Nike's plastic shoes, and so on.  


       Trade deals often include health & environmental provisions.   For example:  Europeans may specify they won't allow US beef which is fed lots of antibiotics.  Trump, in his simpleton mind-set, would say, "You see, the deal is bad for US beef!!!"  .....whereas healthy eaters would welcome the impetus toward healthier standards.


       Trade deals between western countries and Thailand, for example, mandated Thai shrimp exports be of a certain good quality, and not employ slave labor.  That could be seen as a bad provision by Thai shrimp exporters - but beneficial to western consumers.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Well here is a totally depressing snippet of news. Apparently the Amish people (20 million across the USA) have decided to vote for Trump. Clearly not having TV, Newspapers, Radios works for these people. I am trying to ascertain the credibility of the following link. BUT if it IS true then I for one have had enough of all this. My plan now is that as America really wants to screw itself, I am going to put a very large amount of money on shorting the US markets, as if Trump wins they will dive . 30 Minutes after it is announced he wins I will cash out having made many millions, then off to as far away as I can get from the US. Maybe New Zealand! Actually if someone finds out the article is fake I am still running with plan A, I think the markets will tank whatever. America you are done!


What a bunch of Muppets!!



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10 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Well here is a totally depressing snippet of news. Apparently the Amish people (20 million across the USA) have decided to vote for Trump. Clearly not having TV, Newspapers, Radios works for these people. I am trying to ascertain the credibility of the following link. BUT if it IS true then I for one have had enough of all this. My plan now is that as America really wants to screw itself, I am going to put a very large amount of money on shorting the US markets, as if Trump wins they will dive . 30 Minutes after it is announced he wins I will cash out having made many millions, then off to as far away as I can get from the US. Maybe New Zealand! Actually if someone finds out the article is fake I am still running with plan A, I think the markets will tank whatever. America you are done!


What a bunch of Muppets!!



It's a joke.

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3 hours ago, ttthailand said:

I don't care for the way Trump acts or the way he disrespects people. He is not someone I would want to date my daughter. Having said that he is against NAFTA and the TPP. He wants to get money out of politics. He wants term limit for congress. To me he is more similar to Bernie Sanders than Hillary. Hillary says things like Bernie but her other side will do different. We need a change NOW and she is not that change.


I didn't mention the way Trump acts or the way he disrespects people.

Trump, as quoted in the headline, says he'll run America like he runs his business. From all that known about the way he runs his business, it is doubtful that letting him run America in a similar fashion is a good idea.

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12 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

Every country gets the leadership it deserves, though in this case it is difficult to imagine how a country this large could come up with these two as it,s top potential leaders. Where did all the intellectuals go ?

Thailand!!!  555

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3 minutes ago, 212Roger said:

If Hillary steals the election, as she represents the United States of America as President, will the Muslim nations respect her?  A woman?

And here we have it. The source of a new campaign slogan: Surrender to Bigotry: Vote Trump.

Oh, wait a minute, that already applies to his candidacy.

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11 minutes ago, 212Roger said:

If Hillary steals the election, as she represents the United States of America as President, will the Muslim nations respect her?  A woman?


1. Who cares?

2. Merkel, May

3. Thatcher

4., Çiller, Bhutto, Hasina, Zia

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Maybe the Chinese can help Trump run America like they help him with campaign financing.


Pro-Trump super PAC reported to elections watchdog after Telegraph investigation



Edited by Silurian
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39 minutes ago, 212Roger said:

If Hillary steals the election, as she represents the United States of America as President, will the Muslim nations respect her?  A woman?

You mean when she wins the election?

The USA should alter who to elect based on what Muslim nations may or may not think?

Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, 212Roger said:
1 hour ago, 212Roger said:

If Hillary steals the election, as she represents the United States of America as President, will the Muslim nations respect her?  A woman?

If Hillary steals the election, as she represents the United States of America as President, will the Muslim nations respect her?  A woman?


"‘Women’s Rights are Human Rights" HRC's speech ( 1995)

-> http://www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2015/09/05/20-years-later-hillary-clintons-beijing-speech-on-women-resonates/?_r=0


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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Well here is a totally depressing snippet of news. Apparently the Amish people (20 million across the USA) have decided to vote for Trump. Clearly not having TV, Newspapers, Radios works for these people. I am trying to ascertain the credibility of the following link. BUT if it IS true then I for one have had enough of all this. My plan now is that as America really wants to screw itself, I am going to put a very large amount of money on shorting the US markets, as if Trump wins they will dive . 30 Minutes after it is announced he wins I will cash out having made many millions, then off to as far away as I can get from the US. Maybe New Zealand! Actually if someone finds out the article is fake I am still running with plan A, I think the markets will tank whatever. America you are done!


What a bunch of Muppets!!




Fear not, it's hopeless but not serious.

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