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Drawing attention to yourself - backpackers arrested for ganja party at "Overstay"


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On 29.10.2016 at 7:18 AM, ratcatcher said:

I had to decide whether you were being sarcastic or serious. If serious, it's definitely more important to clear all these recreational weed users out than to round up the yaba distributors and other hundreds of criminals doing business in Thailand.:wink:

well well.....u are right...because....

Thailand set itself up to these type of people (and I dont mean that negative )  and not just till yesterday it has a long ongoing history with the drug and prostitution trade... now they jail the happy party youngsters who move from weed party to weed party....

and to be serious are they dangerous ???? certainly not....anyone complaining ? the full moonparty is the one of the biggest puplic drug partys of the world if you dont know about it well u might live behind the moon.....or the famous golden triangle for years ( maybe till today ) the source of A - grade heroin ( not so cute ) main exporter of the world main industrial income of thailand controled by military and police.....another scene in Thailand is the pattaya porn and prostitute scene...the biggest business ever conducted in the wide open for everybody to see....these guys thought ok is legal there  with its obvious history Thailand is the drug heaven for millions backpackers or anyone else with some spare cash....now to jail them is ridicoulous I think first they invite them and than they jail them if they do why they was coming...like jailing some because he swimms in the ocean....

dope and hookers thats why falang rak thailand....attention thai police/military dont jail your customers...

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14 hours ago, hohososo said:


If this was the case, marijuana would be openly consumed everywhere.

From experience I know the negotiation for the 'fine' starts at 100,000. Most agree on 30,000.

If you are a tourist, police have all the leverage as going through court takes 3+ months and your passport is held.

If you live here, they have all the leverage because you can be deported and blacklisted.

Without question, failing a drug test even if no marijuana was consumed in Thailand, is significantly more serious than a drunk driving conviction.




You gotta like a joint to be prepared to pay $1000 if apprehended.   Sounds dopey to me, particularly when the seller is often working with the police, and he KNOWS you will be arrested, have the weed confiscated, pay the fine, then he gets his weed back to resell and a couple of hundred $$ to help him on his way after making the cops look good.  Weird!!


Sounds like a pyramid scheme.....but BETTER!!!

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I see this thread going in the wrong direction.


There's petty argument about how much alcohol makes you an alcoholic, a dope user having his passport stamped "drug addict', a casual drug user being branded a drug addict, if a dope user has his passport stamped, why not a casual drinker, other countries have legalized its use so why not Thailand, and on it goes.


Then there's the idealism of people make laws, people aren't infallible, etc., none of it relevant.


The pivotal point here is that smoking dope IS ILLEGAL IN THAILAND!!    That's the start and end of it.  If you want to go ahead with your habit, be prepared to pay the price.


Whilst smoking a joint might not normally be seen as a huge crime, and can be summarily settled with the police for an 'offering', these idiots drew attention to themselves, possibly by partying, boozing, smoking dope, making a lot of noise, and it upset the sensibilities of some Thai/s who saw it as an affront during a time of mourning after the death of their King, which I completely understand.


They stuck their heads in the noose, because they were stupid, and it just may be that smoking dope over a number of years contributed to that stupidity.   There's ample evidence to indicate so..

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22 hours ago, PremiumLane said:


What problem? People take drugs, will always take drugs and yo are never going to stop it.

If people want to get high, then that is their business, no one else's.


The war on drugs has killed more people and ruined more lives than drug will ever do.


Education is the key, but that involves giving people empowerment and choice - we can't be having that, can we...




Ask your parents about the early '70s. Many of you would not have been borned should society did not crack down hard on drugs. They started with weed and progressed to LSD...

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6 hours ago, lvr181 said:

Alcoholics have a "continuous drinking" problem not a one off or how much at a time.


Maybe drug addicts have the same problem? Not how much nor a one off but perhaps "continuous" smoking makes them an addict?


Who maybe "out of touch now"?


You are.

With your reading comprehension ability.

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6 hours ago, sanemax said:


   I didnt mention anything about "addicts"

My point that theres nothing illegal about alcohol , so there will be no issues with the authorities



Of course, however this began with trogers ridiculous remark that these individuals should have drug addict put in their passport. 


You jumped in after my response. I had assumed you responded in agreement.

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3 hours ago, trogers said:


Ask your parents about the early '70s. Many of you would not have been borned should society did not crack down hard on drugs. They started with weed and progressed to LSD...


you must be joking right? you actually believe this - hard to tell on this site 

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1 hour ago, PremiumLane said:


you must be joking right? you actually believe this - hard to tell on this site 


Google for - Drug addiction through the decades: Focus '70s


What would have happened if society 'leave drug users be' like you had suggested?

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12 minutes ago, trogers said:


Google for - Drug addiction through the decades: Focus '70s


What would have happened if society 'leave drug users be' like you had suggested?

The same as what happened when society left drinkers be.


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10 minutes ago, YeahSiam said:

This isn't about other drugs, though, is it?

It's about weed.

OK here some things about so called weed

Effects of Weed

While there is considerable controversy over whether the effects of weed use are beneficial for some physically ill people, it is certain that its effects can be ruinous for people who chronically abuse the drug. A family that suspects weed abuse by one of its members should know what problems can result.

Weed effects include losing interest in health, life, school activities, old friends and goals. But the use of weed creates a lowered awareness that very often prevents a weed abuser from being able to see his or her own impairment.

When the effects of weed use are present, a student may fail in school; an employee may lose interest in his or her job. Old sober friends may be replaced with new, substance-abusing friends. But because of the lower awareness, the person is likely to continue to abuse the substance despite the damage being created.

While it is not clearly proven that use of weed (marijuana) leads to stronger drug consumption, weed is one of the drugs most commonly used first. The other two drugs that are common first choices are tobacco and alcohol.


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19 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

OK here some things about so called weed

Effects of Weed

While there is considerable controversy over whether the effects of weed use are beneficial for some physically ill people, it is certain that its effects can be ruinous for people who chronically abuse the drug. A family that suspects weed abuse by one of its members should know what problems can result.

Weed effects include losing interest in health, life, school activities, old friends and goals. But the use of weed creates a lowered awareness that very often prevents a weed abuser from being able to see his or her own impairment.

When the effects of weed use are present, a student may fail in school; an employee may lose interest in his or her job. Old sober friends may be replaced with new, substance-abusing friends. But because of the lower awareness, the person is likely to continue to abuse the substance despite the damage being created.

While it is not clearly proven that use of weed (marijuana) leads to stronger drug consumption, weed is one of the drugs most commonly used first. The other two drugs that are common first choices are tobacco and alcohol.



God, are you still yapping?

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1 hour ago, trogers said:


Google for - Drug addiction through the decades: Focus '70s


What would have happened if society 'leave drug users be' like you had suggested?


I do know the history, and I know why drug enforcement was brought in, especially in the US - it ain't got nothing to do with public health.


Do you know why there was an explosion of drugs in the 70s? Do you know why people take up drugs? I suggest you actually do some reading.


I am more scared of people like you and you hard on for locking people up, wanting to degrade them and you dumb war on drugs, than I am of some druggie. 

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1 hour ago, YeahSiam said:


God, are you still yapping?

Sort of sums you up to a tee taken from my last post, but please don't call me God I'm better than him.

very often prevents a weed abuser from being able to see his or her own impairment.

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9 minutes ago, trogers said:


Starts with weed, and then...read the history!

I think you need to go back a bit further in your historical research to when weed was prohibited and who was making a profit out of it being prohibited.

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10 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

The pivotal point here is that smoking dope IS ILLEGAL IN THAILAND!!    That's the start and end of it.  If you want to go ahead with your habit, be prepared to pay the price.

It doesn't matter what side of the fence we sit in the argument for decriminalisation the fact quoted here is correct, it is illegal in Thailand and if you do it and get caught you will be punished.

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1 hour ago, zd1 said:

I think you need to go back a bit further in your historical research to when weed was prohibited and who was making a profit out of it being prohibited.


The reason for the harsh punishments for drug trafficking in this region. Bt500 fines wouldn't do.

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On 29-10-2016 at 7:56 PM, thena9ir said:

Why not thank authorities after they get rid of corruption not for arresting some poor young people who think getting high while hiding is cool.   I feel sorry for you and who ever liked your post


There are plenty countries where smoking pot is legal, thailand is just not one of them, sure not. Anybody who comes to try that here is playing with his freedom and bankaccount. I would call it very stupid.

And IF they want to try it here than better go high in the mountains somewhere far away from BKK, Pai sounds more like it.


But there will always be ignorant people who read 20 year old lonely planet books and think all info is still the same.



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21 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

OK here some things about so called weed

Effects of Weed

While there is considerable controversy over whether the effects of weed use are beneficial for some physically ill people, it is certain that its effects can be ruinous for people who chronically abuse the drug. A family that suspects weed abuse by one of its members should know what problems can result.

Weed effects include losing interest in health, life, school activities, old friends and goals. But the use of weed creates a lowered awareness that very often prevents a weed abuser from being able to see his or her own impairment.

When the effects of weed use are present, a student may fail in school; an employee may lose interest in his or her job. Old sober friends may be replaced with new, substance-abusing friends. But because of the lower awareness, the person is likely to continue to abuse the substance despite the damage being created.

While it is not clearly proven that use of weed (marijuana) leads to stronger drug consumption, weed is one of the drugs most commonly used first. The other two drugs that are common first choices are tobacco and alcohol.



Funny i think you are describing the effects of alcohol.


How remarkably naive you are.


Perhaps you should give refer madness another viewing.

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23 hours ago, trogers said:


Google for - Drug addiction through the decades: Focus '70s


What would have happened if society 'leave drug users be' like you had suggested?


Probably something very much like this https://mic.com/articles/110344/14-years-after-portugal-decriminalized-all-drugs-here-s-what-s-happening#.e64bcNXhw

Which is partly why the US is now well on the way to full legalisation of weed. They have realised their mistake, as they did with prohibition.

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1 hour ago, HooHaa said:


Funny i think you are describing the effects of alcohol.


How remarkably naive you are.


Perhaps you should give refer madness another viewing.

Whatever you belive in your weed fried mind. I was not describing anything I was merely quoting an expert but of course you know far better.

HOW remarkably naive you are.

Perhaps you should give refer to weed another viewing.

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Just now, Deepinthailand said:

Whatever you belive in your weed fried mind. I was not describing anything I was merely quoting an expert but of course you know far better.

HOW remarkably naive you are.

Perhaps you should give refer to weed another viewing.


Please name the expert. 


And cease speculation regarding the condition of my mind, unless of course you have the input of an expert there too.



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29 minutes ago, rwdrwdrwd said:


Probably something very much like this https://mic.com/articles/110344/14-years-after-portugal-decriminalized-all-drugs-here-s-what-s-happening#.e64bcNXhw

Which is partly why the US is now well on the way to full legalisation of weed. They have realised their mistake, as they did with prohibition.


Still hard to beat the drug user rate of Singapore at 0.005%.

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