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Sickening beating of sobbing young Buddhist monk caught on camera in vile temple video


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4 hours ago, fruitman said:

It's the only way to make young boys listen well, should be done more in Thailand...I also had plenty of it.

Disturbing opinion, and utterly simplistic logic. There are plenty of methods for instilling discipline without resorting to violence, and 'fear' does not equate to 'respect'.

Frankly one can only hope they did enough damage to prevent you from breeding, at least then this dismally tragic perspective would not be passed down to another generation.

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5 hours ago, Alive said:

To be honest it's not the most shocking video I have seen here. Sticks and coathangers are often used by parents as well. Lots of thoughts came to my mind with this one. First why is the young kid there? Temples are sometimes used as reform places by criminals and by parents who want their kids to shape up. Did this kid's parents send him there? Or is this one of the many homeless boys who were put there or found there way there as temples seem to be like orphanages too.

Poor people will put there male children in a wat so they can get an education

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6 hours ago, Alive said:

To be honest it's not the most shocking video I have seen here. Sticks and coathangers are often used by parents as well. Lots of thoughts came to my mind with this one. First why is the young kid there? Temples are sometimes used as reform places by criminals and by parents who want their kids to shape up. Did this kid's parents send him there? Or is this one of the many homeless boys who were put there or found there way there as temples seem to be like orphanages too.

places to continue  the brainwashing of the weak minded and I see ALL religions as CHILD ABUSE

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1 hour ago, MorristheRunt said:

Cant say I am surprised.


Only a matter of time before the monkhood has a Catholic church type child abuse scandal, come out into the open.

Id  say that matter of time has been going on since the  day they built the first temple

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3 hours ago, Ratcher said:

A lot of the Thai youth is out of control today. Gangs acting like animals attacking both Thai and foreigners alike. I blame the parents and the society. Something needs to be done. However, I dont condone what this so called religious man did. I went to an only boy's C of E schlool in England. The cane was the rule of law there.  

You seem to have turned out OK. Look at where pampering children has got us.

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2 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


If that was a Catholic Christian brother think yourself very lucky you only got whacked with a stick!


Seriously, what's wrong with the religions in the world? All preach love, peace, forgiveness - and are the opposite themselves.

what  do you expect when all rational thinking has gone out of the window for "pure fantasy", not a shred of evidence to  support it   but worshipped  by  billions.............sheer  lunacy

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Just now, elgordo38 said:

You seem to have turned out OK. Look at where pampering children has got us.

The problems always been the difference between a smack on the bum and this sort of crap which is way out of order, then at the opposite end of the spectrum you have the  over the top do gooders who probably wouldnt let you even glare at a child

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6 minutes ago, kannot said:

The problems always been the difference between a smack on the bum and this sort of crap which is way out of order, then at the opposite end of the spectrum you have the  over the top do gooders who probably wouldnt let you even glare at a child

I was leaning towards somewhere in between. Yes this was over the top. The problem is the rage that might have built up on behalf of the guy swinging the stick. Then he also does not have a corner on the rage market. Its part of the human physic. I even see it here from time to time. 

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1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

Utterly horrifying. 


I really don't understand why anyone would wanna hit a kid. The most vulnerable people in the world, yet it seems socially acceptable to give them a whack if they get out of line. This could seriously scar the child emotionally (and otherwise).


Here's a novel idea for the future - 'talk to the kid'. That's right. Sit down and actually talk to kids and try to work out the problem. Kids are not born bad, they become bad because of lazy and feckless adults who use excuses like "I don't have the time to talk to him".


And to make it worse, Buddhism is very clear on not harming any living thing. I really wish most so called religious people would take the time to read up on their religion. 

................to see the fantasy for what it is.....maybe "Disney" style would help them

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4 hours ago, fruitman said:

It's the only way to make young boys listen well, should be done more in Thailand...I also had plenty of it.

You did not learn from it by the sounds of it.
Unfortunately many abused people cannot lift themselves out of the vicious circle of violent behaviour.
If one has the desire to improve oneself or someone else, there is something called power of persuasion.
It is enacted by engaging the other person in a verbal interaction, called discussion. Practised since the early days of Buddhism, Early Greeks, and other civilisations.
As most people would agree (if you don't, waste some time reading up on the subject), negative enforcement will instill obedience, positive enforcement will stimulate thinking and the chance to grow.

So sorry to spoil your day !!

By the way, don't bother writing a "smart" comment, I just blocked your account

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If this sick bastard is willing to abuse a child this bad for misbehaving, what other sorts of abuse go on where the Monk is behaving badly. Some similarities to our dear Catholic priests who repented their sins on young boys by praying and nothing done.

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5 hours ago, dotpoom said:

Reminds me of my school days. . Where being hit by Charlie Chaplin type canes, legs of broken chairs etc. , were common practice, on the back of the hands and the face of the hands. . . All executed by the "Christian Brothers" . 

Exactly, all these self-righteous people posting here without realizing that Thailand has to develop the way our countries did.


They come here accepting the benefits of a developing country, more than often taking advantage of the poverty of some then criticize the other things to make themselves feel superior.

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6 hours ago, Alive said:

To be honest it's not the most shocking video I have seen here. Sticks and coathangers are often used by parents as well. Lots of thoughts came to my mind with this one. First why is the young kid there? Temples are sometimes used as reform places by criminals and by parents who want their kids to shape up. Did this kid's parents send him there? Or is this one of the many homeless boys who were put there or found there way there as temples seem to be like orphanages too.

I'm not sure the point you're trying to make. It sounds like you're excusing a saving beating because of a variety of factors that may or probably not relevant. 

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In a rural Thai primary school where I did some volunteer teaching 2 years ago I discovered, to my horror, that teachers had given the biggest (almost adult make size) student licence to beat students when he thought they deserved it.  I knew nothing of this barbaric, stupid practice (which is apparently common in under-staffed rural Thai schools,according to later discussions with teachers at the school) until he started to administer a whipping to a child one third his size in a class I was conducting one day.  He could not understand my "unreasonable" reaction, which included snapping the cane into small pieces, and banning the use of sticks, rulers, canes etc for such purposes - or any other form of bullying among students - in my classroom. And people wonder why the rule of law appears to be so distorted in general society.  I think there's some correlation there with the lack of demonstrable responsibility assumed by authority figures so early in young children's lives.  It encourages an unhealthy shark pool.attitude in a community or society. No can it be "ok" for a monk or any adult to treat children so brutally.  The child victim learns that physical violence or cruelty is a "normal" act and is a preferred response over intelligence, compassion or love in human relationships. Such acts can create "time bombs" that may cause extensive unnecessary damage and injury a few years down the line.  Totally stupid.

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1 hour ago, kannot said:

places to continue  the brainwashing of the weak minded and I see ALL religions as CHILD ABUSE


Are you saying Buddhism is for the weak-minded? That has to be the strangest thing I have read for years on this forum.


You are very misguided! 

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7 hours ago, Alive said:

To be honest it's not the most shocking video I have seen here. Sticks and coathangers are often used by parents as well. Lots of thoughts came to my mind with this one. First why is the young kid there? Temples are sometimes used as reform places by criminals and by parents who want their kids to shape up. Did this kid's parents send him there? Or is this one of the many homeless boys who were put there or found there way there as temples seem to be like orphanages too.

The parents put them there; some Buddhist experience for six months. Just like national service, except it isn't compulsory.

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7 hours ago, Alive said:

To be honest it's not the most shocking video I have seen here. Sticks and coathangers are often used by parents as well. Lots of thoughts came to my mind with this one. First why is the young kid there? Temples are sometimes used as reform places by criminals and by parents who want their kids to shape up. Did this kid's parents send him there? Or is this one of the many homeless boys who were put there or found there way there as temples seem to be like orphanages too.


Also temples are an option instead of school.  Not that I see the relevance of why the boy was there, he was unlawfully beaten and the person beating him is supposedly following a path that demands pacifism, these two issues have relevance, whether the boy was a delinquent or an orphan does not. 

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It's the only way to make young boys listen well, should be done more in Thailand...I also had plenty of it.


AND it was making you a better human beeing???? Sure not: Stop that sick way of thinking and acting!

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43 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

Exactly, all these self-righteous people posting here without realizing that Thailand has to develop the way our countries did.


They come here accepting the benefits of a developing country, more than often taking advantage of the poverty of some then criticize the other things to make themselves feel superior.


Why do you think foreigners should accept unlawful behavior like this toward children?  It is not as if Thai people are accepting this, they are the ones pushing for a prosecution.  We live here, we have children here, we have as much right to be appalled by child abuse as anyone else in Thailand.

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6 hours ago, fruitman said:

It's the only way to make young boys listen well, should be done more in Thailand...I also had plenty of it.


No it isn't, it is the way you were taught to listen well, quite different things.  Would you also claim that beating a dog is the only way to train it?

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I went to grammer school in Deptford London SE8.It was in my 4th year that i was blamed for something i didnt do.I knew the culprits,but i was no grass.

I was told to report to the Head Master the next morning for punishment.Our head master was a sadistic,vicious bastard of a man who liked to feel your bum before the caning,saying he was making sure that you 'didnt have a book down there'  and who was probably nagged by his wife no end.But you know what cowards are like when they have their own little empire.My dad told me that if i was truly innocent,to refuse the cane.

I duly reported and was told to bend over.I told him that i didnt do it and that i was refusing the punishment.He physically tried to bend me over.I pushed him to the floor,took the cane and snapped it over my knee.I also told him that my dad would e down the next day to give him a lesson in knowing the truth when he heard it.

No more was ever said about it and he ignored me for the rest of my remaining 2 years at that dreadful school.

I always remember when Nicholas Nickleby came on the TV how the school was named 'Do the boy's' Oh happy days.

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6 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

Let's hope the father of the young boy novice monk beats the evil monk with a stick. This is the 21st century, not the 19th century. Brutal.

You are of course presuming the young child has a father!!

Think before you write...

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4 hours ago, fruitman said:


Your avatar shows me you didn't get spanked enough, or maybe you liked it to show your butt in public? It's lowclass dude....show us some more respect before you open your mouth.

Oh...I see, where the problem is!

Look...this is not an actual picture of me!

It is a comic- character, called a Minion and for showing "us" a little more respect...a) you are not a king, so it would be "show me" and b ) you are a terrible Troll, so I will not show you any respect!

Whoever condones the beating of a child, is a sick pervert!

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