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What % of your diet is Thai food?


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13 hours ago, nausea said:

Depends how you define Thai food. If you go to the local 7-11 (or market for that matter), you'll find loads of stuff that wouldn't fit into your typical definition of Thai food, but local Thais eat it or they wouldn't sell it. Under this definition I eat very little non-Thai food. Occasionally,  I'll buy a steak and kidney pie, or proper cheese, or something, at a premium price. If you're talking indigenous Thai food, maybe half the time. If you're talking Asian food per se (rice/noodle based, dimsum, etc.) probably 70%. My big weaknesses are bread, cheese and potatoes. As an aside, I would say that rarity is a big attraction. I was raving about green tea kit-kats until they became readily available. Now my "Big Thing"  is pork pies. I might even enjoy the jelly. I might have to revert to "Fish n' Chips" though. I thought I had this one sorted, but I read the greasy, authentic "Fish and Chip" shop near Soi Cowboy has closed down. To sum up - "oportet esse ut visas, non vivere ut edas";  which basically means all this Hannibal Lecter stuff is BS. 

Thanks for a straightforward response.  And yes Thai food does refer to "indigenous" Thai food.  As referring to Italian, Mexican, French, German etc.etc. would refer to the "indigenous" foods of those people.  I figured it was understood.


What I don't understand is your comment "To sum up - "oportet esse ut visas, non vivere ut edas";  which basically means all this Hannibal Lecter stuff is BS."  What does it mean?  I had 4 years of Latin in school.  Best I can recall the latin translates to "must be that when seen not to eat"  or something like that.


What's that got to do with Hannibal Lecter or food choices? Thanks.

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