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My Love Story with a Thai girl – Sweet or Bitter?


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On 11/2/2016 at 6:48 PM, mcfish said:

This is why you rent by the hour

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Yes if things don't work out you put them back on the shelf and move on. Thai ladies can run hot and cold. I think you tried to hard and should have met a number of ladies your choice was a bit jaded. Move on. 

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Because you showed up at her work unannounced and she was able to go with you to Hua Hin, it is very doubtful that she has a Thai boyfriend or husband. Too likely someone at her job would be able to snitch on her if this was the case. However, based on her behavior, and that she was using an on-line dating app, there's a chance that she might have had other irons in the fire, possibly a Thai guy from out of the area, or maybe a foreigner. 


Most disturbing detail of your story was the lack of enthusiasm during the Hua Hin trip. Plenty of Thai women have so little time or money to travel, especially at nice hotels/restaurants, that you would think the level of excitement would be pretty high. Her apathy suggests she's either done this plenty of times before, i.e., "dates" regularly, has a boring personality (what was her personality like before you met in person?), or she has a hidden motive for discouraging your romantic enthusiasm.


Think about it. When you meet someone new who you're interested in, you're going to put your best foot forward and try to impress the person, right? Telling someone you're "not a good person" is the polar opposite of a romantic overture. By the way, my experience is that when a Thai woman tells you they're "not a good person", you should probably pay close attention because there's a good chance she's telling you the truth. I'd chalk it up as a learning experience and move on.


Edited by Gecko123
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38 minutes ago, DoctorG said:


After reading through that sappy story I was certainly hoping for a "punch-line" at the end. I really thought that it was going to be one of those really elongated story jokes.

If this is a true story then the OP should not be let out alone without his mother.

I would say thanks to all comments. I hope you know this word "respect".

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36 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

Because you showed up at her work unannounced and she was able to go with you to Hua Hin, it is very doubtful that she has a Thai boyfriend or husband. Too likely someone at her job would be able to snitch on her if this was the case. However, based on her behavior, and that she was using an on-line dating app, there's a chance that she might have had other irons in the fire, possibly a Thai guy from out of the area, or maybe a foreigner. 


Most disturbing detail of your story was the lack of enthusiasm during the Hua Hin trip. Plenty of Thai women have so little time or money to travel, especially at nice hotels/restaurants, that you would think the level of excitement would be pretty high. Her apathy suggests she's either done this plenty of times before, i.e., "dates" regularly, has a boring personality (what was her personality like before you met in person?), or she has a hidden motive for discouraging your romantic enthusiasm.


Think about it. When you meet someone new who you're interested in, you're going to put your best foot forward and try to impress the person, right? Telling someone you're "not a good person" is the polar opposite of a romantic overture. By the way, my experience is that when a Thai woman tells you they're "not a good person", you should probably pay close attention because there's a good chance she's telling you the truth. I'd chalk it up as a learning experience and move on.


Thank you so much for your advice which are so meaningful. I am here just to share, make it a good memory, and try to learn from experience of mine and others.

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7 minutes ago, lungnorm said:

Sounds lke one of my trips to Thailand. I did not use a dating site a Thai friend of mine came with me she wanted to introduce me to her sister. WE toured Thailand sister bother and he mom. She was cold and did not like to hold hands. Turned out it was not her brother driving the mini van it was her husband. What some people will do for a holiday.


Now a former Thai friend???

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3 hours ago, Nicholas1986 said:

I am already early 30 and hope this was my last time of being so naive....

Never give up on looking for the good in people. And never give up believing in a good heart. It is easy to become cynical and bitter in the search for love in your life. Sadly many lessons will be bitter but when you stop looking so hard for someone you will find them. Thai women are alluring and intriguing . However as in most places it is hard for good people to meet a good person. Most of them are not what they seem. But never give up

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there was a troll-ish thread a week or so ago that was (rightly) closed after about three replies.


the starter of that thread wanted to discuss the IQ levels of thais…the posting style was very similar to the OP's style in this thread.


After reading his story, there also seems to be a connection between that thread and this…..even though it's a tenuous one.


all i can say is if you cant get a thai bird to give it up, you got some big problems.

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