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Finally, it's Clinton or Trump: Long race ends, voters pick


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The news stations keep saying Trump will repeal Obamacare.  OK. I personally hate Obamacare.  But I assume the ACA was signed into law wasn't it?  I wasn't aware that a president can just change the US law, repeal a statute etc.  I don't know the process.  Maybe the president can assert the ACA is out, and then that has to be ratified by the House and Senate? 

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4 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

The news stations keep saying Trump will repeal Obamacare.  OK. I personally hate Obamacare.  But I assume the ACA was signed into law wasn't it?  I wasn't aware that a president can just change the US law, repeal a statute etc.  I don't know the process.  Maybe the president can assert the ACA is out, and then that has to be ratified by the House and Senate? 


 He's probably going to have a Republican senate and house behind him, should make it pretty easy for him 

Edited by Rob13
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1 minute ago, gk10002000 said:

The news stations keep saying Trump will repeal Obamacare.  OK. I personally hate Obamacare.  But I assume the ACA was signed into law wasn't it?  I wasn't aware that a president can just change the US law, repeal a statute etc.  I don't know the process.  Maybe the president can assert the ACA is out, and then that has to be ratified by the House and Senate? 

Not a single Republican voted for Obamacare. If the house remains GOP there won't be a problem doing something about it. They might hate Trump, but they hate Obamacare more.

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Currently 254 electoral votes for Trump and 215 electoral votes for Hillary. It looks as if Michigan, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania might all go to Trump putting him over the top.


DOW futures is down over 700 points. S and P futures stopped trading (down 5%). This will be interesting.


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This has turned into a real nailbiter.

Has there EVER been any election to compare with it.

One man took on everyone but a basket of deplorables, and has almost become POTUS.

Clinton outspent him, outadded him, outmediad him, outpolled him, outnumbered him with minorities, elites, international elites, had the Billy tapes and female accusers, unfavourable personal characteristics ( Trump ), and still couldn't put him away so far.

No doubt the DNC will be crying that they should have gone for Bernie. Too late 555555555.

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Just now, Ahab said:

Currently 254 electoral votes for Trump and 215 electoral votes for Hillary. It looks as if Michigan, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania might all go to Trump putting him over the top.


DOW futures is down over 700 points. S and P futures stopped trading (down 5%). This will be interesting.


According to the BBC I think one of those has Clinton ahead. Not enough though.

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6 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Why would you call a beautiful exercise in democracy a "nightmare"...maybe you prefer the way things are done in Thailand?




No -- the whole campaign was far more nasty than I thought necessary.  The common wisdom was that only Hillary could defeat Trump and Bernie didn't stand a chance. Guess we'll never know. But I voted in the  primary for Bernie.


If it turns out Trump wins, then just as I resigned when GWBush won twice, per The Caine Mutiny:

" ... you don't work with a captain because you like the way he parts his hair. You work with him because he's got the job or you're no good!" 


Edited by JLCrab
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5 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

What does that slogan actually mean?


America is no good now?  When was it 'great' before? 



It's just a slogan, like Stronger Together which is meaningless, as the US isn't together, and doesn't look like being together ever again.


Just as well Bush or Kasich aren't the GOP candidate as it would have been all over hours ago.


Looks like millennials voted mainly 3rd party candidates. HRC's push for them with popstars was a big fail. They enjoyed the show and didn't vote for her.

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33 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I gotta hope that HRC does lose. If she wins, even by one vote, we'll never hear the end of it from those that are not to be heard from at the moment. :smile:


Amen….Im never believing a single url or poll they ever post…..not that I ever did.


zero credibility from now on.

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25 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

The news stations keep saying Trump will repeal Obamacare.  OK. I personally hate Obamacare.  But I assume the ACA was signed into law wasn't it?  I wasn't aware that a president can just change the US law, repeal a statute etc.  I don't know the process.  Maybe the president can assert the ACA is out, and then that has to be ratified by the House and Senate? 

Well, with the house and senate being republican, it should be doable. 

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44 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I very much enjoyed seeing the BBC talking to a BLACK Trump supporter. We've been told continuously that Blacks don't support him.


BBC continues to trot out talking heads that oppose Trump.

WHat people say is that blacks overwhelmingly don't support Trump.  Who is it who says that no blacks support Trump?  Just silly.

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1 minute ago, lannarebirth said:

If I were Trump I'd give that Silicon Valley dude Peter Theil a cabinet post (if he'd accept it). I think he gave the best speech of the entire campaign last week.

Yep...first openly gay cabinet member...I'd think even JT could get behind that (no pun intended).

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7 minutes ago, Ahab said:

How can a candidate go from 80% to win to 5% in 6 hours?

Pollsters are coming out of this as a bunch of clowns.


Even if Clinton wins, she will have no mandate ( neither will Trump if he does ) to make radical changes. She would also face a hostile majority that want to put her in jail ).


Looks like the US is in for 4 years of stalemate, unless she wins and is impeached. Then they can elect a leader that can work across the aisle.

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Just now, OMGImInPattaya said:

You finally surfaced..I thought you'd be on a flight to Canada about now  :sleepy:


I'm four hours behind you remember? I did get up for a cuppa at 5am but there wasn't much happening.



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