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Are the Southern provinces of Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat *Thailand*?

Formerly it was not Thailand, it became Thailand due to border-line change with the former Malay Federation under British rule.

How long ago did this border linechange take place?

Some dates and facts:

(out of my own observation, and some Malay books, so if you find mistakes or you have questions, let me know)

Pattani was existing independent of the Thai since the 13th century.

The first clear confirmed existence of Pattani is known 1516 by the Portugese.

1584 attacked by the Thais, but several wars were lost by the Thais, remains independent....

1786 attacked by Prince Serasi, son of Rama I, of the present Chakri dynasty, in unbelieveable cruel way, all Pattani was destroyed, many women raped, children slained, and over 4000 Pattani young men were forced to walk to Bangkok in chains, and became slaves to dig the klongs around the King's palace in Bangkok. All culture goods were looted, the big canons of SeriPattani and SeriNegara were taken to Bangkok and never returned (still in the Defense Ministry). Everything related to Malay culture was destroyed.....

(Slavery was abolished 1905 in Thailand)

Malay names were changed , (Jalur to Yala for example), - however wild resistance continued, especially 1791, 1809 up to 1902, and 1906, where Pattani was formally annexed by Thailand


1909, 10thMarch, borders were corrected (Bangkok Treaty) between the British colonies (Malaya) and Thailand....

1941 during the WWII, Pattani and the other Muslim provinces in Thailand joined the British troops, fighting against the Japanese, declaring independence in the WWII chaos and got promises from the British government, to be considered after the end of the war.


1945 and 1946, Britain and Thailand corrected the borders again, with Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu on the Malay side, however with Pattani on the Thai side.

This was never accepted by the Thai Muslim, and resistance, sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker, continues up to now....

Out of this history, the year 1786 as the great massaker of the Rama I prince always in mind, many Thai Muslim nowadays are considering the King of Thailand as enemy of Islam and hate the Buddhist religion as an untrue faith, responsible for all torture and slavery. They do not consider themselves to be a part of Thailand and hate everything related to the ethnic Thais, and feeling deep relationship with the Malay people of the other side of the border....They feel disappointed in many ways and are ready for violence....

Pattani and Narathiwat have about 82 percent native Jawi (Malay) speakers, who are Moslems and ethnic Malay, Yala about 69 percent.

All together about 1.6 million people in this area, and out of them about 1.3 million

are Thai Muslim.



Are the Southern provinces of Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat *Thailand*?

Formerly it was not Thailand, it became Thailand due to border-line change with the former Malay Federation under British rule.

How long ago did this border linechange take place?

Some dates and facts:

(out of my own observation, and some Malay books, so if you find mistakes or you have questions, let me know)

Pattani was existing independent of the Thai since the 13th century.

The first clear confirmed existence of Pattani is known 1516 by the Portugese.

1584 attacked by the Thais, but several wars were lost by the Thais, remains independent....

1786 attacked by Prince Serasi, son of Rama I, of the present Chakri dynasty, in unbelieveable cruel way, all Pattani was destroyed, many women raped, children slained, and over 4000 Pattani young men were forced to walk to Bangkok in chains, and became slaves to dig the klongs around the King's palace in Bangkok. All culture goods were looted, the big canons of SeriPattani and SeriNegara were taken to Bangkok and never returned (still in the Defense Ministry). Everything related to Malay culture was destroyed.....

(Slavery was abolished 1905 in Thailand)

Malay names were changed , (Jalur to Yala for example), - however wild resistance continued, especially 1791, 1809 up to 1902, and 1906, where Pattani was formally annexed by Thailand


1909, 10thMarch, borders were corrected (Bangkok Treaty) between the British colonies (Malaya) and Thailand....

1941 during the WWII, Pattani and the other Muslim provinces in Thailand joined the British troops, fighting against the Japanese, declaring independence in the WWII chaos and got promises from the British government, to be considered after the end of the war.


1945 and 1946, Britain and Thailand corrected the borders again, with Kedah, Kelantan, Terengganu on the Malay side, however with Pattani on the Thai side.

This was never accepted by the Thai Muslim, and resistance, sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker, continues up to now....

Out of this history, the year 1786 as the great massaker of the Rama I prince always in mind, many Thai Muslim nowadays are considering the King of Thailand as enemy of Islam and hate the Buddhist religion as an untrue faith, responsible for all torture and slavery. They do not consider themselves to be a part of Thailand and hate everything related to the ethnic Thais, and feeling deep relationship with the Malay people of the other side of the border....They feel disappointed in many ways and are ready for violence....

Pattani and Narathiwat have about 82 percent native Jawi (Malay) speakers, who are Moslems and ethnic Malay, Yala about 69 percent.

All together about 1.6 million people in this area, and out of them about 1.3 million

are Thai Muslim.


Basically this happened @ 58 years ago. I think it's time to move on and make the best of it instead of teaching young men to commit suicide by trying to take it back with machete's and bullets.

I am was made at my parents for not buying me the G.I. Joe I wanted for x-mas 35 years ago, but I let it go and have a happier life for it now. Maybe the muslim should just let it go or move to malaysia. Either way they will have a better life. Better than dying for allah.

Basically this happened @ 58 years ago. I think it's time to move on and make the best of it instead of teaching young men to commit suicide by trying to take it back with machete's and bullets...............

Maybe the muslim should just let it go or move to Malaysia. Either way they will have a better life. Better than dying for Allah.......................

The problem is, 58 years ago is not such a long time, old people still have a fairly good rememberance about all and everything and pass it on to their children.

As I said, Thai Muslims hate the Buddhist religion due to a long bloody and cruel history and consider the present King of Thailand as the symbol of occupation.

The Thai government is not doing anything to solve the conflicts, except sending in more and more ethnic Thais as military, police or otherwise government related workers.

Near to border to Malaysia and often with dual nationality, there is no solution in sight, underground fighting will continue.

PULO is one one out of several organisations, some are active, some not anymore.


For example, look at


Patani Malay National Revolutionary Front

to see some more stuff about....


some lines out of the homepage related to him

and why he was *controversial* even in the eyes of Muslims

5.1. The students were instructed to wear Western dresses, instead of typical and traditional Malay or Muslim dresses.

5.2. The couples of young colleges' boys and girls were allowed to travel together, and sometimes seen to enter forbidden places such cinema halls, bars and nigh clubs to plant time-bombs or arsons.

5.3. Girls were allowed to carry guns and grenades in their handbags, bypassing police checking points or roadblocks, then passed over to the awaiting boys at the other safe destinations.

5.4. Or they were instructed to carry big luggage, disguised as married couple, with weapons such as M16 or AK47 assault rifles.


This is really a terrorist, but released even from Thai and Malay prison, as he has a lot of money.....even went sometimes to exil to Canada....

Luckily he resign already to be active....

but the next one are coming for sure...

I am worried...





Now people are complaining about it being stopped so violently.

So what's wrong with that, or should the authorities go down there with truckloads of sweeties and hope to make them all diabetic?

I'm not a fan of Taxin and his government but I do support the Thais right to defend their nation against thugs, terrorists or who ever these people might be.

I'm not into politics but Thaksin happens to be the legitimate boss just as Bush and hundreds of others are around the world. You may not respect the man but the responsibilities of Office compel decisions, and to my mind no major political decision can possibly hope to satisfy everyone. He did what he thought was right, and that's good enough for me, especially when I see how our woozies in the the 'civilised' and 'politically correct' West are managing so-called Muslim issues.

My wife is telling me she is real happy that the government has acted, my guess is most Thais think that way.

Good for her. Good for them.

And since when was poverty an excuse.... if we accept that them Issarn should have been up in flames years ago.

Sure, and many other places around the world. I generally expect Muslim radicals to drag Israel and the well touted 'Palestinian plight' into the equation, but I guess here in Thailand that would be too farfetched even for them to try on. No, right or wrong I believe it is a Muslim issue, them vs us, and one that is designed to slowly but surely devalue the quality of our lives and ultimately lead to major concessions if not capitulation.

The diifference between Issarn and the South of Thailand is the presence of Muslims and the religious agenda they have where ever Muslims are.

Couldn't agree with you more.

I saw the Thai police and military on the TV tonight, like the OP says, the can merciless.

No more merciless than the type of people they were dealing with.

Take up arms and you have to accept that you make yourself a target...

Here you seem to have missed something, like if you don't take up arms you're not a target? Huh?

My view is there are 120 less of these people to worry about....

Not enough!


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