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Road rage: Belgian man knocked down by Thai Benz driver half his age


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I feel the urge to get out of my car and verbally abuse [ sometimes want to knuckle]  Thai drivers here on a daily basis. Not cuz I'm an agro individual, just cuz Thais are such pathetic drivers. They drive worse than Iraqis.

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The Farang got out of his car which is an aggressive move. There was no collision, so no need to get out.

If you get out of the car you had better be ready to punch on. 

The Thai won.


Maybe the headline could have been " Farang with a girlfriend half his age lost to a Thai"

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2 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Guys. stop victim blaminggets out of car so that som ehow takes some of the blame away from the one who punched him? Really? You simply don't go around punching people. It's that simple. If someone calls you a name then ignore it.


Sure, I wouldn't advise anyone to get out of the car. Let the old guy get out, shout and moan while you ignore him. That's how you deal with it and make him look like an idiot at the same time. As soon as you raise a hand, you're in the wrong. Simple. 


Maybe you should try that in say a bar somewhere. So something upsets you and you walk across from other side to confront someone. News flash sunshine. Expect a quick fist in gob. Getting physically out of car and approaching someone is WAY outside of going over to chat and perhaps catch up for a coffee. The farang also seems had daughter in car. Absolute fool. Lucky he wasnt seriously hurt or worse. Also he should be charged dispite being smacked

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34 minutes ago, coma said:

I feel the urge to get out of my car and verbally abuse [ sometimes want to knuckle]  Thai drivers here on a daily basis. Not cuz I'm an agro individual, just cuz Thais are such pathetic drivers. They drive worse than Iraqis.


Go back home then.

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3 hours ago, scuba2day said:

Another sad example of Thainess.

No. Another example of Road Rage worldwide.

If you get out of your car you have to expect that the other driver will do the same and you had better hope that he does not have a gun.

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32 minutes ago, Gracas said:

No. Another example of Road Rage worldwide.

If you get out of your car you have to expect that the other driver will do the same and you had better hope that he does not have a gun.

No, it is another example of Thainess. Let's trust they have more sense than to try the same antics if driving overseas.

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For all our sakes I hope we can do a better job of telling our friends, acquaintances, and fellow countrymen how to behave here in the land of smiles.  Just like at home there are many unhappy people on the road, the big difference here is the horrible driving skills.  Just keep your cool or you will go nuts, get shot, beat up, tossed in jail, or just make the news to show that farangs and Thais are having problems. Come on guys at least try to walk away, you won't lose face, in fact you will be deemed the winner in my book. I am not saying to take a beating and not fight back but many of these altercations can be avoided by simply laughing it off.

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4 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Guys. stop victim blaming.


Guy gets out of car so that somehow takes some of the blame away from the one who punched him? Really? You simply don't go around punching people. It's that simple. If someone calls you a name then ignore it.


Sure, I wouldn't advise anyone to get out of the car. Let the old guy get out, shout and moan while you ignore him. That's how you deal with it and make him look like an idiot at the same time. As soon as you raise a hand, you're in the wrong. Simple. 

In the US if you leave your vehicle or are on a street and start yelling threating someone you could be charged with verbal assault. If he old git who thought he was still 30 came up to the other guys window that was a stupid move. No one knows if he spit at the guy pounded on his widow or made threats if he did that to me sorry he would be eating concrete as well.


At Common Law, an intentional act by one person that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful oroffensive contact.

An assault is carried out by a threat of bodily harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause the harm. It is both acrime and a tort and, therefore, may result in either criminal or civil liability. Generally, the common law definition is thesame in criminal and Tort Law. There is, however, an additional Criminal Law category of assault consisting of anattempted but unsuccessful Battery.

Statutory definitions of assault in the various jurisdictions throughout the United States are not substantially different fromthe common-law definition.


*** so approching a person in an intimidating fashion is an assault assult and battery is when you actually strike the person ***

Edited by Tony125
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The Belgian was lucky the guy did not shoot him. Happened a few times. I remember the case in Chiang Mai. A German insulted a Thai when they stopped at the red light. Well, the Thai killed him. Later the driver said it was self defence. Case closed.

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19 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

In the US if you leave your vehicle or are on a street and start yelling threating someone you could be charged with verbal assault. If he old git who thought he was still 30 came up to the other guys window that was a stupid move. No one knows if he spit at the guy pounded on his widow or made threats if he did that to me sorry he would be eating concrete as well.


At Common Law, an intentional act by one person that creates an apprehension in another of an imminent harmful oroffensive contact.

An assault is carried out by a threat of bodily harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause the harm. It is both acrime and a tort and, therefore, may result in either criminal or civil liability. Generally, the common law definition is thesame in criminal and Tort Law. There is, however, an additional Criminal Law category of assault consisting of anattempted but unsuccessful Battery.

Statutory definitions of assault in the various jurisdictions throughout the United States are not substantially different fromthe common-law definition.


*** so approching a person in an intimidating fashion is an assault assult and battery is when you actually strike the person ***


So he would have been charged. Why add a charge to yourself by smacking someone? 


End of the day if someone annoys you so badly you smack them, that's up to you. But in the real world you'll be in trouble.

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5 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I feel sorry for the guy especially as he was a lot smaller and clearly didn't want a fight. It is a first for me though actually seeing a Thai on a 'one on one situation'. Hopefully Karma will reward him with someone more his size and age next time and give him some of his own medicine, 10 fold.

Yeah, one on one, what a hero, just a king hit merchant.  I have yet to see a Thai take on someone, one out and face to face.  For some reason they are gutless and attack when some one is not expecting it. But yes, you're right the guy was living dangerously by getting out, he could have been confronted with anything, not just fists.  :wai:

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25 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

Yeah, one on one, what a hero, just a king hit merchant.  I have yet to see a Thai take on someone, one out and face to face.  For some reason they are gutless and attack when some one is not expecting it. But yes, you're right the guy was living dangerously by getting out, he could have been confronted with anything, not just fists.  :wai:

I sort of agree with you, but in these situations it is not a boxing match it is a street fight. If I had have gotten out of my car and gone up to the other driver and said something to him, I would not have turned my back on him and walked away thinking how I just put him in his place by explaining the road rules. I would have been expecting him to also get out of his car.

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2 hours ago, jacksam said:


Maybe you should try that in say a bar somewhere. So something upsets you and you walk across from other side to confront someone. News flash sunshine. Expect a quick fist in gob. Getting physically out of car and approaching someone is WAY outside of going over to chat and perhaps catch up for a coffee. The farang also seems had daughter in car. Absolute fool. Lucky he wasnt seriously hurt or worse. Also he should be charged dispite being smacked

He smacked a pensioner, for Christ's sake. 


Put it into perspective. 

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31 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

He smacked a pensioner, for Christ's sake. 


Put it into perspective. 


Being OLD does not excuse being stupid. Perhaps skip     the capital C in reference to the catholics. You seem cut from same "cloth" as the agressive Belgian.

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8 hours ago, zaphod reborn said:

Feel sorry for the guy, but don't get out of your car for a minor dispute.  Keep the door locked and the window rolled up.  Good thing he didn't do this in LA, where he probably would have been shot.

Actually one has a high probability of being killed by a firearm here in Thailand, as it ranks, give or take, in the top four of countries reporting intentional homicide data with a firearm. Thailand also has a higher overall homicide rate per capita per year than the US.


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The Thai Mercedes driver is a total scumbag that beat up a pensioner AGAIN!

He threw the first,the last and the only punches yet some people here say the old Belgian guy should be charged,what sort of imbecile would agree with that?
It's just absolutely disgusting and symptomatic of everything that is wrong with modern-day Thailand,then they scratch their collective heads and wonder why tourism figures are way down and no-one seems to want to come to Thailand anymore.
Believe me in the West and Europe the travel agents no longer advertise Thailand as a holiday destination,now it's Cambodia and Vietnam,even Laos but Thailand is no longer mentioned in the advertisements in national newspapers!

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2 hours ago, Jonmarleesco said:

,   '  trust they have more sense than to try  same antics if driving overseas.

Are you SERIOUS. Road rage is a farang world epidemic. And the farang here still throw crap at thai. like yourself

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10 hours ago, robblok said:


I really wonder too why he got out.. seems he wanted to vent his anger or something. Does not mean he deserved to be beaten though its not a smart move at all. 

It's not like the Benz driver was Sugar Ray Leonard or Saenchai.  But old expats rule number one.  If you're not in good enough shape to stand your ground, don't lose your temper and don't get out of the car (and keep your camera rolling).  :smile:

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7 hours ago, riverhigh said:

Re: The assailant simply left. She said her husband had been attacked without warning.


Not true he got out of his car and instigated the confrontation. Most probably the old pensioner was incensed at the Mercedes Benz driver thinking that he owned the road. Well this is Thailand where status/money talks and, by the way, old pensioner  ever thought  that a Thai man may be incensed at an old fart like you using his money to get a Thai woman 30 years his junior. The only difference is that  a Thai man doesn't get out of his car and give his opinion of you robbing the cradle so to speak ... lol. All the same  I'm pretty fed up with hi-so Thais. Yesterday I was walking  through a local Wat  and  a Mercedes Benz owner had blocked the entire entrance to the Wat where  people and the motor cycles entered. Rather that find an open parking space he parked in the first place he saw. Back home he would have  got the "key" treatment on his car before being towed away. Then again this Thailand and its for Thais to modify this entitlement behavior, not me!

The farang's worst mistake was he came out of his car not holding any crowbar, jack lever, machete, ...or gun, in his hand, as that's what a Thai would do when leaving the shelter of his vehicle, alone(!) and on his own(!), to 'explain'... Can't expect any respect like he did, the more so being farang, small and older, ...especially from some self-imbued Merc driver, what did he think, huh? Farang bah, farang nie... God, they love us so much!

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