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Trump ‘no threat to Thailand’


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Trump ‘no threat to Thailand’



Demonstrators protest on top of a bus outside of the Trump Tower on Wednesday in Chicago, Illinois. Thousands of people across the United States took to the streets in protest. AFP Photo


Diplomats say while there could be some challenges on the trade front, there was nothing for America’s ‘oldest Asian ally’ to worry about


DONALD TRUMP’S presidency and policies could raise anxiety and also trigger domestic and international protests but Thailand would benefit from his policies, Thai senior officials and politicians said yesterday. 

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha told Thai envoys in a meeting yesterday that Thailand was ready to work with the US administration no matter who is the president.

“We need to keep up with global trends. There have been changes such as the [US] presidential election. We need to stand firm on our ground, whether it be social or to do with the economy,” he said. 

Full story: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/politics/30299712

-- © Copyright The Nation 2016-11-11
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Thailand should learn from this.  He is a democratically elected President, even after all the smear and fear campaigns that caused many to wet the bed, the boogey man still prevailed.  The military isn't going to storm the white house and size the president just because the vote didn't go as planned.  A lesson for Prayuth drop your personal vendetta and let the boogey man and his sister failed away, keeping them alive in the media isn't going to help you.

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1 hour ago, webfact said:

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha told Thai envoys in a meeting yesterday that Thailand was ready to work with the US administration no matter who is the president.


Trump welcomed this news and said his cabinet would continue to support Taiwan, and he was looking forward to making his first official visit to Taipei soon.

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America is Thailand's 3rd largest export partner.  Any affect on Thailand will depend on his advisers because quite frankly I doubt Trump knows where Thailand.  I'm sure he's heard of Bangkok but....nevermind.  I'm sorry to say but when I go visit home and say I live in Bangkok most people didn't know what country we are in.  Taiwan?  Trump doesn't seem to be any different.  Unless he has a hotel here he wouldn't know where the country is.


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There are enough checks and balances that Trump can only do so much.  The big concern is the President, Senate, and congress are Republican and who is Trump

going to be buddies with.  The Democrats are out of it, and the Republicans will be making concessions to each other to pass laws and regulations.  The President

has had veto powers in the last 8 years, not going to be the same, and some loose cannons can cause some major problems with domestic and foreign policy.

Trump has said he will update the military.  The people who are  making the budget have no military experience and without some common sense, being ahead 

in the arms race, sill cost an incredible amount of money if he lessens involvement in NATO and Asian Friendlies..

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threat? the number one thing here is tourism.  aviation... and shipping... were exempted from consideration... for a few months, about half a year....  so they could actually get a US signing on the Paris Accord.. and that was Obama. Trump is even less likely to do anything because of his base and party affiliation.... of which he does get to remold but.... he is cool on Climate.. Hillary supposedly was in the 'believer' camp... which would have become a negative for aviation.... because alt fuels wouldn't have done a thing ****to scale**** so the plan, this year, was on for 'incentive' based plans.... a nice PC way to say... higher air fares across the board.. and easier to get done politically because aviation is publicly subsidized in a thousand different which ways that the 'little people' don't even think about. now that's off the table, for sure. and then there's TPP.. which was not a net positive for many Thai industries as well. Donald Trump. good for Thailand.... and he loves to fly.. read: tourism. 

Edited by maewang99
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The Guy is a Maverick; so one day he might just decide he doesn't like trading with Military Junta's and cut off all imports from such countries.  Should the Big Pumpkin be silly enough to make too much noise he may just decide to turn the key and press 'Button A'  !

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Certainly, there will be some in the Trump adminstration who will take a dim view of an undemocratic Military Junta.

Don't forget, however, that Trump is really, really pissed at China for a whole host of reasons (North Korea being near the top). So as Trump hammers away at China, slowly assembly type work will migrate OUT of China. If Thailand is smart, they could benefit from this migration. To do so, however, Thailand must:

1. Work out a "fair" trade deal with the Trump adminstration

2. Streamline and simplify the process for opening up assembly plants in Thailand

3. Put in place protections for intellectual property rights

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5 hours ago, Thechook said:

Thailand should learn from this.  He is a democratically elected President.


Sorry, that's an incorrect statement.  First, he has not been elected.  That will occur on December 19 when the electoral college meets.  Second, he was not democratically elected.  It appears Clinton won the popular vote by about a 1/2 million votes.  Trump will probably be legally elected under the U.S. federal representation system when the electoral college casts its votes next month, but he will never have been democratically elected.

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1 hour ago, DM07 said:

Trump is essentially a threat to EVERYBODY!



Unless he merely franchises his name to "Trump USA".


He'll strut, posture and act the "Big Man" while others control/own the business.   Life goes on as normal and he takes his "percentage" in the shape of massive ego massaging.


Isn't that the Trump business model?

Edited by Enoon
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7 hours ago, webfact said:

DONALD TRUMP’S presidency and policies could raise anxiety and also trigger domestic and international protests but Thailand would benefit from his policies, Thai senior officials and politicians said yesterday. 

Wouldn't you know it the spin doctors at work already. Not to worry Trump is to busy trying to find "qualified" people to help row yea old ship Trump. Seems like most of the prospectives had turned their backs on him prior to the election and now he must go hat in hand looking for help. If you want a laugh check the old hack prospectives he has lined up. Only Karl Rove and Cheney are missing. Cheney would make a good Secretary of Defense seeing as how there is no Secretary of Offence or Offensive. Check your local newspaper under help wanted there may be a job there for you.  

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1 hour ago, james1995 said:

He deserves a medal.  Americans can finally be proud to say they're American now.

Yes your right. A 100 year old steel factory in Ohio closed its doors and laid off 600 workers because of cheap illegal Chinese steel. Its a funny thing The Donald uses cheap Chinese steel in all his projects you know "Mr. Make America Great Again" The election is over the sheeple have voted (swallowed) his "Greatness" message. Now the hard part begins. 

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One thing could very easily change. Namely, the Thai hope to play China against the USA and try to get ever better deals for themselves. Try that with Trump and he'll probably just tell Thailand to go join China.  Really, aside from a strategic position in SE Asia, there really isn't anything the US needs much from Thailand.  And Obama's "pivot to Asia," making that strategic position worth anything, is now DOA.

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