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Faces of evil - two Thai men who lured Chonburi five year olds into the woods


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Very Pleased the two kids were found in time,before

something really bad happened to them,it does not

always end like that,the parents need to take more

care looking after their kids,

The two perverts,hopefully will have a very tough time

when the other inmates find what they are in for.

regards worgeordie

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Nothing particularly unusual here, just a couple of Thai savages up to their usual savagery. Have a look at the Thai Rath newspaper and see what the savages get up to day in and day out all over the land.

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1 hour ago, PomPolo said:






I can't really understand your pragmatic view.

Two men towards their forties abduct (which is what they did) two five year olds and hurt them sexual assault or not irrelevant then slapped then around 'a bit' you almost sound as though you are condoning it - what else do you think there is to this story?

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I am condoning nothing, simply based on the news report taken at face value - the police have arrested them on assault and abduction charges, I have no doubt that these two individuals are mentally disturbed at some level and are dangerous and should be dealt with appropriately

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ha ha i see the "do gooder" is out on site, if you live here you should know better, there is no proper law in this country, if you read the papers, there is injustice here every day as to regards the law.money talks , people walk, (just thought that one up)

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6 minutes ago, mercman24 said:

ha ha i see the "do gooder" is out on site, if you live here you should know better, there is no proper law in this country, if you read the papers, there is injustice here every day as to regards the law.money talks , people walk, (just thought that one up)



You could be talking any country in the world, do you really believe O.J didn't stab his wife? Do you believe if O.J was named P.J and worked as a garbo he would have gotten off?

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If Thailand had even a decent justice system there would be no need for the mob to deal with them. We all know they are more likely to be found hanging by socks in their cell than ever seeing a day in court. We also know that in a week the story will dissappear and no one will care less, not the police, not the public and certainly not the media. The locals missed out on their neanderthal bashing and the example that sets for the next generations.


Justice in Thailand is a lost cause and exactly what the majority of people deserve.

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7 hours ago, Ian1980 said:

Give them to the father's childs


What are the father's children going to do with them?  No details as to what the bad men did to the abductees, maybe families should supervise their children better, not just let them roam around from a very young age.

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7 hours ago, Cheops said:

Yeah, yeah. Until this happens to your own kids! 


I would have preferred if they were left with the mob.


I do have 2 kids and yes I will harm anyone who will harm my kids! 


So everyone with kids should accept lynch mobs "just in case some terrible things could happen to your  own kids one day " ?? 

Edited by Yahooka
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18 hours ago, JoePai said:

The should have been left to the 'mob' to deal with  


16 hours ago, Ian1980 said:

Give them to the father's childs



16 hours ago, Cheops said:

Yeah, yeah. Until this happens to your own kids! 


I would have preferred if they were left with the mob.


I do have 2 kids and yes I will harm anyone who will harm my kids! 


16 hours ago, gchurch259 said:

These two did not obey the rule of law, should they receive better ?? NOT !!


16 hours ago, guzzi850m2 said:

Looks like the dude in the middle received some instant justice, very good.


Yes leave them to the mob, I got kids too and hate anybody that harm kids and they will likely do it again when coming out from prison. Sick bastards.


15 hours ago, Jools said:

I have no words. These men are evil incarnate. Lethal injection is right and proper. Good riddance.


14 hours ago, wvavin said:

In times of need, lynching is not a bad idea.


14 hours ago, PomPolo said:

Sick sick sick! Looks like he has already had a couple of slaps by the picture - not enough though. Let the village deal with them jail is too soft for them

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14 hours ago, 6thST said:

A long time,Hang the bastards!




14 hours ago, kksdbk said:

It's Horrific when kids are abused, hurt in any way!   Those two guys need a nice punishment!  ..but I'll let the Thai mob take care of them!


14 hours ago, SGD said:

Sex case, sex case, hang him, hang him, hang him.


Surely plod would be too busy out "catching" bribes on the highway to be bothered about a couple of dead child molesters ?


12 hours ago, Wazza1 said:

Always pisses me off when the police stop the angry mob, why don't these police go to the local pub, have a few beers then come back and arrest the bodies.


8 hours ago, dogpatch55 said:

Yeah  should have  let  the  mob  deal  with  the  scumbags!!


5 hours ago, monkey4u said:

I agree

A quick assistance with suicide would be a better way out for these 2

And leave 2 spare places in the prison system


On only 2 pages we find this many who agrees that the mob was better than the law.

Just too sad! That´s why it looks like it does today, and all these people change their mind
frequently depending on the story. I am not saying that they are good people. They are really bad,
but there must be a system that takes care of this and a law that can be used. That´s one of the
fundamentals for restoring democracy, that I believe most of the people quoted above also wants
in some kind of wierd way. 

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38 minutes ago, BobbyLambo said:


You misspelled "Incinerate".

No he didn´t misspell anything. Just you that side with everyone else that wants to have everything working in a civilized
society when it regards yourself. When not it´s just to cut some heads. Just can´t be a relative to Einstein.

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54 minutes ago, Canuk23 said:


There is no rule of law when they are caught red handed, save money and taxes

leave them to the mob.


There`s still a rule of law,however red handed the perps are.Im glad none of the TV members here writes the rules of law :coffee1:..........................

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1 hour ago, Yahooka said:


There`s still a rule of law,however red handed the perps are.Im glad none of the TV members here writes the rules of law :coffee1:..........................

I am for the rule of law when there is speculation, but not in this case and especially when small

children are involved !!! 

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On 11/11/2016 at 0:00 PM, webfact said:

Authorities had to whisk them away as a lynching party of angry villagers threatened to kill them on the spot after they were found.

Police should have had a rest for a while. 

They are not animals animals cannot d this

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