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Six years ago I was around 100kilos at 6ft 2in that was OK ish, however went to 140kilos, not a big beer drinker five bottles a week and some samsung whisky/rum, I believe my weight gain was not just food


Currently I need to loose weight for possible major surgery in Feb next year


At the moment I am having radiation treatment and chemotherapy, for a couple of cancers


One of the 15 plus doctors I have seen in the last two months said have a thyroid test, i did; the result was for TSH 4.15, with the norm 0.30 to 4.10, so I am outside


I see thyroid can affect weight/metabolism, tiredness, and depression all of which are applicable to me


In the last month my diet has been changed dramatically, I eat musli; yogurt and fresh fruit for breakfast then 2/3 small meals/snacks, in the rest of the day, some pork or chicken no fat or skin, some chicken liver, nothing fried, smoke salmon, smoked ham, a small amount of brown bread, a lot of corn on the cob, a lot of salad, carrots, advocado, one every three days, a lot of fruit, no alcohol, a lot of juice including pomegranate, quite a lot of zero fat yogurt, no coffee, no sweet drinks, I also take extra vitamins, and vitamin C


While on my current treatment have to watch my red white blood count have weekly blood tests and ok


I have lost 10 kilos so far but having problems getting lower, I seem to have hit a plateau


I want to loose another 20 kilos over the next two months, and be just under 110 kilos, which would be a 21% weight loss, form the original 140kilos


eventually I want to aim to be below 100 kilos


I walk about 1 hr a day, six weeks  ago I came back from prostate surgery in india and was in a wheel chair


Where and who  in Bangkok do I go; to seek advice on thyroid


I need some pointers, and just wonder the relevance of my thyroid level, any input appreciated 



  • 2 weeks later...

Had six lots of blood tests re various thyroid functions, cost just over 1000batt


TSH now 3.5  limits 0.3 to 4.1, before it was 4.15, hence the concern, all the other thyroid tests show me to be middle ground


So now do not need to see an endocrinologist, but very pleased I checked further


My PSA that peaked at 15.1 before prostate Holep surgery, when cancer was found is now at 2.05 very acceptable, before my chemo and radiation it had dropped to 6.1, after the surgery, I find this encouraging

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