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UK: Labour MP Jo Cox 'murdered for political cause'


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42 minutes ago, SheungWan said:


Not mentally ill. Cancelling a subscription does not press the off switch. The forum Brexiteer huffing and puffing continues. Premeditated and planned murder of a Remain 'white traitor' MP.


"Not mentally ill."


Ahh.....remainers and intellectual honesty. I've posted this link before. It's a shame we have to go around in circles, but, such is the way with remainers.




"He volunteered at the Oakwell Hall country park in Birstall in 2010 after being a patient of the Mirfield-based Pathways Day Centre for adults with mental illness, according to a Huddersfield Examiner report at the time.


He told the paper: "I can honestly say it has done me more good than all the psychotherapy and medication in the world.


"Many people who suffer from mental illness are socially isolated and disconnected from society, feelings of worthlessness are also common, mainly caused by long-term unemployment."


Pathways is described on the South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust website as a "team that offers support to people experiencing mental health difficulties"."


In the same article, there is more detail about the South African group. It seems he cancelled his subscription and made an effort to avoid them, pretending to not live at his address any more!

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What we are concerned about is whether there is any mental illness which impacted on the crime he committed. ie whether the defence can claim diminished responsibility and therefore extenuating circumstances. Evidence of illness presented at the trial which either impacted on the conviction or the sentencing. What we do know is that 'Cairns Nelson, defending, confirmed that the defendant has been assessed by doctors and that medical evidence will not form part of the defence'. So, the defence presented no evidence of medical illness, but our resident bar-room Hard Brexiteers know better?  'Disgusting' is unfortunately the sight of the boot on the other foot.

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On 11/28/2016 at 4:59 AM, Grouse said:


OK, I'll play along


The target was an obvious remain supporter, quite outspoken, local and recognisable. Logical


The timing was approaching the referendum. Rhetoric at crescendo. This was the catalyst.


His statements were all "little englander". Britain comes first (to paraphrase)


Why Brexiteers don't go along with this I have no idea




Having a murderer lined up on the Brexit side is not quite what they would like.

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3 hours ago, SheungWan said:

What we are concerned about is whether there is any mental illness which impacted on the crime he committed. ie whether the defence can claim diminished responsibility and therefore extenuating circumstances. Evidence of illness presented at the trial which either impacted on the conviction or the sentencing. What we do know is that 'Cairns Nelson, defending, confirmed that the defendant has been assessed by doctors and that medical evidence will not form part of the defence'. So, the defence presented no evidence of medical illness, but our resident bar-room Hard Brexiteers know better?  'Disgusting' is unfortunately the sight of the boot on the other foot.


Yes, Mair and his defence chose to be tried on the facts of the case, and chose not to introduce any physical (he's an epilleptic, apparently) or mental illness issues to his defence.


I certainly do know better: I have provided irrefutable evidence of Mair's mental illness. That you choose to ignore that irrefutable evidence, and twist Mair's wish not to be treated as a nut case at his trial into 'proof' that he's not mentally ill, shows just how utterly intellectually dishonest and deceitful remainers are prepared to be for their political cause. Truly disgusting political ambulance chasing. Is it possible for politics get any lower?

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In the days before the murder, Mair read up on the local library computer the death of Ian Gow MP, the last MP to have been murdered. He also looked up the Wikipedia page of William Hague MP, who like Jo Cox supported the campaign to remain in the EU. Looking up anti-Brexit targets. Nothing to do with anti-Brexit? One wonders more about the agenda of some over-excited Brexiteers as they continue to bay against the moon. They know better than the defence? Of course they do. That any mental issues did not distract one iota from a premiditated crime is something that they are just not going to give up. Trying to drown out the conviction and the presiding judge. But most of all drowning out Mair's words: 'Death to traitors' and his last words as he was stabbing Cox: 'This is for Britain'.

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4 hours ago, Khun Han said:


Yes, Mair and his defence chose to be tried on the facts of the case, and chose not to introduce any physical (he's an epilleptic, apparently) or mental illness issues to his defence.


I certainly do know better: I have provided irrefutable evidence of Mair's mental illness. That you choose to ignore that irrefutable evidence, and twist Mair's wish not to be treated as a nut case at his trial into 'proof' that he's not mentally ill, shows just how utterly intellectually dishonest and deceitful remainers are prepared to be for their political cause. Truly disgusting political ambulance chasing. Is it possible for politics get any lower?

Mental illness does not equate to being a nut case

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7 hours ago, SheungWan said:

In the days before the murder, Mair read up on the local library computer the death of Ian Gow MP, the last MP to have been murdered. He also looked up the Wikipedia page of William Hague MP, who like Jo Cox supported the campaign to remain in the EU. Looking up anti-Brexit targets. Nothing to do with anti-Brexit? One wonders more about the agenda of some over-excited Brexiteers as they continue to bay against the moon. They know better than the defence? Of course they do. That any mental issues did not distract one iota from a premiditated crime is something that they are just not going to give up. Trying to drown out the conviction and the presiding judge. But most of all drowning out Mair's words: 'Death to traitors' and his last words as he was stabbing Cox: 'This is for Britain'.


He read up on the waffen SS, but he didn't murder any Jews. He read up on the Ku Klux Klan, but he didn't lynch any blacks (and, thankfully, his mixed-race  half-brother survived). He read up on matricide, but he didn't murder his mother. He was particularly interested in reading up on Anders Breivik, but he didn't attack any political summer camps. He had a conversation with his mother's friend, Rosemary Surman, about brexit during which he expressed the opinion that there were pros and cons to both sides of the argument.


Cherry picking information is great, isn't it?

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What I find grimly amusing is the lack of consistency in the arguments used by 'kippers when such tragedies occur. During the summer, when a mentally ill Swedish/Somali man with no known links to extremist groups murdered an American tourist in London, there were certain TV 'kippers who were apoplectic because the Met had not used the word 'terrorist' when describing the attacker; there was even a consistent narrative being pushed on TV that there was a Europe-wide conspiracy among police and politicians to downplay any such attack, removing any suggestion of terrorism. "Oh, he must be mentally ill!" became the sarcastic refrain of many.


Then we have a murder carried out by a man with known White Supremacist views, who attacks someone who is a prominent local representative in support of immigration, during the most toxic and divisive political period in living memory, a referndum campaign driven by false claims of an imminent migrant invasion, lies about 70 million Turkish people about to descend on Europe, innate xenophobia being whipped up by the refugees crisis - and yet now we have 'kippers leaping over each other, trying to claim that it was mental illness that led to this murder and nothing to do with BREXIT rhetoric.

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3 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

What I find grimly amusing is the lack of consistency in the arguments used by 'kippers when such tragedies occur. During the summer, when a mentally ill Swedish/Somali man with no known links to extremist groups murdered an American tourist in London, there were certain TV 'kippers who were apoplectic because the Met had not used the word 'terrorist' when describing the attacker; there was even a consistent narrative being pushed on TV that there was a Europe-wide conspiracy among police and politicians to downplay any such attack, removing any suggestion of terrorism. "Oh, he must be mentally ill!" became the sarcastic refrain of many.


Then we have a murder carried out by a man with known White Supremacist views, who attacks someone who is a prominent local representative in support of immigration, during the most toxic and divisive political period in living memory, a referndum campaign driven by false claims of an imminent migrant invasion, lies about 70 million Turkish people about to descend on Europe, innate xenophobia being whipped up by the refugees crisis - and yet now we have 'kippers leaping over each other, trying to claim that it was mental illness that led to this murder and nothing to do with BREXIT rhetoric.


All this discussion, and the remainers still can't link Mair to the brexit leave campaign, other than "Well, he read this/said that, so that must mean he did it because of that", etc, etc. The big question is, why are remainers so desperate to connect a sad, mentally ill loner with a long-time obsession (from afar) with foreign right wing extremists to the mainstream of brexit leave? I'll answer: it reinforces their lies about brexit leave being fuelled by racism, xenophobia and hatred. And it allows the agenda of shaming people away from being associated with brexit leave to gain traction. It's actually quite sinister, when you think about it. The good news is: people are wising up to being herded like sheep into establishment politico-think; they've started looking beyond what's presented to them in the mainstram information channels. There's a wind of change in politics.

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11 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


All this discussion, and the remainers still can't link Mair to the brexit leave campaign, other than "Well, he read this/said that, so that must mean he did it because of that", etc, etc. The big question is, why are remainers so desperate to connect a sad, mentally ill loner with a long-time obsession (from afar) with foreign right wing extremists to the mainstream of brexit leave? I'll answer: it reinforces their lies about brexit leave being fuelled by racism, xenophobia and hatred. And it allows the agenda of shaming people away from being associated with brexit leave to gain traction. It's actually quite sinister, when you think about it. The good news is: people are wising up to being herded like sheep into establishment politico-think; they've started looking beyond what's presented to them in the mainstram information channels. There's a wind of change in politics.


100 posts and no sign of any change of opinion on either side. But if you Google "UK Racism After BREXIT" you will find precious few articles proclaiming that the UK has become a more tolerant place, but plenty suggesting the exact opposite. But that is all lies and propaganda?


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