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Trump, Pence address potential of Romney, Mattis in Cabinet


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Trump, Pence address potential of Romney, Mattis in Cabinet



BEDMINSTER, N.J. (AP) — Mitt Romney is a key contender to become the nation's next secretary of state and retired Marine Corps Gen. James Mattis was an "impressive" prospect for defense secretary, President-elect Donald Trump and his No. 2, Mike Pence, said Sunday.


"Gov. Romney is under active and serious consideration to serve as secretary of state of the United States," said Pence, the vice president-elect who is leading the search for Trump's cabinet members, in an interview on CBS's "Face the Nation."


On Sunday, the billionaire interrupted his tweeted criticisms of "Saturday Night Live," the hit musical "Hamilton," and Democrats to write that, "General James 'Mad Dog' Mattis, who is being considered for secretary of defense, was very impressive yesterday. A true General's General!"


The comments were indications that Trump is looking outside his immediate circle as he works toward rounding out his foreign policy and national security teams. On Friday, he named a loyalist, ret. Gen. Michael Flynn, as his national security adviser. Trump told reporters Sunday that one of his most loyal and public allies, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, was also a prospect for secretary of state "and other things." Giuliani at one point had been considered for attorney general, but Trump gave that job to Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama.


Romney, the former Massachusetts governor and 2012 GOP presidential contender, and Trump exchanged bitter insults during the campaign, and Mattis has not been considered a Trump confidante. The appointment of more establishment figures could offer some reassurance to lawmakers and others concerned about Trump's hard-line positions on immigration and national security and his lack of foreign policy experience.


But even as Trump and his team discussed pressing issues facing the country and how to staff the incoming administration, the president-elect's Twitter feed suggested other issues too were on his mind.


His targets Sunday included retiring Democratic Leader Harry Reid. Trump tweeted that incoming Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer, another media-savvy New Yorker, was "far smarter" than Reid and "has the ability to get things done."


Trump also complained that "Saturday Night Live," which thrives on making fun of politicians, is "biased" and not funny. The night before, actor Alec Baldwin portrayed Trump as Googling, "What is ISIS?"


Trump also insisted again that the cast and producers of "Hamilton" should apologize after the lead actor addressed Pence from the stage Friday night, telling the vice president-elect that "diverse America" was "alarmed and anxious" about the incoming administration. Pence said on CBS's "Face the Nation" that he enjoyed the show and wasn't offended.


Meanwhile, Trump received more visitors to his golf club in New Jersey Sunday. Besides Giuliani, Trump met with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, his former transition chairman who was replaced by Pence after the election.


Trump's transition team said former Texas governor and GOP presidential rival Rick Perry was expected to meet with Trump on Monday.


The businessman and president-elect also apparently was considering prospects to lead the Commerce Department, meeting with billionaire investor Wilbur Ross.


"Time will tell," Ross told reporters when asked if he wanted to the post.


Trump also was making plans for transitioning his family. He told reporters Sunday that his wife, Melania, and their 10-year-old son, Barron, would move to Washington when the school year ends.


Both Romney and Trump put on a show of smiles, a public handshake and a thumbs-up Saturday, a marked shift in tone after a year in which Romney attacked Trump as a "con man" and Trump labeled him a "loser." But the two have started to mend fences since Trump's victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton.


Trump started filling key administration positions on Friday, picking Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions for attorney general and Kansas Rep. Mike Pompeo to head the CIA, signaling a sharp rightward shift in U.S. security policy as he begins to form his Cabinet. Trump also named retired Lt. Gen Michael Flynn as his national security adviser.


Trump's initial decisions suggest a more aggressive military involvement in counterterror strategy and a greater emphasis on Islam's role in stoking extremism. Sessions, who is best known for his hard line immigration views, has questioned whether terrorist suspects should benefit from the rights available in U.S. courts. Pompeo has said Muslim leaders are "potentially complicit" in attacks if they do not denounce violence carried out in the name of Islam.


Pompeo's nomination to lead the CIA also opens the prospect of the U.S. resuming torture of detainees. Trump has backed harsh interrogation techniques that President Barack Obama and Congress have banned, saying the U.S. "should go tougher than waterboarding," which simulates drowning. In 2014, Pompeo criticized Obama for "ending our interrogation program" and said intelligence officials "are not torturers, they are patriots."


Sessions and Pompeo would both require Senate confirmation; Flynn would not.


Kellman reported from Washington. Associated Press Writer Jill Colvin contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-11-21
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42 minutes ago, Penicillin said:

Yessss!  Let General "Mad Dog" Mattis take on ISIS without political constraints. 

He will get the lawyers off the battlefield and unleash holy hell on those bastards. 

War is ugly , but if your going to fight, do it to win. 

Agreed, Mad Dog, will kill them all. Carpet bomb the whole Syrian country. 


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26 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

Why stop there.Take out those pesky Russians,Chinese and Mexicans while your at it.

These countries do not support ISIS.

I guess terrorism is a joke to you. ISIS coming to city near you. Get ready to run away and hide your head in the dirt.

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The General is a good choice for Secdef but he needs to buy into the overall  strategy of accepting Russian integration into the destruction of ISIS and forget about ousting the Syrian President. With the Russians and Americans working together the whole ISIS situation can be handled quickly and effectively. 

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1 hour ago, bark said:

Agreed, Mad Dog, will kill them all. Carpet bomb the whole Syrian country. 


Yes! Tired with the leftists politic :tongue:  Carpet bomb Syria once and for all:clap2:

Only 10% Christians in Syria, hardly 2,500,000 people we'll call them collateral damages that's all :thumbsup: 

 And for the 4,000,000 Alawites they are Muslims too, so no problem carpet bombing ! :whistling:Pffff


Edited by Tchooptip
Forget something captain
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21 minutes ago, Tchooptip said:

Yes! Tired with the leftists politic :tongue:  Carpet bomb Syria once and for all:clap2:

Only 10% Christians in Syria, hardly 2,500,000 people we'll call them collateral damages that's all :thumbsup: 

 And for the 4,000,000 Alawites they are Muslims too, so no problem carpet bombing ! :whistling:Pffff


The people who live there, had the chance to move out three years ago. But they listen to the ISIS propaganda.

Then when they found out what ISIS was really all about it was too late.

I feel sorry for them, bit they should have left.

Now you cannot worry about them.

Need roughly two million pounds of bombs. The US can use anything left from Vietnam war. Just as long as it

will blow them all to hell.

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Mattis got some views running contradictory to Trump's statements.


He does not think that the agreement with Iran can be actually be scrapped.

He feels relating to allies as free-loading is a wrong approach.

He does not go for unqualified support of Israel's policies.

He considers ISIS to be a relatively lesser threat.




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9 hours ago, webfact said:

On Sunday, the billionaire interrupted his tweeted criticisms of "Saturday Night Live," the hit musical "Hamilton," and Democrats to write that, "General James 'Mad Dog' Mattis, who is being considered for secretary of defense, was very impressive yesterday. A true General's General!"


Yep! let's make someone called "Mad Dog" the Secretary for Defence.  Fits in very well with Trumps idea of running a country.

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4 hours ago, dunroaming said:


Yep! let's make someone called "Mad Dog" the Secretary for Defence.  Fits in very well with Trumps idea of running a country.



Just don't call him Mad Dog



James Mattis


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6 hours ago, Morch said:

Mattis got some views running contradictory to Trump's statements.


He does not think that the agreement with Iran can be actually be scrapped.

He feels relating to allies as free-loading is a wrong approach.

He does not go for unqualified support of Israel's policies.

He considers ISIS to be a relatively lesser threat.





Nothing wrong with that. Diversity of opinion is a good thing, rather than a rubber stamp. 

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3 hours ago, Morch said:


I am no war hawk but this man sounds perfect for the job.  A no nonsense man that is rebellious, and an innovator that has his feet on the ground but skilled at forging alliances.  

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17 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Nothing wrong with that. Diversity of opinion is a good thing, rather than a rubber stamp. 


That's your opinion, not sure Trump would concur. Not all that great handling criticism.

Was actually wondering how much patience will Mattis have for Trump.

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15 hours ago, chilli42 said:


I am no war hawk but this man sounds perfect for the job.  A no nonsense man that is rebellious, and an innovator that has his feet on the ground but skilled at forging alliances.  


I dunno about perfect, but Trump could do much worse, considering those short-listed and already appointed.

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On 11/21/2016 at 11:20 AM, bark said:

The people who live there, had the chance to move out three years ago. But they listen to the ISIS propaganda.

Then when they found out what ISIS was really all about it was too late.

I feel sorry for them, bit they should have left.

Now you cannot worry about them.

Need roughly two million pounds of bombs. The US can use anything left from Vietnam war. Just as long as it

will blow them all to hell.

And just where should they all have left to go to Einstein? The USA don't want them. I know just draw all of your non-money out of a dysfunctional banking system and a country that doesn't have a central bank (oh did I mention that? what a coincidence one of the 5 remaining countries left without a central bank invaded, the last being Iraq and Libya), and take all of the money that you do not have left, that is in fact worthless and take your family on a journey 'somewhere' to live in a foreign land where you are despised by the local population. Great plan, you should be on the Trump strategy team :thumbsup:  Yes lets blow a few million innocent women and children up just because we can. I would love to live in your world - NOT!

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16 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

And just where should they all have left to go to Einstein? The USA don't want them. I know just draw all of your non-money out of a dysfunctional banking system and a country that doesn't have a central bank (oh did I mention that? what a coincidence one of the 5 remaining countries left without a central bank invaded, the last being Iraq and Libya), and take all of the money that you do not have left, that is in fact worthless and take your family on a journey 'somewhere' to live in a foreign land where you are despised by the local population. Great plan, you should be on the Trump strategy team :thumbsup:  Yes lets blow a few million innocent women and children up just because we can. I would love to live in your world - NOT!

There are settlement camps, for them in Syria. Fence them in like animals, feed , protect, forget about them.

They had their chance to leave. That time is gone.Time to kill the rest in the city. ISIS

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