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The military parade for Donald Trump has come early


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The military parade for Donald Trump has come early



WASHINGTON (AP) — The military parade for Donald Trump has come early. Two months before Inauguration Day festivities, an extraordinary number of recently retired generals, including some who clashed with President Barack Obama's administration, are marching to the president-elect's doorstep for job interviews.


It's not unusual for an incoming administration to consider a retired general for a top position like CIA director. But Trump has turned to retired officers so publicly and in such large numbers that it raises questions about the proper balance of military and civilian advice in a White House led by a commander in chief with no defense or foreign policy experience.


The tilt toward military officials may reflect a limited pool of civilian options. Many officials from previous Republican administrations politically disowned Trump during the campaign, calling him unqualified. And Trump suggested he wouldn't want many of them, as he vowed to "drain the swamp" by running establishment figures out of town.


Robert Goldich, a retired government defense analyst who has watched administrations for 44 years, says Trump's focus on retired generals might be unprecedented.


The only one announced for a top job thus far is Michael Flynn, a retired three-star Army general. Trump appointed Flynn as his national security adviser, a post that does not require Senate confirmation but is central to a president's decision-making process. Flynn was forced out as Defense Intelligence Agency director in 2014. Afterward, he strongly criticized the Obama administration's approach to fighting the Islamic State group and threw his support to Trump.


Among others under consideration are two retired four-star Marine generals — James Mattis for defense secretary and John Kelly for homeland security secretary. Other names surfacing include retired Army Gen. Jack Keane and David Petraeus, the retired four-star general who was Obama's CIA director in 2011-12 before resigning amid disclosure that he had an affair with his biographer and shared highly classified information with her.


In remarks to The New York Times on Tuesday, Trump spoke about the Pentagon post in ways that offer insight into why he is attracted to former generals like Mattis.


"I think it's time maybe, it's time for a general," Trump said, suggesting he favors a military mindset. "Look what's going on. We don't win, we can't beat anybody."


Kelly retired this year after a storied career capped by commanding the U.S. Southern Command, where he differed with the White House over closing the Guantanamo Bay prison and expressed doubts about the administration's moves to open all combat jobs to women.


Bing West, a Vietnam War veteran and former assistant secretary of defense, said Trump's outreach to retired generals is wise.

"Our country is fighting a long war. It's common sense to seek the experience of those who have proven they know how to fight," he said in an email exchange.


The concern about undue military influence derives from a long U.S. tradition of civilian control of the military, which is the basis for a ban on active-duty officers running the Pentagon. The Constitution affirms civilian control by making the president the commander in chief and giving Congress the authority to declare war and fund the military.


The appointment of too many generals to high civilian positions could prompt fears that Trump is on a path to militarizing U.S. foreign policy or giving the military too much sway in decisions about war and peace.


But that view was rejected by Richard Fontaine, president of the Center for a New American Security, a Washington think tank. In an interview, he noted that it was President George W. Bush's civilian advisers who pushed hardest to launch the 2003 Iraq invasion.


"In my experience, veterans have been less likely than the civilians to advocate for military intervention abroad," said Fontaine, who was among dozens of Republican national security figures who signed a letter during the campaign warning that Trump would be a dangerous president.


Still, some retired generals are leery of Trump stacking his national security team with warriors.


"The biggest fear is too many generals in politics. That's not a good thing," said Mark Hertling, a retired three-star Army general who opposed Trump. "But given the lack of knowledge of a president who knows nothing about diplomacy or the military, they might provide some very good advice."


Hertling credits Mattis with an unusual knack for leadership and strategic thinking. Trump met with Mattis last weekend but has not said if he will nominate him. If he does, Trump would need Congress to provide an exception to a law requiring a military officer to have been out of uniform for at least seven years before becoming defense secretary.


That exception has been sought only once since the position of defense secretary was created in 1947. George C. Marshall, who retired as a five-star Army general and then served as secretary of state after World War II, was tapped to be defense secretary in 1950 by President Harry Truman.


The law Congress passed allowing Marshall to lead the Pentagon was meant to be a one-time exception. It said it was "not to be construed as approval by Congress of continuing appointments of military men to the office of Secretary of Defense in the future." It said that after Marshall's term ended, "no additional appointments of military men to that office shall be approved."

-- © Associated Press 2016-11-25
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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Flynn was forced out as Defense Intelligence Agency director in 2014. Afterward, he strongly criticized the Obama administration's approach to fighting the Islamic State group and threw his support to Trump.


Get ready for boots on the ground. Gung ho and away we go. Every general loves a war and I doubt if this one is any different. His extreme difference with Obama on his resume no doubt got him the job. If things go wrong just another whipping boy. 

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Robert Goldich, a retired government defense analyst who has watched administrations for 44 years, says Trump's focus on retired generals might be unprecedented.

Unprecedented for sure but truly appreciated by the military dogs of war and their handlers the defense contractors. Buy defense stocks sure winners. Better to drop bibles from the air. 

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Considering the public purge of the military by the Obama administration, it shouldn't come as a surprise that the retired brass are seeking to reenter the bureaucracy on Trumps side.  Sounds good to me.  It makes for an interesting balance of power.

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Smart, very smart.  Hillary doesn't stand a chance with a recount. And if the December vote goes the other way, well Trump will have the backing of the military.  He is surrounding himself with the best of the best. Obama fired the generals that disagreed with him and kept all the ass kissers. Maybe there will be a coup in the United States after all. About time.

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9 minutes ago, kowpot said:

Smart, very smart.  Hillary doesn't stand a chance with a recount. And if the December vote goes the other way, well Trump will have the backing of the military.  He is surrounding himself with the best of the best. Obama fired the generals that disagreed with him and kept all the ass kissers. Maybe there will be a coup in the United States after all. About time.


Yes to hell with this democracy business.  Just give everyone a gun, lots of ammo and let the fun begin! 

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How does this qualify as news.  Former soldiers are citizens and are eligible for any position in the united states.  Why are people Racist against soldiers.  This is blatant racism.  This is the type of shit that needs to be cleaned from the earth.  He hires veterans because they are hard workers,  willing to give all for the country.  This is the most racist post of the year.  So much so it deserves attention elsewhere. 

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6 minutes ago, jimmyyy said:

Former soldiers are citizens. 

Not quite true. Only officers have to be citizens. For ordinary soldiers citizenship is optional and they don't get it automatically on discharge. However, courtesy of Dubya they are entitled to claim it if they want it.

Edited by SaintLouisBlues
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2 minutes ago, jimmyyy said:

Its hard enough to get employers to hire veterans without this shit storm.

With respect, most of these guys are generals.  With very good retirement pay and benefits.  Doubt they are worried much about getting a job!


If you make it to the rank of general, you are a very sharp individual.  Interesting comments from the article above:



But that view was rejected by Richard Fontaine, president of the Center for a New American Security, a Washington think tank. In an interview, he noted that it was President George W. Bush's civilian advisers who pushed hardest to launch the 2003 Iraq invasion.


"In my experience, veterans have been less likely than the civilians to advocate for military intervention abroad," said Fontaine, who was among dozens of Republican national security figures who signed a letter during the campaign warning that Trump would be a dangerous president.



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Craig please allow me to expand my opinion.  A solder gets out of the military at 25 or 30 years old.  Goes to look for a job.  The liberal HR manager has already seen the article and thinks I can't hire veterans, clearly they are evil so evil that the AP says there generals can't be trusted. The generals must have taught this soldier evil, we don't want evil in our company.  Do you see how this happens?  Its real Craig. 


just because someone has money does not mean they don't wish to serve the people.  what the hell does money have to do with it. 

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53 minutes ago, jimmyyy said:

How does this qualify as news.  Former soldiers are citizens and are eligible for any position in the united states.  Why are people Racist against soldiers.  This is blatant racism.  This is the type of shit that needs to be cleaned from the earth.  He hires veterans because they are hard workers,  willing to give all for the country.  This is the most racist post of the year.  So much so it deserves attention elsewhere. 

I don't think you understand the meaning of racism, which has to do with race.

Perhaps the concept you are groping for is "prejudice".

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1 hour ago, jimmyyy said:

How does this qualify as news.  Former soldiers are citizens and are eligible for any position in the united states.  Why are people Racist against soldiers.  This is blatant racism.  This is the type of shit that needs to be cleaned from the earth.  He hires veterans because they are hard workers,  willing to give all for the country.  This is the most racist post of the year.  So much so it deserves attention elsewhere. 


I think in today's global climate, the security issues the world faces as a whole and Trump's election promise to secure the southern border and go after ISIS. It is natural for him to surround himself with people that have military experience. Considering he has none himself.

Once a soldier, always a soldier. And the US needs good soldiers at the helm.

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Just now, jimmyyy said:

Why are people Racist against soldiers. This is blatant racism.

This is the type of shit that needs to be cleaned from the earth.

This is the most racist post of the year.


The Soldier race??? 

This has got to be the most ridiculous, outrageous, ignorant post I have read in a long time.

Truly unbelievable.


Dunning Kruger exemplified.

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i would say they would be now the soldiers i saw in Nam

now grey and bent over from weight off all the medals they gave themselves

back then

music blasting in ear from radio  

smoking a joint

thinking the noise and smoke would chase the enemy away 

at least the joints will be cheap on Mexican border

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4 hours ago, iReason said:

The Soldier race??? 

This has got to be the most ridiculous, outrageous, ignorant post I have read in a long time.

Truly unbelievable.


Dunning Kruger exemplified.


Dunno why you are freaking out so badly, you guys toss it around like saying hello to someone. 


I see nothing wrong with hiring military officials. 

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On 25/11/2016 at 10:47 AM, Stargrazer9889 said:

Donald  should get all these Generals to  march  together as a group  in a real  parade  after  he is official Pres.  Ha , Ha  that would be great to watch.


Kim Jung-un approves this message....

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