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With recounts looming, Trump adds new administration picks


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With recounts looming, Trump adds new administration picks 

STEVE PEOPLES, Associated Press
TODD RICHMOND, Associated Press


MADISON, Wis. (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump pressed forward Friday with two more administration picks, as failed Green Party candidate Jill Stein took new steps to force recounts across key Midwestern battlegrounds that could complicate Trump's push for national unity.


Stein, who earned little more than 1 percent of the national vote, formally requested a Wisconsin recount Friday afternoon, vowing to do the same in the coming days in Michigan and Pennsylvania. Wisconsin officials confirmed Friday evening they would move forward with the first presidential recount in state history. There is no evidence of election tampering in the states where Trump scored razor-thin victories, but Green Party spokesman George Martin insisted "the American public needs to have it investigated to make sure our votes count."


"We're doing this to ensure the integrity of our system," he said.


Trump's team ignored questions about the looming recounts. Set to assume the presidency in 55 days, he was focused instead on the daunting task of building an administration from scratch.


Gathered with family at his Mar-a-Lago Palm Beach estate for the holiday weekend, the incoming president made two senior-level staff appointments and scheduled meetings with several more prospective administration officials.


He tapped Fox News analyst Kathleen Troia "KT" McFarland to serve as deputy national security adviser and campaign attorney Donald McGahn as White House counsel. In a statement, Trump cited McFarland's "tremendous experience and innate talent" and said McGhan "has a brilliant legal mind, excellent character and a deep understanding of constitutional law."


Having faced criticism about the inexperience of his initial picks, Trump finds in McFarland someone who previously worked under three presidents, although none since Ronald Reagan. McGhan, a veteran Republican election lawyer, served as Trump'sattorney during the campaign.


Neither position requires Senate confirmation.


Trump transition spokesman Sean Spicer said the president-elect scheduled Monday meetings with eight more prospective administration hires, a group that includes several business leaders, Pennsylvania Rep. Lou Barletta, and David Clarke, the Wisconsin sheriff who is an aggressive opponent of the Black Lives Matter movement.


Facing external pressure from Stein, there were also signs of internal discord within the president-elect's small inner circle as Trump weighed his choices for secretary of state.


The options for the nation's chief diplomat include former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who lacks foreign policy experience but was intensely loyal to Trump, and 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, who aggressively opposed Trump'scandidacy but is largely regarded as more qualified.


Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway took the unusual step of shining light on the controversy over the Thanksgiving holiday, tweeting that she had been "receiving a deluge of social media & private concerns re: Romney Some Trump loyalists warn against Romney as sec of state."


Meanwhile, Stein announced on her website she has raised enough money to fund recounts in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and was pursuing additional funding to do the same in Michigan.


Trump's Nov. 8 victory was unexpected and historic, by some measures.


Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton leads the national popular vote by close to 2 million votes. Trump scored narrow victories in key battleground states, however, giving him the necessary 270 electoral votes to assume the presidency.


He won in Pennsylvania. He won in Wisconsin, breaking a Democratic winning streak dating back 32 years. He holds a slim lead in Michigan, where a Republican presidential candidate hadn't won since 1988; The Associated Press still hasn't officially called that race.


Wisconsin, where Trump leads by little more than 22,000 votes, has never before conducted a presidential recount. It will this year, state administrator Michael Haas announced Friday, citing recount requests by Stein and independent candidate Rocky De La Fuente.


"The Commission is preparing to move forward with a statewide recount of votes for President of the United States, as requested by these candidates," Haas said, noting that the recount is expected to be completed by the Dec. 13 federal deadline.


In Michigan, Trump's 10,704-vote lead is expected to be certified by the state elections board Monday. The deadline to ask for a recount is Wednesday.


A statewide recount would cost Stein roughly $790,000, said Fred Woodhams, a spokesman for the Michigan secretary of state. An opposing candidate would have seven days to file objections to the recount petition, after which the board would schedule a public hearing and later issue a ruling on the objections.


Trump's transition team indicated he was focused on the challenges of governing.


Since arriving at his Palm Beach estate Wednesday, they said, the president-elect has spoken to the prime ministers of Greece, Hungary and Sweden, along with the presidents of Panama and Slovenia.


He is expected to return to his New York City home on Sunday.


-- © Associated Press 2016-11-26
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7 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Set to assume the presidency in 55 days, he was focused instead on the daunting task of building an administration from scratch.

Glad to see he is focused on something. Surprised he is not tweeting this to death very unlike the Donald. From what Diebold machine assemblers say these machines are a hackers paradise. Our lightening speed progress in all things internet and social improvements are not without their Achilles heel. All this stuff is being thrown at us but the flaws are covered up because the God of Greed. At least a "User Beware" sticker should be attached to all these "gimmicks"

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54 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

I gather its one failed campaigner that is demanding a new recount?


Which doesn't quite support the headline "with recounts looming".....

Yes it is the green party candidate this time.  She has been donated $5 to help her.  There are plenty of others trying to find a way of stopping the inauguration but none seem to have much bite at the moment.

Edited by dunroaming
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3 hours ago, dunroaming said:

You have to admit that there is desperation in the air over Trump becoming President and so many people trying to prevent it.  I doubt that they will be successful though.   

There are always sore losers in any type of contest...does Stein really think she'll take those states after a recount?

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12 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

There are always sore losers in any type of contest...does Stein really think she'll take those states after a recount?


No  I don't think she does.  Without financial backing she wouldn't even be trying.  I think it is far more than sore losers this time although I do accept that point.  I do think there is a genuine fear of what a Trump presidency.

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2 minutes ago, dunroaming said:


No  I don't think she does.  Without financial backing she wouldn't even be trying.  I think it is far more than sore losers this time although I do accept that point.  I do think there is a genuine fear of what a Trump presidency.

So some people's fear justifies an attempt to overturn the will of the people as expressed in an election? Seems a bit off-base to me.

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3 hours ago, dunroaming said:

You have to admit that there is desperation in the air over Trump becoming President and so many people trying to prevent it.  I doubt that they will be successful though.   


The implication is that there was voting interference benefiting Trump.  Ridiculous idea and a total waste of money but glad it's not my money.  The result will stand.

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I think the game is to force paper recounts in enough states that if they miss the Dec 19th electoral college deadline and thus reduce Trumps vote to less than that required for a majority. In truth it's a squalid little ploy that can only further tarnish democracy.

In the very unlikely event they 'find' enough votes to change the outcome I'm almost certain the same will apply to the other two states.

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5 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

So some people's fear justifies an attempt to overturn the will of the people as expressed in an election? Seems a bit off-base to me.


If the recount confirms that Trump won those states then the will of the people in those states will have been restated.


If the recount finds that Trump did not win those states after all then the will of the people will have been correctly recognised.


Either way it isn't going to be overturned is it?

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18 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

I think the game is to force paper recounts in enough states that if they miss the Dec 19th electoral college deadline and thus reduce Trumps vote to less than that required for a majority. In truth it's a squalid little ploy that can only further tarnish democracy.

In the very unlikely event they 'find' enough votes to change the outcome I'm almost certain the same will apply to the other two states.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

I doubt that's the way it works...they would likely cast providional ballots; if not, and the EC vote was  inclusive, the election would be thrown into the House of Representatives where Trump would win.

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1 hour ago, acid thunder said:


The implication is that there was voting interference benefiting Trump.  Ridiculous idea and a total waste of money but glad it's not my money.  The result will stand.


Why is it ridiculous?

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So some people's fear justifies an attempt to overturn the will of the people as expressed in an election? Seems a bit off-base to me.

There is nothing off-base asking for a legally permissible vote recount. And being a legal action, it has nothing to do with sore losers.

Trump d'III
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9 minutes ago, Johpa said:


There is nothing off-base asking for a legally permissible vote recount. And being a legal action, it has nothing to do with sore losers.

Trump d'III


What's the point...does Ms. Stein think she'll win the election if she wins the recount in these states? As for Hillary, she has already conceded the election.

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Stein isnt even saying that its about Trump or Clinton its apparently about:


13 hours ago, rooster59 said:

"We're doing this to ensure the integrity of our system,"


And if they thought there was actual evidence to get Trump out and Clinton in they would have said something. 


13 hours ago, rooster59 said:

There is no evidence of election tampering in the states where Trump scored razor-thin victories, but Green Party spokesman George Martin insisted "the American public needs to have it investigated to make sure our votes count."


So time will tell. 

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8 hours ago, dunroaming said:

You have to admit that there is desperation in the air over Trump becoming President and so many people trying to prevent it.  I doubt that they will be successful though.   

Yes your right desperation is in the air needlessly so. Mr. Trump will either implode upon himself or his party will pull a Caesar on him. I watched an interview with Noam Chomsky who gave an in depth brilliant as always review of the election and Trump. He is one whose view did not change unlike so many ring kissers. Love people who stand their ground and hold their opinions not the shape shifters in the real realm of politics well using the word real is a stretch I know. 

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On 11/26/2016 at 8:33 PM, acid thunder said:


Good question though the answer is that it won't succeed. 


Futile may have been a more apt description. But that would be Stein's call.

Nothing to suggest ridiculous, apart from Trump whining about it after making similar assertions during his campaign.

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