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AP FACT CHECK: Trump won presidency but lost popular vote


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4 minutes ago, jcsmith said:


You are missing the point. It has nothing to do with Jill Stein or the recount process. Recounts are provided by law. If she wants to raise money and have a recount that is her decision. But Trump can't go on childish rants making up lies and then attacking reporters when they point out that there is no evidence to back his claims. Jill Stein, CNN, Hillary Clinton and everyplace else have made a point in saying that there is no evidence to support any wrongdoing or cheating from anyplace. In all likelihood they will recount (as is in their right to do) and the result will be the same. 


Trump however has done something completely different. He then makes an unjustified claim that MILLIONS of illegal immigrants voted in California. If he can not provide evidence of this then he needs to be called out for spreading lies or rumors, which he did during his campaign. The honus is not on others to prove that millions of illegals didn't vote, it is on him to prove that they did. 


I understand what you are trying to say, but I disagree. The likelihood based on available evidence and voter fraud in previous elections, the Veritas videos etc, is that illegals did vote, voting machines did malfunction, dead people voted, etc etc. It is way more likely that illegals voted than did not. Believing that zero voter fraud took place is just misguided and foolish. Sure Trump likes to make broad sweeping statements, and maybe the term 'millions' was an exaggeration for effect, but as always he uses Twitter as a platform to bring attention to issues that the pathetically biased MSM either avoid, invent, or cover up. Regarding Stein, she can do whatever she likes but people need to ask themselves who will benefit from it and where the money is coming from. Most likely it is directly or indirectly from George Soros. Personally I don't believe Stein gives a toss about the recount, she is doing this to raise money and attention for herself and no way is she behind this. I agree with you that it is unlikely the recount will make any difference, which makes you wonder why they are doing it at all....

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49 minutes ago, jesimps said:

What's the problem? He won under the constitutional rules. You're just like the Brexit remoaners inventing hard and soft Brexit.

There have been other US presidents who lost the popular vote, I wonder if any were Democrats?



The problem is your ignorance about mandates.  But, I don't feel like educating you. 

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(1) Trump has zero mandate to enact an agenda. The popular vote is not simply a footnote, it is proof he doesn't have the support of the American people.   (BTW, only 20% of Americans actually voted for him.  The rest voted for Hillary or didn't vote)  


(2) The only reason the GOP has control of Congress is because of gerrymandering districts until they look like anacondas. Soon this will be ruled unconstitutional.  


(3) If he keeps on like he is, even China and Russia will never believe a word he says.  Look for them to challenge the USA on Taiwan and Eastern Europe within his first 6 months in office. 


(4) Changing demographics (low birth rate for whites) favor Democrats in the future.  Soon this train-wreck of a president will be impeached (or simply makes a fool of himself) and the GOP will lose the next generation of voters coming up.


All in all, I'm pretty confident his presidency bodes well for Democrats down the line.   


Edited by TomJoad
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You're clearly missing the point. This has been reported on and discussed at length on various news shows. Anyone with a valid US drivers licence can vote. Saying they are not allowed to or saying it is illegal is irrelevent. It is also illegal for those people to be in the country without a visa, and illegal for them to commit whatever other crimes they do, yet it happens. When an investigation is done proving 100% that no illegals voted, then I will change my opinion on the matter. But for now logic and reason dictates that the likelihood is that illegals did vote, regardless of whether the Clinton campaign, the corrupt MSM, or their misguided followers choose to believe so or not.

No, I'm not.

It is being discussed by websites that don't deserve that name. Most importantly, it is hardly happening.

And yes, stick to your opinions despite proof otherwise, shows how well you are using your brain.

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3 hours ago, Strange said:


What about American? 


Children being plural, you mean all the candidates right? 


Yes, I am an American. Not sure what that has to do with your (and other) comments on a Republican Senate and House (also most state Governors too). Seems like this is some sort of tactic to scare Democrats. It doesn't bother me that right now there is a Republican majority. Maybe they will finally stop being the party of "NO" like the last 8 years, get off their respective behinds and get something done. Works for me. Maybe the Democrats will wake up to the plight of the "everyday" man and adopt some policies that work across the board. Who knows. 


Sure, children is plural, so? Trump is acting like a child and he deserves to be called out on it as is my right as an American citizen. I don't have to swallow his immature behaviors and petty remarks. It is not presidential and it is embarrassing. How many "chances" does he need to get his childish behavior in check? Seems like the world will spend the next four years tolerating a tantrum throwing misfit of a US President.

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10 hours ago, Strange said:


Noise about nothing eh?


Well, there is this gem:



So what difference 'at this point' does it make?

I don't understand why the Stein's and the Clinton's are demanding recounts on nebulous grounds when Bush defeated Gore the "fix" was obviously in  (seeing that Bush's brother was governor of Florida!) what is it with the US......"tarat ti da "lets go to the lawyers!!!":post-4641-1156693976::passifier::wai:

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9 hours ago, Strange said:


Easily amused? Lost the house, senate, supreme court too. But if tweets are enough to keep you satisfied then good on ya. 


Its an all encompassing loss for Democrats. Unequivocal. Popular Vote is just a footnote. 


This one is so telling on the state of the USA - Lost the Supreme Court. That final bastion of checks and balances, supposed to be the final objective  hurdle on behalf of the law and the people to make sure Government amongst others cannot overstep their authority, and look whats happened. You are proud the Supreme Court has become politicised.  Yes when the Supreme Court is lost to partisan politics, ALL your checks and balances are gone and the very people of the USA are lost as a result. Enjoy your utopia, you deserve everything that is coming. It's not quite the horsemen of the apocalypse (although with Trump it very easily could be), but it is going to be very very unpleasant. You have all taken the 'United' out of the States.

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1 hour ago, TomJoad said:

(1) Trump has zero mandate to enact an agenda. The popular vote is not simply a footnote, it is proof he doesn't have the support of the American people.   (BTW, only 20% of Americans actually voted for him.  The rest voted for Hillary or didn't vote)  


(2) The only reason the GOP has control of Congress is because of gerrymandering districts until they look like anacondas. Soon this will be ruled unconstitutional.  


(3) If he keeps on like he is, even China and Russia will never believe a word he says.  Look for them to challenge the USA on Taiwan and Eastern Europe within his first 6 months in office. 


(4) Changing demographics (low birth rate for whites) favor Democrats in the future.  Soon this train-wreck of a president will be impeached (or simply makes a fool of himself) and the GOP will lose the next generation of voters coming up.


All in all, I'm pretty confident his presidency bodes well for Democrats down the line.   


Dreamer! Do you listen to the Bernie group or TYT? The Dems are on a road to nowhere as they are stuck in their envelope/bubble of liberal (big L) moneyed, elite class of blue nosed oligarchs who know what's best  for the working class (perish the thought that they would have one in the house, who wasn't an employee!!) :passifier::wai:

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Oh okay got it now. So you get to determine which websites are worthy or not based on whether they agree with you or not. And by burying your head in the sand and pretending something "is hardly happening" makes it so too because you didn't read or watch it,  can't see it or don't want to. So far I didn't see any information that disproves any of my opinions, yet I am accused of  not "using my brain".  Sigh.... brainwashed liberals... Don't know why I bother tbh.

No, fact checks, see link I gave earlier, has proven you wrong already. Nothing to do with what I read or believe.

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3 hours ago, 348GTS said:

Anyone with a valid US drivers licence can vote.


Clearly you've never  registered to vote. Support Trump if you like but at least take the time to do some research. You're embarrassing  yourself.

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12 hours ago, Silurian said:


It is obviously a thorn in Donald's side. He is such a child making noise about nothing. Yeah, what wonderful presidential traits just spewing forth from him. I feel safe knowing he will be in charge (NOT!).

Call Trump any name you want, except "loser."  That's Hillary's non-presidential trait.

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11 hours ago, Strange said:


Well it looks like the after-the-fact footnote 'popular vote' is just about all you guys are gonna get out of this election cycle. 


Cherish it. You lost everything else. 

But, it's rigged.  So, The Don may not be the real winner~from his own mouth

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9 hours ago, 348GTS said:

The likelihood based on available evidence and voter fraud in previous elections, the Veritas videos etc, is that illegals did vote, voting machines did malfunction, dead people voted, etc etc. It is way more likely that illegals voted than did not.

Are you bothered about legally resident non-citizens voting?  I wouldn't be surprised if that happened as well.


However, the question is whether any of these regularities happened in significant numbers.

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D O N A L D   T R U M P   I S   T H E   P R E S I D E N T   E L E C T.    


That's all there is to it. Libtards should buck up, grow up, and deal with it. Save your tears for your sweet Hillary and her gang while she is run off to jail for her crimes. It's coming sooner than you think. So stock up with tissues and retrofit your "safe place". You gonna be spending a lot of time there.


I do thank all you liberals,  your efforts have done nothing more than accelerated  the Democratic Party's demise certainly for years to come. So the reality is that there will be the Trumpster around for the next 8 years. The walls will be built, immigrants will be thrown out, and future immigrants will be seriously vetted according to immigration laws. Finally our govt will get purged of the elitist politicians that their only agenda has been me me me. With the Republicans owning the majority, things will actually start to move in govt. THAT is the most important thing.


The liberals mantra "it's all about me and my feelings" will have to sit in back of the bus while real American patriots go about getting our country back on the right track and clean up the mess left behind by buffoon Obama and his ilk.


You all can recount, whine and continue to go around astonished by what happened.  However IT DID HAPPEN, and only because the majority of America has finally stood up to the last hope for America's security and stability. Trump will  no doubt make America great again.

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Sigh... Your so-called "proof" was already responded to in an earlier comment. Try to keep up please.

Responded to but not refuted.
As I said earlier, you're coming with the same claims your beloved president elect is making without any proof. Even worse, since the basis of the claim has been proven incorrect it can not be true.
Logic, just like you love.

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10 hours ago, 348GTS said:

Completely irrelevent.


Yes facts are relevant especially if you want to prove your point. Otherwise you come off sounding like another drunk moron  sitting in a bar.  You're statements about voter registration are wrong as are many of the 'facts' you're putting forth in your posts. If you're not a troll then at least take some time and educate yourself on your topic.

Edited by Rob13
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34 minutes ago, Redline said:

Oh my!  Panties have been twisted!  He did not win the popular vote.  I'm not a fan of Hillary.  Educate yourself.  Read this great piece called the "Constitution of the United States of American".  I'll still be on here in 2-3 years when you get a grasp of it.  Hit me back then.  If you need help, there are free immigrant centers in the USA that can help.


This is a good read too:

Trump’s Cabinet: ‘Draining the swamp’ or diving right in?



You have been duped!



I correct my typing:  The Constitution of the United States of America

Let's try to keep it to it's word

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Responded and refuted. Your "proof" consisted of a website that basically said illegals can't vote , **not that they didn't vote**. It is common knowledge that illegals use fake social security numbers. It is akin to showing me a road sign showing a speed limit and then trying to convince people that's proof nobody speeds. Get real. We are not dealing with absolutes here, if so you would need to prove that not a single illegal voted in order to prove Trump wrong. We are dealing with what is likely, and the likliehood is that a large number of illegals voted (not to mention other forms of voter fraud already known to be in existence).
I do find it quite ironic that the left is feigning outrage and is all up in arms about Trump's "baseless claims" yet are using the equally baseless (and some would argue more ludicrous) claim that the Russians somehow interefered with the voting process as an excuse to pursue recounts in the 3 states. The whole thing is beyond ridiculous. The irony and hypocrisy is astounding.

No, we are dealing with facts, which you don't have.

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Yawn.... proving yet again that it is pointless trying to discuss anything with a liberal. Feel free to re-immerse your head in the sand, I will not waste any more time on you.

Yes, if you don't have an open mind there is no point in a discussion.

Why the insult?

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