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  • 9 months later...

*bump*   I'm looking for this as well.   Is it available in Thailand or even Singapore ?

I have low Tryglycerides, High HDL ,   OK blood pressure  and sit at the low end of weight for my height, exercise regularly    but my "calculated" LDL  is 190 which is where the doctor insists  I must go on Statins.

Having done a bit of research I asked him about a LDL-p test and he had no idea what i was talking about.    

I assume the Statin company reps  dont like to talk about it when they come in.     



If you have low triglycerides then the calculated LDL level is likely to be correct, since most inaccuracies in this come from the presence of high background triglycerides.


Readily available tests exist that measure LDL-cholesterol directly and specifically, and to be honest this is the only confirmation that you need that your LDL really is high.


It is unlikely, even in a specialist lipid clinic, that they would change recommended therapy for high LDL cholesterol on the basis of an additional LDL-p test, even if they did them.


Remember when you read stuff that manufacturers and providers of expensive tests also have to sell them by exaggerating their value in advertorials! The manufacturers are usually...big pharma!


And if you are relying on  quack websites like famous "licensed acupuncturist" Chris Kresser with no medical qualifications whatsoever, this is unwise!


Here's standard procedure for most lipid assessment now

LDL-C is typically measured indirectly in a lipid panel. The indirect measure is less accurate if TG > 400 mg/dL, so most laboratories also perform a direct LDL-C if TG > 400 mg/dL. At the University of Michigan, the lab automatically measures the direct LDL-C when TG > 400 mg/dL. If a local laboratory does not measure LDL-C directly, when non-fasting TG > 400 mg/dL, obtain a fasting lipid panel.

Since laboratory and biologic variability is considerable (up to 10% for LDL-C, 20-25% TG, and 3-5% HDL-C), at least 2 sets of lipids should be obtained before initiating therapy. 

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