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Documents for retirement extension at Chaeng Watthana

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Sorry if this is a repeat request and I have searched but to no avail. I just want confirmation on what documents I need to extend my retirement visa as it will be the first time I have used a bank passbook as proof of funds. Please comment on the accuracy of the following list that I need for my extension at Chaeng Watthana immigration:


1. Passport, with photocopies of all relevant pages (main, entry stamp, old visa etc)

2. Bank passbook updated on the same day as the application, showing at least 800,000 baht for the last 3 months.

3. A bank statement showing funds and also a letter from the bank stating that the funds are in the bank (This is the confusing bit, as I am not sure if these are needed in addition or in place of a bank book).

4. 1900 baht fee

5. Completed TM7 form with passport photo.


Please - any comments-  especially regarding the bank statement and letter 

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20 minutes ago, partington said:

You need a bank letter, AND the passbook (photocopies of relevant pages showing 800,000B for 60 days for first application and 90 days for subsequent applications). From the last five years of doing extensions at Chaengwattana, I never needed a statement: the bank letter says how much you have in your account.


The bank letter can be from the day before (ALL mine have been) but the sum in the bank letter must EXACTLY match the sum on the last entry of the passbook, and the passbook must be updated the SAME day as your  extension application.


This is easy to do if you simply get your bank letter the day before, then deposit 100B by ATM, and the next morning withdraw 100B. This updates your bank book on the day of your application, and results in the same total as your letter declares.  


Alternatively there are bank branches in the basement of Chaengwattana that will do a letter and update your passbook at the same time, but I have never done this, as I like to have it all prepared beforehand.

Thanks a lot - great advice and very clear.

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IF yoy are doing this extension at Chaengwattana you can get the Bank letter downstairs on the first floor (Ground floor) as most  Thai banks have a branch down there.

Takes less than 15 minutes (depending on the customer queue) and costs 100 Bhat.

Can be done while you ae waiting to apply for your extension and will be accepted upstairs in immigration on the same day.

Down on a computer form and signed by the bank teller.

No need to go outside Chaengwattana  for the bank letter, everything can be done on first floor.

Just bring your bank passbook, and your passport for I.D. purposes.

Quick and easy.


Also don't forget that if you do recieve money from a foriegn source monthly (as in a foriegn pension) your  bank pasbook will show a code for source of funds dsposited each month.

In Bangkok Bank that code is normally FTT of FFT for foiegn fundssansfered into Thailand.

The computer automatically prints this code when your passbook is updated.

Not all the immigration officers know what this code means, but most of the supervisors do as well a those who jave been working a while in immigration.

Therefore if they see a monthly FTT transfer in your passsboolk they feel more friendly to you when they know you are really bringing money into Thailand from outside the country for your claimed retiement.

Your bank passbook is your friend there, let it help you.







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50 minutes ago, IMA_FARANG said:

IF yoy are doing this extension at Chaengwattana you can get the Bank letter downstairs on the first floor (Ground floor) as most  Thai banks have a branch down there.

Takes less than 15 minutes (depending on the customer queue) and costs 100 Bhat.

Can be done while you ae waiting to apply for your extension and will be accepted upstairs in immigration on the same day.

Down on a computer form and signed by the bank teller.

No need to go outside Chaengwattana  for the bank letter, everything can be done on first floor.

Just bring your bank passbook, and your passport for I.D. purposes.

Quick and easy.


Also don't forget that if you do recieve money from a foriegn source monthly (as in a foriegn pension) your  bank pasbook will show a code for source of funds dsposited each month.

In Bangkok Bank that code is normally FTT of FFT for foiegn fundssansfered into Thailand.

The computer automatically prints this code when your passbook is updated.

Not all the immigration officers know what this code means, but most of the supervisors do as well a those who jave been working a while in immigration.

Therefore if they see a monthly FTT transfer in your passsboolk they feel more friendly to you when they know you are really bringing money into Thailand from outside the country for your claimed retiement.

Your bank passbook is your friend there, let it help you.







Another great response - will use the bank at immigration as u advise - many thx.

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7 hours ago, partington said:


The bank letter can be from the day before (ALL mine have been) but the sum in the bank letter must EXACTLY match the sum on the last entry of the passbook, and the passbook must be updated the SAME day as your  extension application.




I don't think this is true, I always stick 100 baht in the book on the day to update the bankbook, so it's different from the day before letter. If I have not done this the officer will tell me to anyway

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8 hours ago, partington said:

You need a bank letter, AND the passbook (photocopies of relevant pages showing 800,000B for 60 days for first application and 90 days for subsequent applications). From the last five years of doing extensions at Chaengwattana, I never needed a statement: the bank letter says how much you have in your account.


The bank letter can be from the day before (ALL mine have been) but the sum in the bank letter must EXACTLY match the sum on the last entry of the passbook, and the passbook must be updated the SAME day as your  extension application.


This is easy to do if you simply get your bank letter the day before, then deposit 100B by ATM, and the next morning withdraw 100B. This updates your bank book on the day of your application, and results in the same total as your letter declares.  


Alternatively there are bank branches in the basement of Chaengwattana that will do a letter and update your passbook at the same time, but I have never done this, as I like to have it all prepared beforehand.


I believe there are some errors here. I have renewed my Retirement extension many times at CW.

I obtain the bank letter and authorised (bank rubber stamp) copies of the bank passbook the day before I go to CW.

When I go to CW I withdraw a sum of money from the bank branch at CW (usually I withdraw 1,000 baht) and ask the bank branch to make one copy of the updated passbook showing the lower balance.

CW Immigration officers have always accepted the bank letter and copies of passbook, despite the fact that the bank letter shows a different total than the copy of the updated passbook. 

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46 minutes ago, taiping said:

I believe there are some errors here. I have renewed my Retirement extension many times at CW.

I obtain the bank letter and authorised (bank rubber stamp) copies of the bank passbook the day before I go to CW.

When I go to CW I withdraw a sum of money from the bank branch at CW (usually I withdraw 1,000 baht) and ask the bank branch to make one copy of the updated passbook showing the lower balance.

CW Immigration officers have always accepted the bank letter and copies of passbook, despite the fact that the bank letter shows a different total than the copy of the updated passbook. 

CW have rejected the letter from the bank dated the day before, in the past and insisted that the letter be made on the same day. They made me go downstairs to the

Bangkok Bank Branch and get a same day letter and confirmation of B800K in the bank.

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Just now, Estrada said:

CW have rejected the letter from the bank dated the day before, in the past and insisted that the letter be made on the same day. They made me go downstairs to the

Bangkok Bank Branch and get a same day letter and confirmation of B800K in the bank.


OK, but it's never happened to me over the last 20+ years. They have always accepted the bank letter the day before (giving a different total in baht) but they do require an update to the bankbook for the same day.

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I see this discussion is all about the bank book deposits etc

But what about the alternative ?


I was told to go to my Embassy in Bangkok and do a statutory declaration regarding my income

- which is in my case a little more than the required 65,000 baht per month.


To make sure, I telephoned the Embassy and spoke to a person in the Consulate section.

I asked them what was needed to do the Stat Dec.

He said just bring your passport and fill in the form, pay a fee and that's it !


Unless I am mistaken, that's all Thai immigration require as proof of income


It seems to be a far simpler route to placing 300K in a Thai bank two months beforehand and presenting updates of the bank book etc.


OK, some people may only have a cash amount and no regular income in which case the bank book route is their only choice.



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If you have your money in a fixed deposit some officers want to see a savings account or something that shows movement of money.Proof that you are not working.After a couple of years this becomes routine.Also officers get to know you,easy going or trouble some,up to you.

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3 minutes ago, xerostar said:

I see this discussion is all about the bank book deposits etc

But what about the alternative ?


I was told to go to my Embassy in Bangkok and do a statutory declaration regarding my income

- which is in my case a little more than the required 65,000 baht per month.


To make sure, I telephoned the Embassy and spoke to a person in the Consulate section.

I asked them what was needed to do the Stat Dec.

He said just bring your passport and fill in the form, pay a fee and that's it !


Unless I am mistaken, that's all Thai immigration require as proof of income


It seems to be a far simpler route to placing 300K in a Thai bank two months beforehand and presenting updates of the bank book etc.


OK, some people may only have a cash amount and no regular income in which case the bank book route is their only choice.



I tried to make an appointment for a statutory declaration at the British Embassy recently. They have a system now in "Beta" format for all appointments to be booked on line. The earliest appointment I could get was in 31 days time! It is far simpler to place a B800K Time Deposit with the bank 3 months before your visit.

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2 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

If you have your money in a fixed deposit some officers want to see a savings account or something that shows movement of money.Proof that you are not working.After a couple of years this becomes routine.Also officers get to know you,easy going or trouble some,up to you.

I have lived here 22 years. At CW I have never, ever, had a problem with the B800K in a time deposit and never have I been asked to show movement of money, nor have any of my many friends who follow the same procedure.

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8 minutes ago, Estrada said:

I tried to make an appointment for a statutory declaration at the British Embassy recently. They have a system now in "Beta" format for all appointments to be booked on line. The earliest appointment I could get was in 31 days time! It is far simpler to place a B800K Time Deposit with the bank 3 months before your visit.

You apply for the income letter at the UK embassy by mail. They do not do them in person.

See: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/how-to-obtain-a-pensionincome-letter-for-thai-immigration

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22 minutes ago, xerostar said:

I see this discussion is all about the bank book deposits etc

But what about the alternative ?


I was told to go to my Embassy in Bangkok and do a statutory declaration regarding my income

- which is in my case a little more than the required 65,000 baht per month.


To make sure, I telephoned the Embassy and spoke to a person in the Consulate section.

I asked them what was needed to do the Stat Dec.

He said just bring your passport and fill in the form, pay a fee and that's it !


Unless I am mistaken, that's all Thai immigration require as proof of income


It seems to be a far simpler route to placing 300K in a Thai bank two months beforehand and presenting updates of the bank book etc.


OK, some people may only have a cash amount and no regular income in which case the bank book route is their only choice.



The reason for the emphasis on a bank pass is that I specifically asked for clarification on that point in my original post. I have been doing extensions for 12 years and have in the past used a bank that does not use a bank pass (Citibank), so a statement and letter from the bank was needed. This time I am using BKK Bank with a passbook and thought that was all that was needed until I found out that maybe a bank letter and a statement were still required. It seems now that only a bank pass and letter are required and that can be obtained from Chaeng Wattanah.

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They may also ask for documentation supporting your current address/residence. I did a third annual extension of stay based on retirement at Imm. Div. 1/Chaeng Wattana a few weeks ago. I did have a copy of my current lease, along with the three most recent month's bills and proof of payment, in the stack I handed over, and it was retained.


I did find this list on another site:


From the latest reports, these are the documents that will be required
1. If you rent from a Thai owner, you may be asked for a photocopy of their Tabian Baan (blue house book) and their Thai ID card – they may also require that the photocopies be signed by the owner.
2. If you own your condominium, you will need to provide a copy of the Chanote (land deed) showing you as the owner.
3. If your residence is owned by your Thai Company Ltd, you will need to provide a copy of the Chanote showing the company as owner and your company documents showing you as the Managing Director.


There were also an additional two or three documents - I honestly did not examine them closely - which the officer asked me to complete and sign on the spot.


Last year I had to see the initial officer, then her supervisor, then the second officers supervisor. This year just the initial officer, then waited - maybe one or more supervisors reviewed my documentation - a few minutes outside until my passport was returned.

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23 minutes ago, Estrada said:

I tried to make an appointment for a statutory declaration at the British Embassy recently. They have a system now in "Beta" format for all appointments to be booked on line. The earliest appointment I could get was in 31 days time! It is far simpler to place a B800K Time Deposit with the bank 3 months before your visit.

I know about this - found out last year just before I was to renew - When they told me to post all my original documents to them I was horrified and told them if they get lost in the post I won't be able to renew my visa. They hadn't thought of that. Anyway, I told them I needed it right away and they let me go to the Embassy to pick up same day - what a stupid system they have - and the cost of their letter at about 2500 baht  is much higher than any other country's as far as I am aware.

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So, are we saying this (and some offices allow for a bank letter the day before you apply for extension)


1. Passport, with photocopies of all relevant pages (main, entry stamp, old visa etc) Including the page with your picture.

2. Bank passbook updated on the same day (or the day before- which has been ok for me) as the application, showing at least 800,000 baht for the last 3 months (two months if it is your first extension). Copy of all relevant bank book pages plus the ID page of the bank book. 

3. A bank letter stating that the funds are in the bank 

4. 1900 baht fee

5. Completed TM7 form with passport photo (2 photos?). TM7 to be printed double sided.

6. A copy of the TM6 departure card.

7. Proof of residence including rental contract. 1. If you rent from a Thai owner,- a photocopy of their Tabian Baan (blue house book) and their Thai ID card – they may also require that the photocopies be signed by the owner.


Is this the complete list?



Edited by charliebadenhop
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10 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

They may also ask for documentation supporting your current address/residence. I did a third annual extension of stay based on retirement at Imm. Div. 1/Chaeng Wattana a few weeks ago. I did have a copy of my current lease, along with the three most recent month's bills and proof of payment, in the stack I handed over, and it was retained.


I did find this list on another site:


From the latest reports, these are the documents that will be required
1. If you rent from a Thai owner, you may be asked for a photocopy of their Tabian Baan (blue house book) and their Thai ID card – they may also require that the photocopies be signed by the owner.
2. If you own your condominium, you will need to provide a copy of the Chanote (land deed) showing you as the owner.
3. If your residence is owned by your Thai Company Ltd, you will need to provide a copy of the Chanote showing the company as owner and your company documents showing you as the Managing Director.


There were also an additional two or three documents - I honestly did not examine them closely - which the officer asked me to complete and sign on the spot.


Last year I had to see the initial officer, then her supervisor, then the second officers supervisor. This year just the initial officer, then waited - maybe one or more supervisors reviewed my documentation - a few minutes outside until my passport was returned.

Good point. Apart from my rental agreement I have no proof of residence, apart from bank statements which should be on the bank letter I get from the bank.

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45 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

They may also ask for documentation supporting your current address/residence. I did a third annual extension of stay based on retirement at Imm. Div. 1/Chaeng Wattana a few weeks ago. I did have a copy of my current lease, along with the three most recent month's bills and proof of payment, in the stack I handed over, and it was retained.


I did find this list on another site:


From the latest reports, these are the documents that will be required
1. If you rent from a Thai owner, you may be asked for a photocopy of their Tabian Baan (blue house book) and their Thai ID card – they may also require that the photocopies be signed by the owner.
2. If you own your condominium, you will need to provide a copy of the Chanote (land deed) showing you as the owner.
3. If your residence is owned by your Thai Company Ltd, you will need to provide a copy of the Chanote showing the company as owner and your company documents showing you as the Managing Director.


There were also an additional two or three documents - I honestly did not examine them closely - which the officer asked me to complete and sign on the spot.


Last year I had to see the initial officer, then her supervisor, then the second officers supervisor. This year just the initial officer, then waited - maybe one or more supervisors reviewed my documentation - a few minutes outside until my passport was returned.

I won't be taking a copy of the owner's Tabian Baan (blue house book) and their Thai ID card as there is not enough time - just hope they won't ask for it.

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1 minute ago, Estrada said:

This surely takes too long and does it now cost B2300?

Yes plus 100 baht for the return EMS. If you have a UK credit/debit card you could pay in pounds.

I have read posts of people getting them back in less than a week from the date they were sent by EMS.

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Charlies list (2 posts up) is exactly spot on, follow it and you'll be fine. (I'm married to a Thai in my own house so use the yellow house book).

Just dont forget to wear you amulet of good luck round your neck as you'll probably need it :smile: !


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I have a British passport but am/have been a fiscal resident of the USA so my income is in the USA.  I expect Thai immigration will not accept a letter from the American consulate, assuming they would provide such a letter to someone with only a green card, from someone with a British passport. Will the British consulate provide a letter without evidence of income or do I need to show them my US income? 



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7 minutes ago, thaibook said:

I have a British passport but am/have been a fiscal resident of the USA so my income is in the USA.  I expect Thai immigration will not accept a letter from the American consulate, assuming they would provide such a letter to someone with only a green card, from someone with a British passport. Will the British consulate provide a letter without evidence of income or do I need to show them my US income? 



The UK embassy will issue a letter for any income. Just show them your income from the US.

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