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DSI ‘unsure’ it can nab Dhammachayo despite raid warrant


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2 hours ago, WhizBang said:

The solution is quite simple... lay seige to the place.   Isolate it totally from the outside world.  Allow nothing to enter, not even doctors or lawyers.  Cut off all utilities and block cell phone coverage.  Search and identify anyone leaving.  They will all come out in time.



Just freeze temple's bank accounts and anyone inside the temple ,money is all that matters to them

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2 hours ago, Junkyarddog said:

Thats a good idea. Chalerm will know exactly where all the stolen money is and every person involved in this monumental theft. 

The only problem is for various reasons he wont be able to say, as usual.


He'll have it sorted in 90 days!

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2 hours ago, WhizBang said:

The solution is quite simple... lay seige to the place.   Isolate it totally from the outside world.  Allow nothing to enter, not even doctors or lawyers.  Cut off all utilities and block cell phone coverage.  Search and identify anyone leaving.  They will all come out in time.




:cheesy:The solution is quite simple:cheesy:

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2 hours ago, WhizBang said:

The solution is quite simple... lay seige to the place.   Isolate it totally from the outside world.  Allow nothing to enter, not even doctors or lawyers.  Cut off all utilities and block cell phone coverage.  Search and identify anyone leaving.  They will all come out in time.

May not work,  we have a similar situation in London, a fugitive is has been hiding out in the Ecuadorian embassy for years...

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8 hours ago, colinneil said:

Prayut and his pals staged a military coup to save Thailand from anarchy (so they said).

Yet they are unable to enforce the law against 1 man.

Bunch of hypocrites thats what they are, unable/ unwilling to arrest 1 man   pathetic.


Is this not proof that the meek shall inherit the earth? Sorry I forgot myself

Edited by silent
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Block all street access. No one in, you can only leave.

Anyone leaving is "debriefed".

No supplies in. No food. No water. Medical. Doctors. Nothing.

Cut electric, internet, water, cable and place cellphone jammers around the grounds.

Start drone overflights for surveillance.

Setup speakers and blast this song 24/7:




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For those who are rubbishing the Thai authorities for their softly softly approach to the arrest of the Abbot of Dhammakhaya,  consider the case of the UK Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse which started some time back and has achieved less than nothing.

The chairperson has to be a woman. The first two were rejected after outcry from complainants claiming these women were two close to major suspects. Then Lowell Goddard from New Zealand was appointed who after receiving of the order of half a million pounds by way of salary resigned from the job having done nothing.

In the meantime I understand that some 140,000 testimonies sent in online have been wiped from the computer memory.


A closer case to the Thai situation is the Australian inquiry into child sexual abuse. The head of the Australian catholic church in the recent past was Cardinal Pell, himself investigated by a church inquiry for child sexual abuse which came to the conclusion 'Not Proven'. But there is no question that Pell covered up many cases of priests abusing young people, and blocked the law from taking its course.

Once the inquiry was underway Pell got a promotion to the Vatican where he enjoys diplomatic immunity and claims to be too ill to fly to appear before the tribunal back in Australia.

Or the Chilcott Inquiry into the false claims that Tony Blair and associates made to take the UK into the war on Iraq. This inquiry took years with an army of lawyers sucking on public money. It found against Blair, Jack Straw and others but it is unlikely that they will be sanctioned in any way.


We will not go into the whitewash investigations of the two (or likely three) Kennedy assassinations, let alone the 9/11 caper which was clearly modelled on the Reichstag  Fire.


The Thais have a long way to go before they can match boondoggles like these.


Edited by Kiwi1
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1 hour ago, Basil B said:

May not work,  we have a similar situation in London, a fugitive is has been hiding out in the Ecuadorian embassy for years...


Nothing like what is happening here.  Everyone knows where he is and that he was granted political asylum, so it's hardly hiding out, the cops just do not have jurisdiction.  In so far as this dear, they're not even sure if he is actually there.  He is just using the people and knows that if the police move in it is likely to cause more trouble, hence their unwillingness to enter but it will come to a head shortly.  Good or bad, only time will tell.  :wai:

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One of the measures of any government is its ability to uphold the laws.  Whether it be Yellows overtaking the country's major airport, Reds capturing several square miles in the center of the the nation's capital (and an area that is also home to many foreign embassies), to this inability to arrest a monk, Thailand's military and police have demonstrated that they are unable to uphold the laws of the country.  


What makes this such a joke is that the armed police and military are up against a relatively unarmed opposition and seem incapable of taking control of the situation.  


Okay, yes, in the case of the Red Shirts they had some guns but when the tanks eventually rolled down the street, there was no real armed resistance.  Other than a few yahoos the people were mostly unarmed.  


I'm not advocating slaughtering people but police around the world have training in using non-lethal force to control crowds.  In Thailand they let them bring in food and supplies, set up porta-potties, harden their defenses, negotiate with them in the media so they can fire up their supporters, etc.


I remember one video that was going around in 2010 with Abbhisit sitting down trying to negotiate with three or four Red Shirts.  He was trying to be calm and diplomatic and they were shouting at him and chastising him like a little child for not showing them respect.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the entire negotiation was a charade in order to use the video as propaganda.  


I also remember being in Bangkok when the Yellows took over the airport.  I said to a friend, "If this isn't resolved in under 24 hours, if they don't regain control over one of the main artery of commerce, it's an invitation for everyone to do it."  


Do you really think Dhammachayo would be taking the same actions if the police and military had acted swiftly and decisively in the past?  Of course not.  He's effectively challenging the legitimacy of the Thai government because that same Thai government has already shown itself to be weak and ineffective when faced with a challenge.  






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