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White House suggests Putin was involved in US hacking


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White House suggests Putin was involved in US hacking



WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration suggested Thursday that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally authorized the hacking of Democratic officials' email accounts in the run-up to the presidential election and said it was "fact" that such actions helped Donald Trump's campaign. The White House also assailed Trump himself, saying he must have known of Russia's interference.


No proof was offered for any of the accusations, the latest to unsettle America's uneasy transition from eight years under Democratic President Barack Obama to a new Republican administration led by Trump. The claims of Russian meddling in the election also have heightened already debilitating tensions between Washington and Moscow over Syria, Ukraine and a host of other disagreements.


"Only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities," White House spokesman Josh Earnest said, repeating the words from an October U.S. intelligence assessment.


Obama's deputy national security adviser, Ben Rhodes, connected the dots further, saying it was Putin who was responsible for the Russian government's actions.


"I don't think things happen in the Russian government of this consequence without Vladimir Putin knowing about it," Rhodes said on MSNBC.


The explosive accusation paints Putin, the leader of perhaps the nation's greatest geopolitical foe, as having directly undermined U.S. democracy. U.S. officials have not contended, however, that Trump would have been defeated by Hillary Clinton on Nov. 8 if not for Russia's assistance. Nor has there has been any indication of tampering with the vote-counting.


The Kremlin flatly rejected the claim of Putin's involvement, with Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov dismissing it Thursday as "laughable nonsense."


The dispute over Russia's role is fueling an increasingly public spat between Obama's White House and Trump's team that is threatening to spoil the delicate truce that Obama and Trump have forged since Election Day.


Although the president and president-elect have avoided criticizing each other publicly since Trump's win, their aides have been more openly antagonistic. Kellyanne Conway, Trump's senior transition adviser, said it was "breathtaking" and irresponsible that the White House had suggested Trump knew Russia was interfering to help his campaign.


That led Obama spokesman Josh Earnest on Thursday to unload, arguing that Trump, who has dismissed the CIA's assessment of Russian interference, should spend less time attacking the intelligence community and more time supporting the investigation that Obama has ordered.


Earnest said it was "obvious" Trump knew what Russia was doing during the campaign, pointing out that Trump had encouraged Moscow during a news conference to find Clinton's missing emails. Trump has said he was joking.


"I don't think anybody at the White House thinks it's funny that an adversary of the United States engaged in malicious cyber activity to destabilize our democracy," Earnest said. "That's not a joke."


U.S. intelligence officials have linked the hacking to Russia's intelligence agency and its military intelligence division. Moscow has denied all accusations that it orchestrated the hacking of email accounts of Democratic Party officials and Clinton's campaign chief, John Podesta, and then leaked them to the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks.


Trump and his supporters insist the Democrats' outrage about Russia is really an attempt to undermine the validity of his election victory. Rep. Peter King, a Trump ally and New York Republican, called it "disgraceful" as he spoke to reporters amassed in Trump Tower after meeting with the president-elect.


"Right now, certain elements of the media, certain elements of the intelligence community and certain politicians are really doing the work of the Russians," King said.


Still, Democrats pounced on the latest suggestions of Putin being connected to the daily drip of emails during the presidential race from some of Clinton's closest advisers.


Putin was "clearly involved," said outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid.


"Having been the former head of the KGB, does that surprise you?" Reid said. "And does it surprise anybody today when he denied it?"

Reid's comments echoed those of Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, the top Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee, who said Wednesday it's hard to think that Putin didn't know about the operation. She called suggestions that he was aware of the hacking "very credible."


There has been no specific, persuasive evidence shared publicly about the extent of Putin's role or knowledge of the hackings. That lack of proof undercuts Democrats' strategy to portray Putin's involvement as irrefutable evidence of a directed Russian government plot to undermine America's democratic system.


Secretary of State John Kerry defended Obama's handling of the issue during the heat of the presidential campaign — a stance now criticized by some Democrats as too weak — but said he wouldn't comment on whether Putin was involved.


"People need to remember that the president issued a warning," Kerry said. "But he had to be obviously sensitive to not being viewed as interfering on behalf of a candidate or against a candidate or in a way that promoted unrealistic assessments about what was happening."

-- © Associated Press 2016-12-16
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I saw this on NBC news yesterday. Comrade Putin helping Comrade Donald to get elected...no conflict there. Both boys in total agreement.


U.S. Officials: Putin Personally Involved in U.S. Election Hack



Putin turned Russia election hacks in Trump's favor: U.S. officials



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1 hour ago, webfact said:

"I don't think anybody at the White House thinks it's funny that an adversary of the United States engaged in malicious cyber activity to destabilize our democracy," Earnest said. "That's not a joke."


And I don't think its funny that you are making these claims, antagonizing an already divided nation, from the white house without any evidence. You jokers don't give a shit about healing a divided nation. You are making sure to kick the shit out of the hornets nest on your way out. Antagonizing Russia, Antagonizing american people. Even if Russia did infact engage in "malicious cyber activity" what you are doing in response is letting them get under our skin and divide our nation even more. Helping them win you condescending daffodil. 


Look at this headline:


2 hours ago, webfact said:

White House suggests Putin was involved in US hacking





2 hours ago, webfact said:

"I don't think things happen in the Russian government of this consequence without Vladimir Putin knowing about it," Rhodes said on MSNBC.


"I don't think" he says, on MSNBC, he says. 


Good bye Obama. You and the Democrats are REALLY screwing up on your way out. 

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Deny...deny...deny...spin...spin...spin.  Keep on with those "It wasn't Russia" Thank You tours while the rest of us actually pay attention.


Officials: Master Spy Vladimir Putin Now Directly Linked to US Hacking



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There's no denying Russia has hacked US computers.  Just like the US has hacked theirs.  There's also too many facts to say Russia wasn't involved in these hacks.  Whether Putin was involved is another matter.  But as the article says, he runs the county with an iron fist.  Not much happens without his approval.


This isn't dividing the nation, unless you care more about politics than national security. 

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15 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

There's no denying Russia has hacked US computers.  Just like the US has hacked theirs.  There's also too many facts to say Russia wasn't involved in these hacks.  Whether Putin was involved is another matter.  But as the article says, he runs the county with an iron fist.  Not much happens without his approval.


This isn't dividing the nation, unless you care more about politics than national security. 


Yeah and to accuse publicly that Russia and Putin himself, are trying to "destabilize our democracy"? Publicly? To that extreme? 


I don't doubt that "russia" in some form are involved in spying, hacking, etc... But right now there is zero evidence. Ill give them the benefit of the doubt though. 

The problem I have is the Democrats & MSM using it as an antagonistic flame tool. 

I care about national security more than most, but I care about politics just the same. Our own in-house politics can be just as much a threat to national security as "Putin" "maybe" aiding, pushing, meddling, with DNC leaks. Let alone what the affect of partisan clickbait misdirection & spin does to our own country and people. This is what pisses me off. The White House should be above this shit, but yet they are feeding the MSM and fueling the BS. 


Yet at the same time, like you say, we are probably MORE guilty of hacking and meddling than Russia. 


Its extremely clear that while there may be some basis of truth, what the current White House is doing on their way out has very little to do with "National Security" and more to do with gaining democrat ground for future endeavors. 


And basically being little shits at the cost of uproar and distrust over the future government. 

Edited by Strange
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9 minutes ago, Strange said:


Yeah and to accuse publicly that Russia and Putin himself, are trying to "destabilize our democracy"? Publicly? To that extreme? 


I don't doubt that "russia" in some form are involved in spying, hacking, etc... But right now there is zero evidence. Ill give them the benefit of the doubt though. 

The problem I have is the Democrats & MSM using it as an antagonistic flame tool. 

I care about national security more than most, but I care about politics just the same. Our own in-house politics can be just as much a threat to national security as "Putin" "maybe" aiding, pushing, meddling, with DNC leaks. Let alone what the affect of partisan clickbait misdirection & spin does to our own country and people. This is what pisses me off. The White House should be above this shit, but yet they are feeding the MSM and fueling the BS. 


Yet at the same time, like you say, we are probably MORE guilty of hacking and meddling than Russia. 


Its extremely clear that while there may be some basis of truth, what the current White House is doing on their way out has very little to do with "National Security" and more to do with gaining democrat ground for future endeavors. 


And basically being little shits at the cost of uproar and distrust over the future government. 

Sorry, but just too many attacks by Russia to say they are innocent.  And too many are saying they were involved.  To what extent is the question.  How high up did this go.  It could be a guy in Siberia doing it.  If so, how about they help find that person?  So far, just denials.  Which they are good at.




Nick Klitzing said the state GOP on its own found 18 of its emails on the website DCLeaks.com. The New York Times reported the website was an outlet that U.S. intelligence officials and private cybersecurity companies believe was created by a unit controlled by the GRU, Russia's military intelligence agency.






FBI investigates mass hacking of US banks

Attacks on JP Morgan and others "beyond capability of ordinary hackers", with suggestions of Russian involvement.







How Russian Hackers Stole the Nasdaq

It was easier than you think


And it's not just the US:

Russia blamed for hacking attack on German MPs





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2 hours ago, Trouble said:

Assange states categorically that the WikiLeaks information did NOT come from Russia.  


 I bet Putin is loving this and has a huge smirk on his face - he is turning into a bit of a hero to me!!


 Obama is threatening Putin over something whereby he has no proof of his accusation. He had better hurry up because Putin's pal will be running the country soon!!:stoner:

Edited by lucky11
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2 hours ago, Trouble said:

Assange states categorically that the WikiLeaks information did NOT come from Russia.  


OK, so Russian bankers who loaned money to Trump, at the direction of Putin, hired hackers in Kyrgyzstan to nick the emails of the Dem and GOP party leaders and then send the hacked emails to Assange.  Does that seriously change the story?  You're a tool. 

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1 minute ago, zaphod reborn said:


OK, so Russian bankers who loaned money to Trump, at the direction of Putin, hired hackers in Kyrgyzstan to nick the emails of the Dem and GOP party leaders and then send the hacked emails to Assange.  Does that seriously change the story?  You're a tool. 


 Not unless you can find and provde genuine links proving every step in the chain you have mentioned took place!!


 Putin is a genius or completely innocent so it is a win-win for him!! What is Obama going to do, challenge him to a duel. What a cry baby he is - he is making himself look stupid.


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15 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:


OK, so Russian bankers who loaned money to Trump, at the direction of Putin, hired hackers in Kyrgyzstan to nick the emails of the Dem and GOP party leaders and then send the hacked emails to Assange.  Does that seriously change the story?  You're a tool. 

Assange is hardly a credible source.  Nor is Russia.

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12 minutes ago, lucky11 said:


 Not unless you can find and provde genuine links proving every step in the chain you have mentioned took place!!


 Putin is a genius or completely innocent so it is a win-win for him!! What is Obama going to do, challenge him to a duel. What a cry baby he is - he is making himself look stupid.



You know this is headed to a Congressional investigation where your hero, Trump, is going to have to divulge his tax returns proving he is indebted to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars to Russian banks.  The guy is going to be impeached within months of being inaugurated. 

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12 minutes ago, lucky11 said:


 Not unless you can find and provde genuine links proving every step in the chain you have mentioned took place!!


 Putin is a genius or completely innocent so it is a win-win for him!! What is Obama going to do, challenge him to a duel. What a cry baby he is - he is making himself look stupid.


Nobody has confirmed Putin was involved.  Just saying that since he rules Russia with an iron fist, it's highly likely he'd know.  Just like in the reverse, if it was the US hacking Russia, the president would probably know about it.  Maybe it's not a state sponsored activity.  They why don't they help to find the hackers?


Read this.  A very informative article, with references to recent hacks.



The Moscow connection is worrying because Russia is the only country to date to have combined cyberwarfare with assaults by conventional guns and tanks. “The Russia-Georgia war of 2008 was a perfect example of a combined kinetic and cyber operation,” says Carr. “Nobody else has ever done anything like that.”


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Just now, zaphod reborn said:


You know this is headed to a Congressional investigation where your hero, Trump, is going to have to divulge his tax returns proving he is indebted to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars to Russian banks.  The guy is going to be impeached within months of being inaugurated. 


 Trump is not my hero - Putin is becoming one!! He is the most able politician out there, bar none!!

 He is running rings around everyone else basically controlling the game. What else would you expect from someone regarded as being the most powerful and influential person in the world!!

2 minutes ago, CharlieK said:

Is this really about Russia hacking the US or about trying to cover the fact that Hilary Clinton is as corrupt as the emails have shown. 


 Great point - i think that you may be on to something!!

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5 hours ago, DavidVincent said:

The goal is clearly an interference, however those leaks are still an aye opener of the politician mentality in US and worldwide.


I agree with your comments about worldwide politicians. The dirtiest of all careers.


But, the Obama administration offers zero proof. All based on anonymous reports and conjecture.They are becoming a laughing stock around the world.


Their anointed chosen successor failed, She lost. Didn't do as expected. She, and they, knew about all the baggage and skeletons she had. I see many American commentators saying the leaks actually came from US security services, that they gave the info to Wikileaks. Nothing to do with the Russians.


But the Democrats, like so many left liberal political constructs just can't accept rejection of their ideas, their candidates and above all having to relinquish control of the gravy train.


Maybe Obama should also instigate an investigation into the Clinton Foundation and large cash donations from Germany and Saudi Arabia? Of course that would all be above board charitable giving and nothing to do with trying to get future favors from who they thought would be the next POTUS.


Until some real proof is put forward these are just silly and meaningless insults.

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38 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Nobody has confirmed Putin was involved.  Just saying that since he rules Russia with an iron fist, it's highly likely he'd know.  Just like in the reverse, if it was the US hacking Russia, the president would probably know about it.  Maybe it's not a state sponsored activity.  They why don't they help to find the hackers?


Read this.  A very informative article, with references to recent hacks.




The thing is Craig, no one has offered any tangible proof that the hacks were carried out by anyone. All conjecture and "spies under the bed".


Putin wouldn't know if it wasn't done by any Russian state controlled entity. Wikileaks denies Russian involvement. Saw some comments on American media that it was US security service personnel who leaked this. Again no proof, but none offered on either.


It does seem to try and deflect from the actual content of the leaks which might well be part of the objective.



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 "No proof was offered for any of the accusations. . ." 


Not only no proof, but not even a scintilla of evidence. This is bad enough. What is worse is the way newspapers  seem to accept, without question, any nonsense emanating from "official" sources and run with them. 


Thank goodness for some of the more reliable so-called "fake news" sites on the Internet which often offer a more accurate picture of what is going on in the world than their mass media equivalents.


Clearly they are getting under the skin of the Establishment - which has to be good news.










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