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Aboriginal woman's slaying exposes Australia's racial divide


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It's quite clear that some not only are totally unaware of the child removal practices of successive Australian  governments right up to present day...but also feel they are able to make sweeping assumptions about the state or behaviour of the respective parents.

There is no mitigation for the attrocious acts committed upon the various indigenous  nations of Australia..

These members should should be ashamed of themselves 

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Why don't those decrying the unfair treatment of aborigines apply the argument of personal responsibility, and ask a few questions such as what was she doing there in the first place, where are her 7 children, and where are the (undoubted multiple) fathers? As an afterthought you might ask if she has ever been employed, how much does the oz government contribute to her and her family, and how is that income spent. The answers might not be convenient though.


BTW my SIL is aboriginal, holds a steady job, lives with his wife and 3 daughters, and limits his alcohol intake due to his genetic inability to handle excess. As an aboriginal family they receive considerably more social security benefits than other citizens of non-aboriginal TSI descent.

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58 minutes ago, halloween said:

Why don't those decrying the unfair treatment of aborigines apply the argument of personal responsibility, and ask a few questions such as what was she doing there in the first place, where are her 7 children, and where are the (undoubted multiple) fathers? As an afterthought you might ask if she has ever been employed, how much does the oz government contribute to her and her family, and how is that income spent. The answers might not be convenient though.


BTW my SIL is aboriginal, holds a steady job, lives with his wife and 3 daughters, and limits his alcohol intake due to his genetic inability to handle excess. As an aboriginal family they receive considerably more social security benefits than other citizens of non-aboriginal TSI descent.

Don't confuse matters with inconvenient truths. Too many who posted here have the blinkers firmly on and will reject any information that doesn't fit their narrow views.

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1 hour ago, kowpot said:

I know everything there is to know about the  Aborigines situation.  I have seen both Crocodile Dundee and Quigley Down Under.

Your education is not complete, you missed Jedda (the uncivilised). Oh, and of course Walkabout.

Edited by giddyup
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On 12/17/2016 at 6:11 AM, F4UCorsair said:

Another emotive presentation of the facts by the left wing press.



As one who has had a lot to do with aboriginal communities, admittedly 30 years ago now, my assessment is they are a race with no/little hope.  As a race they are without any drive or ambition.


If as much money had been invested in the white population, every white would have a PhD from Harvard.



Not surprised by your racist rant or by the people who "liked" it.

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Three things in Australia that guarantee a lively heated discussion ... politics, religion and Aboriginal affairs.


Public Prosecutors are highly respected in Oz. They make impartial judgements on whether a trial is likely to succeed in a conviction. In this particular case, I'd like to think that legal technicalities, rather than race, was the reason they did not proceed. All Australians would've been aghast with this murder, and most would've been very disappointed to see justice delayed, especially as two prime suspects were identified.


Although long overdue, it's good to see that a trial is now imminent.


To all the previous posters in this thread .... unless you are an Australian, you really should be cautious with your comments. You have absolutely no idea the level of public emotion in Australia with regards to Aboriginal affairs.


History is full of lands being colonised, or conquered, by foreign powers, then badly mistreating the native inhabitants. Australia is no exception. Right up till the 1960's. In hindsight, we're not particularly proud of what went on, but current generations have tried to make amends.


Vast areas of Australia's semi desert and tropics, are now "no-go zones" for non Aboriginal people, enabling Aboriginals to still lead a traditional cultural lifestyle if they choose to do so, rather than live a Westernised lifestyle.


Huge amounts of Govt funding is given annually to Dept of Aboriginal Affairs, for distribution in welfare, social services, community projects, business startups, low cost loans etc etc.


Full Social Security payments and benefits are available to all Aboriginal people (as it should be), so if anyone tells you that Aboriginals' are destitute, it is of their own making. 


Anti Discrimination Laws have also been enacted to actually give priority to Aboriginal people over white Australians in situations like employment.


Are Australian's racist ?  No doubt many are .... but there's a lot that aren't. Same as any country.


Edited by electric
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On 12/17/2016 at 8:06 AM, F4UCorsair said:


Well you've fallen for the left wing hype. You're obviously not Australian, or If you are, you lack an understanding of the real situation.


The aboriginals were fortunate It was the BroItish, mot the Spanish or Dutch who colonized Australia.  If so, there would be none left.


I think, If you wish to post on this thread, that you should google the deceased's name and get some background Info.


Unable to edit typos.

Left wing hype?  Are you saying the British didn't try and wipe out indigenous Australians in the first 100 years of European settlement?  Maybe like me you weren't taught at school what had happened to Aboriginal people and conveniently  have not bothered to find out what really happened.  There's a lot of information out there now, no excuse to remain ignorant.  The 'First Australians' series is a good introduction to anyone out there who wants to know the early to more recent history of Australian aboriginals, or is that series also left wing hype?

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37 minutes ago, electric said:

Three things in Australia that guarantee a lively heated discussion ... politics, religion and Aboriginal affairs.


Public Prosecutors are highly respected in Oz. They make impartial judgements on whether a trial is likely to succeed in a conviction. In this particular case, I'd like to think that legal technicalities, rather than race, was the reason they did not proceed. All Australians would've been aghast with this murder, and most would've been very disappointed to see justice delayed, especially as two prime suspects were identified.


Although long overdue, it's good to see that a trial is now imminent.


To all the previous posters in this thread .... unless you are an Australian, you really should be cautious with your comments. You have absolutely no idea the level of public emotion in Australia with regards to Aboriginal affairs.


History is full of lands being colonised, or conquered, by foreign powers, then badly mistreating the native inhabitants. Australia is no exception. Right up till the 1960's. In hindsight, we're not particularly proud of what went on, but current generations have tried to make amends.


Vast areas of Australia's semi desert and tropics, are now "no-go zones" for non Aboriginal people, enabling Aboriginals to still lead a traditional cultural lifestyle if they choose to do so, rather than live a Westernised lifestyle.


Huge amounts of Govt funding is given annually to Dept of Aboriginal Affairs, for distribution in welfare, social services, community projects, business startups, low cost loans etc etc.


Full Social Security payments and benefits are available to all Aboriginal people (as it should be), so if anyone tells you that Aboriginals' are destitute, it is of their own making. 


Anti Discrimination Laws have also been enacted to actually give priority to Aboriginal people over white Australians in situations like employment.


Are Australian's racist ?  No doubt many are .... but there's a lot that aren't. Same as any country.


Most Australians, white or otherwise are not racist but there are pockets of racism that still fester in Australia, and for a  state with a relatively small population W.A. has too many tragedies involving Aboriginal people.  There is something seriously wrong with that part of Australia and with their treatment of Aboriginal people.

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26 minutes ago, tezzainthailand said:

No, I don't...I'm not Aboriginal and I don't go around saying forced removal of Aboriginal children was for their benefit.  It was old white men that did force their removal and believed it was for their own good.

Exactly. They did it with the best of intentions, and in fact a lot of those children ended up with a good education and good careers, and were well cared for by their foster parents. Which would you prefer, left with alcoholic parents, sexually abused by family members and eventually become a petrol sniffer or drug abuser, and just keep on repeating the cycle? There's always someone with no first hand knowledge of aboriginal problems, who criticises and expresses outrage, but has no answers themselves to solving the problem.

BTW, why do you say it was old white men? It could have been mid 20's or middle aged men making those decisions, or was that just an opportunity to have a dig at the elderly? Perhaps I sense some prejudice on your part?

Edited by giddyup
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On 12/17/2016 at 3:07 PM, giddyup said:

I am neither a bigot or a racist, I just choose not to see the world through rose coloured glasses, instead of some utopian fantasy where we all join in group hugs. Bye.




Welcome to liberal american politics 101. If you are not 100% in their camp, you are a racist, bigot, hateful KKK member that should walk around with an "Im Sorry" sign around your neck 24/7 and people wonder why Trump won. 


The woman you are debating with is an extreme case. 

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On 12/17/2016 at 4:25 PM, F4UCorsair said:

Batty's husband was mentally Ill, something she has conveniently forgotten as the agenda has been hijacked by the leftist women's miovement.


Check this link.  Sorry can't padste the link, nut google 'bettina arndt domestic violence In Australia'.


She's reviewed 1700 papers on the subject, and a few mistruths are exposed 


I saw her recently on TV, very I Impressive.  She's a psychologist and one of the original women's rights campaigners, but has seen the hypocrisy of the women's movement, e.g., It Is silent on the abuse of muslim women, not a whimper about the oppressive burqa, but advocate things like a man saying his wife Is fat, or criticizing the housework, as being domestic violence.


Unable to edit typos and capital 'I' (eye).




And exactly who are you to be mansplaining to the 'women's rights movement'?


When did you stop beating your wife?

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On 12/17/2016 at 5:24 PM, giddyup said:

 As a youngster you wouldn't have had a problem being separated from your mum?


Would have been in my best interest if she was an alcoholic, child neglecter.




The Chief Protector of Aborigines [sic] for Western Australia, A. O. Neville, who was also depicted in the 2002 movie, Rabbit Proof Fence, said in 1937:


Are we going to have one million blacks in the Commonwealth or are we going to merge them into our white community and eventually forget that there were any Aborigines in Australia?

Anderson, Warwick (2006). The Cultivation of Whiteness:Science, Health and Racial Destiny in Australia. Duke University Press


No doubt he would call himself a Conservative today and be welcome among the ranks of the racists.


For the avoidance of doubt, it does not matter what culture you wish to impose on another, you cannot remove children from their families in an attempt to assimilate them. It contravenes their Human Rights. To even suggest such a thing marginalized you into a fringe that has no relationship with any society based on dignity or respect.

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15 hours ago, halloween said:

Why don't those decrying the unfair treatment of aborigines apply the argument of personal responsibility, and ask a few questions such as what was she doing there in the first place, where are her 7 children, and where are the (undoubted multiple) fathers? As an afterthought you might ask if she has ever been employed, how much does the oz government contribute to her and her family, and how is that income spent. The answers might not be convenient though.


BTW my SIL is aboriginal, holds a steady job, lives with his wife and 3 daughters, and limits his alcohol intake due to his genetic inability to handle excess. As an aboriginal family they receive considerably more social security benefits than other citizens of non-aboriginal TSI descent.


Because you think she is a slut, then she deserves to die and those who abused her not be punished?


Because she may not have a job, then she deserves to die and those who abused her not punished?


Because she may receive welfare then she deserves to die  and those who abused her not punished?


Because she may have bought an alcoholic beverage then she deserves to die...


Is it because she is black that you believe that she is not entitled to any dignity? Or is it because she is Aboriginal and a member of an inferior culture that refuses to be assimilated into white culture. Well done to your SIL if he is happy being white. Even though you resent him for receiving more benefits than you. So I guess he really isn't white enough. If he was, then he wouldn't be getting handouts I guess.


Anger is a legitimate outcome of oppression. I fully support Aboriginal anger and ongoing oppression in Australia. Such attitudes as are expressed above have real consequences. In this case, the death of a human and the delay in the prosecution of those who abused her. Blaming the victim is the coward's answer.

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9 hours ago, giddyup said:

Exactly. They did it with the best of intentions, and in fact a lot of those children ended up with a good education and good careers, and were well cared for by their foster parents. Which would you prefer, left with alcoholic parents, sexually abused by family members and eventually become a petrol sniffer or drug abuser, and just keep on repeating the cycle? There's always someone with no first hand knowledge of aboriginal problems, who criticises and expresses outrage, but has no answers themselves to solving the problem.

BTW, why do you say it was old white men? It could have been mid 20's or middle aged men making those decisions, or was that just an opportunity to have a dig at the elderly? Perhaps I sense some prejudice on your part?


O. A. Neville became Chief Protector of Aborigines in 1915. He was 40 years old. Late middle age for that era I would say. So it was an old white British man making the decisions to steal Aboriginal children from their families and place with white families. 


For those who are interested, one rationale for this activity was to train the Aboriginal children to become the servants of the white families.


Your call to Agism is a crock. Intended to divert away from the challenge to your inhuman and inhumane support of the forced assimilation of Aboriginal populations.

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6 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

For the avoidance of doubt, it does not matter what culture you wish to impose on another, you cannot remove children from their families in an attempt to assimilate them. It contravenes their Human Rights. To even suggest such a thing marginalized you into a fringe that has no relationship with any society based on dignity or respect.


Sooooo its better to leave children with parents that neglect & abuse them because its racist to remove them for their own safety? 


You have this red mist thats consuming you to the detriment of children being abused. 

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20 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

Your call to Agism is a crock. Intended to divert away from the challenge to your inhuman and inhumane support of the forced assimilation of Aboriginal populations.


No its not. Its constant rhetoric spouted by people such as your self and it is VERY much prejudice behavior. Very definition in fact. And of course, thats perfectly fine with your line of thinking. Blatant hypocrisy to everyone else. 


You keep banging on about forced assimilation like its going on today, but barf up pseudo intellectual quotes from over 100 years ago. People from 100 years ago. Thinking and mindset from 100 years ago. 




Sorry OZ - one of Americas crazies got out. 


Edited by Strange
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10 hours ago, electric said:

Three things in Australia that guarantee a lively heated discussion ... politics, religion and Aboriginal affairs.


Public Prosecutors are highly respected in Oz. They make impartial judgements on whether a trial is likely to succeed in a conviction. In this particular case, I'd like to think that legal technicalities, rather than race, was the reason they did not proceed. All Australians would've been aghast with this murder, and most would've been very disappointed to see justice delayed, especially as two prime suspects were identified.


Although long overdue, it's good to see that a trial is now imminent.


To all the previous posters in this thread .... unless you are an Australian, you really should be cautious with your comments. You have absolutely no idea the level of public emotion in Australia with regards to Aboriginal affairs.


History is full of lands being colonised, or conquered, by foreign powers, then badly mistreating the native inhabitants. Australia is no exception. Right up till the 1960's. In hindsight, we're not particularly proud of what went on, but current generations have tried to make amends.


Vast areas of Australia's semi desert and tropics, are now "no-go zones" for non Aboriginal people, enabling Aboriginals to still lead a traditional cultural lifestyle if they choose to do so, rather than live a Westernised lifestyle.


Huge amounts of Govt funding is given annually to Dept of Aboriginal Affairs, for distribution in welfare, social services, community projects, business startups, low cost loans etc etc.


Full Social Security payments and benefits are available to all Aboriginal people (as it should be), so if anyone tells you that Aboriginals' are destitute, it is of their own making. 


Anti Discrimination Laws have also been enacted to actually give priority to Aboriginal people over white Australians in situations like employment.


Are Australian's racist ?  No doubt many are .... but there's a lot that aren't. Same as any country.



Do you ask that a subject not be raised because of its sensitivities? My view is completely opposite, This subject needs to be kept front and center, in people's faces until it can be resolved.


It would seem that your flavor your narrative with provocative observations on the conditions of Aboriginal people. You identify Aboriginal homelands as no-go zones. You can go there, you just need permission. Or are you trying to make a connection to the alleged muslim 'no go zones' in the UK and Europe?


You blame those destitute Aboriginal people (but not destitute non Aboriginal people) as being responsible for their own condition since they are provided with 'full social security payments'.


Here is a link to the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2014C00014 Perhaps you could identify where the Act provides for prioritizing Aboriginal people over non Aboriginal people. There  is, of course, no provision and that little attempt to promote the fallacious reverse racism meme is both obvious and contemptuous.


Arguing the moral equivalency of the British invasion of the Australian continent to other acts of colonization does not provide any justification. Almost all of those acts of colonization have been unwound except in a few places like the Malvinas Islands and Tahiti.


Australian culture is a racist culture. The foundations of Australian culture were laid by Imperialistic Brits at the height of their power. Australian racism is a reflection of British Imperialism and racism which inculcates a sense of class, hierarchy and social inferiority to issues of both economic disparity and race. The first piece of legislation of the Parliament after Federation in 1901 was the White Australia policy to keep out Asians (i.e. Chinese). It was not until 1975 that Australians were forced to confront their racism which was still very pronounced during the immigrant cycles of Vietnamese, Khmer and more recently those from muslim countries. Australian people have developed significantly in dealing with their racism, particularly to those of Asian heritage but not so much with Aboriginal people. It is clear that you are using a particular interpretation of racism. The issue of racism is not determined by aggregating the number of individuals who do not like others based on their ethnicity. Racism is defined by how the culture and institutions perpetuate the system of privileges available to the dominant group and how this translates to how individuals conduct themselves towards each other based on what they see their institutions doing. It is no coincidence that Aboriginal people have the highest rate of deaths in custody. It is no coincidence that Aboriginal people suffer poverty, disease and destitution through being removed from their culture, their lands and the bonds that connect them to their own society.


I find your blasé narrative to be highly illustrative of the mindset of bourgeoise white Australia. I do not hold out any hope for process while a significant number of people view the treatment of Aboriginal issues in the same way that you do.

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2 hours ago, Strange said:




Welcome to liberal american politics 101. If you are not 100% in their camp, you are a racist, bigot, hateful KKK member that should walk around with an "Im Sorry" sign around your neck 24/7 and people wonder why Trump won. 


The woman you are debating with is an extreme case. 


This is really going to mess with your head. The current Federal Government of Australia is formed by the Liberal Party. They are the right wing conservatives.


I know this is difficult on top of your faux pas about liberal democracy. If it is too much for you, then please feel free to run to Mommy and have me sanctioned.


I really cannot see how some right wing nut from Florida has anything to say about Australian Aboriginal issues. But I might be wrong. Let's see what you come up with and if it is anything more than just vanilla, predictable anti-befits rubbish that you seem to have no end of.

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25 minutes ago, Strange said:


Sooooo its better to leave children with parents that neglect & abuse them because its racist to remove them for their own safety? 


You have this red mist thats consuming you to the detriment of children being abused. 


You argue then that all Aboriginal parents neglect and abuse their children? I ask this because Aboriginal children taken from their parents during the period known as the Stolen Generation were not removed to protect them from their parents. They were removed to make them white and to train them to be the servants of their white parents.


You do know what we are talking about don't you? You do know what the Stolen Generation was? Or are you just repeating ill-informed racist crap about modern Aboriginal families in urban areas?


You accuse me of supporting child abuse? When you clearly know nothing, not a thing, of what you speak or of this issue.

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14 minutes ago, Strange said:


No its not. Its constant rhetoric spouted by people such as your self and it is VERY much prejudice behavior. Very definition in fact. And of course, thats perfectly fine with your line of thinking. Blatant hypocrisy to everyone else. 


You keep banging on about forced assimilation like its going on today, but barf up pseudo intellectual quotes from over 100 years ago. People from 100 years ago. Thinking and mindset from 100 years ago. 




Sorry OZ - one of Americas crazies got out. 



Forced removal of Aboriginal children did not stop until 1970. That is well within the living memory of most TVF members.


Again, do you know anything about this issue or are you just using this to make more personal attacks? Your entire post is just one attack. Nothing of substance about the issue. Comments on writing style, use of quotes - all absolute rubbish with no hint of relevant to the issue. Is that because you don't know what you are talking about? Have you met an Aboriginal person? Have you travelled to Aboriginal homelands? Have you read any Aboriginal literature? Have you seen movies portraying Aboriginal life with characters played by Aboriginal people?


Your entire line of attack, appropriating the death of an Aboriginal lady through vile assault is contemptible. A low class attempt to play what? The big swinging d***. If you can't argue the issue then best keep your nose out of things that are clearly beyond you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Australia's racial divide - the historical  background to the woman's death..,,.. Indigenous Rights, Racism and myths about welfare.


If a country starts off in violence, until it is addressed, it taints the future of that country.

Imagine being 5 years old and you are without explanation taken from your mum, driven miles to a place - you don’t know where - stripped naked , hosed  down and scrubbed with a scrubbing brush. No further contact with your Mum is ever permitted.


European research and knowledge of Australian aboriginal history was handicapped from the start - terra Nullius officially denied there existence and racism accounted for a lot of quasi-scientific claptrap about a “dying race”


People like Tindale - anthropologist researched and photographed Aboriginal/Indigenous people. Has left an extensive collection of genealogical information and photographs about some of the original nations and there are pockets of documentation here and there - some of it very useful but almost all of it either misinterpreted or side-lined over the years.

It has taken a long slow revolution by both indigenous peoples and “white” historians to get at or at least nearer to the truth about European occupation of Australia and make efforts to relate or connect this information to the surviving indigenous peoples.

Up until the late 20th Century, the opinion of whites was dominated by the use of racism and stereotype to justify the mistreatment and genocide committed by their ancestors.......


Do indigenous Australians get an unfair portion of the cake? - Well in the first place it is THEIR cake......Thanks to a couple of hundred years of discrimination, oppression and genocide,  indigenous Australians have found themselves somewhat lagging behind when it comes to any government funded support, but the concept they somehow “get more” keeps appearing even though it is flawed and inaccurate.


Of course it is a self-serving myth for a large number of white Australians.


Have you eve watched that greedy child at mealtime? They look at other kids plates and then squeal because “he’s got more than me!” The thing is when you offer to swap the plates round they won’t, because that isn’t the real reason. They realise that they don’t actually get any advantage this way; the only way that child is happy is when you actually takes food from the other child’s plated and puts it on his own. It’s not about share - it’s about advantage.


Welfare hand-outs are basically a myth e.g. - unemployment benefit is exactly the same., regardless of your background.  Only since 1966 did Aboriginals qualify for equal rights to social security payments.  But in reality they still face discrimination when claiming. E.G. Breaching Stats - there is a 19% to 33% differentiation. They are less likely to appeal too - 3 indigenous to every 23,000 of other claimants.

Unemployment benefit is the same for everyone in Australia. - there is no rent-free accommodation and in fat a lot of properties are not available to them thanks to racist attitudes of lessors.


Individual indigenous people are entitled to no more benefits than any “white” person..... this is of “blacks getting more” is course a flawed perspective in itself as it is using the false assumption of racism as a premise, therefore the argument is flawed from the start.

In reality indigenous people still face discrimination when claiming benefits, just look at the stats for “breaching” - there is a 19% to 33% difference is reduction of benefits and when it comes to appeals - only 3 indigenous appeal for every 23,000  all other groups.


There is no rent free accommodation.  However where and what they rent and who from is very much dictated by racism...both overt and covert.

Many indigenous people don’t ever receive their state aid as it is “managed” on their behalf by largely European authorities.

Aboriginal people receive the same benefits as everyone else. There are group social programs funded by the government - these are not extra income they are aimed at improving situations within groups and communities - just as in “white” areas new roads, schools libraries etc. are built/funded. It’s not a question of “extra” funding, it a matter of getting funding where there was none before, unlike in mainstream areas of the population.


These programs are aimed at training, healthcare, education and housing just as in any town in Australia. These are frequently in place of usual benefits as they are often considered inappropriate in special circumstances.

There is no case of an individual indigenous person getting extra funding because they are indigenous. Specific government programs (not additional income) have been introduced to cope with the mess caused to their communities by European settlement.

Courts incarcerate 4 times as many Aboriginals as any other group and sentences for similar offences are relatively longer.

They are subject to a high degree of violence by police.


Indigenous people make up 2.5% of the population but 35% of all kids removed are indigenous.


Aboriginal deaths in police custody are up by 50% in the last 25 years.

Aboriginals people make up 48% of the prison population.


They are the most socially and economically disadvantaged group in Oz.

Many projects come from the communities themselves - e.g - Community Development Employment schemes and other employment programs, Health and legal services, and education strategic initiatives.

One thing is certain and that is Australian indigenous peoples are not in any way “dysfunctional” - they have remarkable social cohesion and a known and defined history and structures for the future.


The word “dysfunctional” is actually a term heard repeatedly by racists to justify their view of indigenous peoples around the world - it is a misuse and the aim is to justify the extinction of the “race” - again an unscientific term used on one part of a single species by those seeking personal gain.


If it comes down to simple accounting - Any cost of government aids to indigenous people  is easily off-set by the fact that indigenous people in general make much less use of mainstream benefits that the European population.


How about blaming it on the “British”? well one needs to ask at what point the oppression passed from British to Australian - and you’ll get a range of different answers to that.


Here are some key words and phrase that ring alarm bells to anyone interested in Indigenous affairs.



“dying race”

“work the land”

“Terra Nullius”

“Australia Day”

“Captain Cook”

“Never any around here”



“adopting Children”



“In the name of protection” - this is nothing more than a lie...a lie to cover the real agenda which was to obliterate all the indigenous nations from the face of Australasia.

Concentration camps were too loaded by the 1950s, too public on an international scale. Open genocide as practiced up till the 1930s was too easily detectable with modern communications, so taking away the children to be raised / indoctrinated as 2nd class whites - assimilated - into a society alien to them was White Australia’s final solution.


The promulgation of myths and outright historical lies about these people helped to justify the kidnapping, abuse and their ultimate degradation. The most astounding aspect is that this kind of behaviour, sanctioned by the authorities carried on into the 21st century.


Deliberately impoverishing the indigenous peoples of Australia and forcing them to live in some of the worst conditions in a country they used to roam freely, imprisoning the men, molesting the women and generally reducing their societies to the point  where western introduced ills were making them fall apart all helped to make the abduction of the children seem OK to those who only viewed the problem from the comfort of their suburban homes.

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On 17/12/2016 at 9:53 AM, Kiwiken said:

Europeans came in , In droves and hunted the Aboriginal like you would wild animals. You took their land and desecrated their sacred places. This encroachment continues to this day. Had the Aboriginal had the Europeans engage with them as the Settlers in New Zealand did with the local Maori people the problems would be less. The alcoholism and apathy among Aboriginals in Australia is a direct result of continuing racial oppression, sidelining and marginalisation by Australia's ruling race. Not only do they do it the Aboriginal who are at the bottom. But it is projected to non European immigrants as well now to New Zealanders. Far from being the lucky Country I would consider Australia an arrogant failed state. And One day all the chickens will come home to roost.


what rubbish !

what happened to New Zealand's original inhabitants then ?

the race that pre date the Maori, where did they end up ? or are you too ashamed to say ?


The english invaders of New Zealand only signed a treaty after they realised they could not beat the Maori into submission.

You Pakeha's like to twist the truth.


Australia is a mess as far as the aboriginals are concerned, with both sides being to blame !

it is too bloody late to fix the divide now as neither party will try and the government is not interested in resolving the problem..





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