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Change To Sex Education


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Change to sex education

BANGKOK: -- The Education Ministry has completed a new sex-education curriculum for a pilot project at select schools where students are at greater risk of becoming HIV-positive.

It will involve four books covering Prathom 1 to Mathayom 6.

Each book has six units: sexual development, relationships, social skills, sexual behaviour, sexual health and social and cultural matters.

Teachers will be provided with details on teaching techniques and activities for sex education classes.

The project will be introduced at 80 schools around the country. A revised version should be available online next year.

-- The Nation 2006-12-07

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It takes more than openess; it takes action. The continued presence of the disease is because of the lack-luster continuation of efforts to eradicate it. It takes some stick-to-itness to slow the spread of this disease; and that is sadly missing in the kingdom.

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The hypocrisy and denial here regarding sex (just say "no") is also a big hindrance to education about HIV and other STDs. The importance of condoms must be a centerpiece to any truly effective sex ed. and HIV prevention campaign- promotion of abstinence alone does not work.


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