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Trump blames terrorists for killings in Turkey, Germany


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Trump blames terrorists for killings in Turkey, Germany



PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — On the day that his election victory became official, Donald Trump on Monday experienced what life will be like as president as he condemned separate deadly incidents against a Russian diplomat and shoppers at a German Christmas market, blaming Islamic terrorism in both instances.


He offered no support for his claim that terrorists were responsible for the carnage.


Authorities in Turkey and Germany were still investigating when Trump issued back-to-back statements condemning the incidents, although the White House earlier had said that what happened in central Berlin when a trucked rammed a holiday crowd "appears to be a terrorist attack."


Trump called the brazen, daytime shooting of Russia's ambassador to Turkey as he attended a photo exhibit "a violation of all rules of civilized order." He added that the diplomat, Andrei Karlov, was assassinated by a "radical Islamic terrorist."


Turkish authorities said the gunman, who was identified as Mevlut Mert Altintas, a member of Ankara's riot police squad, was later killed in a shootout with police. Altintas shouted in Turkish about the Syrian city of Aleppo and also yelled "Allahu akbar," the Arabic phrase for "God is great."


In the Berlin incident, in which at least 12 people were killed, Trump said the Islamic State group "and other Islamist terrorists continually slaughter Christians in their communities and places of worship as part of their global jihad."


He added that these terrorists and their regional and worldwide networks "must be eradicated from the face of the earth" and pledged to carry out that mission with "all freedom-loving partners."


Trump's transition team did not immediately respond to requests to state the sources for his claims of terrorist involvement.


He later tweeted: "Today there were terror attacks in Turkey, Switzerland and Germany — and it is only getting worse. The civilized world must change thinking!"


In Zurich, police said three people were wounded when a gunman dressed in black opened fire in the prayer hall of a mosque frequented by Somali immigrants.


Trump vowed during the presidential campaign to go after the Islamic State group, but repeatedly declined to describe his plan for the public.


His statements came at the end of a busy day, after the president-elect had announced his candidate for secretary of the Army, held a round of transition meetings and was formally elected president by the Electoral College, clearing the way for his Jan. 20 inauguration.


Trump's choice of Army veteran and fellow New Yorker Vincent Viola to be his Army secretary will put another billionaire in leading role in the new administration.


The president-elect also met with a group of businessmen and former U.S. government officials as he sought to fill other posts, including that of U.S. trade representative. Among those he met with was Robert Lighthizer, a former deputy U.S. trade representative in the Reagan administration.


Viola is a West Point graduate who joins a list of former military men already chosen for the Cabinet. Trump's picks for defense secretary, homeland security secretary, national security adviser and deputy national security adviser are retired military.


In a separate written statement, Trump praised Viola, the son of Italian immigrants, as "living proof of the American dream" and someone who has a lengthy history of involvement with national security issues. Senate confirmation is required.


Viola was the first member of his family to attend college. He was trained as an Airborne Ranger infantry officer and served in the 101st Airborne Division. A lawyer, he started multiple businesses and bought the Florida Panthers hockey team for $250 million in 2013.


Trump announced Viola from his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, where he was spending the run-up to Christmas with his family and working on the transition. It also came as electors in all 50 states formally elected Trump as the 45th president.


"With this historic step we can look forward to the bright future ahead," he said in a statement in which he pledged anew that after the divisive campaign he will "work hard to unit our country and be the president of all Americans."


Viola would join a circle of wealthy businessmen Trump has chosen for the administration, including fast food executive Andy Puzder to lead the Labor Department, billionaire investor Wilbur Ross for Commerce, financier Steven Mnuchin for Treasury and Goldman Sachs President Gary Cohn as his top economic adviser.


More open posts remain. Trump also met Monday with Thad Allen, the retired Coast Guard commandant who oversaw the federal response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005; R. Donahue Peebles, board chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, and founder and CEO of a real estate development company named for him; and J. Christopher Reyes, co-chairman of Reyes Holdings, a Chicago-based beer and food distributor.


Trump also had dinner Saturday at the Florida estate with Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, a surprising development given Trump's harsh criticism of Slim during the presidential election. Slim is a major investor in The New York Times, a frequent target of Trump's potshots on social media.


Neither did Slim spare Trump, who has criticized Mexicans and vowed to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico to stop illegal immigration.


Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks confirmed the dinner, which was first reported by The Washington Post. People briefed on the conversation said it was arranged to open a friendly line of communication between the businessmen. A spokesman for Slim, Arturo Elias Ayub, tweeted that the dinner was "upbeat about Mexico and Mexicans."


The dinner was brokered by former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, who remains close to the president-elect, after Lewandowski quietly visited Slim in Mexico City earlier this month.


Trump was expected to hold additional transition meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday in Florida.

-- © Associated Press 2016-12-20
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When does reporters, journalists, media people and politicians learn that the islamic phrase Allahu Akbar means "god is the greatest" and not as they always report "god is great" - there is actually a very big big difference and meaning, please learn

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Especially in Turkey we even have a video of the assassination




I posted the independent.co.uk version of the video where they cut out the actual shooting because it's intense and brutal.



Edited by deathmule
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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Of course terrorists were responsible for what happened in Germany. At least Trump will say it.

Agreed. He is the only leader with balls, enough to say it.

Germany, is regretting the fact that they let in 900,000 plus refugees. How many from this group are terrorists.

It is a fact that ISIS sent terrorists into the groups of refugees, which were sent to the EU. Germany, France, Greece ....

no one know where, or how many. But I bet there will be more. It will not be a Happy Christmas. Rapes and murders; committed by members of ISIS. 

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Of course terrorists were responsible for what happened in Germany. At least Trump will say it.

The difference between Trump saying it and the President or any other sane leader saying it is that sane, intelligent leaders wait until they have the facts while Trump just shoots off his mouth without any evidence. 

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29 minutes ago, kamahele said:

The difference between Trump saying it and the President or any other sane leader saying it is that sane, intelligent leaders wait until they have the facts while Trump just shoots off his mouth without any evidence. 


The videotaped assassination is proof enough for anyone but an idiot, which pretty much describes the mainstream media.

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46 minutes ago, kamahele said:

The difference between Trump saying it and the President or any other sane leader saying it is that sane, intelligent leaders wait until they have the facts while Trump just shoots off his mouth without any evidence. 


And has he been wrong?  It is those so called sane and intelligent people who have caused the problems now being experience world wide.  All gutless wonders with their failed policies.:wai:

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Person arrested for driving truck into market identified as 23 year old Pakistani Muslim, according to German Police.  A refugee who arrived in Germany 1 year ago.  Not a terrorist, wanna bet. Polish driver was apparently forced to help and then killed. :wai: 

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Hey, you Germans out there. Are you masochistic? Why would Merkel have even one supporter? She and her cohorts have destroyed Deutschland. The blindness of the German people is stupefying. You deserve all the tragedy that is sure to be reigned upon you. I wish it were not so, but Germans control their destiny, not I. 

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3 hours ago, bark said:

Agreed. He is the only leader with balls, enough to say it.

Germany, is regretting the fact that they let in 900,000 plus refugees. How many from this group are terrorists.

I'm sure there were one or two in there. And I'm sure the anti-Muslim or anti-Immigrant crowd will jump on this and any terror attack with a, "see I told you so." The number of refugees in comparison to the number who become terrorists is miniscule, however. I'm not sure what the numbers are in Germany, but I looked into the American numbers about 2 months ago, and it was ridiculously small. Unless you are worried about being shot by toddlers, or struck by lightning, you shouldn't generally be concerned about being killed in a terrorist attack.


That having been said, each and every time lives are lost it's a sad situation. That's not to trample on anyone who was affected by it or any other attack. But in America you have the same thing, every time there is a terrorist attack (rarely) people jump on the anti-Muslim band wagon. Yet the actual percentage of mass murders which are Muslim terrorist related is tiny. They tend to be very public incidents though and it scares people.

Edited by jcsmith
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I'm sure there were one or two in there. And I'm sure the anti-Muslim or anti-Immigrant crowd will jump on this and any terror attack with a, "see I told you so." The number of refugees in comparison to the number who become terrorists is miniscule, however. I'm not sure what the numbers are in Germany, but I looked into the American numbers about 2 months ago, and it was ridiculously small. Unless you are worried about being shot by toddlers, or struck by lightning, you shouldn't generally be concerned about being killed in a terrorist attack.
That having been said, each and every time lives are lost it's a sad situation. That's not to trample on anyone who was affected by it or any other attack. But in America you have the same thing, every time there is a terrorist attack (rarely) people jump on the anti-Muslim band wagon. Yet the actual percentage of mass murders which are Muslim terrorist related is tiny. They tend to be very public incidents though and it scares people.

According to a 2012 poll, 72% of the Turks in Germany believe that Islam is the only true religion and 46% wish that one day more Muslims live in Germany than Christians.[26][27][28] According to a 10-year survey by the University of Bielefeld, which dealt with different aspects of attitudes to Islam, mistrust of Islam is widespread in Germany with only 19 percent of Germans believing that Islam is compatible with German culture.[29]

According to 2013 study by Social Science Research Center Berlin, two thirds of the Muslims interviewed say that religious rules are more important to them than the laws of the country in which they live, almost 60 percent of the Muslim respondents reject homosexuals as friends; 45 percent think that Jews cannot be trusted; and an equally large group believes that the West is out to destroy Islam (Christian respondents’ answers for comparison: As many as 9 percent are openly anti-Semitic; 13 percent do not want to have homosexuals as friends; and 23 percent think that Muslims aim to destroy Western culture).[30]

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5 hours ago, bark said:

Agreed. He is the only leader with balls, enough to say it.

Germany, is regretting the fact that they let in 900,000 plus refugees. How many from this group are terrorists.

It is a fact that ISIS sent terrorists into the groups of refugees, which were sent to the EU. Germany, France, Greece ....

no one know where, or how many. But I bet there will be more. It will not be a Happy Christmas. Rapes and murders; committed by members of ISIS. 


His actual tweet (the major way the bozo communicates with the world) said that there were terrorist attacks in Turkey, Germany, and Switzerland.  And he was right: in Switzerland, a terrorist attacked a mosque.

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4 hours ago, khunken said:

Selectively shooting his mouth off.


No twit from the <deleted> about the Mosque shooting in Zurich.


Actually, his original tweet DID say Switzerland.  Though I'm sure he would take that one back now that it's known that the terrorist in that case was attacking Muslims.

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Bottom line is that the people are there in Europe.

They need to get their heads out from where the sun don't shine.


If they commint a crime, deport them, the whole family.



It's time to change the laws of the countries. The European People  THEMSELVES are <deleted>.


it's their COUNTRY.....SUPPOSE TO BE FOR THE PEOPLE......Not bring in freeloading barbaric people that have both hands out......but WANT MORE.....BY DOING LESS AND NOTHING.


Not one Europen leader said they were terrortist?  That's the problem and the people will support to get rid of this scum.

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2 hours ago, jcsmith said:

I'm sure there were one or two in there. And I'm sure the anti-Muslim or anti-Immigrant crowd will jump on this and any terror attack with a, "see I told you so." The number of refugees in comparison to the number who become terrorists is miniscule, however. I'm not sure what the numbers are in Germany, but I looked into the American numbers about 2 months ago, and it was ridiculously small. Unless you are worried about being shot by toddlers, or struck by lightning, you shouldn't generally be concerned about being killed in a terrorist attack.


That having been said, each and every time lives are lost it's a sad situation. That's not to trample on anyone who was affected by it or any other attack. But in America you have the same thing, every time there is a terrorist attack (rarely) people jump on the anti-Muslim band wagon. Yet the actual percentage of mass murders which are Muslim terrorist related is tiny. They tend to be very public incidents though and it scares people.

Sorry, but facts are facts. The terrorist are from the Muslim religion. 

Do you think the people of Germany are happy now ? The world made a big mistake by letting 2 million refugees enter EU countries. The better choice would have been to build a massive camp. Big fences, food, schools, and protection.

After the Syrian war is over. open the gates for them to rebuild the country.


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11 hours ago, mrbfly said:

When does reporters, journalists, media people and politicians learn that the islamic phrase Allahu Akbar means "god is the greatest" and not as they always report "god is great" - there is actually a very big big difference and meaning, please learn

I really don't see much difference there, as long as you are killing in the name of your god then all is good.

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13 hours ago, kamahele said:

The difference between Trump saying it and the President or any other sane leader saying it is that sane, intelligent leaders wait until they have the facts while Trump just shoots off his mouth without any evidence. 

ISIS were quick to put their hand up and claim It.   Yea I think I will go with trump before the other over sensitive politically correct pussies.  ISIS are muslims and a terrorist organisation, so yes it was a terrorist act.  Tell it as it is and stop being afraid that you may hurt the feelings of the barbaric, murderous muslim cult.  They don't give a damn about our feelings.

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6 minutes ago, Thechook said:

ISIS were quick to put their hand up and claim It.   Yea I think I will go with trump before the other over sensitive politically correct pussies.  ISIS are muslims and a terrorist organisation, so yes it was a terrorist act.  Tell it as it is and stop being afraid that you may hurt the feelings of the barbaric, murderous muslim cult.  They don't give a damn about our feelings.


Within the OP it is mentioned that Trump also tweeted -  "Today there were terror attacks in Turkey, Switzerland and Germany — and it is only getting worse. The civilized world must change thinking!"


The attack in Zurich was not an Islamist terror attack. I'm with others, Trump is being foolish with commenting on other countries affairs based upon assumptions. His tweeting history, IMO, diminishes the credibility of the Office of the President of the United States.

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19 hours ago, mrbfly said:

When does reporters, journalists, media people and politicians learn that the islamic phrase Allahu Akbar means "god is the greatest" and not as they always report "god is great" - there is actually a very big big difference and meaning, please learn


Why should anybody care about a meaningless slogan shouted by a murderous brain-washed moron? "god is the greatest" what; lie?

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