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Cats Alive!

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Hello all,

I am now posting this from my new work abode here in Chon buri, some of you kindly posted responses regarding my concerns previously (whilst we were back in the U.K.) regarding my two cats and the dilemma on whether to take them to Thailand...

well, I decided to take them along as well and I am happy to report that they have settled in to our new home, Indeed I think they have settled in rather well actually! They have a better garden area, the property is walled and secure from any soi dogs that sometimes sniff around, We have been here for 1 week now and I have started from yesterday to introduce them to outside.

I would like to offer my sincerest gratitude and thanks to all TV posters who left positive advice on my original post; Thanks to you guys, especially SBK and Sheryl and bambina to name but a few who influenced my decision to take the cats along and you are right! because im so glad I did

The reason for the title of this post in case anyone was mildly interested is, when we arrived at BKK, we were waiting at the carousel for our luggage, I was concerned that the cats were going to be put on the carousel (It has a ruthless drop at one point) so I asked a lady to find the whereabouts of my cats, she went off and after some time she returned running towards me shouting "We have found your cats, sir........ and they alive!!! " :o What a Bonus! Welcome to LOS :D

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some advise not to let cats outside for 4 weeks - depends on the cats character. If they are still scared and shy better don't allow them to be left alone in the garden.

I was wondering about when to introduce them to outside actually .. They were chomping on the bit to get out so as the area around the house is walled I thought I would let them out after a week supervised. They are predominantly house cats anyway and as they are both castrated they do not venture far out.

One incident to report last night however, my smaller cat was outside by the patio door when I heard an almighty crash and he darts into the house, his eye is weeping and he is foaming at the mouth, I dont know what happened but I managed to calm him down and wash his eye with warm water and a cotton swab, I think something could have spat at him, maybe a lizard or a frog/ :o

He was feeling sorry for himself for a while, after an hour he was back to normal, our neighbour says snakes rarely make an appearance although we are rather close to a river.

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toad, I'll bet. We've had puppies that have tried to bite the toads only to come out foaming at the mouth. They haven't been hurt, but I'll bet it tastes nasty cause they never try again :o

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The reason for the title of this post in case anyone was mildly interested is, when we arrived at BKK, we were waiting at the carousel for our luggage, I was concerned that the cats were going to be put on the carousel (It has a ruthless drop at one point) so I asked a lady to find the whereabouts of my cats, she went off and after some time she returned running towards me shouting "We have found your cats, sir........ and they alive!!! " :o What a Bonus! Welcome to LOS :D

I'm delighted to hear that your two cats arrived safe and sound in LOS.

I am in the process of arranging for my own two cats to be flown out to BKK with myself and my wife early in the new year.

Please can you tell me if you managed to obtain the 'Import permit' before you arrived in Thailand or did you fill this in at BKK airport when you arrived, I have tried to find info on this but it seems to be very confusing. From what I can glean the permit is only obtainable when you arrive, but I would like to get this confirmed.

When you checked your cats in for the flight did you have to check them in at the 'cargo' area or did they get checked in along with your cases etc? Again I have heard conflicting stories with regard to this. We will be travelling from Manchester Intnl airport via Abu Dhabi and have obtained IATA approved flight containers for the two cats. What advice did you receive about feeding and watering the cats prior to the flight? We have bought 'Drip' water feeders - the ones with the vertical container and tube at the bottom, don't really know what to do about food, some advice says feed them 6 hours prior to travelling and not during the flight - any advice would be most appreciated.

Did your cats seem to be affected by the 'heat' when they arrived - coming from the UK as they did?

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We checked our bags in at Manchester Airport along with our cats, the cats were taken away by airline porters straight to their holding area prior to boarding the plane. We flew to Doha then onto Bangkok.

All you need paperwork wise is your Export health certificate which will also detail their rabies jabs. Rabies jabs need to be given within 30 days of travelling and a final check by your (government approved) vet within 72 hours of flying before they will issue the health certificate.

I would also recommend informing the airline in writing (fax or email) that you are travelling with pets so they can make the necessary provisions.

Copy the certificate and put this copy with each carrier, keep the originals in your hand luggage as you will need to produce this at the quarantine office at BKK airport upon arrival once you have collected your luggage. This is when you get the Import permit, you pay at this point (it cost me 100 TBH per cat).

The IATA approved carriers I used had a facility for water and food, although the food was not eaten, they were too worried probably. Providing your carriers have a water bottle this should be ok, to be honest no-one really questioned the carriers or made checks.

Regarding the cats acclimatising to the heat, they took a few days to settle, this more so because of the journey they had just taken. :o (along with the rest of us!) but now they love it, lounging around in dappled shade in the garden, :D occasionally getting up to eat and drink, life of riley! Make sure to get a grooming brush and brush them each day, you won't believe the hair that comes off! :D

I had a lot of worries regarding taking my cats, but providing you have the Export health

certificate in order, this is really all you need. I am so glad I decided to bring my boys along to LOS and I think you will be too! Good Luck!

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