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Royal Thai Navy declares sand-beds ‘illegal’


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3 hours ago, madmitch said:

It's a way of giving the tourists what they want. Tourists, remember, are the people that bring a great deal of money into Phuket yet seem to be the last people considered when it comes to the so-called beach management programme.


The Navy should not be making decisions like this but unfortunately Thailand has a military government in place and this is what happens.

I always went out of my way to avoid tourist 'hot spots' that had row upon row of sunbeds on the beach (my idea of hell), but clearly many tourists feel differently - which is why I never understood the ban.  Having said this, a previous poster made a good point about them causing injury in the event of tsunamis.


I suspect that the vast majority of tourists that visit Patong etc. appreciate sunbeds as they're looking for beach/fun/booze and comfort.  If they wanted unspoilt beaches, they'd have gone elsewhere.


It seems unlikely that the local (Phuket) Thais are that bothered by sunbeds either, as they mostly use non-tourist beaches?

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16 hours ago, rooster59 said:

with thousands of people sharing and celebrating the ingenuity of uneducated local villagers who were making a mockery of the rules against "beach loungers" (a.k.a. "sun beds") on Phuket's beaches. 

This is what it's really about. the Junta a feels this is a loss of face and more importantly CONTROL. Sure does not look like more that 10% to me. Maybe they should have called in a survey team first.


PLEASE, can anyone here tell me if there is any other country in the world with a beach that has had so much trouble with this inconsequential issue? I would love to know now that the Army has made complete fools of themselves.


This is really the icing on a very old and stale cake. Haven't they got more important issues to concern themselves with. They've already knock the local admin officials out of the kickback loop on this.


Jesus, Joseph and Mary.


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9 hours ago, edwinchester said:

Jeez....god knows how many kids are going to be prosecuted for land encroachment now after making a sand castle.

Should be ok if they first get a building permit.

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7 hours ago, Brer Fox said:

Another victory notch in the belt for the Royal Thai Navy now having won the famous Battle of the Beach Beds without loss of life. And all done without using the aircraftless aircraft carrier.

A Victory Monument needs to be erected at Patong Beach in rememberence of this famous occasion. 

aah but wait until the Chinese start building artificial sandbanks just off the coast of Thailand - what will the great Thai navy do then? 

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What is the problem with a sand bed?  Why is Navy interested in the sand beds? They are easily removable and cannot be considered as war facility either. Cannot see them to more disguising than rubbish on the same beach, and all around. 

Edited by Honthy
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" Rear Adm Pisai Sukawin, deputy commander of the RTN Third Area Command, handed down the verdict at a meeting yesterday afternoon..."


Ring ring:

"Rear Adm Sukawin?"


"We have detected beds made of sand on Patong Beach!"

"Oh my Buddha. Go to DEFCON ONE. This is  not a drill! Get me the PM on the horn right away! And scramble the anti bed systems. I pray to Buddha we are not too late to save the Nation."



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10 hours ago, madmitch said:

It's a way of giving the tourists what they want. Tourists, remember, are the people that bring a great deal of money into Phuket yet seem to be the last people considered when it comes to the so-called beach management programme.


The Navy should not be making decisions like this but unfortunately Thailand has a military government in place and this is what happens.

No difference than a municipality ruling and I think the military running the place has led to massive improvements.  They have done a lot to improve cleaning the place up and at least some laws are being followed.  The corrupt shambles they took over needed sorting out.  That they get embroiled in petty stuff like this beach thing is because they are trying to say that the law is the law.  I really think a Rear Admiral has better things to do with his time.

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3 hours ago, bangon04 said:

aah but wait until the Chinese start building artificial sandbanks just off the coast of Thailand - what will the great Thai navy do then? 

Arms in the air and roll over.

The Royal Thai Navy are ever so brave and that is exampled when they fought against the French in 1941 and lost the Battle of Koh Chang. 

Anyone could have beaten the French after Napopleon so it doesn't say much for Thailand losing to them and then building a Victory Monument to themselves in recognition of that loss.

Edited by Brer Fox
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4 hours ago, Honthy said:

What is the problem with a sand bed?  Why is Navy interested in the sand beds? They are easily removable and cannot be considered as war facility either. Cannot see them to more disguising than rubbish on the same beach, and all around. 

If Farang too old to lay on beach, maybe they should be in Old Age Facility back home?  That would be my answer. ?

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why does one have to pay for the sand bed?  Isn't it a public beach and can't you just take your towel and lay on the unpiled up sand?  push a little sand behind where you might put your head?  I can see and have paid for lounges on Karon beach.  I wouldn't pay for this junk

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8 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

why does one have to pay for the sand bed?  Isn't it a public beach and can't you just take your towel and lay on the unpiled up sand?  push a little sand behind where you might put your head?  I can see and have paid for lounges on Karon beach.  I wouldn't pay for this junk


Really the punter is paying for the mat and umbrella. The sand bed is just a bit of raised comfort. 

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On 12/25/2016 at 11:18 AM, wayned said:

The navy can use their new submarine and patrol at periscope depth and clandestinely search for illegal sand bed builders!  What a joke!

 The Navy are also responsible for all the Paragliding, at last count 7 operating on Patong Beach, numerous Jet Skis to many to count, various other boat rides just off the shoreline. Those stupid toys operate in the water which is a marine responsibility.

Why don't the navy use their marine skill set and clear up the water and leave the land to the land lubbers.

If they still have excess time available the could collect the rubbish and dead fish before they reach the waterline.

We can but live in hope for surely TIT.

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