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Another female teacher assault on a young child - but this time the parents buy her excuses


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24 minutes ago, George Graham said:

Not so fast, perhaps they are busy " educating" their charges in their own inimitable (and illegal) fashion.

Found them. 




One poster is a particularly fine member of the species more lunatic fringe. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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10 hours ago, waldroj said:

"...Thailand has been rocked by yet another vicious attack on a primary school student by a female teacher..."


Yeah, sure !!!


A society that can't differentiate between empathy and apathy.


What the hell are you on about?

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There is just no way I would accept someone beating my child.  Wasn't this sort of thing outlawed in developed countries around 70 years ago?  I would be wanting this horrible cow charged with serious assault and she would lose her teaching licence and face prison time in Aust.  She would never be allowed to work near children again.  Actually there is mandatory reporting in Australia, if a teacher notices bruises and suspects a student has been abused by a parent or other they must report it to police.  Appears here in Thailand the teachers abuse children

Edited by Thechook
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Whilst I can understand but not condone a quick smack this is abuse.  It should mean an instant arrest and court case for the teacher.  The parents though for accepting this need to be also investigated as accessories to child abuse for condoning it.

Edited by harrry
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8 hours ago, PatOngo said:

The cruel to be kind excuse!......seems to have worked.

Suppressed anger again comes to the surface.


Another pop psychologist diagnosing via social media. 


On the contrary I think it's your suppressed anger that's coming to the surface. Time to self medicate?

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5 minutes ago, Myran said:

It shouldn't matter that these moronic "parents" accepts her explanation. Abusing a child is a crime and the teacher needs to be punished and never allowed to teach again.


I agree with that sentiment, but it would be naive not to think that they got paid to "accept" the explanation.

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6 hours ago, worgeordie said:

It  seems some shop workers must not have been beaten enough, buy something for 25 Thb,tender 100 Thb, and they use a calculator, maybe the next female teacher ,will use the time of the month,as an excuse, for beating a child.

regards worgeordie

I know teachers and those who have degrees and master degrees from top universities do this. I Kid you not.

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10 minutes ago, Lex Talionis said:


Another pop psychologist diagnosing via social media. 


On the contrary I think it's your suppressed anger that's coming to the surface. Time to self medicate?


Your diagnosis is much appreciated, Doctor. Suggested medication?

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8 hours ago, z42 said:

This is ridiculous, I have worked in education on 4 different continents, and never in any country except Thailand would gross misconduct (basically criminal behaviour against a child) be not only accepted by either the school directors, parents, or relevant educational / law enforcement authorities.

It is simply scandalous for a school's management to sit idly by and allow their staff to abuse the students in such a way without any sanction at all.  By the teacher in question's own words, the assaulted student was behind in mathematics, so surely this would shake a professional teacher into action and bring them to take the student to one side and provide some one to one guidance around different methods the student could use. Shame should be heaped on all parties (except the boy) as the precedent set here is disgusting to put it mildly.


Jesus Christ!! Another pathetic SJW. I think you'll find corporal punishment common throughout Asia not just here. And common not that long ago in the West.


so easy to point crooked fingers frmo afar. Much harder to act in the middle of real-life situations. 

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14 minutes ago, PatOngo said:


Your diagnosis is much appreciated, Doctor. Suggested medication?


Start off with a course of Valium. 1 dose every 8 hours. Repeat as needed. If that doesn't do it, ramp up to the heavy stuff, Seconal or Librium maybe. Or... whatever chill pills you may have at hand. :goof:

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12 minutes ago, Lex Talionis said:


Start off with a course of Valium. 1 dose every 8 hours. Repeat as needed. If that doesn't do it, ramp up to the heavy stuff, Seconal or Librium maybe. Or... whatever chill pills you may have at hand. :goof:


Can you suggest any Cambodian herbal remedies?

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1 minute ago, PatOngo said:


Can you suggest any Cambodian herbal remedies?


Over here the streets are awash in fentanyl with noob barang dropping like flies. No joking matter that.


On the other hand you can score ditch weed by the bale if you're so inclined. Not my cup of tea.  :offtopic:

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he was not afraid to go to school and didn't hate the teacher - he just hated mathematics.


Not to worry young man, there are millions of others just like you out there. And like them you will be afforded a calculator at your place of work if it involves math.

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Undoubtedly more of this will come to the surface via social media.
Hopefully parents attitude will change and revolt against these barbaric practices.
Inflicting physical pain for punishment is still very common in Thailand I am afraid.
The mother of my child sometimes gets a stick to threaten my 5 year young.
I step in between them, not acceptable. It still might happen when I have my back turned.
But the little one is hardly out of my sight.
I know my wife' s mother was a bitch, it's no excuse...

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Thailand speaks about how they are fighting human rights abuses and make claims how they lead ASEAN.  Are children human and do they have rights?

Now is time prayuth to stand up against human right abuse in your own people.  Forget about folding deck chairs and concentrate on child abuse



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"Sacrifice" the child for money. Some people are just sick.


Whether the parents accepted the excuse of the teacher or not, the teacher should be arrested for child abuse (and never be allowed to teach again). It is a barbaric act to beat a child that badly because they are failing to learn. 

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13 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Some sickos in the public systems.....again, more examples of poor education and and being incapable of logical responses....immature inteligence.


It it makes one wonder what these so called teachers are being taught in Teacher Training College,the Authorities should be having a look at the root cause,maybe their own procedures allow it,albeit unlawful.



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