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The “iPhone robber” deserves to be executed: Chuwit


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2 hours ago, irwinfc said:

not before he spends a year being cellmates with rapists...


Being a murderer he'll be Jack the Lad in the monkey house. Other cons are often wary of killers and if any raping is to be done they're usually the ones doing it.

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On Saturday, January 07, 2017 at 1:27 PM, yogi100 said:


Being a murderer he'll be Jack the Lad in the monkey house. Other cons are often wary of killers and if any raping is to be done they're usually the ones doing it.

Is that a voice of experience speaking? 

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I have no problem with that.  I also think Chuwit should have been executed.  He used his political office to assume police powers, damaging thousands of people's livelihoods.  Under the current anti-corruption code, he could receive a death sentence for his criminal acts.

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On 1/7/2017 at 10:04 AM, SaintLouisBlues said:

So you're completely convinced that he's as sane as you?


I am a highly politically incorrect person. I do not believe in the insanity plea. It is used far too broadly. I say treat them the same as the rest of us. A killer is a killer, insane or not. I say ice the guy. We must clean up society at every opportunity we get. If it is absolutely proven without a doubt that he was the killer, snuff his life out like a small campfire. And do it quickly, to save money.

Edited by spidermike007
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On 1/7/2017 at 10:09 AM, steveyinasia said:

So will the same calls for the death penalty come for the Ferrari police killer, the Mercedes speed manic killer, the Honda van killer....I don't think some as they come from money.


Absolutely, and unequivocally not. Those with enough wealth, power, influence, or family connections here are completely above the law. Any and all laws. It only applies to the small men and women. The common man. The vast majority. 

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On 1/7/2017 at 11:37 AM, SaintLouisBlues said:

That's because mental illness isn't real illness, the sufferers are simply making it up



Well, there is a such thing as mental illness, but it is not that easy to diagnose whether a person arrested for a heinous crime actually suffers from it. And even if he or she does, so what? Why give them favorable treatment, because of it? It just denigrates society in the process. And as far as the do gooders, and the politically correct, they were directly responsible for both Brexit and the Trump victory. Some must realize the folly of their ways. Political correctness is as big a weakness as the practice of face. On some levels, they are both nearly the same. Just weak, cowardly behavior. 

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On 1/9/2017 at 2:44 PM, spidermike007 said:

Well, there is a such thing as mental illness, but it is not that easy to diagnose whether a person arrested for a heinous crime actually suffers from it. And even if he or she does, so what? 

So the answer is that you don't care if he's mentally ill or not

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4 hours ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

So the answer is that you don't care if he's mentally ill or not


4 hours ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

So the answer is that you don't care if he's mentally ill or not


Absolutely correct. I do not care. And the public should not care. He stepped over the line. Insane or not, he killed someone. And for what? He was not fighting in a war. He saw a phone he wanted. He is a monster. He needs to be put down. I am sick of overly sympathetic liberal minds, who are tearing society apart, with their strange, and misplaced political correctness, and ideologies. They are the reason for the Trump victory, Brexit, the popularity of leaders like Le Pen, and others. Society is fighting back against these weak minded, bleeding hearts. And that is a good thing. 

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On 09/01/2017 at 10:21 AM, spidermike007 said:


Absolutely, and unequivocally not. Those with enough wealth, power, influence, or family connections here are completely above the law. Any and all laws. It only applies to the small men and women. The common man. The vast majority. 


I certainly understand that Mike, just raising awareness of the inequalities yet again in Thailand

Edited by steveyinasia
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