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I paid 13,000ish Baht for a standard sedated Endoscopy at Suranaree Uni (government) hospital (Korat) and I'd recommend them if anyone is in need.


There's a big difference in cost and in the procedure itself between an endoscopy and a capsule endoscopy.


As the link above confirms, figure 30/35k for a capsule endoscopy, be aware that it's not available everywhere, only at large government and top end private hospitals as far as I can tell.

3 hours ago, sinbin said:

I paid 13,000ish Baht for a standard sedated Endoscopy at Suranaree Uni (government) hospital (Korat) and I'd recommend them if anyone is in need.


That sounds a bit much for a government hospital considering I paid 15k in a top private hospital (not capsule).


Maybe Bangkok hospitals are more competitive.




Rtes have gone way up in the last 2-3 years, now in the high 20's at private Bangkok Hospitals (regular colonoscopy).


Capsule endoscopy indeed costs more and is less widely available. In addition -- and this is important -- if it finds  polyps or anything else, you will then have to undergo a regular endoscopy anyhow so that the lesions can be removed and biopsied. So may end up paying more than double what you would have if just had a standard colonoscopy to start with.

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3 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


That sounds a bit much for a government hospital considering I paid 15k in a top private hospital (not capsule).





Was you sedated with an anesthetist in a attendance?


I just checked my bill and twas 13,059 Baht. Sorry I included antibiotics post Endoscope.

What was included in the bill was

Antibiotics and other drugs to kill H Pylori bacteria  2,669.00

Medical Supplies 310.00

Laboratory Investigation 1,200.00

Medical Equipment 4,200.00

Use of Operating Theater 1,000

Health Professional Fees 80.00

Physician Procedures 1,200.00

Other Health Professional Fee 2,400


On top I paid again for follow up Laboratory Investigation and Pathology of 625.00. That was at the end of November '16. So take off the antibiotics cost of 2,669.00 and the correct price was 10,390 Baht. Sorry for error.

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4 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


That sounds a bit much for a government hospital considering I paid 15k in a top private hospital (not capsule).


Maybe Bangkok hospitals are more competitive.



In September my wife had at a top private hospital, Bangkok Hospital in Bangkok, and total price was 26,453 - package price for procedure was 19k and anesthetist fee 4k - other for medications and tests.  This was with nothing found/removed.

1 hour ago, lopburi3 said:

In September my wife had at a top private hospital, Bangkok Hospital in Bangkok, and total price was 26,453 - package price for procedure was 19k and anesthetist fee 4k - other for medications and tests.  This was with nothing found/removed.


Very surprised by this cost. More than in USA.


I met a fascinating doctor yesterday, a top colorectal surgeon, Art Hiranyakas, I was with him for a few minutes short of two hours, and we talked a great deal, on medical matters, pertaining to my current predicament, I think he does a couple of days a week in Bangkok, at the Bangkok Hospital, the rest of the time he is at Bangkok Hospital in Phuket


He said a colonoscopy is very important, and he likes to do it himself, to ensure it is done properly, (he as a true professional is aware of some of the shortcomings of others) I have asked him the cost of having it done under full sedation, with follow up biopsies, at Bangkok Hospital in Phuket, I would fly from KhonKaen to him because I like and trust his philosophy, and either have it done properly or not at all, is my belief, today,  having learnt the hard way, this would be my fifth in under two years, and I speak/write from experience


I have had some bad ones done where biopsies were not done, and maybe cancer was missed, so be careful where you go, I had another in India, where I thought they were going to kill me, two minders held me down on the concrete table, while I was screaming in pain, it did only cost just over 2000batt, but never, never again, another of my mistakes !!


Unfortunately the original poster may not have done his homework first, and there is little that can now be done, I too have made too many mistakes, like the wrong man doing the colonoscopy, and my cost of learning has been, high; both financially, and also not finding cancer at the first opportunity



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Had one (colonoscopy) just 2 days ago at Mukdahan International Hospital and was pretty satisfied with the knowledge of the doctor and the procedure as well.

Last Thursday it was decided that I needed one but I was told that, although there was a doctor available for the next day, I should better wait until Tuesday because

then they would have a 'colonoscopy specialist' at the premises.

Asked to be slightly sedated but they just knocked me out... Woke up looking into the eyes of my wife and greeted her with a long and satisfying fart.

Detailled report with pictures of every stage. Nothing found, no abnormalities, no polyps, no inflammation and no other scary things (guts looked like new).

Preparations (cleaning out the guts) was pretty awful...


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Pleased to hear Nongsung you are happy, and OK


Today I was quoted 50/60,000 for colonoscopy, in Phuket, feel it is maybe too high


Problems is I am very impressed by the colorectal surgeon, he does not let others do this for him, he says he does not trust them, obviously the expert eye is critical


This is thailand, I have identified an MRI showed irregularities/ cancer 16 mths  ago only this week; and a CT scan  Sept 2015, also showed irregularities and no one said anything wrong,  because they were not competent  to interpret the findings, a bit scary as it is cancer


I am in discussions on a malpractice claim, and they are not yet aware of my latest information and findings, it will I am sure focus their attention a little more, I believe three separate doctors were all negligent separately


Some he says just shove the camera in, and miss the bottom section or again pull it out too quickly


I have also enquired if I can have a video of it, so as to be able to get a second opinion


I am pondering what to do, I am trying to negotiate the price down


I was also quoted in excess of 1.1M batt for surgery, I have no insurance


I see another colorectal surgeon tomorrow, sat morning


Indeed that does seem a high price but perhaps normal for the hospital involved.  Does it include excision and biopsy (as believe you know there are issues and not sure if he may want to remove something himself)?  If so price might be a bit more reasonable.  Wife had done a few months ago at Bangkok Hospital in Bangkok for about 26k (but nothing had to be removed).


That 1.1 million is what I paid at Bangkok Hospital here in Bangkok for Radical Cystectomy with Ileal Conduit in June (10 day stay).  


50-60K is outrageous, I have never heard of anything near that price in Thailand. At the top end (price wise) hospitals in Bangkok it ranges about 25-26K. At a government hospital will be under 10K. Though wherever it is done, any pathological exam of removed tiosse will be additional.


It is standard practice for doctors to do their own colonoscopies, there is nothing special about that.  I have never heard of a doctor  "letting someone else do it for him".


It is best for the colonoscopy to be done by the surgeon who is treating you.


Of course, if the tumor is such that it can be removed via colonoscopy then cost will be more than for a simple colonoscopy alone.


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1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

50-60K is outrageous, I have never heard of anything near that price in Thailand. At the top end (price wise) hospitals in Bangkok it ranges about 25-26K. At a government hospital will be under 10K. Though wherever it is done, any pathological exam of removed tiosse will be additional.


It is standard practice for doctors to do their own colonoscopies, there is nothing special about that.  I have never heard of a doctor  "letting someone else do it for him".


It is best for the colonoscopy to be done by the surgeon who is treating you.


Of course, if the tumor is such that it can be removed via colonoscopy then cost will be more than for a simple colonoscopy alone.



I love your comments Sheryl, two guns fired straight from the hip, my sort of language


Also very helpful in put, I am trying to negotiate the price down


Interestingly the same hospital quoted 25,000 for MRI, and I had the same thing done at Chula this week for 10500


I am talking to two colorectal surgeons, in fact they both know each other well


I am treading very carefully and would not wish to upset the one likely to do the operation


I was hoping to get a second opinion from the one who is unlikely to do the operation, hence the wish to have a video of the colonoscopy


Dr Art who is the second one is also suggesting a wait and see remedy, but he has stated for him to be sure on this he needs to do a colonoscopy


I have a very open mind, but need to explore possibilities, I have been advised wait and see might be dangerous and risky, and I head this advice


BUT I still need to explore the possibilities, I am not a doctor, but have a very logical brain, and am comfortable assessing risk, this I have been doing most of my life


in any case I see my primary colorectal surgeon this sat morning and I will be discussing all this with him. and also listening very carefully to everything he says


The quality of help and advice received on this forum is unquantifiable, thank you all especially Sheryl


I recently through this forum had a man come to my house and talk about Holep surgery, and he will be going to my surgeon in india in the near future, this will mean there are two of us who have experienced the Indian experience



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I had another consultation with Dr Chucheep  this morning, he is probably one of the two top colorectal surgeons in Thailand, his fee today was 400batt, yes only four hundred, this man wants to help and cares, he does this for really no money


We discussed matters and also had a good laugh, this is an exceedingly busy man


He asked me if his friend Dr Art said good things about him, I lied and said no, we laughed, so he doubled my bill today ! !


He is doing a colonoscopy at Chula on feb 20, will be personally doing it, I asked how much, he said total cost around 8,000, seems pretty OK to me, and his friend the other top colorectal surgeon,  the hospital where he works wanted 50/60,000 batt, but then the man who owns Bangkok Hospital Group is one of the richest in Thailand, fortunately not at my expense !!


We can all help each other by sharing information here

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  • 3 weeks later...

Folks, I'd like to make an appointment for either a scan or a colonoscopy in Bangkok at a mid-range private hospital near me such as Vipharam or Thai Nakarin (or another hospital around this side of the city). Could anyone recommend a Doctor or indeed share an experience with these hospitals?


Is this beind done for routine screening or because of a specific problem/symptom?

It makes a great deal of difference in terms of choice of doctor, and it is doctor rather than hospital which matters.


If the discomfort is accompanied by abnormal bowel pattern (constipation or diarrhea) and/or if it occurs with bowel movements then it would be well worth travelling into town to have this done by a top colorectal specialist, for which I recommend Prof. Chucheep Sahakitrungruang, who can be seen either at Chulalongkhiorn (after hours clinic, but you'll have to go in person to make the appt and may have a wait list), Bangkok Christian Hosp or Bumrungrad in order of increasing expense.


If not -- i.e. if it is just non-specific abdominal discomfort not clearly linked to the colon -- then Dr. APICHART SURAMETHAKUL   at Thainakarin Hospital looks well qualified to perform it.   http://www.thainakarin.co.th/en/find_doctor.php?action=search&cen_id=30

  • 2 weeks later...

Any other recommendations for colonoscopy Dr. at Bumrungrad?  I just contacted them an was told that Dr Chucheep does NOT do colonoscopies, but rather I need to select one of the regular gastro docs.  I could go to another hospital (maybe Samitivej), but our family has had all of our care at Bumrungrad so it would be my first preference just for comfort purposes.


I did search the forum, but couldn't find any other clear recommendations. 


He does do colonoscopies but not routine ones, he does them if in his opinion it is necessary to diagnosis of a suspected colon problem.  He doesn't do "routine" ones which is probably what the hospital meant.


IF (and only if) you have symptoms suggestive of a colon problem then I would suggest having a consultation with him first and taking it from there.





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