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Article 44 not to be invoked in matter of minivans


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Unwittingly, the Thai authorities operate in the world of Fuzzy Logic. Fuzzy Logic is intended to model logical reasoning with vague or imprecise statements. Its a complex subject, but in simple forms can produce totally illogical escape routes.

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Very interesting is all this discussion in the Thai press about the VANS question. And the government involvement, or not, as the case may be.

It's abundantly clear to anyone, even must be to those in government, that the problem is not vans, minibuses, normal buses, gps or not, or any other piece of mechanical apparatus in the picture.

The problem is the mentality - of the owners and the drivers. End of story.

And yet do we hear any government comment about that?

About the only thing from government on that topic are vague references by 'the boss' about having safe holidays.

All of which adds to the mystery - who is actually pulling the strings here, and who will benefit from, for example, replacing vans with minibuses?

It's a game played out over the years, but unfortunately for Thai people, it's a lethal game, so many die.

One might even conclude that those string pullers and beneficiaries of the carnage don't give a sh#t about the dead . . .




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Phichit Akrathit said after a ministerial level crisis meeting on the issue that the matter of GPS and microbuses would likely be left  with transport authorities to sort out, reports Daily News. It was felt that it was a civil matter.


No, it was a matter of cowardice, sloth, and the complete lack of sympathy for the public, and the ex-pat community who use these death traps regularly for the ridiculous and unnecessary visa runs. It is also testament to how little the government really does care about traffic safety. Will the transport authorities do anything? Have they done anything to date? Do they ever do anything to improve traffic safety in the country that has the world's second worst road death rate? No. Why? They do not care? Why? Because most of the people who are dying are not rich, influential, and connected. And secondarily, the relevant authorities are not competent. Let the masses suffer. 


Edited by spidermike007
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