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Taiwanese businessman found dead with plastic bags wrapped round his head


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Wow, if a suicide, in most cases people will try to save themselves and revert to life at the very last moment: this I believe to be our basic instinct.  So, this poor man he would have tried as well: ripping his bags off.

Even the “flyers” have that regret I am sure. Morticians have said that people who hang themselves  had scratch marks on the back of their necks as if trying to revert back and rip the rope off of their necks

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1 hour ago, soalbundy said:

Years ago when i was in Germany i read an article from a criminal inspector. He was complaining about the lack of autopsies being carried out, especially on older people who died at home with their family. His comment was if a candle was lit in a graveyard in any Bavarian town for those who had been murdered by their families for the inheritance the graveyard would be as bright as day.


The maintenance of useless old people is a modern phenomenon.  Not that long ago it was rare for people to live into old age.  And if they did make it that far, past their ability to  maintain themselves and contribute to the family, they were not so subtly asked to wander off or remain behind.


The Chinaman was just doing the right thing.

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2 minutes ago, Lex Talionis said:


The maintenance of useless old people is a modern phenomenon.  Not that long ago it was rare for people to live into old age.  And if they did make it that far, past their ability to  maintain themselves and contribute to the family, they were not so subtly asked to wander off or remain behind.


The Chinaman was just doing the right thing.

I would disagree with that. Many primitive societies, in the Amazon for instance where people can live a long life are maintained, apart from humanitarian reasons, for their accumulated knowledge and wisdom. Evidence has been found that even Neanderthal societies looked after their badly injured and old (at least when enough food was available) In the middle ages, which despite a low life expectancy had old people, looked after their old. It makes sense, apart from their knowledge there is also the reasoning '' I too will be old one day and would like to be looked after.' Asia and parts of Africa have made almost a cult of respecting and caring for their old people,something which in modern times isn't so popular anymore. 

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When a persons dies - "without a doubt" is never the correct assumption.  It does look to be the case on first glance and given the testimony of the lady friend.  The problem in Thailand is that the police are all too ready to say "suicide' with no investigation whatsoever.  They assume suicide when someone involved in an investigation involving influential people are found dead from a fall, they assume suicide when foreigners are found hanged in Kho Tao with their hands tied behind their backs and legs bound together hanging from a roof they could not easily reach if unbound, they assume suicide when they find a foreigner in Phuket with his throat cut and hanging over the end of the bed with a bucket to catch the blood and blood all over the room.  


The thing is you cannot rely on a word anyone says here because the level of lying, cheating, fraud scamming and corruption is at such a ridiculous level compared to most other societies and permeates the police to such a degree that the first reaction to anything here is disbelief. And a significant part of the time it is the correct assumption to disbelieve.


That is the sickness of Thailand.  Most Westerners feel some sadness when another person dies, some empathy or sympathy.  Most Thais are so self-engrossed that they feel nothing, completely ambivalent unless it is someone they know fairly well.  The result is that there is not much outrage at the corruption all around or the misdeeds of the police and other corruption in the justice system and so the problems will remain.


For the Taiwanese guy I hope it was painless and am sad he felt he had to end it. RIP



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Now I know why I was not a policeman. I'm having lots of trouble trying to work out how he did this to himself. He had 7 plastic bags in 2 layers, he managed to tie a cloth and a rope around his neck also. He did this to himself???? why wouldn't he just go to the corner pharmacy and buy a shitload of tablets and not be in pain if he wanted to off himself. Or tie a rope around something high and hang himself? easy. Why go to all the trouble of getting 7 bags in 2 layers, tie a cloth and rope around his neck? I would imagine he would have been kicking etc as the oxygen ran out also. But the police said there wasn't any sign of a struggle? I have an active imagination, but my imagination isn't happy with this "suicide". Case closed than, as far as the RTP are concerned. Young GF and running out of money. Yep, no suspicious circumstances  

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kind of a vague question here., but does any one have any knowledge about if any of these cases are ever further questioned? 


Like maybe Taiwan would consider diving into this more?  Seems we see so many cases go through like this but then we never hear about them again. 


Case closed? 



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I wonder if the A stands for <deleted> something smells fishy as usual . One bag would have been enough but 7 that will teach him not to use a proper shopping bag rather than plastic bags all the time, a bag for life from A

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2 minutes ago, Jim walker said:

I wonder if the A stands for <deleted> something smells fishy as usual . One bag would have been enough but 7 that will teach him not to use a proper shopping bag rather than plastic bags all the time, a bag for life from A

like their owner they were bio-degradable.

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