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Forest Fire Prevention ; Police Presence Suthep Road

thetruth revealer

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As we saw today driving up to Doi Suthep there are many Police on duty apparently for preventing forest fires which are also announced on new big billboards as illegal and punished by law because of the well known damages causing etc .


If thats really gonna happen it would be a little miracle ..


This enforcement is a big step in the right direction.


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Just to clarify, I presume you mean the road up the mountain to Wat Prathat Doi Suthep, not the street called Suthep Rd,which I've behind CMU. 


It's all a step in the right direction, but I have to say that that road is one of the few where I've never actually seen a fire. They're usually a little further away from town in more rural areas. Also, given the recent rain, fires not so likely at the moment, so not sure why the police are there now. Maybe something to do with Children's Day events?

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1 minute ago, CMMCB said:

Just to clarify, I presume you mean the road up the mountain to Wat Prathat Doi Suthep, not the street called Suthep Rd,which I've behind CMU. 


It's all a step in the right direction, but I have to say that that road is one of the few where I've never actually seen a fire. They're usually a little further away from town in more rural areas. Also, given the recent rain, fires not so likely at the moment, so not sure why the police are there now. Maybe something to do with Children's Day events?

We asked one of the Police on duty standing nearby the new Big Billboard, and he confirmed that its a preventive measure , related to forest burnings.


If you go  up the way you may see what im refering to, and yes surely its more often happening in rural areas, but its a sign that there are actions taken this year.



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Perhaps the police were there for the installation and unveiling of the new billboards -- something that is always brought out in high visibility tourist areas at the start of Burning Season and often in English, just so we know "they're" really trying to do something about the problem.  What better day to start the campaign than Children's Day, to educate the kiddies not to start forest fires?

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Just now, NancyL said:

Perhaps the police were there for the installation and unveiling of the new billboards -- something that is always brought out in high visibility tourist areas at the start of Burning Season and often in English, just so we know "they're" really trying to do something about the problem.  What better day to start the campaign than Children's Day, to educate the kiddies not to start forest fires?

They are cleary on Standby,not fixing anything,  every 50 m , with walkie talkies and i would count them more than 50 Police in Uniforms  all together.....


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3 minutes ago, thetruth revealer said:

They are cleary on Standby,not fixing anything,  every 50 m , with walkie talkies and i would count them more than 50 Police in Uniforms  all together.....


That sounds more like police waiting for a motorcade to come thru so they can shut down the road.

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12 minutes ago, cmsally said:

Every 50m is definitely a motorcade. Royal presence at Phuping Palace. Presumably they were instructed not to give out details of their secret mission - definitely seem to have succeeded with at least one person.


Yes, the Royals was on their way down ,as we saw around 18.00.

But , still, the authorities seem to handle the issue of the burnings  more seriously this year.

We will see later how the situation goes on.

I personally doubt as well that they stay there permanently , but as i mentioned thats what one of the young Police man told us.


Maybe i will update later with recent pictures ..

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7 minutes ago, cmsally said:

Every 50m is definitely a motorcade. Royal presence at Phuping Palace. Presumably they were instructed not to give out details of their secret mission - definitely seem to have succeeded with at least one person.

I doubt they were instructed not to give out details of their mission.  Anybody who waited 30 minutes would see the motorcade pass and the officers leave.


"Are you policemen here for fire protection like the big new sign is about?"


"Yes, exactly right" translates into "go away."

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57 minutes ago, cmsally said:

Seems  a bit strange seeing as it only rained a couple of days ago. Would be more likely something to do with Childrens Day or a royal presence at Phuping Palace.

Why would the Police disinform public??????

As its obvious and everybody knows the Royals are currently residing in BhuPing Palace??

Per example, i  personally saw the New King  recently at the Airport passing in his White Mercedes Limousine, wearing White Uniform , just a  few days ago and as well in the area we are living in, near the ``IMPERIAL ``he seem frequently helding visits.




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Just went up to Doi Suthep today again , and no Police standby anymore.


But , another interesting observation is  the Fire Prohibition  this year during 60 days from February 20 until April 20, recently announced officially.


WE will see how this is going to be enforced and if they really start arresting people as mentioned.



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Putting 2 and 2 together, ... I wouldn't be surprised if the billboards were being put up purely in an attempt to convince the 'powers that be' that something was being done about the burning problem. 

a special person's visit
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Graduation Day Ceremony at CM Uni on Monday & Tuesday.

Senior Royal, rumour say the Popular Princess presenting the awards.

Suthep Road was the original dirt track way up the hill until the 20/30s when the Elephant tale occurred and a trail  navigable by a motor became possible.

Living on Suthep I have over the years redirected many tourists looking to get to the temple usually on M/Cycles and not understanding that HK is the road that leads to Doi Suthep.



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Posters and statements are worthless. It hasn't rained in about 10 days haze is growing. Soon the North will be covered in heavy smokes beacuse the police and army dont jail landowners and illegal mountain burners (stimulate mushroom gathering). Yesterday hundreds of fire fighters were marching on Doi Pui/Doi suthep road. Maybe a training day. Sadly I worry they soon will be needed. Maybe this season action will be taken?

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