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Thailand Elite

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To spare us from all making appointments to talk to an Elite rep, would you care to share what these are with the forum? Or didn't she tell you specifically what changes are coming? Or she did, but she swore you to secrecy?? :o

I've mailed my rep there and will post here if/when she replies.

Golf fees and massages are already low cost in Thailand. I might take an Elite card if it was offered to me for free, but to pay for it?

Depends how you look at it really. My local club charges 650,000 THB for a 10 year membership. Alpine charges 800,000 THB plus another 25,000 per year. Against those fees, a million looks like pretty good value - especially for someone like me who normally plays a minimum of 5 times a week.

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after looking at my passport with the Non-IMM multiple entry permit (which I have renewed every year for the past five years) she said the only benefit I would get with the Elite were the perks.

With that being your situation, what were you actually worrying about in regards the new regulations?

I wanted to reconfirm what I already thought was the case. But the Elite is going to be very attractive to people who otherwise be restricted by the new regs. Also, I wanted to check out the perks in detail and ask some questions.

By the way, in January 2007 the Elite program will have some changes that will make it less desireable.

To spare us from all making appointments to talk to an Elite rep, would you care to share what these are with the forum? Or didn't she tell you specifically what changes are coming? Or she did, but she swore you to secrecy?? :o

As to 2007 she was vague as to the changes. She was quite forthcoming in saying that since I was already 'grandfathered' in there was not really big reason why I should switch to Elite.

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I insisted on talking to the big cheese and (here's the punchline) He said "You, farang, no need Thai drivers license." I said, "huh?! I thought it was mandatory?" He said with grin, "no, if you just carry passport or photocopy of passport, you ok, no ploblem."

Yeah its NO Plob-lem to him but when you have an accident (not suggesting that you do) will the Insurance Company accept that he said..."No Plob-lemm" :o .

I have had / still have Driving lics for umteen different countries including ...Viet-nam-Cambodia-Saudi Arabia,Bahrain/Gulf States,Iraq ,Nigeria, Sierra Leone,Algeria,Poland as well as the good old 5 year Thai pink and an assortment of UN permits and handfulls of Chittis and International Driving AA-RAC Docs (not forgetting the UK/Euro one ) and all just in case of a clunk......

One very small "not quite in order" and your insurance company will drop you like a taliban land mine with a dodgy fuse and you get the honour of coffing up the dosh -£$ (usually a lot) and /or ending up in the Nick....

In most Arab countries for ex. a stay in their "detention suites" usually involve sitting with your back against the wall with the karzi being a hole in the floor in the centre of the room........

But the Big Cheeses Always say...No Problem.... :D It aint woth it.....

Most polite "pull" I ever got was once when I was driving slowly through Beverley Hills in LA looking for my motel and I only had my Brit License with me (plus Nigerian .others .etc)

Two 10-4s/Highway Patrol -or whatever..asked for me license,said OK, and after walking the line to prove that I was sober (supprised me ) it was a case of ..."have a nice day".SIR.. :D:D

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To spare us from all making appointments to talk to an Elite rep, would you care to share what these are with the forum? Or didn't she tell you specifically what changes are coming? Or she did, but she swore you to secrecy?? :o

I've mailed my rep there and will post here if/when she replies.

Thank you.

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I suppose this is a nice thing to have if your montlhy baht income is 6 or 7 digit number. Out of the almost 40,000 ThaiVisa members, how many of them make that income? Of thoes, how many can live in Thailand full time or long enough to get some use out of it?

I think the card is properly named because only a small number of elite can afford this card. I wouldn't really think of it as a serious money making scheme for Thailand. If they really wanted to get a lot more business, they would cut the price in half or even a third of what it is now.

All thoes benefits mentioned do seem nice but I get a lot of them from doing my own annual 1900 baht visa extension. For 5 extensions it cost me 9,500 baht. For your five year visa it cost you 1,000,000. I save 998,100 baht doing it myself and I don't have to leave the country either.

Rich people and their money. If the Thailand Elite card makes your life easier, then you should get it. There's nothing wrong with a little bit of pampering here and there. Even if it does cost you 998,100 baht more than everyone else. :o

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Money can do anything (money+money=ELITE???).... and can stay unlimited time in Thailand. I wonder if there will come a time when the Thai government will also give a 5 years Non-O multiple entry visa to expats with Thai family. My point is that family should be more important that this so called elite people with loads of money in the pocket.

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Well I said I'd post when I heard back from them:

Dear Mr. Meerkat,

Everything will not change both new member and existing member. Our project

has been approved from the new government already. Today we got the bad news

in Post Today newspaper. I would like to confirm you that all the review

process has been done completely.

Should you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

Answers for what she is talking about on a postcard to...

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Money can do anything (money+money=ELITE???).... and can stay unlimited time in Thailand. I wonder if there will come a time when the Thai government will also give a 5 years Non-O multiple entry visa to expats with Thai family. My point is that family should be more important that this so called elite people with loads of money in the pocket.

dont forget toxin dreamt up this scam,money is more important than everything in t(oxic)land

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That is sort of like asking a realtor if real estate prices are going to go up. While interesting, I don't think this response is a substitute for the official government ruling. But I really hope they are right on this.

Right about what? :D It's a very confusing message. :D What was said in the Post Today? And why does the message conflict with what the sales rep told corkscrew regarding changes in the new year? :o

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I can't be bothered to go through the whole rigmarole on yet another thread (54 is it now SRJ?) on the subject. Do go back through the earlier threads - amongst the dross, there is some good info (I hope I've contributed things worthwhile).


...there were articles in the local press a month or so ago stating that the junta would be specifically reviewing whether to continue or abort the programme over the next two months. I'm still getting my regular emails from TE, and continuing to use their various services without any hassles, but would advise anyone else thinking of joining at this moment to wait until there is some definitive answer from the government.

i recently emailled them asking specifically about the visa regulation changes and how they would effect their service. Their answer was, it won't. So i guess since i have it in writing it must be true?!?!? :o:D

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i recently emailled them asking specifically about the visa regulation changes and how they would effect their service. Their answer was, it won't. So i guess since i have it in writing it must be true?!?!? :o:D

Separate issues really - they're correct in as much as the recent visa changes do not affect the TE visa. The only potential problem though is whether the scheme will be allowed to continue at all!

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All this chat about visa,s

Easier to get a 1 year visa from the thai consulate in the uk.

It took one phone call, where I was told the paperwork reqd, one form to download and a five minute personal visit to the consulate.

All they were concerned with is that I was legitimate.

What could be easier.

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... Easier to get a 1 year visa from the thai consulate in the uk... What could be easier.

Hi steve9145,

Please do not take your case as the general case :

Could you please tell me how easy it is to get a 1 year visa

if you are under 50 yo and not married to a Thai lady ?

Most of case its NOT possible... :o


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  • 3 weeks later...

Was difficult finding which of the 50+ TE threads to post this on.

From today's Bangkok Post (hidden at the bottom of another article):

In another development, the TAT board yesterday decided to continue operating the Elite Card, a project of deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra launched to attract affluent tourists.

The board suggested, however, that state-owned Thailand Privilege Card Co, set up to market the Elite Card, improve its management and produce clearer financial plans.

The board came to the decision after studying options proposed by an evaluation committee chaired by Seri Wangpaichitr, a former TAT governor.

The decision to continue the card will avoid huge costs to the state of at least 10 billion baht, including fee returns and estimated future losses.


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the TAT board yesterday decided to continue operating the Elite Card

It is one thing for the TAT (Tourism Authority of Thailand) board to decide to continue to operate the card, another for the government to allow it to continue..... It is, after all, a Thaksin project.

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the TAT board yesterday decided to continue operating the Elite Card

It is one thing for the TAT (Tourism Authority of Thailand) board to decide to continue to operate the card, another for the government to allow it to continue..... It is, after all, a Thaksin project.

The TAT is a government agency. The project was either due to be scrapped or continued pending the inquiry results announced yesterday. I reckon the scheme is safe for now. Well, until the next policy flip-flop, which isn't scheduled until at least 730 tonight. :o

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It always astonishes me to what degree the Thai authorities can sink with their "schemes".

This "Elite", is one of those.

It's like they have no "face" whatsoever, (Made of concrete).

By tightening the immigration laws at one end, and making this "program" on the other.

Ohhh, I feel so welcome ! :o

This has nothing to do wether you can afford it or not,

It's just plain and simply wrong !

The idea that you must cough up a million baht, simply to be able to stay is


It's nothing more than extortion.

They even say:

All foreigners working in Thailand are required to have a work permit. Thailand Elite understands the arduous process that getting a work permit entails and streamlines the procedure with our service.

It's the first time I see they admitting to that the system is crap, ya, you can read between

the lines.

arduous process...

Yet another attempt of sucking money from our wallets, without getting anything

with substance back.

These people will do anything for some short term benifit that they can "skim the top of".

If they were really serious about getting money into this country, what about creating

investor confidence first ?

If we foreigners living here don't feel that, why should any foreign investor ?

(hence they don't come here)

Being treated like chickens on the slaughter line is more what I feel like.

I have absolutely zero confidence in this (and any coming) government.

They would have to do alot to change that perception.

Using the "right to stay" as a bargaining chip, is almost pornographic.

The old saying: "They'd sell their mothers" is ringing more and more true.

It shows how truly incompetent these people are, at making anything that would

ever benifit this country.

What's next , if you pay 2 million you get a 10 year visa ?

I wanna throw up.

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It always astonishes me to what degree the Thai authorities can sink with their "schemes".

This "Elite", is one of those.

It's like they have no "face" whatsoever, (Made of concrete).

By tightening the immigration laws at one end, and making this "program" on the other.

Ohhh, I feel so welcome ! :o

This has nothing to do wether you can afford it or not,

It's just plain and simply wrong !

The idea that you must cough up a million baht, simply to be able to stay is


It's nothing more than extortion.

They even say:

All foreigners working in Thailand are required to have a work permit. Thailand Elite understands the arduous process that getting a work permit entails and streamlines the procedure with our service.

It's the first time I see they admitting to that the system is crap, ya, you can read between

the lines.

arduous process...

Yet another attempt of sucking money from our wallets, without getting anything

with substance back.

These people will do anything for some short term benifit that they can "skim the top of".

If they were really serious about getting money into this country, what about creating

investor confidence first ?

If we foreigners living here don't feel that, why should any foreign investor ?

(hence they don't come here)

Being treated like chickens on the slaughter line is more what I feel like.

I have absolutely zero confidence in this (and any coming) government.

They would have to do alot to change that perception.

Using the "right to stay" as a bargaining chip, is almost pornographic.

The old saying: "They'd sell their mothers" is ringing more and more true.

It shows how truly incompetent these people are, at making anything that would

ever benifit this country.

What's next , if you pay 2 million you get a 10 year visa ?

I wanna throw up.

Come come, sir,you are sounding hysterical....No one is DEMANDING that you pay one million baht for a visa....the "Elite card " is merely an option....

If you have the funds, and the correct qualifications....then there is no problem inherent in getting the necessary paperwork in order that you may stay...

And to state that the cost of a visa will be TWO MILLION BAHT....is too ludicrous for words...

May I suggest that you reduce your intake of Chang, E numbers, or whatever it is which causes your critical facilities to malfunction.

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I beg to differ.

In your eyes it's an "option", but anyone with his "critical facilities" in working order,

understands, that it's just another ugly scheme to get money from foreigners.

By tightening the visa rules on one end, and opening programs like this on the other,

the government wants to force (not free will) people to signup to this.

Any investment scheme, that doesn't have any real benifit/return for you to invest,

(other than you can stay) is a scam !

Only a person without any sense of moral, could ever invent such a program.

A lot like an american mobster goes into your shop and says:

"I have a proposition for you", either you pay me a hundred bucks, or I smash your knee caps in !!

See the similarity ?

You pay, knowing it wont get you anything back, but rather that, than to loose your

knee caps.

I don't do chang, it's bad for your health.

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This card was not conceived for visa stay - in fact those staying here were not even allowed to buy it; and those needing it to stay would not even be considered for membership. It was a status card as any Country Club type operation and the visa service was just an added feature to let you know that you were number one. It was to be an exclusive members only type operation and help bring all the worlds wealth/spenders here by providing the golf club type inducement and provide business access to movers and shakers (TRT). Obviously it did not convince most people.

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I beg to differ.

In your eyes it's an "option", but anyone with his "critical facilities" in working order,

understands, that it's just another ugly scheme to get money from foreigners.

By tightening the visa rules on one end, and opening programs like this on the other,

the government wants to force (not free will) people to signup to this.

Any investment scheme, that doesn't have any real benifit/return for you to invest,

(other than you can stay) is a scam !

Only a person without any sense of moral, could ever invent such a program.

A lot like an american mobster goes into your shop and says:

"I have a proposition for you", either you pay me a hundred bucks, or I smash your knee caps in !!

See the similarity ?

You pay, knowing it wont get you anything back, but rather that, than to loose your

knee caps.

I don't do chang, it's bad for your health.

The scheme was opened (3, 4?) years ago, and the visa regs were tightened only a few months ago, so I can't agree with your thinking that it was part of a long-term conspiracy to make potential long-stayers pay more for the privilege. Indeed, considering it was one of Thaksin's projects, it is somewhat surprising that it hasn't been scrapped as part of the present regime's anti-TRT idealogical cleansing.

Your mobster analogy is completely wrong. There are still other legitimate visas available at a fraction of the cost, and the government isn't coming into your shop; you are wanting to go into their's.

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I wonder how many people would signup for it if you removed the "visa part" ?.

Seeing the way it's being advertised here (with the link on top), I get a distinct feeling

their reaching for our wallets in a bad manner.

Offcourse, nobody is forced to buy into it.

But if you don't, be ready for an "arduous process"

If the process of obtaining visa, work permit etc.. here weren't what they are.

Many people wouldn't be lured into coughing up that 1 million that they're asking for.

hence the comparison to mobster tactics.

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  • 4 weeks later...


and how easy is it for thai people to get visas for UK, USA etc ? Visa runs from the UK or the USA (without going to home country or waiting for days/weeks) ? ever tried one ? Try being a Brazilian, Bulgarian. Thai etc.

and, guess what, a vistors visa does not let you work in the UK, Europe, USA. That is a whole different hurdle.

And 1 year roll-over visas for UK/USA/Europe. forget it !

Why do you expect different (easier) rules here than elsewhere ?

Or do you consider thai people second class ?

I get the feeling you are here on a 30 day visa-run situation and might have to leave the country or get legal and dont have the funds/job to do so.....

Edited by fft100
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It always astonishes me to what degree the Thai authorities can sink with their "schemes".

This "Elite", is one of those.

It's like they have no "face" whatsoever, (Made of concrete).

By tightening the immigration laws at one end, and making this "program" on the other.

Ohhh, I feel so welcome ! :D

This has nothing to do wether you can afford it or not,

It's just plain and simply wrong !

The idea that you must cough up a million baht, simply to be able to stay is


It's nothing more than extortion.

They even say:

All foreigners working in Thailand are required to have a work permit. Thailand Elite understands the arduous process that getting a work permit entails and streamlines the procedure with our service.

It's the first time I see they admitting to that the system is crap, ya, you can read between

the lines.

arduous process...

Yet another attempt of sucking money from our wallets, without getting anything

with substance back.

These people will do anything for some short term benifit that they can "skim the top of".

If they were really serious about getting money into this country, what about creating

investor confidence first ?

If we foreigners living here don't feel that, why should any foreign investor ?

(hence they don't come here)

Being treated like chickens on the slaughter line is more what I feel like.

I have absolutely zero confidence in this (and any coming) government.

They would have to do alot to change that perception.

Using the "right to stay" as a bargaining chip, is almost pornographic.

The old saying: "They'd sell their mothers" is ringing more and more true.

It shows how truly incompetent these people are, at making anything that would

ever benifit this country.

What's next , if you pay 2 million you get a 10 year visa ?

I wanna throw up.

Come come, sir,you are sounding hysterical....No one is DEMANDING that you pay one million baht for a visa....the "Elite card " is merely an option....

If you have the funds, and the correct qualifications....then there is no problem inherent in getting the necessary paperwork in order that you may stay...

And to state that the cost of a visa will be TWO MILLION BAHT....is too ludicrous for words...

May I suggest that you reduce your intake of Chang, E numbers, or whatever it is which causes your critical facilities to malfunction.

What's up ronw ? I think ONE MILLION BAHT is equally ludicrous for what you get ! :o friend2

has made a number of valid points. it's an ill-conceived idea that is barely

surviving on life support and for how long ?

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and how easy is it for thai people to get visas for UK, USA etc ? Visa runs from the UK or the USA (without going to home country or waiting for days/weeks) ? ever tried one ? Try being a Brazilian, Bulgarian. Thai etc.

and, guess what, a vistors visa does not let you work in the UK, Europe, USA. That is a whole different hurdle.

And 1 year roll-over visas for UK/USA/Europe. forget it !

Why do you expect different (easier) rules here than elsewhere ?

Or do you consider thai people second class ?

I get the feeling you are here on a 30 day visa-run situation and might have to leave the country or get legal and dont have the funds/job to do so.....


Group: Banned

Posts: 141

I don't think you'll be getting a response. There is, however, a new Elite Card thread (I believe we're up to 62 now?) that doesn't have the angle you brought up on it yet...


and until it does, it's not a "real" Elite Card thread.

Please consider re-posting over there.


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and how easy is it for thai people to get visas for UK, USA etc ? Visa runs from the UK or the USA (without going to home country or waiting for days/weeks) ? ever tried one ? Try being a Brazilian, Bulgarian. Thai etc.

and, guess what, a vistors visa does not let you work in the UK, Europe, USA. That is a whole different hurdle.

And 1 year roll-over visas for UK/USA/Europe. forget it !

Why do you expect different (easier) rules here than elsewhere ?

Or do you consider thai people second class ?

I get the feeling you are here on a 30 day visa-run situation and might have to leave the country or get legal and dont have the funds/job to do so.....

Sorry to break it to you but yes.. Thailand is second class compared to the west on many levels (wealth, income potential, education, chance of advancement).

Comparing rich people coming to a poor country where they get nothing to poor people going to a rich country where they get everything given is a totally seperate situation.. Where the cost associated with giving a farang healthcare, libraries, rule of law, often income support and benefits structure, equal rights employment legislation, etc..

And secondly I have taken 2 women back to UK NL Spain Belgium Italy and Germany.. My little brother has taken 3 seperate TG's to most of the above including Ireland NZ (and indo but thats not 1st world).. In all of those countries she was an equal in the eyes of the law..

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