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SWEDEN CRUMBLING: Demands for military intervention as thugs turn Malmo into 'no-go zone'


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SWEDEN CRUMBLING: Demands for military intervention as thugs turn Malmo into 'no-go zone'



THE Sweden Democrats have demanded soldiers should be sent to Malmo to reestablish law and order as violent thugs have turned the city into a ‘no-go zone’.

STOCKHOLM: -- Launching a seething attack on the red-green parties in Malmo, Magnus Olsson said it was time to call in the military to end the surge in violent crimes that have been sweeping the city. 

Painting a blake picture of Sweden’s third largest city, the opposition politician blasted Malmo has lost enough of its citizens to shootouts, grenade attacks and murders. 

Speaking to Expressen, Mr Olsson also said there was a great lack of police officers in Sweden, which means officers could benefit from the armed forces’ resources. 

He said: “There is a great lack of police officers in Sweden and Malmö. For this reason, it is perhaps time to let the military and police to stand together to reestablish order in the country.

Full story: http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/755997/Sweden-Malmo-military-intervention-no-go-zone-crime-surge

-- EXPRESS 2017-01-19

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Sweden has been sliding back to the 7th century for a while now. It's little surprise that this once peaceful and beautiful country is continuing on its slide. It is OFFICIALLY the rape capital of the world (guess why?) and soon it will be the garbage dump of the world due to the progressives that get what they want for fear of retribution.

Edited by uptheos
spelling error
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SWEDEN CRUMBLING: Demands for military intervention as IMMIGRANT thugs turn Malmo into 'no-go zone'


Someone slipped up and the enemy within is actually mentioned by name briefly one time in the article: "On New Year's Eve, police were forced to admit the city was not safe as migrant gangs sent fireworks into crowds and chanted "jihad" in front of terrified locals."


Really, how can this madness be allowed to continue? They ALL need to be forcibly removed, just dump them back to where ever they came from, never to return! (EASY).

Edited by kevkev1888
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10 minutes ago, teatree said:

Sad to see a wonderful country such as Sweden committing suicide.


News articles are scared to mention migrants, jihadists, terrorists and very scared to even consider mentioning Muslims. I think Sweden is on a slope backwards that it cannot climb up again and I really dread for this country and its (original) inhabitants.

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49 minutes ago, uptheos said:

Sweden has been sliding back to the 7th century for a while now. It's little surprise that this once peaceful and beautiful country is continuing on its slide. It is OFFICIALLY the rape capital of the world (guess why?) and soon it will be the garbage dump of the world due to the progressives that get what they want for fear of retribution.


Guess why ?. Maybe due to the fact that under Swedish law you can be charged with 'rape' for something in the UK would be considered as sexual harassment (a much lesser charge).

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4 minutes ago, Humberstone said:


Guess why ?. Maybe due to the fact that under Swedish law you can be charged with 'rape' for something in the UK would be considered as sexual harassment (a much lesser charge).


Good guess, but think more along the lines of who they have let in the country.

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6 minutes ago, uptheos said:


Good guess, but think more along the lines of who they have let in the country.




From the article:


"Imagine, for example, if your boss rubbed against you in an unwanted way at work once a week for a year. In Canada, this would potentially be a case of sexual assault. Under Germany’s more limited laws, it would be zero cases. In Sweden, it would be tallied as 52 separate cases of rape. If you engaged in a half-dozen sex acts with your spouse, then later you felt you had not given consent, in Sweden that would be classified as six cases of rape.


The marked increase in rape cases during the 2000s is almost entirely a reflection of Sweden’s deep public interest in sexual equality and the rights of women, not of attacks by newcomers."

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3 minutes ago, Humberstone said:




From the article:


"Imagine, for example, if your boss rubbed against you in an unwanted way at work once a week for a year. In Canada, this would potentially be a case of sexual assault. Under Germany’s more limited laws, it would be zero cases. In Sweden, it would be tallied as 52 separate cases of rape. If you engaged in a half-dozen sex acts with your spouse, then later you felt you had not given consent, in Sweden that would be classified as six cases of rape.


The marked increase in rape cases during the 2000s is almost entirely a reflection of Sweden’s deep public interest in sexual equality and the rights of women, not of attacks by newcomers."


If you say so.

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1 hour ago, uptheos said:

Sweden has been sliding back to the 7th century for a while now. It's little surprise that this once peaceful and beautiful country is continuing on its slide. It is OFFICIALLY the rape capital of the world (guess why?) and soon it will be the garbage dump of the world due to the progressives that get what they want for fear of retribution.


23 minutes ago, Humberstone said:


Guess why ?. Maybe due to the fact that under Swedish law you can be charged with 'rape' for something in the UK would be considered as sexual harassment (a much lesser charge).

If we learned one thing from Sweden's rape charges against Assange - it is that their definition of rape is different to most (all?) other countries' definition of rape.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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I don't care what anyone else thinks - I am all for integration and live and let live but - when you have a certain religious group of people whos  whole society - laws - justice system -  rights - gender rights  etc. is the backbone of every aspect of their life then they "do not now and never will ever fit" into a free thinking independent lawful Christian country that has a society that is not entrenched in  religious beliefs and structure, if I go to my favourite restaurant that I've been using for years I still want to order a pork fillet - I want all females to have the freedom to drive a car - get an education and live and work in society as equals to men.


These people were brought up this way and had no idea that the infidels lived in a society that was free from religious law and was free thinking and women were treated as equals all protected by Justice systems and laws that work outside the church/religion


It just isn't going to work and were it does work is in their own enclaves were they have created segregated societies within countries and their cities - they just don't mix and never will


Time for a reality check and this nonsense to stop

Edited by smedly
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The Gatestone Institute says, “Forty years after the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the formerly homogenous Sweden into a multicultural country, violent crime has increased by 300 percent and rapes by 1,472 percent.

In an astounding number of cases, the Swedish courts have demonstrated sympathy for the rapists, and have acquitted suspects who have claimed that the girl wanted to have sex with six, seven or eight men.”

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4 minutes ago, smedly said:

I don't care what anyone else thinks - I am all for integration and live and let live but - when you have a certain religious group of people whos  whole society - laws - justice system -  rights - gender rights  etc. is the backbone of every aspect of their life then they "do not now and never will ever fit" into a free thinking independent lawful Christian country that has a society that is not entrenched in  religious beliefs and structure, if I go to my favourite restaurant that I've been using for years I still want to order a pork fillet - I want all females to have the freedom to drive a car - get an education and live and work in society as equals to men.


These people were brought up this way and had no idea that the infidels lived in a society that was free from religious law and free thinking and women were treated as equals all protected by Justice systems and laws that work outside the church


It just isn't going to work and were it does work is in their own enclaves were they have created segregated societies within countries and their cities - they just don't mix and never will


Time for a reality check and this nonsense to stop


Yes, time for a reality check. Muslims aren't trying to take over the world and stop you eating pork. 

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1 hour ago, alocacoc said:

What happen to the proud Vikings?

We let ourselves get beaten by feminazis, social justice warriors and the politically correct-brigade, all led and cheered on by the mainstream media, who indoctrinated a large part of the population into believing that all critics of immigration are racists :(

We've started to head in the right direction again, but a part of me feels it's already too late. The country is, in essence, ruined.

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17 hours ago, uptheos said:

The Gatestone Institute says, “Forty years after the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the formerly homogenous Sweden into a multicultural country, violent crime has increased by 300 percent and rapes by 1,472 percent.

In an astounding number of cases, the Swedish courts have demonstrated sympathy for the rapists, and have acquitted suspects who have claimed that the girl wanted to have sex with six, seven or eight men.”

So you don't agree that Sweden's definition of rape is entirely different to most (all?) other countries definition?


Sorry to harp on about this, but its quite an important point when it comes to Sweden's rape statistics.

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