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SWEDEN CRUMBLING: Demands for military intervention as thugs turn Malmo into 'no-go zone'


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The so-called leaders of most European countries (and also of the USA) have completely lost touch with what their people want and, in most cases, the leaders do not care.  However, events like Brexit and the election of Donald Trump may make them sit up and start listening, or else many of them will soon be out of a job.

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They are doing everything but addressing the actual problem.  So imho, Sweden made their bed with frond boughs of political correctness so now Sweden can sleep in it.  No sympathy from me.  By 2050, Sweden will not be Sweden.  And these Swedish nationals are the descendents of the Vikings?  Hard to make that connection nowadays.  Lol  :smile:


Edited by connda
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14 minutes ago, Vegetablebottom said:

Funny guy. Great delivery. 55

Pat Condell has a pov but humor is not one.  He has little verifiable information re Malmo other than a  negative program as it applies. He is a bigot. But you know that. "555". Why you signed in here.


That is the danger of joining these people and these topics. Sca.ry





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1 hour ago, The Deerhunter said:

If crime statistics are deliberately falsified by authorities, which I believe may be the case here,  then they cease to be facts, which are meant to be "factual."   Over & out for me!  Next topic please..


Really not hard to understand, rape cases have become huge in Sweden because of the way they are reported, not because hordes of Muslims are suddenly raping anything that moves.


Far-right fascist parties are exploiting this for their own political and nefarious needs, you know fascists have a long and sordid history of doing this. 


Also, why are there so many migrants at the moment? Nothing to do with the fact of the West funding extremist Islamic groups in Syria and exploiting the civil war there and other wars in the region?


The original story is about the SD, a far-right party with links to neo-nazis and other fascist groups, so forgive me for calling b.s. on them, but i don't trust fascists - my grandad taught me that and he fought the b%stards in the war. 

Edited by PremiumLane
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21 minutes ago, optad said:

Pat Condell has a pov but humor is not one.  He has little verifiable information re Malmo other than a  negative program as it applies. He is a bigot.


Has he ever been nicked?


As for humoUr; Try listening to the clip he uploaded when Bin Liner got slotted without laughing :)

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27 minutes ago, optad said:

Pat Condell has a pov but humor is not one.  He has little verifiable information re Malmo other than a  negative program as it applies. He is a bigot. But you know that. "555". Why you signed in here.


That is the danger of joining these people and these topics. Sca.ry





I just think he has a way with words.

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3 minutes ago, evadgib said:


Has he ever been nicked?


As for humoUr; Try listening to the clip he uploaded when Bin Liner got slotted without laughing :)


So not being incarcerated gives him credibility. Works well on Thai Visa i suppose.


So too taste for humor. I have seen his photos and videos and still not laughing. He may well  be a "stand up comedian" as he calls himself on youtube but comdey is  not in the best line of British humor. Indulge yourself.

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10 minutes ago, Vegetablebottom said:

I just think he has a way with words.

I have only recently discovered Pat's site. Not a subscriber but he appears as a ranter. Not a fan. May have thespian background just no broader sensibilities. Still searching, like a lot here on the identity topic.

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Is this the same Sweden that is bending over backwards to appease and lick the arse of Islam? Is this the Sweden that puts Islamists above it own people just to keep the peace.Is this the same Sweden that,Conquered Europe when they were feared Vikings.Whatever has become of you.

You only have yourselves to blame.I dont think that even Kirk Douglas or Tony Curtis could save you now.

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Just now, optad said:

I have only recently discovered Pat's site site, not a subscriber yet but he appears as a ranter. May have thespian background just no broader sensibilities. Still searching, like a lot here on the identity topic.

I'm sure he is not to everyone's tastes. Love him or hate him I suppose.

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5 hours ago, kevkev1888 said:

SWEDEN CRUMBLING: Demands for military intervention as IMMIGRANT thugs turn Malmo into 'no-go zone'


Someone slipped up and the enemy within is actually mentioned by name briefly one time in the article: "On New Year's Eve, police were forced to admit the city was not safe as migrant gangs sent fireworks into crowds and chanted "jihad" in front of terrified locals."


Really, how can this madness be allowed to continue? They ALL need to be forcibly removed, just dump them back to where ever they came from, never to return! (EASY).

No but it would have been easy to not let them come in the first place, now they get to live with "Jihad" forever. I wonder if the Swedes still feel all warm and fuzzy about helping these thugs get a foothold in their country.

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Is this the same Sweden that is bending over backwards to appease and lick the arse of Islam? Is this the Sweden that puts Islamists above it own people just to keep the peace.Is this the same Sweden that,Conquered Europe when they were feared Vikings.Whatever has become of you.
You only have yourselves to blame.I dont think that even Kirk Douglas or Tony Curtis could save you now.

If they are the same Vikings/Swedes that raped and pillaged their way across Europe then maybe this explains something about the high level of rape there.
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2 hours ago, PremiumLane said:


You guys are as bad as the extremist Muslims. Two sides of the same extremist coin.

Oh so now to try and shut down people who only said that muslims want to take over the world you call them extremists and say that they are as bad as muslim extremists who be head and stone and generally cause mayhem. By the way in you way of thinking every muslim is an extremist as the teachings of their ideology tells them to take over the world.

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7 minutes ago, Billy Bloggs said:

Oh so now to try and shut down people who only said that muslims want to take over the world you call them extremists and say that they are as bad as muslim extremists who be head and stone and generally cause mayhem. By the way in you way of thinking every muslim is an extremist as the teachings of their ideology tells them to take over the world.


You don't think saying Muslims want to take over the world is not extremist.... damn 

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2 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

I hope that I am wrong but I think this will end in tears with a very violent uprising against the Muslims in Europe. 

I guess I kinda hope you are right, as I see no alternative for peace with these pigs.

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2 hours ago, The Deerhunter said:

If crime statistics are deliberately falsified by authorities, which I believe may be the case here,  then they cease to be facts, which are meant to be "factual."   Over & out for me!  Next topic please..

You accuse the Swedish authorities of lying and you stand behind the muslin  rapists, time to go pray to allah now isn't it?

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1 minute ago, Grubster said:

You are a fool for turning a blind eye to the obvious.


1 minute ago, Grubster said:

You are a fool for turning a blind eye to the obvious.


What is obvious is a bunch of right wing fascist who are of the same ilk as the Islamic fascists and are as bad as each other

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1 minute ago, inzman said:

You accuse the Swedish authorities of lying and you stand behind the muslin  rapists, time to go pray to allah now isn't it?


I am guessing he is not a Muslim and you should actually read the thread a bit closer lol


By the way I am an atheist, do I pray to Allah too?

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